() Liu Yanqing is not ignorant of flexibility, but his thinking has always been stuck in a pattern, that is, unconditional obedience to the imperial court's orders.

But today, the words of the county magistrate Pei opened a door for him.

yes!How can those bandits and grass bandits be my opponents, as long as I wipe out all Liangshan troops in one battle, the court will be happy before it's too late!How can you still blame me?

At that time, if the brothers are really willing to go back to the south of the Yangtze River, it is not impossible. I am afraid that when the imperial court rewards come down, these bastards will not want to leave.

He did it when he thought of it, and after personally sending the county magistrate Pei away, he immediately beat the drum to raise the account, and told the generals what he thought.

The generals have long been suffocating here, and now they are expected to go home, so why don't they agree with Liu Yanqing's idea?After the tents were dispersed, the entire barracks moved immediately.

Prepare various materials for the expedition, and at the same time send scouts to investigate the specific location of Liangshan troops and so on.

The next day, before dawn, the soldiers began to bury pots and cook food. After eating their meals, they set up camp and rushed to the junction of Xuzhou and Yizhou, where Liangshan troops camped.

These soldiers who had repeatedly made military exploits in eradicating the banditry in the south of the Yangtze River, like their generals, did not take the Liangshan people who were born as bandits at all.Full of confidence, thinking that Liangshan will be settled in World War I.

Standing on the city wall, watching the brigade of troops gradually going away, County Magistrate Pei couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and finally sent the group of deadly ancestors away.

Turning his head to look at a middle-aged man dressed as a member standing beside him, he said sincerely: "Cousin, thank you very much, otherwise, I really don't know how to deal with these military masters."

The cousin smiled slightly, and suddenly bowed to the county magistrate Pei with a deep salute.

"Cousin, why are you doing this?"

"Brother, this is to thank my cousin on behalf of my house manager"

"Your family manager? Isn't your cousin doing business in the south? What kind of manager is there?"

"Of course I am the chief manager of Liangshan Jinglue Shandong"

Hearing this sentence, County Magistrate Pei was so frightened that he was scared out of his wits. He pointed at his cousin tremblingly, and said for a long time: "What? You, you are from Liangshan?"

The cousin raised his hand and pressed down the hand of the county magistrate Pei, and said earnestly: "Cousin! I didn't want to harm you for my brother. I think you know better than me what the court is like now. The world is full of flames, and the wolves and tigers outside the pass are watching. How long can this fatuous imperial court last? I came to rescue you because you and I are distant relatives. Do you think that these officers and soldiers who only know how to bully the people can stop my Liangshan army? To tell you the truth, the chief executive has already personally Leading an army of [-] to Linyi Prefecture, Liu Yanqing's troops are not even enough to put the teeth of my family chief."

Even if the county magistrate of Pei is ignorant of military affairs, he still understands that Liang Shan has already dug a big hole for Liu Yanqing in Yizhou, and he is the one who did this.

Once Liu Yanqing's troops are destroyed, the imperial court will definitely be furious, and he will not end well either.Liangshan Duan has a good plan and set up a situation step by step. At this point, he has no choice but to seek refuge in Liangshan.

It's useless to say anything now, and sighed: "What should we do next?"

Seeing that the cousin was persuaded, the cousin's face immediately became serious, and he said in a deep voice: "Do what you should do, remember, Liu Yanqing sent troops privately, and has nothing to do with you. The impeachment of Liu Yanqing, the imperial court Someone from China will speak for you, but I will also put the ugly words in front of you, if you are double-faced and disobedient to me, even the emperor and I will not be able to save you."

Liang Shan wants to be an undercover agent in Xuzhou!

For a while, the county magistrate Pei didn't know what it was like.

After receiving the news of Liu Yanqing's dispatch of troops, Song Qing immediately mobilized all the troops to enter Chengxian County, formed a corner with Guan Sheng, and made preparations for a decisive battle with Liu Yanqing.

Liu Yanqing had fought battles for a long time, although he looked down on Liangshan troops, he was extremely careful during the march.Walk slowly so that the soldiers can get enough rest.The scouts continued to patrol within a radius of more than ten miles, not giving Liangshan any opportunity.

Three days later, Liu Yanqing's troops arrived outside Cheng County.

Looking at the two camps set up by Liang Shan, Liu Yanqing felt happy and worried.

Fortunately, from the banner, he could see that Song Qing, the leader of the Liangshan bandits, was also there, and there were not many troops. If everything went well, he could even capture the bandit leader in one battle.

What is worrying is that the Liangshan camp is very firmly established, so it can be said that it occupies the best location. Obviously, there are also high-level people in the Liangshan camp, so it is not suitable for a strong attack. depends.

After confirming that Liangshan would not send troops to sneak attack while his foothold was not stable, Liu Yanqing ordered to set up camp.

Song Qing looked at the officers and soldiers who were orderly setting up the camp in the distance, and nodded involuntarily. This was the first time he saw the officers and soldiers look a little strong.

Zhu Wu on the side smiled and said: "Back when Tong Guanyi conquered our Liangshan, the soldiers were more powerful than them, and they were defeated by us as usual. What's more, we have cavalry now, and as long as our cavalry is ready out, Liu Yanqing's troops will immediately fall apart."

Think about it, too, but it's always better to be cautious. As a surprise soldier, the cavalry should play a role of surprise, so that the power of the cavalry can be brought into full play.

For this reason, Song Qing decided to fight head-on with Liu Yanqing first to explore the combat strength of this army of officers and soldiers.

He ordered the signal to be issued, and Guan Sheng would lead the charge.

Not long after the cannons of the Song and Qing camps sounded, the gates of Guan Sheng's camp were opened wide. Guan Sheng took the lead and led [-] soldiers to rush out, and quickly lined up a few miles away from Liu Yanqing's camp.

Not to be outdone, Liu Yanqing also dispatched a group of troops.He and Song Qing had the same mind, they both wanted to test each other's details first.

The officers and soldiers were led by a partial general who came out aggressively, but soon he paid the price for his despise of Liang Shan.After a few rounds, he was killed by Guan Sheng.

The general was killed, and the soldiers were in an uproar, but after all, they were well-trained officers and soldiers, and there was no confusion because of this. Instead, under the restraint of their respective low-level officers, they quickly made defenses to prevent Liangshan troops from rushing to kill.

Although Guan Sheng beheaded the officers and generals, he did not disrupt the camp of the officers and soldiers.

When Liu Yanqing saw his subordinates being beheaded in the camp, he was equally astonished, and said to himself that the rumors were indeed true, General Liang Shan was indeed very powerful.

But Liu Yanqing was not afraid of Liangshan because of this, since your generals are powerful, then we will fight soldiers, I don't believe that these grassroots can defeat my forbidden army.

Liu Yanqing's cautiousness made Song Qing think highly of him again, and ordered Yanzhuo and the others not to send troops if they didn't see the signal.

Early the next morning, Liu Yanqing led 1 troops to set up a formation outside the camp, while the other 1 people were ready in the camp to support and cooperate with the enemy camp at any time.

The [-] officers and soldiers were divided into three large square formations: left, middle, and right.The archers of the Chinese army are in the front, and the sharp swordsmen in the back are holding a knife and a shield in the other. The left and right phalanxes are dominated by spearmen.

Seeing this posture, Song Qing and others guessed Liu Yanqing's intention.Dou Bing, am I afraid of you in Liangshan?

The command flag was fired, and the Liangshan infantry quickly rushed out of the camp to assemble.

Different from Liu Yanqing's formation where the main force was placed in the middle, Liang Shan formed a crab formation.That is, there are heavy troops on both sides, but there are not many soldiers in the Chinese army.

On the left is Wu Song with three thousand knives and axes, on the right is Li Kui with three thousand knives and axes, and the Chinese army Lu Zhishen and Liu Tang lead two thousand soldiers with various weapons.Each soldier also carried a shield one size smaller on his back.

Regardless of the fact that the soldiers of the Chinese army have all kinds of weapons, most of them are heavy weapons, such as ghost knives, maces, hammers and so on.

Seeing Liangshan's formation, Liu Yanqing frowned. Until now, he had a bad feeling in his heart, knowing that he underestimated the enemy too much.

Although it feels wrong, it is no longer possible to change the formation.Now there is only one last fight, and there are not many troops in Liangshan. As long as they withstand the first wave of offensive, the troops reserved by themselves can completely wipe them out.

Thinking of this, Liu Yanqing immediately played the banner of attack.

Among Liangshan heroes, these four infantry generals are known as the Four Gods of Killing, and they are the masters who tremble with excitement when they see a battle to be fought.

However, since Song Qing implemented military discipline in Liangshan, these brothers have become much more stable. They are no longer rushing forward as if they were having fun seeing the enemy as before, but they can take care of the whole.

Seeing the officers and soldiers advancing step by step, Liangshan's battle flag was also unleashed.

The two armies approached quickly, and the archers of the officers and soldiers retreated immediately after firing a round.

Even though the Liangshan infantry had shields, they were still knocked down, and the rest quickened their pace, rushed into the range of bows and arrows, dropped their shields, and fought against the officers and soldiers.

The fierceness of the soldiers of Liangshan was immediately reflected in the close combat.

The killing gods headed by Lu Zhishen and others were simply a nightmare for the officers and soldiers. No one could stop them from meeting each other.

Although the Liangshan heroes are brave enough, there are too many officers and soldiers, as if they can't kill them all. Wave after wave, they hit Liangshan people like a tide.

Seeing this scene, Song Qing immediately raised the command flag and ordered Hua Rong to lead 5000 troops into the battlefield again.

When Liu Yanqing saw that Liangshan had increased his troops, he couldn't help showing a grim smile, Liangshan Song Erlang, that's all.If you vote for five thousand, I will vote for six thousand, and I will fight you to death.

At this time, the sound of killing on the battlefield was loud, and [-] Liangshan soldiers and [-] officers and soldiers fought together in blood.Liangshan heroes used their bravery to offset the superiority of officers and soldiers in numbers, but this could only last for a while, Lu Zhishen and the others knew it was time to pretend to be defeated.

Their subordinates slowed down, and gradually, the soldiers of Liangshan could no longer resist. At this time, Liu Yanqing still had 2000 reserve troops, but Song Qing had only [-] troops left.

Zhu Wu couldn't help but said: "Boss, it's time, you can let old General Huyan and the others go out."

Song Qing watched the situation on the court calmly, without turning his head, he said: "Wait a minute, Liu Yanqing's reserve team hasn't joined yet."

Zhu Wu couldn't help but admire Song Qing's courage. It turned out that he only thought that Song Qing could plan strategies, but he didn't know that Song Qing was also calm and restrained in front of such a bloody battlefield, showing the demeanor of a generation of famous generals.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield had already begun to change. The soldiers of Liangshan finally showed signs of retreating in the face of the officers and soldiers who were not defeated by themselves and had the superior numbers.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yanqing was overjoyed, and said to himself that Lao Tzu deserved his meritorious service!Song Erlang, I think where are you going this time?Immediately send an order to prepare the troops to press on the whole line, and it is necessary to wipe out all the troops in Liangshan in one battle.

In the sound of the trumpets, the officers and soldiers in the battalion rushed out, shouting and rushing towards the Liangshan troops who had been exposed.

At this time, in the Liangshan camp, a red flame also rose into the sky.

Seeing the flames, Liu Yanqing couldn't help being stunned for a moment. He's not stupid, of course he could guess that this was a signal for help, but the surrounding tens of miles had to be scouted, so why ambushes?It was also because of this that he dared to press the whole line.

Just when he was puzzled, he suddenly saw a black line moving in the distance, and then the ground under his feet trembled.


The battle-hardened Liu Yanqing almost didn't exclaim, he never dreamed that there would be such a large cavalry team in Liangshan.Although he reacted immediately, what's the use of reacting now?Asking people to retreat immediately will only increase the confusion.

Liu Yanqing could figure out what the infantry would do to the cavalry with his toes.To advance is to die, and to retreat is also to die.

Thinking about the self-proclaimed generation of famous generals, but still being tricked by Liang Shan, in this situation, there is no suspense about the result of the entire army being wiped out.

Liu Yanqing only felt a mouthful of blood spit out with a salty throat, and fell backwards.

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