() Pang Shiyuan, Biejia, Jinan Prefecture, was originally the magistrate of Zhangqiu County under the Qizhou Administration. Because he sued the former prefect, he was charged with Luo Zhi by the prefect and put into prison.

The inner guard checked Pang Shiyuan's background information in detail, and found that he was not only an official, but also hated the court's officials very much, and at the same time was in prison.So the inner guard pulled him into Liangshan without much effort.

Pang Shiyuan is not stupid. Liangshan Song Qing's actions in Shandong have clearly shown him Song Qing's ambitions.The imperial court treated him unfairly, and he didn't need to be loyal to the imperial court. On the other hand, Liang Shan's actions won his heart.So I devoted myself to Liangshan.

The Sima who is in charge of the army in Jinan Prefecture is Zheng Tianshou, a Liangshan hero and white-faced lord Zheng Tianshou, who was aliased as Zheng Shou.

No matter where it is, the local military power must be in the hands of Liangshan insiders.This is the principle of Song Qing.

Song Qing's youth surprised Pang Shiyuan, and at the same time let him see vigorous hope.

There was no welcoming ceremony, this was requested by Song Qing. After talking briefly with Pang Shiyuan and Zheng Tianshou, they entered the city with guards, and the brigade was stationed outside the city.

Jinan Fucheng has not changed in any way, and ordinary people don't even know that Jinan City has changed owners.Still living his life as usual.

What Song Qing wants is this effect, moisten things to occupy a place silently, and then find a suitable opportunity to completely change the thinking habits in people's hearts.

This is what Song Qing left Liu Sima for.

Now there are people from Lin Chong and Huarong in the east of Jinan Prefecture, and Yun and Yanzhou in the south. It can be said that they are already surrounded by Liangshan, so moving the Liangshan regime here as soon as possible is also mentioned in the Song and Qing Dynasties. itinerary.

Song Qing did not go to the government office, but went directly to the new general manager's mansion supervised by Li Yun.

The new general manager's mansion is located in the southeast corner of Jinan Fucheng, covering an area of ​​more than [-] mu.Li Yun knew Song Qing's character, so he didn't dare to do anything to disturb the people. He first bought a mansion of a wealthy businessman, and then bought all the surrounding houses through replacement and more compensation.That's when the expansion started.

When Song Qing came, the place was in full swing.

After reading the drawings brought by Li Yun, Song Qing couldn't help frowning. Is this a place for my office and residence, or is it a palace?With such a big scene in my current status, those who don't know think that I am going to be the emperor!

Call Li Yun over, scold him a few words, and then ask him to change some of the more conspicuous places, in short, as long as it can accommodate people and work.

Song Qing said so, but Li Yun didn't think so. Liangshan now dominates the Shandong Peninsula, traverses eleven prefectures, and has hundreds of thousands of soldiers. How can the mansion of the chief executive be too shabby?So Li Yun made up his mind, even if he tried his best to be cleaned up by Song Qing, he must build a decent mansion for Song Qing.

Does Song Qing know that Li Yun's idea is so righteous?I thought he would do it after I finished talking!After turning around, I went to the government office.Started to deploy the matter of buying people's hearts in Jinan Prefecture.

The next day, before dawn, the city gates of Jinan Mansion were already crowded with people who were going into the city to do business. The whole family depended on their goods for a day's livelihood, so they all wanted to be the first to enter the city. Get rid of your own goods as soon as possible.

At this time, some loud voices in the crowd came out.

"Have you heard? The head of Liangshan has come to Qizhou to visit friends." The authentic Shandong accent is as good as it gets.

"Could it be that the military camp over there is the Liangshan Army?"

"That's it, how else would I know? Did you see those two big flags? Hey! That's really majestic, acting on behalf of the heavens, and being unparalleled in loyalty. If our officials in Qizhou can be like other Liangshan heroes, we The life of ordinary people will be better!"

"I heard that the Liangshan hero has killed corrupt officials and bullies in other prefectures. Can we do this once in Qizhou, so as to give vent to the people here?"

"You don't come here, I think so too, but this place is still under the jurisdiction of the imperial court, so can Liangshan heroes be the masters?"

At first, there were only two people talking about these things, but then more and more people interjected, and it was almost a mess.

At this time, someone suddenly yelled: "Don't talk about it first!"

The crowd looked around in astonishment, but saw that the person speaking was a middle-aged man who was busy with travel and life.I saw this person separated from the crowd and squeezed in front of the first two people who spoke.

"Is what you said true? Is the head of Liangshan really here?"

"Why did I lie to you? If you don't believe me, go to the military camp over there and ask."

After listening, the middle-aged man turned around and left without saying a word.

The Shandong man behind is still shouting!

"What do you want to do with Chief Liangshan?"

The middle-aged man said without turning his head: "I want to sue the former prefect and Sima of Qizhou"

He wants to tell the former magistrate and Sima?Isn't the current magistrate the original Sima?Isn't this guy crazy?The crowd exploded once again.And this news also spread to the whole city immediately with the opening of the city gate.

The people in the city didn't know whether the news was true or not, but there were still many people with good deeds gathered in front of the government office, waiting for the excitement to appear.

Sure enough, the people were not disappointed, after more than an hour, the middle-aged man came back quickly, came to the front of the government office, picked up the Wensheng drum, and beat it vigorously.

"It's really here, everyone, look, the person who wants to inform Fu and Sima is really here."

After the middle-aged man finished beating the Wensheng drum, he knelt directly in front of the government office, holding something like a blood book in his hands.

Someone who saw the middle-aged man in the morning couldn't help but reminded: "I said, did you kneel in the wrong place? Will the chief executive of Liangshan live in this mansion?"

The middle-aged man said without turning his head: "The military master of the barracks said that the general manager can't live here, but as long as he appeals for grievances here, someone will definitely tell the general manager."

Only then did the common people know what was going on, let's see what this government office did next?

The petition informed the government and Sima.Does the government dare to accept this case?

Just as the common people thought, after the middle-aged man beat the drum, only one servant came out of the government office. After asking about the situation, he went in and there was no response. He didn't even answer the middle-aged man's complaint.

As time passed, the crowd gradually quieted down.

Some people came with the idea of ​​watching the excitement.Some people take pleasure in other people's misfortunes, and the people sue the officials?Isn't this courting death?

No matter who they are, an idea pops up in their hearts, here the common people cannot sue for their grievances, will Liangshan heroes really take care of them?

At this moment, a few yamen servants came out of the yamen, holding water and fire sticks in their hands.One of the yamen servants said: "You dare to sue my lord, you are so bold. I think you are impatient. Brothers, take him to another place. Let's wait on this brave man and see if it's his." Bones are hard, or our sticks are hard"

Several yamen servants surrounded the middle-aged man and wanted to take him away.

At this time, the people who watched the excitement quit. Didn't they say that the head of Liangshan came?Why is everyone being taken away, and the chief manager of Liangshan hasn't shown up yet?Are you also afraid of the government?

The common people were not disappointed, when a few yamen servants lifted the middle-aged man up, a voice suddenly sounded from outside the crowd.

"Is this how Qizhou government treats people who have wronged?"

The people were waiting for the sound, and they couldn't help but follow the sound, and the crowd over there automatically separated a passage.Let the speaker pass.

Under the gaze of all the people, a middle-aged man dressed as a scholar walked slowly into the crowd with his hands behind his back, under the protection of several hulking guards.

Of course it wasn't Song Qing who came here, and it would be too embarrassing for our Chief Liangshan to let him come forward for such a trivial matter.Lehe came.

Lehe followed Song Qing's instructions, and the more realistic the performance, the better.

He came to the yamen servant and the middle-aged man with a serious expression, took the certificate from the middle-aged man as if no one else was there, opened it and read it.

I don't know what was written in the certificate, but Le He's face became more and more ugly. After reading it, he shook the certificate and said to the middle-aged man: "Lu Zhong, is everything in your certificate true?"

The middle-aged man Lu Zhong probably guessed Lehe's identity, and he knelt down on the ground regardless of the yamen servant's drag frame.

"Boss, everything the villain said is true, if there are falsehoods, there will be a thunderbolt, please let the boss make the decision for Xiaomin!"

This person is the head of Liangshan?

The crowd suddenly buzzed, and the yamen servants were terrified, let go of Lu Zhong, turned around and ran back to the yamen.

Le He stretched out his hand to support Lu Zhong, and said: "I am not the chief executive, but I can tell you that the Yamen dare not accept your case, but we dare to accept it in Liangshan. If your grievances are true, let alone the magistrate, you will be the prime minister and general. We, Liangshan, will definitely be the master for you, come with me!"

Le He took Lu Zhong to Song Qing's temporary residence.

The bigger excitement is yet to come. If the head of Liangshan accepts Lu Zhong's case, will he really dare to move the magistrate and Sima?People guessed in their hearts, and they couldn't help following behind Le He and the others.

The front of the government office suddenly became deserted, and there was no one in sight.

In fact, all of this is just acting. The middle-aged Lu Zhong is the person Song Qing met when he went to Jinan Mansion last time. After knowing that Song Qing was going to take Liu Sima's knife, he had completely stood on Liangshan's side and resolutely To help Song get rid of this scourge.

The next thing was much simpler. After Lu Zhong was brought in by Le He, not long after, a guard rode his horse out of the city, and then Liangshan soldiers entered the city to take over the city defense.

But the former prefect had already run away, so Liu Sima was brought out.

Liu Sima's tongue had already been cut off, and he could not speak a word, and he was frightened and frightened, and now he only had half his life left.

The head of Liangshan was really not afraid of the court, and he arrested the highest military official of Jinan Prefecture. It seems that the rumors are true.

The news spread like wildfire, and Jinan Fucheng became a sensation immediately.Then countless people who had been persecuted by Liu Sima flocked to the temporary residence of Song and Qing Dynasties, requesting that Liu Sima be razed.

Song Qing was the embodiment of justice at this time, and immediately beheaded Liu Sima at the request of the people.

Then it was announced that in accordance with public opinion, Liangshan Yamen was set up in Jinan Prefecture to deal with the suffering of the people, completely emptying the original Yamen.Of course, the so-called Liangshan office is still headed by Pang Shiyuan and others.

Song Qing is just copying what he did in other places, what he wants is what people want.


Ask for a red ticket!Half-crazy thinks he is quite diligent, except for the two red votes he has the cheek to vote for himself every day, it is really pitifully small.If you have any comments or suggestions, I hope you can speak them out, and Half Crazy will take them seriously.This is a commitment and a responsibility.Thanks again!

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