() The weather is getting colder and colder. Affected by the weather, all construction work in Dengzhou has slowed down a lot.However, the frequency of the navy going to sea has increased. According to Song Qing's words, since it is a blockade, it must be kept normal.However, due to the limited size of the navy, it is not suitable to sail too far.After the few ships under construction are launched into the sea, they can go south to block a larger sea area.

Dengzhou temporarily calmed down, but Jiangnan at this time was another scene.

Fang La revived, raised the banner again, gathered tens of thousands of people in more than ten days, attacked cities and counties all the way, and occupied many places again.

Tong Guan adhered to Song Qing's will, and the battle to exterminate Fang La was a bit of a big surprise, but a little rain.Control several major cities, and let Fang La sweep the rest.Occasionally, troops will be sent to fight against the overly rampant rebels, but that's all.

Only the old emperor and prince Zhao Huan were so anxious that their mouths were full of blisters. In view of the lesson from last time, they did not dare to change their generals.He could only keep urging Tong Guan to eliminate the rebels as soon as possible, and there was no other better way.So the situation in the south of the Yangtze River was once again developing according to Song and Qing's expectations.

At this time, Zhao Huan had already received the news that Song Qing was not dead, so angry that he lost his temper again, calling God unfair, how could Song Qing, a scourge, still live in the world?

Hatred turned to hate, he had nothing to do except lose his temper.He is very clear about Song Qing's ability, and knows that the killer can no longer be sent, otherwise the matter will be revealed, and Song Qing's crazy revenge may be provoked.At the same time, the severe winter was approaching, and he could not let Liu Yanqing lead his troops back. After all, there was still Tong Guan sitting in Jiangnan, and the situation was not out of control.

Order Liu Yanqing to stay on the spot and wait for his order.

Zhao Huan still had a trace of fantasy in his heart, if Tong Guan could eliminate Fang La this winter, then he would be free to attack Liangshan with all his strength.

Just when Master Zhao Huan was greying his hair because of the mess in the country, good news came from outside the pass.

Emperor Tianzuo of Liao Dynasty was captured, Yeluchun, the general guard of Yanjing, died of illness, Minister Zuo Qigong and Yu Zhongwen Kaicheng surrendered to the Jin soldiers.

The once prosperous Daliao Empire was destroyed.Not to mention, Wang Fu, who had been coddling in Zhending Mansion all this time, actually entered the gold alone, and took back the land of the six prefectures occupied by the Liao Kingdom from the Jin Bing.

After the founding of the Song Dynasty, the most obsessed emperors were how to recover the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun. Although there are still ten prefectures in the hands of the Jinren, this is considered a great victory.

The old emperor and his father never asked what kind of city was recovered, nor did they ask how Wang Fu, a civil servant, accomplished this impossible task.

Immediately passed an order to reward Wang Fu, and then asked Wang Fu to bring the envoys of the Kingdom of Jin to the capital to meet.

The two of them had a lot of work in Beijing. They went to the Taimiao to worship their ancestors and brag about their achievements.Feast all the ministers and have fun together.In short, all the celebrations that they could think of were carried out.

It's no wonder the two are so excited, after all, they haven't heard decent good news for a long time.

But Zhao Huan was not happy for a while, an urgent report from Mingzhou immediately wiped out all his good mood.

The Dengzhou Navy blocked the route from Koryo to Mingzhou.

The news was sent by the shipping department of Mingzhou City. Although Goryeo was not the only ocean-going trading country in the Song Dynasty, once the route was blocked, it would definitely affect the already stretched finances of the imperial court.

As the current prince, he obviously sees farther. Dengzhou is the territory of Song and Qing. Now that he has sealed off the sea area of ​​Dengzhou, will he continue to go south to block a larger sea area?

The answer is obvious, so Zhao Huan couldn't ignore this matter. He immediately sent an order to the prefect of Mingzhou to immediately form a navy that could go to sea to prevent the navy of Song and Qing from going south.

The old man was in a state of extreme excitement, so of course he couldn't tell him such disappointing things, so Zhao Huan was doing these things in private.

It's just that Zhao Huan doesn't understand maritime affairs at all. Is the navy so easy to train?

At this time, Song Qing was holding a secret letter from Liangshan Wu Yong in his hand, thinking deeply.The content of the letter is exactly Wu Yong's battle plan against Liu Yanqing's men and horses in Xuzhou.

Wu Yong's plan is very bold, that is to take advantage of the winter, when Liu Yanqing thought that Liangshan would not attack and relaxed his vigilance, he suddenly launched an attack, attacking from Chengxian County, Yizhou, sending troops all the way from Jeju, crossing Shanzhou and attacking Peixian County , wiped out Liu Yanqing's men in one fell swoop, and then retreated decisively.

The plan is good, but what makes Song Qing hesitate is whether the movement of this move will be too big?Two groups of people attacked Liu Yanqing's department in Xuzhou, which was no different from flagrantly raising the flag to rebel.

The time is not yet ripe, Song Qing does not want to wear the hat of a traitor prematurely.However, the people in Xuzhou are sharp knives held by the imperial court under his armpit, and they must be eliminated as soon as possible.

And what worries Song Qing is that these 2 horses are not ordinary soldiers, but elite soldiers who have fought many battles, and they cannot be taken lightly.At the same time, he got news that the walls of Peixian County were high and thick, which was not conducive to a strong attack.

Siege is not the strong point of Liangshan's troops, if they can't win in a single battle, it will definitely affect their morale.

It is reported that Liu Yanqing is also a man who knows soldiers very well. He will definitely take the opportunity to drag Liangshan troops under the city. The severe winter is approaching, and the court troops live in the city, but Liangshan soldiers can only live in tents. If the battle is stalemate, it won't take long , the Liangshan people may collapse without a fight.

Therefore, Song Qing had to be cautious in this battle.

Liu Yanqing's men must be brought out of the city to eliminate him in the campaign.It seems that it is time to use the cavalry.

Thinking of this, Song Qing immediately wrote a reply letter to Wu Yong, asking him to re-formulate the battle plan, and told him that the battle would be dominated by cavalry, and his task was to lure Liu Yanqing's men and horses out of the city.

After writing the letter, he ordered someone to send it out immediately. Song Qing immediately ordered to prepare his luggage. He wanted to go to Jinan Mansion in person. This was the first battle of Liangshan cavalry. How could he be at ease if he was not there to watch him?However, he will not interfere with the command of the general, so as to avoid the situation that the general will not know who to obey, which will affect the morale. <The Festival is not far away, and it is time for him to go back to the mountains to accompany his wife and son.

Before Song Qing stepped out of Dengzhou City, the inner guard immediately delivered the news of the capital to him.

Others don't know, but Song and Qing know that in history, Jin Bing evacuated these cities before returning them to the Song court, but Wang Fu and others brazenly boasted of their own achievements. With several such victories, it is estimated that Song Dynasty is not far from subjugation.

We can't let them just stop celebrating like this. Song Qing ordered the inner guards to immediately publicize the real situation of Wang Fu's recovery of the lost land in the capital. There are still loyal ministers in the Song Dynasty. Presumably they will not agree with such a victory, and they will definitely treat it. Wang Fu verbal criticism.

People's hearts can't be changed overnight. The Song and Qing Dynasties wanted the Zhao family dynasty to lose people's hearts without knowing it.It is estimated that this turmoil will be enough for Wang Fu and the others to drink a pot.

The Liao Kingdom is destroyed, so the Song Dynasty should be next.

Song Qing suddenly felt a sense of urgency. If Jin soldiers invaded the Central Plains at this time, would Liangshan's troops be able to hold back Jin's iron cavalry?Song Qing was really confused.

It seems that you must strengthen your own strength.

Just when Song Qing arrived in Jinan Mansion and began to make intensive plans to wipe out Liu Yanqing's men and horses in Xuzhou, Zhao Gou's news finally came from the inner guard.

Zhao Gou went to Zhending Mansion in Hebei.

Upon receiving this news, Song Qing frowned immediately.What is this kid going to do?

Hebei has never stopped. Although Tian Hu's rebels were temporarily suppressed, they were still far from being wiped out.Why did Zhao Gou think of going to Hebei at this time?

Song Qing didn't have much contact with Zhao Gou, and he didn't know each other well, so he couldn't guess Zhao Gou's real thoughts.Order the inner guards to closely monitor his movements, and tell him in time if he makes any moves.

Intuition told Song Qing that Zhao Gou must have a big game.

Veteran Hu Yanzhuo once again did not disappoint Song Qing. In less than two months, five thousand cavalry had begun to take shape. According to the old general, they also needed to go through the baptism of actual combat before they could become truly qualified cavalry.

To be honest, Song Qing was really reluctant to send these cavalry out, but he also knew that without going to the battlefield, he would never be a real strong soldier.

Now we are waiting for Wu Yong's news.

At this time, a prisoner was escorted to the prison camp in Jinan Prefecture. He was about forty years old, with a slender figure, an unshaven beard, and a striking gold seal on his forehead.

Although he was dressed as a prisoner, his figure was very tall and straight, standing there like a javelin.His eyes were sharp, and his gestures and gestures all carried the demeanor of a soldier.

There were too many officers and soldiers who made mistakes and were imprisoned, and the prison did not take special care of him.

Glancing at the official document in his hand, he couldn't help laughing and said: "I still think it's a big official? But I'm still a general, come on! Wait for me with a killing stick"

Then he said with a smirk: "General Han, it's not that brothers are going to make things difficult for you. One hundred killing sticks is the rule here, and I can't change it even when the king of heaven comes."

This person is Han Shizhong who was deliberately retaliated by Tong Guan for losing Fang La. If the old emperor thought, he would have been killed long ago. It was Song Qing who asked Liang Shicheng to protect him, and was finally assassinated to Jinan Mansion of.

Han Shizhong's mood can be imagined when a good general fell to the point of exile.If I didn't still miss my mother at home, I would have died.

Of course he had heard of what a killing stick was, but he never thought it would hit him.However, he also knew that this was mostly a way for the prison chiefs to extort money, but it was a pity that he had no money left, so what could he do with them?

Seeing that Han Shizhong was not up to the mark at this time, the guards on both sides surrounded him and prepared to hold Han Shizhong down for execution.

Han Shizhong didn't struggle, and was immediately knocked down by the jailer, but before the killing stick hit him, he was suddenly stopped.

"Wait a minute, is his name Han Shizhong?"

Hearing the voice was not very old, Han Shizhong looked up, and saw that the person calling to stop the jailer was a young man.

Looking at the warden again, he is about the same as his grandson at this time, nodding and bowing to the young man, he said: "Returning to what Mr. Gao said, this bandit escort is Han Shizhong who has just been escorted."

Mr. Gao took the official document and looked at it again, and said: "I still lack manpower, leave this person to me!"

"No problem, Han, why don't you thank Mr. Gao?"

Han Shizhong got up from the ground, couldn't help but looked up and down at the young tall man, although he didn't know what he was going to do by himself, but after all, he saved him from such a murderous blow.

"Master Xie, I don't know what Master Gao wants to do next?"

Mr. Gao also looked Han Shizhong up and down for a while, and then smiled mysteriously: "The manager lacks a groom, and you are the most suitable groom."

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