()Soldiers who, deception also.

Tian Biao's troops were five times that of the invading Liangshan troops. It can be said that they were numerous and powerful, but they did not fight.That can only explain two points. First, he is afraid of the Liangshan army and has no courage to fight head-on with the Liangshan army.

But the two armies have not yet confronted each other. He has the upper hand in strength and is waiting for work at leisure. How can he be afraid?

Second, this Tian Biao is also a man who knows how to fight. He wanted to take advantage of Liangshan's troops coming from afar and when they were exhausted, he attempted to sneak attack Liangshan's army, so as to achieve his goal of winning in one battle.

When he was at the bottom of the city just now, Yue Fei saw a group of general-looking people on the top of the city pointing at his own army.

Combining the situation of Tian Biao's army with his own analysis, as well as his natural military acumen, Yue Fei came to the conclusion that Tian Biao will definitely come to rob the camp tonight.

At this time, Tian Biao in Luancheng was indeed hesitating whether to steal the camp and rob the village at night.

People from Liangshan came from a long way, and they must be exhausted. If they go to rob the camp tonight, they should be [-]% sure.However, Tian Biao always had a bad feeling in his heart, and he didn't know where it came from.

In fact, according to his plan, it would be to close the door and not fight, and then continue to harass the Liangshan people's back road, and when the Liangshan people's food and grass are not enough and chaos occurs on their own, they will defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.

Tian Biao's idea is really good. The problem is that Tian Hu can't afford to wait. What Tian Hu wants is to take advantage of Liangshan's unsteady foothold and eliminate them one by one. Moreover, the troops to harass the rear have already been sent out. As long as they can win a few battles , It will definitely destroy the will of the Liangshan army and drive Song and Qing from the land of Hebei.

For this reason, Tian Biao decided to take advantage of the night to eat up Liangshan's troops.

It seems that God intends to make Tian Biao perfect, tonight is actually a dark and windy month, the most suitable weather for stealing camp.Seeing this, Tian Biao was overjoyed, and increased the 2 horses who were planning to steal the camp to [-].Then, taking advantage of the dark night, he opened the city gate and went to the Liangshan camp.

In order not to startle the enemy, these [-] are infantry, while another [-] cavalry are waiting in the city. Once the Liangshan camp fire breaks out, they will rush out to cooperate with the infantry to encircle and suppress Liangshan.

Looking from afar, Liangshan Daying Camp was very quiet except for some necessary guard posts. It seemed that they were too tired from traveling during the day, so they were sleeping soundly.

All the troops were ready to be in place, Tian Biao gave an order, and countless ignited rockets were shot into the Liangshan camp. As the felt tents where the soldiers were resting were ignited, the Liangshan camp soon fell into a sea of ​​flames.

Tian Biao held up his saber, shouted "kill" and led his troops into the Liangshan camp.Here, the Liangshan camp was on fire, and the [-] cavalry waiting in the city roared out, and followed the infantry into the Liangshan camp.

The screams of killing stopped abruptly as Tian Hu's army broke into the Liangshan camp, because there was no one in the camp, and the soldiers who seemed to be moving around were nothing but scarecrows swaying in the wind.

"No, I've been fooled, get out quickly"

Tian Biao, who saw something bad, immediately ordered the rear of the army to change to the front, and retreated to the city. With 4 horses crowded into a big camp, how can the order be conveyed so quickly?When the order to retreat was received, there were still soldiers rushing forward!

In a blink of an eye the men and horses were in a mess. To Tian Biao's surprise, the Liangshan men and horses did not take advantage of the chaos to attack.And until the rectification of the troops was completed, the Liangshan troops did not show up.

After the men and horses were lined up neatly and prepared for the battle, Tian Biao finally had a bottom line in his mind, but he became more and more puzzled, where did Liangshan's men and horses go?Could it be that he was scared away because he was afraid of robbing the camp?

At this time, although Tian Biao's men and horses were gathered together, they were still a bit chaotic. In the night, apart from people shouting, there was only the "cracking" sound of burning torches.

The Liangshan people never showed up from the beginning to the end.The scouts sent did not find any trace of Liangshan's army.

Tens of thousands of horses can't stay out overnight like this!And after tossing around most of the night, I was a little sleepy.Even Tian Biao himself was a little tired. Although he was still full of doubts, he still ordered to withdraw his troops.

Among the chaotic soldiers, no one noticed that there were many new faces in their ranks.

How could Yue Fei be satisfied if he just defeated Tian Biao, and he would take down this city in one fell swoop as his first meeting gift to Song Qing.

As the troops continued to enter the city, Tian Biao finally let go of his hanging heart, ordered all the troops to return to his barracks, and then prepared to go back to his residence to rest.

Even though he was sleepy, Tian Biao kept thinking about where the men and horses of Liangshan had gone. When he returned to the mansion, the armor had just been removed halfway, when he suddenly heard a faint cry of killing coming from outside the city.

"Could it be that Liangshan people left and returned? But what's the use of coming back at this time?"

Tian Biao threw away his armor while thinking, and walked out with only his civilian clothes and a waist knife.In his mind, if the Liangshan troops really came, at this time, there is no need to go all out with them, defend the city, and raise their spirits until tomorrow.

At this moment, a guard suddenly rushed in.

"General...General, something is wrong, Liangshan troops have entered the city"


Tian Biao was stunned for a moment, but he soon understood what was going on, Liangshan troops sneaked into his own troops in the dark.Although I was frightened and angry, but fortunately I have 5 horses, while Liangshan only has [-], as long as I persist, it is still uncertain who will destroy whom in the end?

He raised his foot and kicked the guard and said, "Why are you panicking? Gather troops and follow me to kill all these Liangshan thieves."

The guard ignored the pain, and said with a mournful face: "General, we can't be transferred. The brothers were just about to rest when Liangshan troops rushed in. I don't know how many troops there are. Now they are everywhere outside. Let's run too!"

Tian Biao became more anxious when he heard that, and roared angrily: "Who told them to rest? I don't care, go and send me troops, I will want your head if it's too late."

Seeing this, the guard yelled in his heart, "You fucking don't sleep in the middle of the night, you insist on playing some kind of stealing camp, but you didn't even see a hair, and you are not allowed to rest now, are you still human? Don't blame me for leaving by myself."

The guard turned around and ran away obediently, went out the door, took off his livery, dropped the knife in his hand, turned around, entered an alley, and slipped away by himself.

Does Tian Biao know that the people below are thinking this way?Not caring about waiting for the guards to come back, he summoned other soldiers and rushed out with a knife in his hand.

At this time, the city was completely in chaos.

After a thousand Liangshan soldiers dressed up as Tian Biaojun and followed into the city, they turned around and seized the city gate, and quickly issued a signal.Before the soldiers in the city came to their senses, Yue Fei and Hua Rong had already led their troops into the city.

Yue Fei and others knew that the enemy was outnumbered, so they set fires everywhere after entering the city, and then shouted that Liangshan's [-] troops entered the city, and those who descended would not be killed.

Midnight correction is the most difficult time for people, let alone just after a lot of tossing.So when there was chaos in the city, many soldiers were still dazed and didn't know what was going on, and then they heard the Liangshan army shouting that those who surrendered into the city would not be killed. Putting down your weapons, you don't even have the slightest thought of resisting.

This is the difference between a mob and a regular army.

Now only some of Tian Biao's direct descendants are still resisting in the city, but these troops have been unable to change the situation of the battle, and it is only a matter of time before they are wiped out.

From the soldiers' constant reports, Tian Biao also knew that the city could not be defended, so he ran away!As soon as his legs got on the horse, he heard the sound of bowstrings, and then he was surprised to find that there was an arrow point in his mouth. Before he knew where the arrow came from, he dropped the horse and died in a moment of darkness.

Yue Fei in the distance withdrew his longbow, hissed happily, and let this guy slip away if he came half a moment late.With a wave of the gun in his hand, he shouted: "Tian Biao is dead. Those who surrender will not be killed. Anyone who dares to resist the Liangshan Heavenly Soldiers will be killed."

The boss has hung up, and he is playing a fart!Soon the resisting soldiers dropped their weapons and knelt all over the ground.By daybreak, the Liangshan troops had completely controlled Luancheng.

In this battle, with a loss of less than [-] yuan, Yue Fei took down the enemy's city five times larger than his own in one fell swoop, which perfectly demonstrated his military talent.

Hua Rong had nothing to say. While admiring Yue Fei, he also admired Song Qing even more.Whether it's Gao Chong, Han Shizhong or the current Yue Fei, isn't that the person Song Qing fell in love with at first sight?And these few people really didn't embarrass Song Qing. Whether it was beheading generals and capturing the flag, or attacking and defending the city, they were incomparable to the heroes of Liangshan.

After Yue Fei and Hua Rong stabilized the situation in the city, they flew a report to Song Qing, asking Song Qing to send someone to take over the prisoners immediately, and at the same time began to study their next target, Tian Hu's lair - Zhending.

Not long after dawn, Gao Chong's five thousand cavalry also arrived. Hearing that the battle was over, he couldn't help but complain that he came too late.

The addition of 5000 troops undoubtedly boosted Yue Fei's confidence. The speed of soldiers is so valuable. Even if Tian Hu knew that the two groups of troops were wiped out, his first thought would probably be to run away.

Therefore, after Yue Fei discussed with Hua Rong, Hua Rong led half of the troops to stay in Luancheng to guard the prisoners, while Yue Fei and Gao Chong led [-] cavalry to gallop to Zhen Ding, and Tian Hu would never be given time to escape.

After Song Qing received the news, he couldn't help sighing that he was a God of War figure after all, and his actions were extraordinary.

In fact, he knew that many historians in later generations expressed doubts about Yue Fei's record after proof.But ordinary people don't care so much about you. After more than 1000 years of precipitation, Yue Fei is the god of war and hero in the hearts of the Han people.

Song Qing is undoubtedly one of the ordinary people.

Order the army to speed up, and after the round with Hua Rong as soon as possible, reinforce Yue Fei and Gao Chong.

In fact, Song Qing still has a feeling now, that is, the great god who wrote the Water Margin back then, why did he have to fix the heroes of Liangshan at [-] people?Why not decide two hundred and eight or three hundred and eight?

Because as the territory under control grew larger and larger, Song Qing felt more and more that there were not enough people!


The three chapters are delivered, and I wish all the friends who read the book a happy National Day.In addition, in the lottery game on the website today, I got a title of serving the people. After much deliberation, I still think that this title is the most suitable for me, so I voted for myself with the cheek. Everyone thinks that our idea is correct!hehe!

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