() On the way Song Qing led his guards to Dengzhou, he was overtaken by Wang Shiyong from the capital.

To say that Zhao Huan is miserable!The father listened to the government behind the curtain, and some ministers who looked unpleasant couldn't move. It was said that Zhao Gou was hooking up with the Jinren in Hebei, and he completely ignored his intention to recruit him back to Beijing.Obviously not giving up on the throne.

Not to mention, what my father needs most to play immortal cultivation is money. Now that the court is almost out of control, how can he still have money for his old man to squander?

The administration of officials needs to be reformed, soldiers need to be paid, and officials need to be paid.That doesn't cost money!But now that wars are raging in the Song Dynasty, the tax revenue in many places cannot be delivered, and the ocean trade that can produce the most money has been pinched by Song Qing.

Can Zhao Huan not be in a hurry?If I knew this earlier, what's the point of being the emperor?In desperation, he had no choice but to be cheeky and beg Song Qing again.

Of course, Song Qing expressed great sympathy for Zhao Huan's situation, but then again, the landlord's family has no food left!Shandong is full of waste waiting to be built, and there are many places to spend money!

Moreover, after the bastards in the navy went out to sea, I couldn't contact them at all. Who knew what they were doing outside?

After telling Wang Shiyong about his hardships, Song Qing said that he could do nothing to help the court's predicament now, but he was rushing to Dengzhou now, and he would definitely handle the matter properly.

Wang Shiyong didn't know that Song Qing was evading, but what's the use of knowing?As a special envoy of the imperial court, he can only humble himself in front of others. Who would let his strength be inferior to others!

After begging for a long time, Song Qing finally relaxed a little.

"My lord, it's not that I want to make things difficult for you, but you also have to be considerate of my difficulties, this way! You can discuss with His Majesty whether you can prepare a temporary resting place for my navy near Mingzhou, so that they have a place to replenish Supplies, I will give them a strict order, I believe they will not mess around."

After listening to Song Qing's words, Wang Shiyong really wanted to go up and slap Song Qing twice, a temporary resting place?Why the hell didn't you say you wanted a piece of land?Your old man's appetite is big enough, looking for a place near Mingzhou, will you leave if it's occupied?

There is a piece of land in the south of the Yangtze River that belongs to Liangshan. This is the ultimate goal of the Song and Qing Dynasties. Dengzhou is not far from Korea and Japan, but it is far from Nanyang. In the future, we will lay a solid foundation for managing the south of the Yangtze River, and at the same time, the tentacles of the Liangshan Navy will surely extend farther.

Of course, what the court is like now is of course in Song Qing's mind, so he is sure that Zhao Huan will agree.

Wang Shiyong didn't dare to make decisions about this kind of thing, he didn't even catch his breath, and rushed back to the capital to report without stopping.

After the honor guards of the Song and Qing Dynasties entered the boundary of Dengzhou, they did not go directly to the state capital, but went to the shipyard in Mengkang by the sea.Because the latest news was sent over there, he couldn't wait to read it.

This news can be said to be breakthrough, it is about forging steel.

Originally, the ironmaking industry in Song Dynasty was very advanced, and now several forging masters brought in from Japan by Song Qing were added, so the chemical reaction added together is absolutely unpredictable.

According to Cheng Laosi's report, the first cannon that Song Qing once described has been forged.

Gunpowder had already been used in military affairs at that time, so this aspect was not a problem. The problem lay in the steel forging the barrel.If this problem is really overcome, the early appearance of artillery is by no means a dream.

That's why Song Qing couldn't wait to see it.

It was Song Qing's order that the Military Weapons Supervision was set up in the shipyard.Because for now, even if the artillery appears in advance, the most suitable for it to exert its power is the navy's warship.The ocean is different from land, and only long-range attacks can protect themselves to the greatest extent.

As for whether artillery will be used on land, the answer is yes, but it must be after the technology is fully mature.

The shipyard is heavily guarded, and even the prefect of Dengzhou cannot enter without special permission.

Having received the news that Song Qing was coming, Meng Kang led Cheng Lao Si and others to wait ten miles outside the shipyard early in the morning, and Pang Shiyuan also rushed over from Dengzhou Prefecture.

The two major defeats of Jin Bing may not have been noticed in Song and Qing Dynasties, but they undoubtedly raised him a lot in the hearts of his subordinates.Now all the state officials in Shandong have faithfully carried out the orders issued by Song and Qing, and they no longer have the feeling of being persecuted at the beginning.

After a few simple chats, Song Qing was ushered into the factory, walked a long way inside the factory, passed several sentry posts, and stopped at a newly opened mountain depression.

Song Qing was very satisfied with the secrecy work done so well, and when he saw the black and shiny gun barrel, he was not only satisfied.

I just want to say "Salute to the great worker master"

The body of the gun was about two meters long, with a wheel on the left and right sides. The head of the gun was raised high, and the tail was raised with a hole. Song Qing knew that it was used to ignite the fuse.

Beckoning to process the fourth child, excitedly said: "Have you tried it?"

"I've tried it a few times, and the effect is not bad, but the distance is a little closer. I think it might be that the gunpowder added is not enough, but please rest assured, the Duke will soon be able to achieve the effect that satisfies the Duke."

Song Qing's satisfaction is Cheng Laosi's biggest gain.

"Okay! Pay attention to safety, by the way, has the chamber exploded?"

"Duke Lao is worried about it. The iron made in the past is indeed often blown up, and a few brothers have been lost because of this. However, after those little devils came, after a few days of pondering with a few old forging masters, they also I don’t know what method they used, anyway, the barrel that was refined has never been blown up again.”

Cheng Lao Si is kind and kind, and the little devil's contribution has not been denied, and this is what Song Qing admires most about him.

After complimenting him a few words, he turned to Meng Kang and said, "How do you arrange those Japanese people?"

"According to the manager's order, after arriving in Dengzhou, don't treat them as Japanese people anymore. Each of them found a Korean woman for them and placed them in a new house. Now I guess I can't drive them away even if I drive them away."

Song Qing nodded. He knew that it was not so easy to change a person. If he wanted to fully Sinicize them, he might have to rely on their second or third generation.

After pondering for a moment, he continued: "Train a group of gunners. In addition, the warship also needs to be remodeled. There must be cannon ports on both sides of the ship's side. Another thing is to speed up the production of artillery. If there is any difficulty, find a huge person."

"Don't worry, Chief. After Mr. Cheng's artillery was developed, I thought that the chief was to be installed on the ship, so I have already started to modify the warship."

Those Liangshan old men were not used to addressing the Duke of Song and Qing, so they still referred to them as the general manager.

After inspecting the shipyard, it was already dark.Song Qing decided to sleep in the shipyard that night, and at the same time told Meng Kang and Cheng Laosi to reward all the masters who participated in the development of the artillery, and record the rewards for the two of them, and they will be rewarded at an appropriate time.

The Dengzhou Prefecture that Song Qing went to the next day, due to the attention of Song Qing and the special geographical location of Dengzhou, the prosperity of Xindengzhou is not weaker than that of Bianliang, Tokyo. Not as good as Dengzhou now.

The main purpose of Song Qing's visit to Dengzhou was to send troops to Koryo. However, due to the unexpected appearance of the artillery, the warship needed to be temporarily modified and had to be delayed for some time.

But how could Song Qing be free?After a day's rest, he immediately summoned the admirals to study the matter of dispatching troops to Korea.

Some admirals of the navy go out to patrol the sea, and it is impossible to see all of them at once.When he was sending people to summon the generals of the navy, Pang Shiyuan suddenly mentioned two people to Song Qing.

One was Zhang Shuye, who had been under house arrest by Song Qing for nearly two years, and the other was Li Gang, who had just arrived.

According to Pang Shiyuan, the two now walk and fish together every day, and live a leisurely life.However, Li Gang was obviously very shocked by the changes in Dengzhou.

Because Li Gang once served as the magistrate of Dengzhou, he knows this place very well.Dengzhou is located on the edge of the land, and there is no city ship company to drive the economy.So when he was in office, the life of the common people could only be described as ordinary.

It is undeniable that Li Gang is a very upright and honest official, and he is good to the people under his rule, but his economic construction is obviously far worse than that of Song Qing.That's why I was shocked by the changes in Dengzhou.

Song Qing has no good way to deal with these two old stubborns. Anyway, there is no shortage of officials now, so it is considered as raising two idlers.

The admirals of the navy were summoned and rushed back quickly.Accompanying them was news from Hebei after Jin Bing retreated.

Today's Hebei land can only be described as devastated after being ravaged by the golden soldiers.The people were displaced and starved to death everywhere.All kinds of bandits that followed also sprang up like mushrooms after a spring rain.

Tian Hu did a lot of harm to Hebei in the past, but now there are many Wang Hu and Zhao Hu, they attack the city and occupy the land, fish and meat the people, and the damage they cause is no worse than Jin Bing, or even worse.

As for this situation, the government is powerless to do anything, because there are too many bandits, if one is wiped out today, another will appear tomorrow, it is impossible to suppress.

It is said that Yue Fei, who returned to Xiangzhou, wanted to join the army to protect the place and wipe out the bandits, but for unknown reasons, he was repeatedly turned away by the officers and soldiers.

Of course Song Qing knew the reason, because it was all foreshadowed by him, but the biggest reason is probably the Kang Wang who the cat drove in Xiangzhou.

Zhao Gou's resentment towards Song Qing was no less than that of Zhao Huan. He was kind enough to not kill all of Song Qing's friends, so why would he recruit him into his subordinates?

Song Qing couldn't help thinking, Brother Yue, can't you come to Shandong?This is the stage for you to display your talents.

Regarding the sufferings of the people in Hebei, Song Qing was also helpless. After receiving the report, he pondered for a while before sending a letter to Wu Yong, asking him to send people to Hebei to recruit refugees. The people of Hebei were taken aback.

After arranging these things, Song Qing immediately started the battle against Goryeo.

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