() God didn't seem to understand Song Qing's anxious mood, and the day passed quickly.

Song Qing's invitation card for the prince had already been sent, but the people who came back said that the emperor didn't know what happened and hurriedly called the prince into the palace to discuss matters, so the prince might not be able to separate himself today, and Song Qing had to wait another day.

In the past few days, Song Qing has been busy and has not stopped. It seems that he can be found for any messy things. It seems that he has no time to do other things. In fact, he has been preparing secretly. After the medicine is in hand, he will not stop. He wanted to leave, but there were officers and soldiers outside the residence, and spies from all walks of life were closely monitoring him. How easy was it for him to leave?

So he must arrange the back road to be foolproof.

Seeing that the sun was getting to the west, as if he wasn't the one who was assassinated yesterday, Song Qing ordered people to make preparations, and then went to the night market after dark, giving the impression that he was just going for a stroll, but in fact he still wanted to meet someone.

Gao Jin left just after dawn.Tie Hammer and Yang Zhi went in without knowing it, holding their breath secretly, wishing that the assassin would come again tonight, so that they could have a big kill.

In the eyes of outsiders, people like Liang Shan are either crazy or their heads are flooded. Is it fun to be assassinated?

In fact, the person whose head got flooded doesn't know who it is!

Song Qing was just getting ready to take his murderous brothers out for a walk, when the guarding brother outside the door suddenly came in with a strange look on his face.

"My lord, there seems to be something wrong on the street. The forbidden army at the barracks has dispatched a lot, and they are in a hurry and don't know what to do. Now there are only a dozen people left in the camp."

This battalion of imperial guards can be said to be their own jailers. There are so many imperial guards in the capital, and it is impossible to use them without extremely special circumstances, unless something happens nearby, and the imperial guards in the distance cannot arrive in time, so they are sent out.But what can happen in this capital city?

Song Qing's heart suddenly moved, could it be that this kid really messed up?

Song Qing's conjecture was quickly confirmed, and Chen Dong did not disappoint him. First, he gathered hundreds of students from the Taiyuan College to file a complaint with the Inspectorate. After hearing the news, the capital's scholars, farmers, businessmen, and various industries suffered greatly. People from all walks of life also joined in one after another. Before reaching the Inspectorate, the number had already reached tens of thousands, and it was said that there were still people joining in.

Chen Dong saw that the momentum was getting bigger and bigger, and his confidence was also rapidly increasing. He simply didn't go to the Inspector's Office, and directly led people to the palace instead.

In addition, those low-level officers and soldiers also hated these corrupt officials who harmed the country and the people, so they did not stop the crowd when they started to gather, and even condoned the common people to do so, which further boosted the confidence of Chen Dong and others.So they decided to divert temporarily.

Although they are ordinary people, but tens of thousands of people flock to the imperial city at the same time, who can guarantee that there will be no accidents?When the commanders and envoys of the various guards heard the news, they were so scared that they almost dropped their pants, so why should they care about Song Qing?They mobilized people from the nearest place to gather at the palace.

Hearing this news, Song Qing was also very surprised. He just wanted to encourage Chen Dong to create some trouble for Liang Shicheng and the others, but he didn't expect him to make such a big noise.

What made him even more unexpected was that in history, Chen Dong joined officials and people to write the letter after Zhao Huan ascended the throne. Now because of his appearance, this matter has been advanced several years.

I can't participate in this matter, but it's not a problem to add fuel to the flames.

After pondering for a moment, he said, "Brother Shi Xiu, take a few brothers to divert the piles outside, and then go to see the excitement. If necessary, help Chen Dong and the others make things bigger."

Before Shi Xiu went to Liangshan, she had been wandering around in the rivers and lakes. She may not be good at doing good things, and she must be able to do mischievous things and stir up troubles.

Song Qing himself went to another place in disguise.

Here Song Qing can take the opportunity to calm down and go about his own affairs, but the palace is already in chaos.


A fine jade paperweight was thrown to the ground violently by Emperor Huizong, and it was instantly turned into a pile of fragments.Another pile of shredded paper on the ground was Chen Dong's petition. As for what was written on it, it didn't matter, it was all torn up by the emperor anyway.

"It's against, it's against, it's really against it, they dare to gather a crowd to force the palace, do they still see me as the emperor? That, that one, call the imperial army immediately, and kill all these rebels for me!"

The old emperor's face changed with anger, he couldn't help shaking after sitting behind the Longshu table, and his speech was a little incoherent.

Prince Zhao Huan stood at the bottom of the steps with a worried face. The people in the capital have always been honest, like sheep. What happened today?Do you smoke shofars?

Further down are Liang Shicheng and Li Yan with earthy complexions.They can be said to be the protagonists who caused this turmoil. Can you not be afraid of such a big commotion?

Hearing that there was going to be a murder, Prince Zhao Huan was in a hurry. These troublemakers were all the people of the capital, and the soldiers of the Imperial Army of the various guard yamen could be said to have broken bones and tendons. If they killed without mercy, there would be a big mess No.Fortunately, the order did not go out.

Quickly took a step forward, bowed and saluted and said: "Father, please calm down, my son thinks there must be something hidden here, we might as well listen to their real intentions first, calm them down temporarily, and catch their mastermind later, we must not take it lightly swordsman"

On the surface, Zhao Huan was concerned about the country and the people, and even criticized Cai Jing and other party members in many public occasions. He won't hook up with Liang Shicheng anymore.

The old emperor is not stupid, of course he knows what the consequences of indiscriminate killing are, it was just a moment of anger.Besides, Liang Shicheng and Li Yan didn't do this for him in the final analysis?But as a wise and mighty emperor, the fault is of course someone else's.

He glared at the two of them angrily, and said to himself that these two idiots are causing trouble for me, if it wasn't for the ease with which you two use it, you would have to be killed.

Thinking of this, Song Qing came to mind somehow.

It's better to be a bandit!You can search blatantly. If you can send all the gold and silver you searched to the palace like Song Qing, would I still be so annoying?

But it seems that the last payment of the military salary that Song Qing promised should arrive?Um!The prince will have to send someone to ask for a while.

Zhao Huan and the others were still worrying about how to solve the problem outside the palace, but they didn't expect that his father's mind had already turned to gold and silver.Seeing that the old man was in a daze, he thought he was worried about it!

With soft footsteps, I saw a general striding in from outside the hall.

"Qizou Your Majesty, according to His Majesty's will, the palace gate has been closed. Without His Majesty's will, the officials will not be allowed in. Now all the officials are trying to persuade the imperial scholars and the people to leave, but it has no effect at all, and the crowd is still gathering He refuses to leave outside the palace gate, the imperial guards of the various guards have blocked all the palace gates and streets, please show your Majesty what to do next."

The one who came was Ma Tiesheng, the Marquis of Yu, who was on duty in the inner palace today.While talking, he kept looking at Liang Shicheng and Li Yan with his eyes.

The duties of a soldier make him obey orders, but as a soldier who is absolutely loyal to the Song Dynasty, he also knows the harm of eunuchs.If the emperor had his order, he would cut off the heads of Liang Shicheng and others without hesitation.However, if someone endangers the emperor's safety, he will suppress it mercilessly.

Gazed by Ma Tiesheng's fierce eyes, Liang Shicheng couldn't help shivering. In the past, he wouldn't even look straight at this warrior, but now he remembered that it was these warriors who could save his life.

It was the old emperor's will not to allow officials to enter the palace to meddle. The old emperor seemed to be playing with immortals all day long and didn't ask anything, but he knew it in his heart.Liang Shicheng and these two guys are almost like rats crossing the street in the court. If hundreds of officials are allowed to come in, the final result is likely to kill Liang Shicheng and others to avenge the anger of the people.

These two people can still transfer money to him now, so they can't kill him yet.

As early as when Chen Dong and the others started to gather, spies reported the situation to the palace.So the old emperor already knew the real intention of Chen Dong and the others.It's just that at the time I heard that Chen Dong and the others were going to the Inspectorate, if they had known that they were coming to the palace, they would have sent soldiers to lock them up, so why would they make such a big fuss?

But he is the emperor, how could he compromise with the people?But if there is no compromise, how will this matter end?

"How does the prince think this matter should be handled?"

I had no choice but to push it to the prince. If it was resolved, I would be able to teach it well. If not, I would have room for maneuver.

Zhao Huan's emperor's mentality has not yet started to practice, and of course he is not as far-sighted as his father.In fact, he has been thinking about how to deal with this matter.

How could such a thing be allowed to happen in the majestic capital of the Song Dynasty?So this matter must be resolved quickly.

After much deliberation, there seems to be only one more feasible solution for the present, and that is to abandon the soldiers to protect the army.

Liang Shicheng is still useful to him, even if he makes a big mistake, he must protect him, but who else?,

Zhao Huan looked at Liang Shicheng with gloomy eyes, and then glanced at Li Yan.There are some things that need not be said, he believes that Liang Shicheng can understand what he means.

Dead friends, don't die poor Taoists.This is a truth that everyone on earth understands.

Liang Shicheng understood Zhao Huan's eyes, and couldn't help but tense up.What has he done himself, can he not know?I thought that no one would dare to do anything to him with his back on the big tree of the emperor, but now that the people are angry, it seems that the emperor has nothing to do.

Li Yan is his most loyal subordinate, is there no shadow of Liang Shicheng behind what he did?If Li Yan is thrown out as a scapegoat, it's no wonder Li Yan doesn't make a comeback.But if no one comes out to take on this matter, I am afraid that even I will have to take part in it in the end.

After weighing the matter, a decision was made in his mind in an instant, and he nodded to Zhao Huan imperceptibly, obviously agreeing with his decision.

The old emperor sat high behind the Longshu table, squinting his eyes as if falling asleep, and didn't pay attention to the flirting between the crown prince and Liang Shicheng.In fact, what can be hidden from him?

Ma Tiesheng was confused by the weird atmosphere in the hall, and he was still thinking, when is it, why are you playing deep?

Suddenly he heard Prince Zhao Huan yelling loudly: "General Ma, quickly take down Li Yan, the eunuch who has harmed the country and the people!"

Things have developed to the present, if it is said that Li Yan is not afraid, it would be a lie, but he also has the bottom line, because many things he does are under the orders of the emperor and Liang Shicheng, so he believes that when something happens, the emperor and Liang Shicheng will Protect him, but never imagined that the two would use him as a scapegoat.

After staying for a while, he hurriedly shouted: "Your Majesty, I have been wronged, I did this for the sake of..."

Ma Tiesheng, who was hinted by the prince, covered his mouth before he finished speaking.

Seeing Li Yan, who was yelling but could not make a sound, and was taken out by Ma Tiesheng like a chicken, Liang Shicheng walked out with a bow, clasped his fists righteously and said: "After doing so many evil things, how dare you to climb up like a chicken?" Bite, I really deserve death, the official is sage, the prince is wise."

The old emperor frowned as if he had just woken up, and said: "This is the best ending, Prince, you go there in person and declare to the Taixue and the people my determination to deal with corrupt officials, and let them all go home. If there is another time, I will never forgive you lightly."

After a pause, he continued: "Send someone to secretly take down the leader, Chen Dong, and I don't want to hear his name again."

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