() At this time, Wang Qing no longer had the bravery he had when he started the rebellion, and he felt a little like a hero.However, Song Qing, who asked him to surrender to the bandits, always felt that he couldn't let go of his figure.

The Taihang Mountains stretched for hundreds of miles. Song Qing wanted to take down one mountain after another. He didn't know that he would fight until the year of the monkey. It was precisely because of this that Wang Qing felt that he had the qualifications to negotiate terms with Song Qing.

There is no arable land in the mountains, and it is not so easy to feed so many people. With the little food that the Jin soldiers robbed in the official warehouse when they invaded, it is already very good to survive this winter. With more than 3 mouths, I have to find food by myself.

Just as Song Qing thought, although Wang Qing was a rebel, he despised Tian Hu the most who recognized a thief as his father, which was why he didn't go down the mountain.

After Shi Qian sent Song Qing's conditions, he went back. Wang Qing, who was hesitant in his heart, called several generals under his command to discuss whether to fight or surrender.

Li Zhu, the military adviser, and Fang Han, the privy secretary, both were private school teachers in their early years, and their education level and knowledge were much better than others.They knew from the series of policies implemented by the Song and Qing Dynasties in Hebei that the world might be about to change masters, so they all advocated surrender and strived to retain a place in Liangshan under the existing conditions.

Uncles Duan Er and Duan Wu resolutely disagreed with the surrender.One must know that Wang Qing called himself the King of Chu, and their brothers were veritable relatives of the state. Among them, they were under one person and above ten thousand people.If they surrendered to Song Qing, would they still be ass?

As for Fan Quan, Gong Duan, Gong Zheng, Qiu Xiang, etc., they belonged to the centrists, who were nostalgic for the current power in their hearts, but also afraid of being completely wiped out by Song Qing.

Wang Qing called everyone to discuss this matter, and before he could say a few words, the two groups started arguing, which made Wang Qing dizzy.

He slammed the table and yelled angrily: "Shut up the fucking mouth, if the fucking fight continues, Liangshan people will fight up!"

Li Zhu clasped his fists and said: "Since the lord started his army, I have been following the left and right, and my loyalty to the lord is undeniable. The reason why I persuaded the lord to surrender to Song Qing is because of his utter loyalty to the lord. Think about the king of Liang Song In the Qing Dynasty, the tigers now occupy Shandong, Henan, and Hebei, with no less than 50 armored troops, how can we fight against them?"

"When Liang Shanshi moved here, he once said to his ministers that what Liang Wang Qiansui hated the most was the Han Jian who worked with the Jin people, and my king was just not such a person, so Liang Wang Qiansui wanted to solve this problem in a peaceful way. One thing. Your lord, I dare you to ask your lord not to hesitate any longer, instead of being trapped to death here, it would be better to become a rich man, why not do it!"

"Shut up, you are a foodie, how much benefit did you take from Liangshan? How dare you speak for Liangshan like this? Of course, there is no harm in surrendering to you. If you please Song Qing, you can continue to be your military adviser, but what about the prince? Throughout the ages, have those anti-kings who surrendered come to a good end?"

Duan Er jumped up and yelled at Li Zhu with his mouth full of foam.

When Wang Qing saw that the two sides were about to quarrel again, he quickly stopped them both, and said angrily, "Can't you talk properly? What you say is reasonable, but I still can't make up my mind. Now I don't want to listen to your opinions. Is there anything else to say?"

Fan Quan rolled his eyes and said: "My lord, there is a saying among merchants that they ask for prices all over the sky and pay back the money on the ground. We still have tens of thousands of brothers in this Taihang Mountain. It is not so easy for someone named Song to destroy us, so why not Let’s talk about conditions with the same surname Song, for example, allow us a state, we hand over some soldiers and horses, etc., what does the prince think?"

This is still like a human saying.Wang Qing couldn't help but nodded and said, "I'll leave this matter to you."

Li Zhu looked at Fang Han, and both of them understood in their hearts. Wang Qing still felt that he could raise conditions with Song Qing.But don’t even think about it, Liang Wang Songqing has shown his toughness since his debut, and now he surrounds you with the momentum of Mount Tai, asking you to voluntarily surrender, it’s already giving you a lot of face, if you say you want a state, you’re not looking for death ?

The two had no idea but dared not speak again.

Duan Wu glanced at the two of them with cold eyes, and secretly gave his elder brother a wink, obviously asking his elder brother to pay attention to these two people.

Although Li Zhu and Fang Han's official positions under Wang Qing were higher than those of the Duan family brothers, but the Duan family brothers had military power in their hands, so they often had to look at the faces of the Duan family brothers.

Fan Quan was ordered to negotiate with Liang Shan, while Duan Er sent people to guard Li Zhu and Fang Han.At the same time, tell the subordinates that if there is any disturbance between the two, they can be killed first and played later.

The Duan brothers had soldiers in their hands, and Li Zhu and Fang Han did not give them for nothing. Seeing that they had no place to stay here, they simply drew a map of the garrisons in various places in Zhang Taihang Mountain, and ordered people to secretly send them to the Liangshan camp.

You brothers want to drag Wang Qing to finish the game together, we brothers have no obligation to die with you, if this is the case, then don't blame us for selling you first.

At this time, Song Qing had just received a distress letter from Zhao Huan, who was transferred from Luoyang.

Regarding this matter, Song Qing had instructed Wu Yong, who stayed in Luoyang, to ask Zhao Huan not too much, that is, to hand over the land north of the Yangtze River to the rule of Liangshan.If Zhao Huan agrees, he will be given ten cannons.If you don't agree, continue to drag him until he agrees.

Fan Quan arrived just after Song Qing had finished instructing the memorial to Luoyang for instructions.

Wang Qing might raise some conditions. Song Qing didn't think about it. He also thought that as long as Wang Qing's conditions were not too much, he might agree to him. , but also time-consuming and labor-intensive.

But never thought that Wang Qing would still want territory?

Song Qing also ignored Fan Quan, and directly ordered Liu Tang to take him out of the camp, then set up the artillery, and let him go back after seeing the artillery blowing down a mountain.And asked him to send a message to Wang Qing that if he did not surrender at noon tomorrow, he would attack the mountain with artillery.

Fan Quanna has seen this?I almost didn't scare Lala to pee.Immediately with a fearful heart, he scrambled and climbed back to the mountain. When he said this to Wang Qing, Wang Qing was also stupid. The loud noise when the artillery fired just now was heard more than ten miles away. , he thought it was thunder!Then I knew it was Liangshan's firearm.

Liangshan firearms are actually so powerful, so what the hell?Wang Qing's heart began to waver again.

Although the brothers of the Duan family thought Liangshan's firearms were sharp, but here are all mountain roads, is it convenient to transport those things in the mountains?If one's own troops retreat to the deep mountains, I am afraid that Liangshan's firearms will not be able to exert their power no matter how powerful they are?

It must be said that what the brothers of the Duan family thought was really reasonable, but they didn't know that Li Zhu and Fang Han had already told Song Qing all the details about the mountain.

Fan Quan, who had seen Liangshan firearms, was now more inclined to surrender.To say that the power of this kind of grass is the most amazing, he saw Li Zhu and Fang Han being looked down upon by the Duan brothers, so he found Qiu Xiang, who was in charge of Wang Qing's guards.

Who wants to always be a cat in the mountains?Besides, everyone could see that Wang Qing was at the end of his rope.So the two hit it off right away, with one thought in mind, maybe they can get a job under Song Qing if they surrender now, but if it's too late, even Mao won't get it.

So the two took advantage of their status to secretly mobilize trusted guards, took advantage of the opportunity when the brothers of the Duan family came to discuss matters with Wang Qing, and suddenly took them down, executed them on the spot, and brought their heads to see Wang Qing.

Seeing this scene, what else can Wang Qing say?With a long sigh, he ordered someone to tie him up and go down the mountain to see Song Qing.

At this time, Song Qing had already received the defense map of the peaks of the Taihang Mountains sent by Li Zhu and he was mobilizing troops to prepare for the attack, when he heard that Wang Qing had come to surrender on his own initiative, he was overjoyed.

Going into the mountains to suppress bandits is not fighting in a plain city. If one is not serious, it may become a long and protracted mud battle, so it is the most satisfactory to end the war in this situation.

He personally loosened the rope for Wang Qing, and served wine to scare Wang Qing and others.

Wang Qing was completely honest this time, calling himself a sinner again and again in front of Song Qing, and asking Song Qing to punish him.

These people have just surrendered, how could Song Qing punish him?Wen Yan comforted him, and asked him if he would like to settle in Luoyang, or would he like to go to Dengzhou?

People like Wang Qing must stay away from his former army and put him under his absolute control.

Wang Qing also understood that after some consideration, he chose Dengzhou.He knew that Song Qing had established Luoyang as his capital, so he felt it would be safer to stay far away from Song Qing.

Song Qing didn't make things difficult for him, and after ordering him to rest for a day, he sent someone to send him and his family to Dengzhou, and agreed that he would take away all the property he had accumulated over the years.

In this way, Wang Qing was really grateful for Song Qing's kindness, and after the banquet, he asked to go on the road, and then rushed to Dengzhou under the escort of Liangshan people.

After Wang Qing is settled, all that remains is to adapt his generals and troops.

After discussing with Li Zhu and several people, the old and weak of the [-] troops were dismissed, and they were given money to go home and farm.

Of the remaining nearly 8000 troops, [-] of the strongest were selected to enter the Liangshan regular army, and the rest were dispersed to various state capitals to enrich local forces.

In the end, it was the arrangement for Li Zhu and the others.

After careful consideration, Song Qing kept Li Zhu and Fang Han who were the first to surrender Wang Qing to his side, beheaded the brothers of the Duan family, and finally transferred Fan Quan and Qiu Xiang who led Wang Qing to surrender to the Ministry of War. Arranged by General Hu Yanzhuo.Brothers Gong Duan and Gong Zheng were sent under Chen Dong.

Several people were very satisfied with this arrangement, especially Li Zhu and Fang Han, because they knew that staying by Song Qing's side meant more performance opportunities and a guaranteed future.

Fan Quan and Qiu Xiang were also very surprised to be able to directly enter the Ministry of War. After all, they were surrendered generals, and it was expected that they could not lead troops, but it was a surprise to enter the highest organization of the army.

The reorganization of the army cannot be completed in a day or two. It will be half a month after Wang Qing's army is completely resolved.At this time, Fang La's troops had completed the encirclement of Lin'an and were ready to attack.

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