() Early in the morning, when the first ray of sunlight rises in the sky.The Jujiang drum in front of Liangshan Loyalty Hall suddenly rang "Dongdong".

Since Song Jiang fell ill, this drum has not sounded for a long time.And Song Jiang has been bedridden, and now it seems that there is only one person who can make this drum sound again.

Although Song Jiang did not leave a will, even though Song Qing was not elected by all the leaders, everyone knew that Song Qing would be the well-deserved leader of the next generation of Liangshan.

It is a Liangshan rule to march forward when hearing the drum, but to gather here when hearing the drum.If the three-way drum fails to arrive, the decision will be made.No one has violated this rule since it was established.

Hearing the sound of the drum, the heroes of Liangshan were excited and looking forward to it.Everyone guessed what Song Qing's first general order would be after returning to the mountain?

As soon as the second drum was sounded, all the heroes of Liangshan had already gathered in the Hall of Loyalty.

There was an empty chair in the middle of the Loyalty Hall, and Song Qing stood beside the chair with a calm expression.

Everyone knew that the chair belonged to Song Jiang, so they didn't feel wronged by Song Qing's behavior.And after all, Song Qing hadn't taken over Liangshan yet, so it was right to stand still.

After seeing everyone arrived, Song Qing saluted the heroes and said: "Today, Erlang has the courage to beat the general drum for my brother. He has only one purpose, and that is to elect a leader to temporarily take my brother's place and lead the affairs of Liangshan." "

The first sentence Song Qing said was this matter, and everyone was stunned.A thought came to mind, Erlang was exhausted from the journey, did he not sleep well last night?

Lu Zhishen was the first to jump out, his huge body stood there like an iron tower.

"What is there to choose? The younger brother inherits the elder brother's business. It's a matter of course. Except for brother Gongming, the Sa family will obey Erlang. If anyone else refuses to accept it, first ask the Sa family's Zen stick to agree."

Some of the heroes moved a little, but they became honest again because of Lu Zhishen's power.

Lu Zhishen's words spoke the minds of most people, and all the heroes nodded in agreement.

Gongsun Sheng looked at Wu Yong, but saw that Wu Yong shook his head slightly, obviously not knowing Song Qing's actions in advance, and Zhu Wu also had the same expression.

Song Qing hadn't ventilated at that time, and the three of them couldn't help feeling a strange feeling in their hearts.

"Erro has changed"

This is the unanimous idea of ​​the three people.

Song Qing has changed. From the moment he returned to Liangshan and set foot on the land of Liangshan, he changed.He is no longer the young and ignorant Song Qing, he already has a bigger dream in his heart.

After dealing with Zhu Fu's matter last night, he summoned some of the leaders of Liangshan who had been dragged into the inner guard by Zhu Fu overnight, learned about the situation, and made some arrangements.

Song Qing did not do anything to An Daoxuan.Everyone has the freedom to choose, and people who are selfless and loyal only appear in books.

When Song Qing didn't leave Liangshan last time, he discovered that the actual situation in Liangshan was much more complicated than he imagined.

Song Jiang's initial choice can be said to have changed the minds of many leaders, but they had no ability to resist until Song Qing appeared.

Song Qing is young and energetic, the most important thing is that he described a bright future for the heroes of Liangshan, and proved with his own ability that he can lead Liangshan.

Therefore, in the hearts of many Liangshan leaders, the object of allegiance has quietly shifted.

This is the main reason why An Daoxuan knew that Song Jiang had other toxins, but pretended not to know.All he did afterwards was to get rid of his suspicions.

Just like Zhu Fu underestimated him, An Daoxuan also underestimated Zhu Fu, and even misjudged Song Qing's wisdom.

But Song Qing had already decided to keep this matter silent forever, so he let An Daoxuan go.

In the middle of the night, Song Jiang woke up, looking at his brother who was with him, Song Jiang felt relieved from the bottom of his heart. After the two brothers chatted for a few words, Song Jiang handed over the gold medal for mobilizing Liangshan troops to Song Qing.

Song Jiang is still alive, Song Qing does not intend to take over the power of Liangshan now.Song Jiang forced the gold medal to him and asked him to call the leaders to announce the matter after dawn.

Only then did Song Qing beat the Jujiang Drum, and now the gold medal is hidden in Song Qing's arms, but he didn't take it out, he still depends on the attitude of the heroes.

If his position is established, the first thing he will do is to govern the heroes of Liangshan.

Needless to say Lin Chong, Lu Zhishen and other die-hards, Gongsun Sheng, Wu Yong, and Zhu Wu are not big problems.But there are always people who are dissatisfied, such as that Li Ying.

He cupped his fists to Lu Zhishen and said, "Master Erlang is very grateful for your kindness, but Erlang is young and shallow, and his qualifications and merits are not as good as those of the brothers sitting here, so Erlang thinks it is better to recommend a leader with both ability and political integrity. That's the truth"

Li Ying finally couldn't bear it any longer, and also ignored the threat hidden in Lu Zhishen's bull-like eyes, and walked out.

"Erlang's words are not unreasonable. I think it's better to ask Wu Junshi and Gongsun Daochang to act as Gongming's elder brother to take charge of Liangshan's affairs. What do you think?"

As soon as Li Ying's words came out of his mouth, everyone fell silent.From that point of view, neither of these two people is much better than Song Qing. If you say they can't do it, then you have to give a reason!The heroes are not stupid, who would say such offending words?

Wu Yong and Gongsun Sheng couldn't help scolding Li Ying in their hearts, you bastard, what kind of idea did you come up with?Let us replace Brother Gongming, thank you for thinking of it?Don't even look at it, what are these guys thinking now?

Gongsun Sheng stood up, shook his head and said: "This kind of thing is impossible for an old man, and neither can an old pedant. Just a few words Erlang said, the old man wants to refute Erlang. Seniority and virtue are cultivated slowly. Ability! Erlang has already proved it with practical actions.”

Wu Yong also nodded and said: "The old man's words are correct. Since ancient times, sons have inherited their father's business. Brother Gongming has no heirs, so this position should be taken by Erlang."

Zhu Wudao: "Erlang also said just now that this is only a temporary replacement. When Brother Gongming recovers, the position will still be handed over to Brother Gongming. Erlang is expected by everyone, so don't refuse any more."

The three big bosses all expressed their views, and the heroes followed suit.If it wasn't for Song Jiang still alive, maybe Song Qing would be enthroned immediately, and the heroes would bow down.

Li Ying couldn't speak alone, he opened his mouth, but he still didn't say anything in the end.He also knew that Song Qing would not be the one who offended if he opposed it.

In this way, Song Qing temporarily replaced Song Jiang with the support of the heroes, but he never took out the gold medal from the beginning to the end.

After the status was determined, Song Qing was not in a hurry to announce various orders, but only asked the heroes to step up training the army and horses. As for what to do, or attack there, they did not say.

However, the generals who have a close relationship with Song Qing have already heard Song Qing's implication.Thinking about what Song Qing said before, he became excited, and finally the war was about to start.

Isn't the hero of Liangshan a militant?They have been sick for a long time without a battle to fight.

A meeting ended like this, and all the heroes went down with excitement and anticipation.Song Qing kept Wu Yong, Gongsun Sheng, Zhu Wu, Lin Chong and others.

After everyone left, Song Qing took out the troop transfer gold medal that Song Jiang had given him from his bosom.

Looking at the gold medal, several people felt a little complicated.If Song Qing had taken out the gold medal earlier, he wouldn't have had to spend so much talking, but he still couldn't test how much the heroes support him.

Looking at the people with different expressions, Song Qing didn't explain too much, and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, please understand Erlang's mood. My brother is seriously ill, and Liangshan is in troubled times. If we can't work together, disaster will happen sooner or later, so Before my elder brother recovers, Erlang hopes that several elder brothers can support me."

Lin Chong's heart is straightforward, and he is his son-in-law, so is there any reason why he should not support it?

He cupped his fists and said, "Erlang, don't worry, I will definitely support you with all my strength."

Gongsun Sheng also nodded and said: "Seeing the changes in Erlang, the old man is really relieved."

Wu Yong and Zhu Wu also had nothing to say, and at the same time expressed their firm support for Song Qing.Everyone knows that Song Jiang will not live for a few days, and supporting Song Qing will save Liangshan's foundation.

Back at Song Jiang's mansion, he heard that Song Jiang had woken up and ate a lot for the first time.Hearing the news, Song Qing was also very happy and rushed over immediately.

Song Jiang's demeanor today is good. He is served by a maid and sits on the bed, looking at his brother who is walking like a dragon and a tiger with a smile on his face.

Song Qing's performance in Zhongyi Hall just now has been told to him. Song Jiang is really relieved that his brother has grown up, so he can go there with peace of mind.

To Song Qing who came to the front: "It's a good day today, take me out for a ride! I haven't gone out for a long time to breathe."

"But your body?"

Song Qing scratched his head a little, Song Jiang was as thin as a firewood stick, and the wind on the mountain was strong, could he see the wind?However, seeing Song Jiang's attitude was very firm, he had no choice but to order someone to find An Daoxuan, and asked the maid to wrap more layers of quilts around Song Jiang.

After sitting in the courtyard for a while, Song Jiang quit, and must go to see Liangshanshuipo.

This is really not good, Song Jiang is like this, if he catches the wind and cold again, even the gods will not be able to save him.

Song Qing turned his head to look at An Daoxuan who was rushing over, but saw An Daoxuan nodded, then leaned into his ear and whispered: "I'm afraid Gongming will die, so I promise him!"

Song Qing couldn't help being taken aback. When he came back last night, he saw Song Jiang's spirit was quite high, and he thought it was a reflection of the light. As a result, Song Jiang was not only fine, but also ate a lot.Why doesn't it work now?Is this the reflection of the light?

But he believed that An Daoxuan had no reason to lie to him.Ming Tiehammer and another tall guard carried the bed board and added another quilt before walking towards the top of the mountain.

Song Jiang didn't show up for several months, and when he reappeared, he turned into this appearance. Many family members of the people in the back mountain, the small school patrolling the mountain, etc. all shed tears when they saw it.Many people followed spontaneously, and the leaders of the various villages who heard the news also followed Song Qing silently, and accompanied Song Jiang to the mountainside.

Song Jiang remained awake all the time, nodding to the people around him with a smile on his face.

Liangshan was not founded by him, but it has undoubtedly gathered all his hard work to this day. Now that he is going, although he is very reluctant to give up, he has no power to return to heaven.

Fortunately, he has a good brother. He knows that his brother will protect his foundation, and the road to Liangshan will go farther and farther.

Beside the misty Liang Shanshui Po, Song Jiang stared at the water pool for a long time, then closed his eyes forever, and finished the ending that did not belong to him.

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