() Although Song Qing came to the barracks with the idea of ​​seeing Han Shizhong, the main purpose was to study the training situation of the army with the generals.

Many generals were a bit disapproving of the Jinbing invasion, mainly because Liangshan's current area was far away from the border, and there was the entire Hebei Road in front of it.

Regarding the invasion of the Jin soldiers, it is obviously impossible for the Liangshan people to leave their own territory to save the court people, so it seems a bit early to get so nervous now.

But based on discipline, everyone did not show any abnormality, and earnestly carried out various tasks assigned by Song Qing.

Song Qing is not a god, and it is impossible to know other people's thoughts. What he has to do now is to plan ahead. Just as the generals thought, it is impossible for him to send troops to rescue the court troops. At the same time, Liangshan's troops are still mainly infantry. What is the difference between fighting with the golden men of all cavalry and letting the men die?

He only emphasized military training because he hoped to fight the golden soldiers outside the city of Jinan Prefecture, and use the city wall to offset the advantage of the golden soldiers and cavalry.Then further expand the results of the battle, and finally drive Jin Bing out.

Because the selections are all elite soldiers, so far, only a little more than 5 have been selected from the states, which is still a little behind Song Qing's idea.

However, according to the requirements of Song and Qing Dynasties, the training of the army has been fully carried out, and a certain degree of intensity has been added.

After listening to the report of the generals, Song Qing did not make any comments, but made a bold assumption to the generals, what if the Jin soldiers suddenly approached the city?

The generals present were also experienced in many battles, Song Qing believed that they would not talk nonsense with their eyes wide open.

Lin Chong was the first to speak and said: "If the golden soldiers come to attack, we should rely on the city wall to consume the spirit of the golden soldiers, and then look for opportunities to wipe out the enemy."

Hu Yanzhuo frowned and said: "We only have [-] cavalry. According to the general manager, the golden soldiers are all cavalry. How can we annihilate them?"

Dong Ping said: "Strengthen the walls and clear the fields, use rangers to harass their food roads, without food and grass, what can they do even if they have a million troops?"

All the generals expressed their thoughts one after another, but Song Qing did not express his thoughts immediately. A good commander must be able to listen to what others say, and learn from the strengths of all families in order to make the most sensible judgment.

Han Shizhong didn't know what the people inside were talking about, but only judged from the occasional voices what topics were being debated inside.

At this time, a soldier of Lin Chong came over with a kettle in one hand and a stack of tea bowls in the other, and said, "Brother Han, help me bring the tea in."

Han Shizhong thought he had heard it wrong, until the soldier yelled a second time before he was convinced that he was calling himself. He hurriedly agreed happily, grabbed the heaviest water bottle, and followed the soldier into the tent. go.

The discussion in the big tent was still going on, and no one seemed to pay attention to Han Shizhong and his two orderlies coming in and out, but Han Shizhong could feel the lightning-like eyes of the young man in the lead turning around him.

Such sharp eyes.No need to ask, he must be the chief manager of Liangshan, he is really young enough.

Thinking in his heart, Han Shizhong poured tea for everyone, turned around and went out. Suddenly, he saw Lin Chong waving his hand at him, as if he wanted to say something to him, and hurried over with the kettle.

Lin Chong turned his head and said softly, "Stand behind me and listen to what the manager has to say."

Of course Han Shizhong couldn't wish for it, but he couldn't help but wonder in his heart. He didn't have any achievements yet, but the deputy commander seemed to value him very much. Why?

There was an extra soldier behind Lin Chong, which did not attract anyone's attention.

At this time, everyone was talking about the same thing, Wu Yong glanced at Song Qing and said, "I don't know if the general manager has any good strategies to defend against the enemy?"

Song Qing nodded and said: "I don't dare to say good strategies. After all, on the battlefield, everything changes rapidly. There is no one strategy that remains unchanged. I will take it as a summary for everyone! First of all, Brother Dong Ping said that the strong wall clears the field. Soldiers come from afar, and logistical supplies must be a problem. I think they are nothing more than supporting their wars with wars and plundering to feed their troops, so we can make a big fuss about this.”

"Secondly, in terms of defense, the main force in this battle is infantry, and cavalry are only used as auxiliary forces, and they must not be sent out until the last moment."

"Add another two feet to the current height of the city wall, and at the same time, dig a small hole every few steps within a radius of [-] miles around the city, so that the speed of the horse can be restricted to the greatest extent. In addition, it is our secret weapon. Yes, but I’ll let you know what it is here, and then everyone will know what it is.”

"The last thing is the same sentence, raising soldiers for a thousand days is only for a while, as long as we train our soldiers well, no matter if it is Jin soldiers or Liao soldiers, they will never return."

All the generals stood up with a "boom", clasped their fists and said, "Please rest assured, the chief, we will live up to the chief's expectations"

Song Qing nodded, then glanced at Han Shizhong intentionally or unintentionally, got up and strode out.

Han Shizhong didn't pay attention to Song Qing's eyes, he was still thinking about what Song Qing said just now, will Jin Bing really come over?

Han Shizhong is not those pedantic literati who only pin their hopes on that meaningless covenant. He is more inclined to the idea of ​​Song and Qing to be prepared for danger in times of peace, and as a soldier, he is more aware of the peeps of those foreign races on the Central Plains. Joining the Liangshan army is entirely out of love for the army, not because he has completely fallen to Liangshan. It is obviously impossible for him to fight against the imperial court, but Jin Bing is an exception.

It is the unshirkable responsibility of every big man to resist foreign aggression.

If what Song Qing said was true, he would rush to the battlefield without hesitation.

At some point, he was the only one left in the big tent, so he woke up Muran and was about to leave too, but saw Lin Chong walking in again.It turned out that they were going to send the manager.

Seeing Lin Chong, Han Shizhong clasped his fists and saluted, and finally couldn't help asking: "General, please forgive me for talking too much, will Jin Guo really come here?"

Lin Chong nodded and said: "Don't look at the manager's young age, so far, what he said has not been true. I left you because you have led soldiers. You heard what the manager said just now. Tell me What do you think? Boldly say, we Liangshan people don’t have so many taboos, and we won’t blame you if we make mistakes.”

Han Shizhong pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said: "As the general manager said, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and nothing remains the same. If I were to defend the city, I couldn't think of a better way. small suggestion”

Before Han Shizhong finished speaking, Lin Chong was inevitably a little disappointed, because it was Song Qing who asked him to come back to test Han Shizhong.But after Han Shizhong finished speaking, Lin Chong couldn't help but become interested.

"Oh! What's the suggestion? Let's hear it"

Han Shizhong had already forgotten his identity at this time, completely entered the role, cleared his throat and said: "The method of ordering people to cover potholes to resist the speed of the cavalry is a wonderful idea, but thinking about it, it can only resist the golden soldiers For a while, if each of the gold soldiers took a small sandbag, these potholes would be flattened in no time.”

"So my next suggestion is to expand the area where the traps are dug and set up traps, and at the same time make false and real ones, supplemented by ambushes, and harass them from time to time, so that along the way, by the time the golden soldiers arrive at the city, they have become tired soldiers. There is no sharpness at all”

"Of course, this is just my humble opinion, but from my point of view, the general manager probably already has a good plan to defeat the enemy in his mind, but it's just that it's inconvenient to say it before the time comes."

After Han Shizhong said these words, Lin Chong couldn't help but secretly nodded, observing the details and drawing inferences from one instance.The manager is really accurate enough to see people. This Han Shizhong will definitely be a handsome talent in time.

After letting Han Shizhong go down, Lin Chong immediately wrote down what Han Shizhong said just now and ordered someone to send it to Song Qing.

How can Song Qing have any special ability to observe people?He judged Han Shizhong completely from the history he knew, and after reading the note written by Lin Chong, he was completely relieved.

Although the current Han Shizhong has not yet shown his talents, gold will shine there.

The weather is getting warmer day by day, and there is only news from the Kingdom of Jin that the remnants of the Liao Kingdom are being wiped out, and there is no sign of sending troops to attack the Song Dynasty yet.

Although there was no news of Jin Guo sending troops, Song Qing did not dare to take it lightly, and ordered Zhu Wu's spies and Cao Zheng's inner guards to intensify their investigations and always pay attention to Jin Guo's actions.Make sure to send the news back as soon as the Jin Kingdom dispatches troops.

At this time, news came from both Mingzhou and Quanzhou that the imperial court was training the navy.

Upon receiving this news, Song Qing couldn't help laughing. I guess this must be Zhao Huan's idea, but you just thought of forming a navy now, isn't it too late?

There was still no movement from the Kingdom of Jin, and even if the Jin soldiers entered the Central Plains, they would not be able to reach Jinan Prefecture at once, so Song Qing decided to go to Dengzhou again.

There is not only the navy that he pays close attention to all the time, but also the sweet potatoes that he left there for Chen Dong to try to grow. Both of these are related to the national economy and the people's livelihood. He can only rest assured if he has seen it with his own eyes.

Song Qing's son is getting stronger every day, if he is not too young, he would like to take the child with him.

Sister Mingyue's belly also began to show, which is a sign of a thriving population. The happy Song Qing never closed her mouth when she returned to the inner house.

After making arrangements at home and abroad, Song Qing set off for Dengzhou.

After continuous attacks by Liangshan troops, the imperial court has completely lost control of the state capitals around the Shandong Peninsula. The Shandong Peninsula currently belongs to a state of autonomy under the jurisdiction of Liangshan.

In this autonomous region, there is no forced expropriation by the government, no fraudulent oppression by the local tyrants and evil gentry.It can be said that the people here live in the only piece of paradise in the entire Song Dynasty.

For this reason, refugees from all over the country flocked here one after another, and some local magistrates even reported to Song Qing that the prisoners sent there no longer planned to return to their original places, and even sent a letter asking their family members to move here as well.

In just one year, the land of Shandong has shown a thriving scene. <The plowing is about to begin.

Seeing this scene, Song Qing was really satisfied, because all of this was created by herself.The history of future generations will also be changed by oneself.

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