() Luoyang used to be the capital of the Song Dynasty, and the Zhao and Song Dynasties still have a deep heritage here, but this is not comparable to an outsider in the Song and Qing Dynasties.

Not far from the new palace built by Li Yun for the Song and Qing Dynasties, there is also a well-proportioned house. The house is deep and has all kinds of pavilions and pavilions. It is obviously a noble family.The person who lives here is Chen Tai, the retired privy envoy of the Song Dynasty.

Chen Tai is in his seventies this year, but he is still mentally strong. As a former high-ranking official of the imperial court who was educated in the way of loyalty and forgiveness since childhood, although he has already withdrawn from the Great Song Dynasty, he still pays close attention to the changes in the current situation of the imperial court.

When Song Qing entered Bianliang, Tokyo, he once told people that Song Qing was the hero who disrupted the world, but he had more heart than power, so he could only sigh and sigh.

But I didn't expect Song Qing to extend his hand to Luoyang again, which is tolerable and unbearable.

He originally wanted to rely on his prestige in the previous court to persuade Luoyang Sima to send troops to drive the Liangshan people out of Luoyang.

But this Luoyang Sima was not only afraid of Liangshan people like tigers, but also was taken to drink by Liangshan Shixiu from time to time. Woolen cloth!

In his words, Liang Wang Qiansui is the prince proclaimed by His Majesty, and he is a little Sima, what right does he have to drive him away?If it wasn't for the many years of friendship with you, Mr. Chen, you would have sold Mr. Chen to Shi Xiu as an audience gift.

Luoyang Sima's words made Mr. Chen pouted his beard in anger, but there was nothing he could do, who made him have no soldiers in his hands!

At this moment, a former student of his came to the court of Lin'an. This person came to Luoyang to visit his mentor, and to investigate the matter about King Liang's desire to settle in Luoyang.

According to his words, it was not that the imperial court did not want to rectify the Song and Qing Dynasties, but had no choice but to collect evidence of King Liang's misconduct for future use.

Mr. Chen is very disapproving of this incompetent move by the Lin'an court, and leave it for the future?If you wait any longer, Song Qing will go to Lin'an to build the palace, what will you do then?

The old man pondered for a while, and ordered someone to find his other student, the current prefect of Luoyang.The two discussed for a long time, so there was this conspiracy against Song Qing.

According to old man Chen's arrangement, he would fabricate a Liangshan person and then push everything to him, so that even if Liangshan was investigated in the future, they would have room for maneuver.

The old man's strategy can be said to be non-toxic. Didn't you, Song Qing, always boast that you are the master of the people and don't bully the good?What do you say this time?What face do you have to face the folks in Henan?

Old man Chen's mind was still stuck in the old pattern, but he didn't expect that Liang Shan didn't follow the routine at all, and directly captured the prefect of Luoyang.If it weren't for the relationship between him and the prefect of Luoyang as a master and apprentice, the prefect of Luoyang would have confessed him long ago.

The people who arrested the prefect of Luoyang were ordinary soldiers brought by Shi Xiu. They couldn't ask anything through torture, which doesn't mean that Cao Zheng's master torturers couldn't ask anything either.

That night, the whole family of the prefect of Luoyang, old and young, were brought before the prefect of Luoyang. In a word, if he was recruited, his family would be let go. If he still refused to be recruited, his family members would be killed one by one.In order to let the prefect of Luoyang know that he was not trying to scare him, the inner guard who tortured him ordered his two servants to be chopped off first.

This time the prefect of Luoyang completely collapsed, and he recruited his mentor out crying.

Cao Zheng, who got the answer, kept his word and sent his whole family to Laizhou to reclaim wasteland.But how to deal with old man Chen, Cao Zheng did not decide without authorization, because the old man's interpersonal relationship is too complicated, and now many local officials working for Liangshan are from his sect, if one is not handled well, other troubles will easily arise .

So Cao Zheng ordered people to send the confession of the prefect of Luoyang and the collected evidence to the residence of Song and Qing in Jinan City.

Song Qing was also a little embarrassed about how to deal with such a person, but if he said nothing at all, wouldn't anyone dare to bully him in the future?

For such an old and stubborn person who is loyal to the Song Dynasty, if he is dealt with lightly, it will definitely not have any effect.

After pondering for a long time, Song Qing's mind suddenly popped up that murder song again.

"A hero is a hero, the way is different. See through thousands of years of benevolence and righteousness, but make this life a hero. Looking at the world for 5000 years, where can heroes not kill people?"

well!I originally set my heart to illuminate the moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch.

Song Qing couldn't help sighing, picked up a pen and made a red cross on Chen Tai's name, and ordered someone to send it to Cao Zheng quickly.Then an order was sent to Chen Dong, asking him to immediately take over the post of Luoyang prefect.

In fact, Cao Zheng had already thought of this result. He had always had one thought in his mind, that is, anyone who threatened the rule of Song and Qing must be resolutely eliminated.

In the middle of the night that day, a fire broke out in Chen Tai's mansion for some unknown reason, and the fire soared to the sky for a whole night, and it couldn't be extinguished.After the fire was extinguished the next day, someone went in to see if there were any survivors, but found that more than a hundred people in the Chen family had all died tragically in the fire, and none of them survived.That was a disaster.

Afterwards, there are many versions about the sudden fire. Some say that the Chen family offended the gods and were burned to death by the fire of the gods.

In short, no one believed that the fire was man-made, because if someone deliberately set the fire, no one in their family would be unable to escape.

Only Luoyang Sima vaguely guessed that Mr. Chen's death was probably caused by Liang Shan, but he didn't dare to talk nonsense, he still wanted to live for two more years!

So this smart Sima took the initiative to resign after the new prefect Chen Dong took office, and went home to retire.

Chen Dong did not keep him. According to Song Qing's will, he rewarded the Sima heavily, and then appointed Shi Xiu as Luoyang Sima, Prime Minister of Luoyang Military Affairs.

Then Chen Dong announced to the people that in the previous draft, someone deliberately framed Liang Wang Qiansui, Liang Wang never made such a decree, never before, and never will.

Not to mention that, in front of the people of the city, Chen Dong beheaded several officials who had assisted the former magistrate in recruiting women at Caishikou.

These officials may be wronged, but there is no way, who let them participate?It can only be said that they were unlucky.

Chen Dong's resolute actions won Song Qing's appreciation. This incident also reminded him. At the same time, he sent an order to Zhu Wu and Cao Zheng. It is not so passive when something happens.

Unknowingly, Luoyang fell into the control of Song Qing.In fact, he was able to control Luoyang so easily, mainly due to the incompetence of Zhao Huan's court.

For example, the magistrate of Zhengzhou Prefecture, which is separated from Henan Prefecture and Kaifeng Prefecture, saw King Liang's combination of punches in Henan, and the Lin'an court didn't even dare to fart. He still doesn't know how to choose?

Immediately sent the memorial table to King Liang of Jinan Mansion, and swore allegiance to King Liang. Although he did not expressly draw a clear line with the Lin'an court, it would be impossible for Zhao Huan to command the officials of Zhengzhou again.

So far, the Liangshan forces led by Song Qing have occupied the entire territory of Shandong, Hebei, and Hedong, as well as the four prefectures of Kaifeng, Zhengzhou, Mengzhou, and Henan.Nearly half of the territory of the Song Dynasty was already under the control of the Song and Qing Dynasties.

But Song Qing also knows that he looks strong at present, but he is actually very fragile. The main reason is that he has grasped the timing well.

Now what Song Qing thinks about most every day is how to get more time for self-cultivation.

Amidst the heavy snowfall, the new year is almost here.

At this time of year, Shangjing, which is located in the northeast, is even more breathless. If you stand outside for a while and don't go inside to warm up, you may be frozen to death.When urinating while standing up, you have to urinate and pull with a stick at the same time, otherwise it is easy to freeze even the penis.

In this weather, no one believed that Wanyan Ke'er would escape unless she didn't want to live anymore, so the person monitoring her finally relaxed their vigilance.

Little did he know that the internal guards had been preparing for this day for nearly two years.

They first replaced Wanyan Ke'er with someone who changed into Wanyan Ke'er's appearance, and then changed Wanyan Ke'er into someone else's appearance and sent them out of the city.It wasn't until Wanyan Ke'er walked away that the person who disguised herself as her changed back to her original face, and then calmly left Wanyan Ke'er's mansion.Unbelievably easy.

In this way, a plan that was simple to say but thrilling to implement was successfully completed.The guards of Wanyan Ke'er didn't realize that Wanyan Ke'er had disappeared until two days later.

Who dares to hide such a big thing?So they reported it layer by layer, and finally reported to Wu Qimai.

When Wu Qimai heard this, he became furious and executed all the guards guarding Wanyan Ke'er. While sending people to hunt down his daughter, he ordered Wanyan Xiyin to reorganize his troops and prepare to attack the Central Plains again.

Seeing that the new year is coming, who wants to go out at this time?But seeing that the emperor was in a rage, no one dared to persuade him, so he could only find various reasons to prevaricate Wu Qimai, hoping that he would take back the emperor's order, even if he was going on an expedition in spring!

In fact, Wu Qimai didn't know that it was not easy to send troops at this time, but as the emperor, he lost such a big face, if he didn't show it, wouldn't he be laughed out of his teeth?

Just when Wu Qimai wanted to find a step down, Song Qing offered to give him a step.A letter from Song Qing was forwarded by a businessman from the Kingdom of Jin.

The content of the letter is somewhat confusing. The letter said that the Liangshan army is scheduled to hold a military exercise in Liangshanshuibo in May next year, and sincerely invites Jin Guo to send a delegation to observe it.

Wu Qimai was puzzled by this letter, what exactly did Song Qing want to do?Engage in military exercises?Want us to send a mission to observe?Am I familiar with you?

Thinking about it, Song Qing's letter undoubtedly gave him an excuse not to send troops for the time being.It was ordered that people from all walks of life return to the station, and in the coming year, they will first see what tricks Song Qing is playing, and then send troops to destroy Song Qing.

Of course, Wu Qimai was not the only one who received this invitation letter, but also Li Renai from Xixia and Zhao Huan from Song Dynasty.

These people almost all had the same idea as Wu Qimai, and no one could guess what Song Qing wanted to do.

How could they guess what Song Qing was thinking?But now his mind is already on Ke'er who is about to return to his embrace.

I haven't seen her in two years, I wonder if Yiren is okay?

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