() Bazhou is already in turmoil at this time.

Tian Xingfang has been stationed here for many years, and he has a set of personal connections. Some news that is not good for him has reached his ears. When he learned that it was his own soldiers who reported him, he knew that he was finished.

Those personal soldiers are people who have followed him for many years, and no one knows better than them the nasty things he did.Now is no time to regret what you did, but time to decide whether to leave or stay.

what to do?A move by the imperial court would be thunderous, and he had no chance of escape.

Da Song couldn't go back, and the Liao Kingdom was finished, and now there was only one way for him to go, and that was to escape to the Kingdom of Jin.

Tian Xingfang is a person unwilling to be lonely. Seeing that Da Song has no place to stay, he began to think about the way out, but he also understands that Jin Guo needs him because he controls the frontier army. Once only his elder brother is left, The golden man will not wait to see him either.

So before he left, he had to do something to make enough capital for him to gain a foothold in the Kingdom of Jin.

The army cannot be dragged away. Although the buttocks of the officers below are not clean, but if you say treason, no one will agree.

It is not enough to lure the Jin soldiers to attack the city, because the Jin soldiers have not blatantly turned against the Song Dynasty, and the Jin soldiers are still some distance away, even if they want to come, it will not be possible soon.

After much deliberation, Tian Xingfang decided to do two things, one is to give the Liao people's war horses to the Jin people, and the other is the distribution map of the garrison in the Hebei area on the Song-Liao border.

According to his idea, since he has done Hanjian, he should do it thoroughly.

I feel that I was betrayed by the soldiers last time, this time he not only rewarded the soldiers, but also controlled their relatives, if anyone dared to betray him, the nine clans would be destroyed.

He packed up all his belongings and secretly transported them together with his family to a valley bordering the Liao Kingdom, ready to flee at any time.

He has the distribution map of the garrison in his hand, and the rest is how to take the horses away. Originally, according to the meaning of Jin Ren, he wanted to hand over these horses to Tian Hu, but he waited and waited, but Tian Hu was not seen. people come.

Tian Xingfang knew from Tian Hu's people that Tian Hu's people are currently locked up in the Jizhou Prison, waiting to be stabbed, and it is estimated that they will come in the next life.

The ordinary soldiers of the Xin'an Army didn't know that the Tuanlian Envoy had cheated, so Tian Xingfang simply arranged the daily affairs and rushed to Kanjiaji with them.

According to his own thinking, since he could put these war horses in, he could also pull them out.There were only more than 500 Liao people who came to send horses, and he brought 1000 people, can he be stopped?

There are still more than ten miles away from Kanjiaji, and a pile of rocks has been placed on the road among the woods ahead.

This road is often taken from Maeda Xingfang, and it is very flat along the way. There have never been so many stones. Obviously, someone piled it here on purpose.

Tian Xingfang had been leading troops for many years, and immediately felt that there was a problem, but this was his own territory, and he had brought so many troops, so he didn't have to take it to heart even if there were some small thieves.

Send a team of people to move the stones, and at the same time tell your men to strengthen their guard so as not to be attacked by someone.

To Tian Xingfang's surprise, except for the chirping of birds and insects in the woods, the surrounding area was always quiet, and no one attacked them.Tian Xingfang himself felt that he was too nervous.

After the roadblock was cleared, the soldiers were unwilling to leave.

The sun was scorching hot, and the soldiers who marched all the way had done a lot of physical work just now, their throats were almost smoking, and the little water they carried had already been drunk.In desperation, Tian Xingfang had no choice but to order to rest at the same place, anyway, it was not far from Kanjiaji, and after resting, he could rush over there in one go.

The soldiers who were ordered to rest immediately cheered and ran to the shade of the trees to cool off, and some ran to the woods to see if there was any water source.

Under the service of his own soldiers, Tian Xingfang took off his helmet and sat down in the shade of a tree.For some reason, he was always a little restless, and he couldn't tell what it was like.

At this moment, a smell of wine came from a distance, and within a short time, several carriages were seen coming here, pulling dozens of wooden barrels.

The alcohol content at that time was not high, and many people even quenched their thirst with alcohol.So seeing these wines, the eyes of the soldiers immediately lit up.Some people simply jumped out to stop the carriage and asked the driver for drinks.

There were more than a dozen people escorting the wine, and the leader was a middle-aged man who looked like a local rich man.

The local rich man obviously didn't expect to meet so many officers and soldiers here, and it was too late to turn back. He had no choice but to ask the staff to open a barrel of wine for the officers and soldiers to quench their thirst while bowing to each other and saying good things.

How can a barrel of wine be enough for thousands of officers and soldiers?They simply didn't ask the local rich man, some soldiers just went up to pick up the wine barrels and left.These soldiers have been guarding the border for many years, and they are very bandit. If it weren't for the fact that this local rich man was from the Song Dynasty, he might have been chopped off.

The local rich man was about to cry, and he and a few guys blocked the way, but how could they stop these wolf-like officers and soldiers, and dozens of barrels of wine were robbed in a short while.

This time the local rich man really quit. He sat down on the ground and burst into tears, crying and asking these officers and soldiers to pay for his wine.

Tian Xingfang had known about this for a long time, but he didn't take it to heart. He couldn't help laughing at the rich man's miserly appearance.

After taking a sip of the drink brought by the soldiers, he felt pretty good, so he ordered the soldiers to give the local rich man some money and send him away quickly. He had almost rested here, and it was time to hurry.

The soldiers came to the rich man with money that could not even buy a barrel of wine and threw it to him.

Of course, the local rich man would not do this bit of money, but the soldiers turned their faces and pulled out their knives directly, scaring those guys to drive the rich man away, and they didn't even dare to take the little silver.

Tian Xingfang and the soldiers who were looking at this side could not help but burst out laughing, who knew that just after laughing twice, Tian Xingfang suddenly felt a little dizzy, thinking it was hot, so he shook it vigorously, who knew that it was okay if he didn’t shake it , In a flash, he became even more dizzy, and wanted to call his own soldiers to help him, but when he turned his head, he saw that the soldiers who were laughing with him just now had fallen to the ground, and their personnel were unknown.

Before Tian Xingfang lost consciousness, the last thing he saw was the crying local rich man who had just been bullied.

The local rich man looked at Tian Xingfang who was lying on the ground, curled his lips, and gestured towards the woods.

For a moment, the woods that had been silent just now seemed to come alive, and countless figures came out of the woods.

Cao Zheng, with a gloomy face, appeared from nowhere, and after ordering everyone to act quickly, he came to the land rich man, stretched out his thumb and said, "Brother Zhu Gui, I'm convinced by you!"

After Cao Zheng moved into the inner guard, he became estranged from his former friends a lot, but Zhu Gui remained the same with him.

Zhu Gui smiled slightly, without the slightest hint of complacency, and said: "Hurry up, it's not bad for these fat sheep to go back to work as hard labor. The manager can say that there is a shortage of people in Dengzhou."

Cao Zheng shook his head and said: "There are too many people, and the goal is too big. I will talk about people's affairs later, but everyone else can let them go. Only this surnamed Tian, ​​the manager hates Hanjian the most. If you hand this guy over to the manager, the manager will be happy "

The two of them didn't talk much anymore, and ordered everyone to strip off the uniforms of the thousands of officers and soldiers who were fascinated, and then tie up these officers and soldiers and throw them into the depths of the woods. Swaggeringly walked in the direction of Kanjiaji.

Kanjiaji is just a small village. There is a valley not far outside the village, and there is a natural pasture in it. Otherwise, the Liao people would not have driven their horses here.

These Liao people had been waiting to see through their eyes. When they saw Cao Zheng and others, they gave the signal again, thinking they could go home, but they didn't realize that Cao Zheng had no intention of letting them go, but he didn't use force either. He only told them that the way back had been blocked by the imperial court, and if they wanted to go home, they could hide with him for a while, and at the same time promised them a big reward, so they tricked the Liao people away.

The merchants of the Liao Kingdom disappeared long after they completed their missions, so these people had no backbone, and the rewards they gave were high, which was much better than returning to the turbulent Liao territory, at least for now.

It wasn't that Cao Zhengfei wanted to take these Liao people with him, but because he thought that the horses along the way needed to be taken care of, so he couldn't get a batch of sick horses back?

Fortunately, these Liao people are born to wait on horses. There are more than 3000 war horses, and they are basically very healthy.

Those high-quality Xixia armors were also well packed in nearly a hundred boxes.

After preparing, Cao Zheng ordered to set off immediately.

Not only was the return journey full of dangers, but he also knew that Song Qing, the manager, must be waiting impatiently on the mountain.

Song Qing was really in a hurry, but he couldn't see anything from his appearance. At this moment, he was playing chess with Wu Yong.In the distance, a group of women chatted and laughed around Song Qing's son.

It seems that women can never finish talking when they are together, let alone a common topic, children.

Song Qing couldn't get in his mouth, so he simply stayed away.In fact, he doesn't like playing chess, and he mainly thinks about Cao Zheng and the others, so he uses this method to soothe his nerves.

Wu Yong is a master of this, but after playing with Song Qing for a while, he found that Song Qing's heart was not here at all, so he suggested that the two of them go out for a walk.

Song Qing's thoughts were all on Cao Zheng's side, and he didn't pay attention to Wu Yong's expression, so the two got up and walked towards the back mountain.

After walking a long distance, Wu Yongcai said, "Master, there is a sentence that has been in my heart for many days and I have always wanted to say it to you, but I don't know how to say it."

Song Qing was thinking about something on his mind, he couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, and then he laughed and said: "We are not outsiders, what is there to say?"

Wu Yong pondered for a while, as if mustering up his courage, he said: "I don't think it's suitable for the manager to accept the Jurchen princess. Although this is the manager's family business, I remember the manager said that one day the golden soldiers will let Ma Zhongyuan go. It will also be a bloody battle with Jin Bing to the end, and if the news of the Jurchen princess next to the general manager is spread, it will definitely affect the reputation of the general manager, please think again."

Song Qing really hated others taking care of his family affairs, but after listening to Wu Yong's talk, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

According to Wu Yong, his relationship with Wanyan Ke'er has risen to the political level. In his previous life, he heard people say that no matter what good things are, as long as they touch politics, they will become dirty.

Could it be that my relationship with Ke'er will also become like that?

After thinking about it, Song Qing's eyes gradually became firmer.

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