() For a long time, everyone has been confused by Li Kui's rough and reckless appearance and behavior. In fact, Li Kui is a rough and fine-grained character.

Make mistakes quickly, admit mistakes quickly, and show the essence of a Liangshan hero with utter loyalty.

Influenced by the novels and movies of later generations, Lin Chong, Lu Zhishen, Wu Song, Li Kui, Shi Qian, Yan Qing, and the Ruan brothers were Song Qing's favorite characters.

In this space, Song Qing also had the deepest relationship with them, others may not have noticed, except for the Ruan family brothers who ran away with Yan Qing in the sea, the others have hardly left Song Qing, this alone is enough to prove Song Qing's love for them level of trust.

In fact, under Song Qing's strict management, Li Kui's recklessness has changed a lot, and this scene today is just Zhu Wu's prior arrangement.

Now all the state capitals in Hebei are under the control of Liangshan people, so Liu Yu and others must be extremely careful in their actions.And these people are not ordinary bandits and grassroots bandits, and they must not act rashly without sufficient evidence.

Liangshan lacks civil servants, and the officials in dozens of prefectures in Hebei are still appointed by the original court. If this matter is not handled properly, it will definitely cause their collective backlash.

Just like this incident, Zhu Wu also needed a breakthrough.And Li Kui is undoubtedly the best candidate.

In the center of Daming City, there is a large restaurant called Deyilou. It is called a restaurant, but you can drink, find girls, and gamble in it.It's a veritable golden cave.

The people who come and go here are all officials and gentry celebrities in the city, and ordinary people can't afford this kind of place.

The people in the city may not know who opened this store, but the inner guards have already detected that the owner behind it is Liu Yu, and Mingli is run by a housekeeper of his brother-in-law.So use this as a breakthrough.

It was getting dark, just when the guests were just starting to sit down, the waiters outside the door were busy greeting the guests, when they suddenly saw a group of military masters walking towards them laughingly and happily, led by a black man with beards all over his face.

Seeing this, the man rushed over, there was only Liangshan's army in the city, and Liangshan's army was the most disciplined, soldiers and officers were not allowed to enter or leave such places, so the man dared to stop them.

"I'm sorry, Jun. Your general issued a strict order a long time ago that brothers are not allowed to enter our place. If you want to drink, you should find another place!"

The guy was very polite, but his expression was a bit like "you can't afford it even if you come in".

Li Kui was here to make trouble. With a bull's eye, he stretched out his hand to pick up the buddy like he was catching a chicken, and said in a naive voice, "You bastard, don't you want to see who grandpa is? Tell you, my name is Li Kui. Catch me, I'm here to drink today. Brothers, go in"

After finishing speaking, he flicked his hand, and the guy was thrown out like a kite with a broken string, and he didn't get up for a long time.

Li Kui thought while walking, "Mom, it's been a long time since I've had such a good time. Next time something like this happens, I have to tell the military division to think of me more."

This guy was not the only one at the door, and the others immediately became confused when they saw this.If the people who came were ordinary ruffians, these people would have rushed over a long time ago, but in the face of these wolf-like soldiers of Liangshan, even with their courage, they would not dare to come over!

Li Kui and the others entered the restaurant swaggeringly, and after finding a big table to sit down, one of Li Kui's soldiers shouted.

"Come here, bring all the good wine and good food to my general, yes, and the girl..."

Li Kui slapped the soldier before he finished shouting.

"Damn it, when did I want a girl? Remember, we are here to drink, and you are not allowed to mess around with other things"

"Hey! I forgot, yes, yes, we are here to drink." The soldier sat down with a smile while rubbing the back of his head where Li Kui had beaten him.

The shopkeeper somewhat understood that these were not soldiers from the city, but the passing Liangshan troops.But the discipline is not bad, if this is the case, then let them do it!Nothing to lose anyway.

After thinking about it, the shopkeeper immediately ordered Li Kui and the others to serve him with good wine and good food, and warned the guys not to provoke them.

Sure enough, Li Kui and the others did nothing but drink louder.It also relieved the shopkeepers and guys who have been paying close attention to them.

But just when the guys relaxed their nerves to greet others, a girl in messy clothes ran out from there, rushed to Li Kui's table, and burst into tears.

While crying, he told Li Kui and the others that he was robbed and forced into prostitution, that he would rather die than obey, and was brutally beaten and so on.

In fact, the company engaged in this industry did not do such a thing?What puzzled the shopkeeper was how did the girl escape from being locked up tightly?

But now is not the time to study this matter. It doesn't matter who the girl cries to, the main thing is not to let her affect the business.With a wave of his hand, the shopkeeper walked over with two buddies, and then he was about to pull up the girl.

In fact, these are all arranged, otherwise the girl would not be able to escape at all, and it would be impossible to come to Li Kui to cry.But what happened next was not arranged by anyone.

At this time, Li Kui, who was so angry at what happened to the girl, slapped down his face suddenly, smashing the wine table into pieces.Then grabbed the shopkeeper.

"Is everything she said true?"

"General...general, don't listen to her nonsense, her father sold her here"

The shopkeeper was pinched by Li Kui's neck, and he was almost out of breath, and his face was flushed.

Hearing that the girl was actually sold by her own father, Li Kui became even more angry, and punched the shopkeeper on the head with his big fist.

Could Li Kui's strength be something an ordinary person could bear?The shopkeeper's old face was suddenly beaten into popcorn, and before he could even say a word, he died.

Kill people!

There was a sudden chaos in the restaurant.Drinkers, shoppers, shopkeepers, and maids rushed out of the door shouting.

"Demolish this place of filth for me"

It is not possible to do anything else, and these guys who sabotage are one of the best.Under Li Kui's command, the soldiers began to practice in the restaurant with Jiu Jin.

This place has a background, and the news was quickly sent to Liu Yu's wife and brother.

Dare to run wild on Lao Tzu's territory?I am really impatient.Without saying a word, the wife and brother immediately called a group of thugs, and rushed to the restaurant with the guys.

For a long time, although Shi Yong was ordered to guard the daimyo, he did not intervene in local affairs. As long as it is not a rebellion and riot, you can do whatever you should.

Therefore, under Liu Yu's shadow, Liu Yu's wife and brother didn't feel anything terrible about the Liangshan troops.When he arrived at the restaurant, he saw that there were people surrounded outside, but the sound of smashing things was still heard from time to time in the restaurant, how could he bear it?He rushed in with people.

These hooligans usually bully the common people, but when they meet these Liangshan soldiers who crawled from the dead, they can know the result with their buttocks.

Li Kui's madness came up, and no one could stop it. As a result, Liu Yu's wife and brother, who had been hiding behind and commanding, did not escape bad luck, and were crushed to death by Li Kui.

In fact, the yamen servants had come earlier, but when they saw that Liangshan soldiers were making trouble, they immediately shrank back.But now they wanted to hide, but they couldn't hide, because the person who died was the brother-in-law of the magistrate, so he quickly reported it to his superiors, who would dare to hide this news?So it didn't take long, the news was sent to Liu Yu who was drinking with Zhu Wu.

At this time, Liu Yu was leading a group of officials and gentry to vigorously praise Zhu Wu and the Liangshan heroes under the leadership of Song Qing.When I received this news suddenly, I couldn't help being stunned.

It has to be said that the performances of Zhu Wu, Li Kui and others just now are really good, even an old fox like Liu Yu didn't feel anything wrong.

It wasn't until his wife's elder brother was beaten to death by the Liangshan general that Liu Yu faintly felt that something was wrong.But he still held his breath.But before he could speak, he heard a howling sound from the back house, and the crying people soon arrived at the flower hall where they were drinking.It was none other than Liu Yu's wife.

Some people from the government sent letters to Liu Yu, and of course some family members sent messages to his wife.My brother was beaten to death, is that okay?So Liu Yu's wife came howling no matter what the occasion was.

After such a fuss, how can this banquet go on?But the crowd didn't leave either, their concern was false, and most of them were interested in watching the excitement.

Zhu Wu was furious after hearing Liu Yu's explanation of the cause of the incident. The hero of Liangshan used to take it as his duty to do justice for the heavens, but now he did something reckless about human life. Is this okay?Immediately ordered someone to capture Li Kui and his group and bring them to Liu Yu's mansion.

Zhu Wu wanted to work on the spot at Liu Yu's home, and told Liu Yu that as long as the matter was true, he would definitely make the decision for Liu Yu.

After asking what happened, and sitting at Zhu Wu's seat waiting for the news, Liu Yu felt something was wrong.With so many wine shops and restaurants all over the city, how could Liang Shanbing run to his own house?

And the little girl who appeared suddenly, let's not talk about how she escaped from the guards, but how could she go to complain to Liang Shanru?Could it be that someone can't point it out?

After pondering for a long time, Liu Yu confessed his crime to Zhu Wu, then got up and went back to the inner house, and called his son over.

"Leave the mansion quietly immediately, and don't let anyone see it. Find those people sent by the state capitals, ask them to leave immediately, and go back and tell their adults that things may change, and you must be prepared for contingencies"

Liu Lin agreed, but couldn't help but said: "Father, if things really change, wouldn't it be dangerous for you to stay here?"

Liu Yuqiang smiled and said: "I just said in case, maybe the matter is not that serious, okay, go!"

After dismissing his son, Liu Yu returned to the front hall, and now this place is no longer in his hands.According to Zhu Wu, Liangshan has Liangshan's rules, and no one can break them, so Liu Yu must be treated fairly.

Not long after, a group of Liangshan soldiers escorted Li Kui and other subordinates to arrive. Unexpectedly, after Li Kui and the others, there were a few girls in ragged clothes supporting each other.

Seeing these girls, Liu Yu's heart sank again.How could he not know what his wife and brother did?And if there are good goods, his wife and brother will leave them to him.So if Liang Shan insisted on this aspect, his wife and brother would probably die in vain.

Looking at the people in the hall, Zhu Wu couldn't help admiring the thoughtfulness and ruthlessness of the inner guards. He believed that as long as he opened his mouth, all kinds of personal and physical evidence that would be unfavorable to Liu Yu would appear.

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