() Zhang Shun often saw maps on land at Song Qing's place, but this was the first time he saw a sea map, and he was completely shocked at this moment.

Looking at the location of Dengzhou marked on the sea chart drawn by Song and Qing Dynasties, there are so many countries on the other side of the sea?And there is such a large sea area behind these countries, which he never dreamed of before.

At this time, the Xie family brothers who thought of when Song Qing was drawing the sea charts also rushed to the scene.They are familiar with this sea area, but they also don't know how many countries are on the other side of the ocean and where they are.This sea chart gave them a sense of novelty and confusion.

Xie Wenying looked at it carefully for a while before saying: "Boss, have you seen this picture there before? How do you know the situation on the other side of the sea?"

I've seen it in my previous life, won't it scare you to death if I say it?

Song Qing smiled, and answered the wrong question: "But do you see any problems?"

Xie Wenying shook her head and said, "I haven't been to most of the places on the map, so I don't dare to say whether the map of the general manager is correct or not, but judging from the directions of our Dengzhou and Korea, it should be correct. The only difference is some small islands”

That's right, my level is limited to this.

He nodded and smiled: "This is what you will do next. Use this sea chart as a prototype and keep improving it. With this thing, we no longer have to worry about getting lost at sea, and we can go to farther places in the future."

Turning around and seeing Zhang Shun still thinking about the sea chart, he nodded secretly in his heart, these Liangshan heroes who used to only know how to fight and kill have indeed made great progress.

After Zhang Shun came to his senses, he said, "Brother, how is the navy doing? Have you been to sea this year?"

"Don't worry, manager. According to your instructions, patrolling this sea area has become normal. We have brought ships from Korea and Song Dynasty here and handed them over to Lao Xie. However, I guess the ships from Song Dynasty and Mingzhou are not Will come again”

"How about the soldiers?"

"Now the total strength of our Liangshan Navy has reached 1, and all of them are elites who can go into battle at any time. There are eight warships of five thousand deniers, 28 ships of three thousand deniers, and countless small ships. But I heard from Lao Meng that there seems to be only one [-]-denier ship that can be launched recently, and I asked him what happened, but he said that he was building a super ship that the general manager wanted, which seemed to be called a mother ship, is there such a thing?"

It's really hard for a former water thief to be able to record the data of his men's strength so clearly.Regarding his question, Song Qing didn't know what to say to him.

Song Qing praised him a few words and then said: "Meng Kang is carrying out my order, let's go and have a look together tomorrow, and I will tell you in detail when we get there."

Turning to the Xie brothers, he said, "How about you?"

Xie Wenying was obviously ready to reply to Song Qing's questioning, saying: "The navy's continuous inspections have indeed played a very important role. All the goods from Koryo Kaijing have been traded in Dengzhou, but there are still too few merchants coming from Jiangnan. Some cannot meet the supply of goods here, so I was wondering, can our navy go further?"

Song Qing had already thought about this matter in his mind, and the main purpose of his trip was also to supervise this matter.

Before Song Qing opened his mouth, Zhang Shun suddenly said: "Boss, I have been thinking that if we go south, the battle line will be too long, and the sea will be rough, so no one can guarantee that nothing will happen, so I I feel that we need to set up several naval bases overseas or in the south to replenish our ships and cut off the sea passages. What does the general manager think?"

Although the idea is good, the south is not yet under the control of Liangshan, and it is almost impossible to build a naval base. Even if it is built, if anything happens, it will be too far away.Other places can be considered.

Song Qing's eyes fell on the Ryukyu Islands and the island of Taiwan.There are already pirates in Dengzhou, and I am afraid that these places will not be empty.It seemed necessary to make a long voyage.

Although Song Qing really wanted to go on a long voyage with him, but now is obviously not the time. If his super ship is built, he can give it a try.

Thinking of this, Song Qing pointed to these two places and said: "This time you can target these two places in your southern tour to wipe out the pirates there. If possible, you can set up points in these two places first, but for now It’s better to be based on the local people. After all, we are too far away from there, and we are a bit out of reach. Looking back, I am ordering people to build a deep-water port in Mizhou, so that you can reduce your shipping routes, and at the same time, it can also promote Mizhou. develop"

He turned his head and said to Xie Wenying: "Old Xie, Mizhou will be handed over to you. It can be used as a transit point. At the same time, the ships coming from the south are also close to it, so it is easy to attract merchants."

Xie Wenying nodded in agreement.

Having already mentioned this topic, Song Qing simply ordered people to find Chen Dong and the generals of the navy. After all, it is not enough to just say a word to go to sea, and there is still too much preparation work to prepare.

At the same time, how many troops and ships are needed for this long-distance voyage, who will protect the sea area on the home side, and so on.

The time for this meeting was long enough, and when everyone left and Song Qing dragged his exhausted body back to the backyard, it was already late at night.

Xiao Duozi had already prepared a supper for him, and Song Qing would take a bath before going to bed every day, but today was too tired, so after the supper, he leaned on the bench behind the desk and fell asleep.

In the haze, I felt that someone was washing my feet, and the little hands were soft, and it was very comfortable to touch my feet.Then the body warmed up, and a quilt was covered on the body.

Song Qing still didn't open his eyes, and just fell asleep.

Sleeping on the chair was uncomfortable after all, before dawn, Song Qing opened his eyes, felt the warmth of his body, and couldn't help laughing.He is actually so dedicated.

Just as she was about to sit up, she suddenly felt that there was a person lying on her feet. When she stared, she saw that Qingzi was lying at her feet, with her upper body leaning on the chair and her head resting on her feet, while her lower body was kneeling on the ground.

I don't know if she often sleeps like this, but she sleeps very sweetly in this position.

Qingzi is not the most beautiful among the women around him, but she is the one who arouses Song Qing's desire the most, and also the one with the most bleak life experience.

Song Qing likes women, but he hopes to get married in a situation where you love me, and she doesn't want to let others commit herself to her because of her power and status.

In Song Qing's heart, the desire and pity for Qingzi is obviously greater than love. If Qingzi is compared to a dish, it is obviously still a semi-finished product that has not been processed.

At this time, Song Qing didn't have any other thoughts in his heart except pity, stood up lightly, then leaned over to pick up Qingzi, and walked towards the bed.

Qingzi also seemed to be overworked, but she was still sleeping deeply, leaning against Song Qing's arms without any movement.But if Song Qing could look down, he could see her slightly flickering eyebrows.Apparently she was faking sleep.

Song Qing didn't suspect him, came to the bed and gently put Qingzi down, then pulled the quilt to cover her, and lay on the outside with her clothes on.

Before long, Song Qing's eyelids twitched again, and he soon fell asleep.

At this time, Qing Zi, who was pretending to be asleep, opened her eyes, and a trace of clear tears fell down immediately.But these were not tears of sadness, but tears of joy. At this moment, she finally felt Song Qing's kind heart.

It turns out that there are really men who like themselves not because of their beauty.

Turning around, he lifted the quilt on himself and covered himself and Song Qing, then leaned over and hugged Song Qing's arm tightly, and she fell asleep after a short time, this time she was real Fell asleep, and slept very, very deeply.

As soon as it was dawn, Xiao Duozi rushed over to serve Song Qing, but when he saw the scene on the bed, he backed out again.I can't help but mutter in my heart, this woman is really persistent enough to get close to her master, it seems that there are more female masters in the backyard.

If it wasn't for being too tired yesterday, Song Qing would have woken up early at this time every day, and that's it, Xiao Duozi stepped back, and his eyes opened.

It's normal for every man to have a pillar of support in the morning, not to mention that he is still warm and soft, Song Qing immediately reacted.

Looking down at Qingzi who was sleeping soundly with a sweet smile on his mouth, Song Qing still dispelled the animal thoughts in his heart.

He lifted the quilt and got off the ground lightly, then put on his shoes and went out.

Xiao Duozi in the outer room had already prepared the toiletries. After Song Qing tidied up quickly, he told Xiao Duozi not to disturb Qingzi, and then called on the hammer and walked towards the city.

At this time, the sky was getting brighter and the gate of Dengzhou city opened early, so there were already many small merchants on the street selling various commodities.

Song Qing and Tie Hammer ate a bowl of wanton noodles on the side of the street, and then started to wander around.

Song Qing didn't want to play a private visit with a micro-service, but just wanted to feel the charm of this new city.

A large group of people entered the city yesterday, so what they saw was only the surface. Only by going deep into the city can one truly feel the thriving prosperity.

Song Qing wandered the streets, chatting with vendors from time to time to understand their needs and views on current affairs.

Before they knew it, the two of them were already approaching the pier, and suddenly they saw chaos ahead.Then some people came running over here.While running, he shouted: "It's not good, two groups of little devils are fighting!"

Two gangs of little devils?

Song Qing couldn't help being taken aback. In fact, in this era, no one calls Ri himself a little devil. Some officials heard this name from Song Qing and spread it.

The pier was always guarded by soldiers, so Song Qing didn't worry about danger, so he hurried over with his hammer.

At this time, the situation on the pier had been brought under control, and dozens of Liangshan soldiers surrounded the dozen or so Japanese warriors squatting on the ground with their weapons upright.

Among them was Yoshizuna Fujimoto, who was sent back to Japan by the Song and Qing Dynasties to obtain information.

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