() It was night, and Song Qing decided to stay overnight in the government office of Jeju. <Festival, Song Qing doesn't want to go back to the mountain with blood all over his body, he is also going to be a father, some things have to be superstitious.

Song Qing has always been not very good at the operation of local governments, so in the afternoon, he called officials at all levels in Jeju to question him in turn to enhance his experience in this area. <Tea party.

Merchants pursue profit, and the current and future development of Liangshan cannot be separated from these merchants.Can't we still go there and grab it like before?

Although the bloody battle that took place on the streets of Jeju in the morning was controlled as much as possible, the news spread like wind in the city.

These merchants had rich family resources and many servants, so they knew the news the fastest and most. When they received the invitation from Song Qing, they couldn't help but panic, wondering what this Liangshan bandit head was going to do?Could it be that they want to detain everyone and ask for a ransom?He wanted not to come, but he didn't dare, and finally came tremblingly.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Song Qing was dressed as a son and brother, with an amiable demeanor, and it was difficult to connect him with the bandits just from his appearance.And there was no look of embarrassing everyone. After the banquet started, they talked and laughed happily, and took the initiative to bring the banquet into a climax.It confuses these businessmen, what is this kid doing to find us?

As the banquet continued, gradually, the businessmen felt relieved, and some even took the initiative to get close to Song Qing and chat about their feelings.

Song Qing's purpose is to completely dispel Liangshan's image of bandits in these people's hearts.

The banquet in the restaurant continued, and the snowflakes outside the building were also falling one after another.

It is said that the auspicious snow heralds a good year, but this season, in the farther north, even if there is no snow, it is still icy and snowy, and the same is covered with snow.

Shangjing, the Imperial Palace.

The founding emperor of Dajin, Wanyan Aguda, stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, watching the snowflakes falling in the courtyard, his mind was flying, and he didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't move for a long time.

Wanyan Aguda is now 54 years old, and the wind and frost of the northern country have already made his unhandsome face full of vicissitudes. His burly figure still looks mighty and majestic, but his body has already been scarred from years of fighting.

The legendary life, coupled with the daily slaughter, has already trained his mind like iron, and there is almost nothing that can affect his emotions.But recently he did have one more thing on his mind.

The mighty Daliao Empire in the past, now under his continuous blows, can only survive. Emperor Tianzuo is just a bereaved dog, and he will be trampled under his feet in a short time.

Therefore, the Liao State can no longer be regarded as a confidant.

Not to mention the State of Song. Although Wanyan Aguda valued Han officials and liked Han culture very much, he looked down on the Song court from the bottom of his heart.He couldn't even beat a dog he had maimed. Such a country was not worthy of his opponent, let alone his trouble.

There is only one thing that can really bother him, and that is the question of who will inherit the throne after his death. Now he has even begun to regret why he didn't adopt the system of the Han people setting up a prince?He didn't have to bother so much.

Although the sons all hold military power, the brothers also hold heavy soldiers.According to the Jurchen system, the crown prince has already been selected. Although it has not been finalized, the future throne is obviously still some distance away from his sons. Those brothers are also capable and powerful to fight for.

Compared with brothers, the son is of course the number one.And if Jurchen's civil strife was caused by this incident, then the country he worked so hard to conquer would probably become the same as the lingering Liao Kingdom in the near future.In that case, he would rather pass the throne to his brother.

So this matter must be resolved while I am alive.

Suddenly a servant came to report, and Wu, who was very familiar with Banbo, begged to buy and see him.

Wu Qimai is the fourth younger brother of Aguda, who is the current crown prince in Jurchen customs.He looks very similar to A Guda. Before A Guda proclaimed himself emperor, the relationship between the two brothers was also very good.He is very resourceful, and when Aguda leads the army abroad, he usually entrusts state affairs to him.

It's snowing so much outside, and it's almost New Year's Day, Wu Qimai can't stay at home, what is he doing in the palace?

Doubts are doubts, Aguda still ordered to see.

Time was running out, Wu Qimai came to the palace where Aguda was located under the guidance of his servant.

Seeing Wu Qimai's appearance, A Guda couldn't help being startled. He saw a bright red mark on Wu Qimai's face at some point, which seemed to be whipped.

Who dares to fight against the Bo Jilie of the dynasty?A Guda just wanted to get angry, but then remembered that there was a shrew in Wu Qi's house, and immediately put the fire down.

This brother is good at everything, the only thing is that he is afraid of his wife, and he is a Han woman.However, Wu Qimai still has a deep affection for this woman, and he refuses to divorce and remarry no matter what, which makes him almost become a laughing stock in Dajin.

Suppressing a smile, he said, "Is there something we can't talk about after New Year's Day? You still come out in this kind of weather? What trouble have you caused again to let your siblings treat you like this?"

Wu Qimai is also used to the eyes of everyone, and he knows that his wife didn't really mean to whip him.

Bowing down, he said, "Wan Yangao captured Zhongjing, and the Liao Emperor has already fled to Jiashan. The army is currently stationed in Zezhou. Wan Yangao asks His Majesty whether he should take advantage of the victory and pursue it, or continue to attack Liao in the spring of the next year."

This request for instructions is a bit redundant, soldiers also have to celebrate the New Year!Besides, it is not easy for Wanyan Gao to achieve such a result in this icy world.However, the Kingdom of Jin was established at the beginning, and military discipline was strict. If you volunteered or retreated without asking for instructions, you would lose your head.

Of course Aguda understands the trickiness of this. Although soldiers are expensive and fast, the Liao army can't organize any decent counterattack. If they force the frontline soldiers too much, it may be counterproductive.

After pondering for a while, he said: "Yan Gao has passed the decree, and the men and horses will be stationed on the spot. I will give him the decree when we send troops."

Wu Qimai waited for A Guda's instructions, then turned around and was about to leave, but A Guda finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"You are also a dignified member of the imperial court. Are you not afraid of losing your official dignity if you always do this?"

Wu Qimai bowed and saluted and said: "Your Majesty was troubled, in fact, Ajuan didn't mean it, and I was at fault for this matter. I shouldn't have made an engagement to Ke'er without her consent."

This Han woman named Ajuan is actually Wu Qimai's continuation. I heard that she has good martial arts, otherwise she would be able to tidy up Wu Qimai so obediently.

A Guda didn't want to meddle in his brother's family business, but when he heard that his brother had engaged his niece, he couldn't help interjecting and asked, "You've engaged Ke'er? How old is she? Why did you suddenly have such an idea?"

A Gu beats a lot of sons, but not many daughters, and he watched this kid grow up, so he has always been very caring.

Speaking of his daughter, Wu Qimai finally gave a wry smile and said: "Half a year ago, Ke'er pestered Brother Sagai's grandson Baokang to take her to the Central Plains. I heard that Baokang was planning to go to Bianliang in the Song Dynasty. , but somehow ran to Liangshan, and was seriously injured, Ke’er also came back with injuries.”

"After this girl came back to recover from her injuries, she went around buying guards with high martial arts skills at high prices. At first, I thought she was going to send someone to avenge her, so I didn't stop her. But Baokang told me later, Ke Er This girl seems to have taken a fancy to that bandit called Song Qing in Liangshan. She sent someone not to kill that kid named Song, but to capture him back."

He sighed and said again: "I have spoiled this girl. I just said a few words to her, and she was about to run away from home. In a fit of anger, I told her about marriage. You know Ke'er's temper. I disagreed with life and death, and finally alarmed Ajuan."

Although Ajuan is Ke'er's stepmother, she treats Ke'er as if she has already passed away. Ke'er was wronged, so without saying a word, she picked up the whip and went to Wu to beg for it.Fortunately, he ran fast, otherwise I'm afraid he wouldn't have been whipped.

Wu Qimai came to the palace in this snowy day, maybe he didn't have the idea of ​​avoiding disaster.

"Song Qing?"

A Guda said it silently several times, not because there was anything special about the name, but because he seemed to have heard someone mention it before.

After thinking for a while, I finally remembered, isn't Liangshan Song Qing the same bandit who defeated the soldiers and horses of the Song Dynasty several times?I heard that this kid is quite capable, but no matter how capable he is, he is no more than a bandit. How can he match our Jurchen's heavenly girl?

He comforted Wu Qimai with a few words, and at the same time expressed his own thoughts, that is, he firmly could not agree with Ke'er looking for someone from the Central Plains. If it was suitable, he might as well settle the marriage first, and then get married when Ke'er was two years older.

A Guda's words were the imperial decree, and Wu Qimai left happily.

Wanyan Ke'er is as beautiful as a flower, and has a noble status. People who come to Wu Qijia to ask for marriage almost break the threshold of their house, but this girl always has her eyes high above the top, and she doesn't even care about the nobles who come to ask for marriage. How could he like a bandit leader from the Central Plains?

What kind of person is this Song Qing?

Aguda couldn't help but also became somewhat interested in this bandit leader.

Of course Song Qing didn't know that there were still people thinking about him thousands of miles away. When he came back from the restaurant, he was sleepy and was about to rest when the guards suddenly came to report that a businessman surnamed Ma wanted to see him.

Song Qing talked to officials and invited businessmen to drink, just to change the impression of Liangshan in their minds, and he didn't expect to see immediate results.

If he didn't want to miss it, then his performance just now might have been in vain.Instruct someone to invite him in, and if it's nothing serious, he must be spanked.

The visitor was of medium build, with a slightly dark complexion, and his appearance was not outstanding. He belonged to the kind that could not be found in the crowd. No wonder Song Qing didn't pay attention to him just now.

But when we met again, Song Qing was deeply impressed by this person's narrow eyes.

"I'm getting off Ma Tao, I've met Chief Song"

Ma Tao had a keen eye, seeing Song Qing looking at him constantly, he immediately introduced himself first.

"Mr. Ma came to visit late at night, I don't know what you can do?"

Asking Ma Tao to sit down, Song Qing asked directly.

Ma Tao clasped his fists and said with a smile: "I'm a businessman, and businessmen can't afford it without profit, so of course I'm looking for the boss to do business."

Looking for me to do business?Song Qing couldn't help re-examining this person.

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