() This result was unexpected by anyone. Hearing the reward, Song Qing even thought he heard it wrong.

It is not difficult to defeat Tian Hu's [-] miscellaneous troops, but even [-] gold soldiers were also repelled?Could it be that Yue Fei and Han Shizhong, the two war gods of the Southern Song Dynasty, are possessed now?

Immediately issued an order not to kill any more prisoners, and at the same time shouted to the Tianhu army who were still resisting that those who surrendered would not be killed.It's also readily available labor, a pity to kill.

When Han Shizhong and others returned to the camp, Song Qing went to greet them in person, three points of encouragement, and some points of admiration for the God of War.

The army rested in place, and after the Qin and Ming armies arrived, the [-] army set up camp and rushed to Bianliang City.

At this time, Song Qing had no fear of the Jin soldiers in his heart, even if 3 horses beat you to death, let alone the total force has reached [-] now?

Moreover, after this battle, the number of Jin soldiers left is less than [-], and their strength is about the same, so what is there to fear?

However, in order to avoid encountering a surprise attack by the Jin soldiers during the march, the 8 horses marched very slowly, step by step, and did not give Wanyan Zongwang a chance to make a surprise attack.

At this time Wanyan Zongwang had also entered a dilemma.The teacher of King Qin of the Great Song Dynasty has arrived, and it is impossible to take Tokyo Bianliang again.The original plan of besieged and aided was completely terminated here in Song and Qing Dynasties.

Song Qing's Liangshan troops are not comparable to any Song army he has encountered. They are a truly elite army. If the officers and soldiers of the Song Dynasty unite with Song Qing, their own army is likely to be accounted for here. See It's time to withdraw troops.

Wanyan Zongwang was not Wanyan Zongqian. While making up his mind to retreat, he flew to report to Emperor Wu begging for a purchase, while still pretending to attack the city on a large scale.

Wanyan Zongwang's move can be said to have completely grasped the pulse of the emperor and ministers of the Song Dynasty. Before the troops on his side to attack the city were dispatched, the envoys of the Song Dynasty court for peace came again.

This time Lord Wanyan Zongwang will not kill him again, but he is also very powerful. He told the envoy of the Song court that it is okay to retreat. country, or continue to attack the city.

Master Zhao Huan was scared out of his wits. Regardless of Li Gang and others' obstruction, he immediately agreed to all Wanyan Zongwang's demands, and he only asked them to retreat quickly.

In fact, Li Gang had already received news that Liangshan troops were approaching and that the Jin soldiers had been defeated, so he asked the court to make peace with Liangshan and wipe out the invading Jin soldiers at one stroke, but Zhao Huan dared to fight the Jin soldiers?At the same time, deep down in his heart, he was extremely repulsive to Song Qing, and he did not want to unite with Song Qing at all.

After receiving a satisfactory answer from the Song Dynasty, Wanyan Zongwang withdrew his troops swaggeringly under the noses of the Liangshan troops.

Song Qing didn't know why Jin Bing suddenly withdrew his troops, but he still sternly refused the generals' request to pursue Jin Bing.Jin Bing has not been injured yet, and the troops he brought are mainly infantry, to chase Jin Bing?What a joke.

The Jin soldiers retreated, and the [-] Liangshan army was stationed outside the city, and the situation suddenly became embarrassing.

Of course, this is not Song Qinglai's purpose, and his strategy is not only related to this.

Soon, the Liangshan people defeated the Jin soldiers and forced the Jin soldiers to withdraw their troops. However, the practice of the court using the land of the three states to pray for the Jin soldiers to retreat spread like wind in Bianliang, Tokyo.

The whole city was in an uproar for a while, and people often heard people say that Liangshan was a traitor, but he brought troops to rescue the capital at the most critical moment, not to mention that he didn't get any reward afterwards, and put the hat of rebellion on his head, which was too unreasonable up?

At this time, in a side hall of the Bianliang Palace, Zhao Huan was having a secret conversation with Li Gang.

"My lord, do you mean to trick Song Qing into the city and put him under house arrest? But what if Liangshan bandits attack the city?"

Li Gang really wanted to kick Zhao Huan in the head twice, if he could really detain Song Qing, the Liangshan thieves would dare to attack the city if they threw their hands at him.

After patiently explaining it to Zhao Huan, he said again: "Your Majesty can use the reason that the Song and Qing retreat gold soldiers have made great achievements and must be rewarded, and ask him to go to the city hall to receive the reward. If he dares not come, that hypocritical face of pretending to be loyal and good will be seen by the world." See it through, it would be better if he is willing to come, the old minister is willing to lead his troops to arrest this thief chief who has brought disaster to the country and the people."

That's a great idea!As long as the Song and Qing Dynasties are taken down, won't the land of Shandong return to the court?There is also the invincible fleet with hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers. From now on, maybe I can lead these fierce soldiers to recover all the lost land and open up the territory for my Song Dynasty.

Li Gang saw that Zhao Huan was silent, his eyes were full of little stars, he couldn't help coughing dryly and said: "What do you think of the old minister's proposal?"

"Okay...that's really great, I'll leave this matter to Aiqing, and I'll make sure to capture the little thief Song Qing in one fell swoop."

Zhao Huan seemed to see Song Qing kneeling in front of him begging bitterly, and couldn't help laughing "haha".

Of course Li Gang didn't know what was going on in Zhao Huan's mind, he just thought that the emperor had been frightened into a fool by the Jin man, so he hurriedly resigned and arranged how to trick Song Qing into the city.

The more Zhao Huan thought about it, the happier he became. Of course, he had to let his father know about being so happy, so he rushed to his father's place and told Li Gang's plan.

The Supreme Emperor, who was praying for the protection of the Supreme Lord in Taixu Temple, was really happy when he heard the news, especially now that the Jin soldiers had retreated, if he took Song Qing again, he would have no regrets.

At this time, he was more convinced of Master Guo's words that this time there was no danger, so he began to believe in Master Guo more devoutly.

So the next day, when Zhao Huan was still discussing what kind of reward Song Qing should give, a secret letter about Li Gang's plot to harm Song Qing had already been handed over to Song Qing.

Looking at this secret letter, Song Qing couldn't help laughing, Zhao Huan really did everything he could to deal with him.In fact, one of his two goals for this battle has been completed, and the next one is to further expose the face of the court and make the people more alienated from the court.

Now that Zhao Huan is doing this, it can be said that he is giving Song Qing a chance.

Another day later, the scouts reported that the Jin soldiers had retreated to Hebei, indicating that the crisis had come to an end.So the court's rewards for Song and Qing also came down.

Jin Feng Song Qing was Liang Guogong, opened the third division of Yitong, and the privy envoy of Tongzhi.

At the same time, the decree was passed on to the Golden Palace of the Song and Qing Dynasties.

Song Qing used to know about Shandong affairs, opened the third division of Yitong, and added the title of Shangshu of the Ministry of War. Now he has become the Duke of the State. In the Song Dynasty, this official position can be regarded as a scorpion-the only one.It can be seen that Zhao Huan spent a lot of money in order to lure Song Qing into the bait.

In front of the envoy, Song Qing received the decree to thank him without saying a word, and then expressed his arrangement, and went to Beijing with the envoy to meet Sheng Xie.

Everything went smoothly. After Li Gang received the information, he even wondered if Song Qing had some tricks?But even if he has a trick, how can he do this?When the time comes, close the city gate by yourself, even if you have a hundred thousand troops, you won't be able to break in.

To say that the most contradictory person at this time is Yue Fei, who is Song Qing?That was the bandit chieftain that the imperial court wanted to get rid of quickly. Now that such a high-ranking official has been conferred, and he has to go to the Golden Palace to be conferred, I am afraid that even a fool would want to understand what is going on.

It can be seen that Song Qing is a brat who seems to know nothing. Is his ambition limited to this?Do you want to remind him?

One must know that Song Qing has been very respectful to him since they met each other. Could it be that he has the heart to watch him die?

After pondering for a long time, Yue Fei finally couldn't stand the torment of his conscience, found Han Shizhong, told him his thoughts, and left sadly, but he didn't go back to Li Gang's place in the capital, but went directly to Xiangzhou.

Han Shizhong quickly found Song Qing and told Yue Fei what he had said.The current Han Shizhong's thought of being loyal to the emperor does still exist, but it has been unconsciously transferred to Song Qing. Of course, if anyone asks him, he will definitely not admit it.

After Song Qing listened to Han Shizhong's words, he couldn't help but sigh inwardly, Brother Yue, a dead-brained brother!When will your mind change?

There are some things that are useless to be anxious now, especially for people like Yue Fei, they have to take their time.

Abandoning Yue Fei, Song Qing immediately ordered Lin Chong to gather a thousand guards and enter the city accompanied by Iron Hammer.Lin Chong led his army ready to respond at any time.

Song Qing was not stupid enough to stretch his neck into Zhao Huan's trap, he wanted to make the Zhao Song court completely lose the hearts of the people.

Now that the gates of the city are open early, many people even went to visit the Liangshan military camp admiringly.So when they saw Song Qing's 1000 people entering the city to thank them, they all gave way to both sides of the road, and some even shouted.It's a bit of a welcoming posture.

Song Qing's [-] guards were all carefully selected, each of them was tall and strong, especially the iron hammer following Song Qing, which was more like an iron tower, which made people dare not look at it.

On the other side of the Song and Qing Dynasties, Yu Baosi carried the banner of Prayer for Heaven, and behind him was another tall and strong soldier holding the banner of Loyalty and Incomparable Justice.

The momentum of 1000 troops is already so, no wonder the golden soldiers will also be defeated by them.It's a pity that he is a traitor.

Li Gang, who was standing on the top of the city watching the Song and Qing troops, couldn't help but secretly nodded.He has ordered people to get ready, once the Song and Qing troops enter the city, they will immediately fall off the suspension bridge.

Li Gang didn't know Song Qing, so he couldn't help lying on the battlements and watching carefully.

At this time, Song Qing's team had already arrived at the city, and Song Qing just happened to look up. This is the second time he has come to the capital, but this time is different, he is no longer the Song Erlang who is slaughtered by others .

The eyes of Song Qing and Li Gang met in the air. Although the two had never met, they seemed to have a tacit understanding and knew who each other was.

Li Gang even felt that Song Qing smiled at him.

Of course Li Gang couldn't laugh, and was about to turn his head back when a black line flashed from the corner of his eye, and then Song Qing yelled and turned over and fell off the horse.

Li Gang could see clearly, and inserted a carved feather arrow into Song Qing's shoulder.

Who the hell is this!How could you shoot arrows without obeying orders?Isn't this a good thing for a bad old man?

Before Li Gang got angry, Liangshan soldiers under the city had already raised their shields to protect Song Qing, and a big black-faced man jumped out and pointed at the top of the city and cursed.

"You dog officials, my family's chief is dedicated to serving the country, and the dusty servants came to rescue you from Shandong, but now you are plotting against them? Are you still human? If there is something wrong with my family's chief, you dog officials must pay for their lives "

While the black-faced man was speaking, the guards had already protected the injured Song Qing and left quickly.However, Song Qing's appearance of being covered in blood has already fallen into the eyes of passers-by.

The change came too fast, the people on the roadside were still celebrating the Song and Qing Dynasty’s entry into Beijing to receive rewards, but they didn’t expect that the imperial court wanted to kill people at all, and the city was in chaos, some people simply cursed the injustice of the imperial court Come.

Seeing Song Qing's people gradually going away, Li Gang instantly understood that this was Song Qing's real purpose.

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