() The stop in Mizhou undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for the Song and Qing occupation of the Shandong Peninsula. Since then, the Shandong Peninsula has no irresistible imperial army from Liangshan.

Although Qizhou, Qingzhou, and Zizhou are still under the control of the imperial court, it is only a matter of time before Liangshan takes them.

In this battle, Liangshan captured nearly 4 imperial court troops, and countless supplies of food and supplies. In a sense, Deng Shiguang helped Song Qing a lot. worry.

According to Song Qing's previous thinking, after the situation in Mizhou was stabilized, the first thing to do was to reorganize these captive soldiers.

First of all, the method of selecting the forbidden army by the imperial court is adopted, and the young and strong ones are scattered and filled into each army.

A little older, but still in good health, they are incorporated into the logistics force and do some chores at ordinary times. If necessary in wartime, they have to carry their swords to the battlefield.

The rest were all disbanded and returned home to work in agriculture. At the same time, Liang Shan also gave these people a sum of money to ensure that these people could return home in good health.

As for the officers and soldiers who joined the Liangshan regular army, Song Qing ordered that they be treated the same as the Liangshan sergeants, with the same salary and logistics.

These officers and soldiers were originally the first-class Xiang army in the imperial army, and their treatment was not the same as that of the Forbidden Army. Now that the salary and treatment have been increased several times, they immediately dispelled their original unwillingness to join the Liangshan Army. into the Liangshan Army.

After this adaptation, another [-] troops were added to Liangshan.But it will take some time to truly form combat effectiveness.

Song Qing believed that, regardless of the dynasty or generation, ensuring the treatment of soldiers was the first step to winning the hearts of the soldiers.The second step will be completed by Liangshan backbones at all levels, and that is to brainwash these new brothers.

There was no such thing as political education in ancient times, but what is similar to political education is to constantly tell them who gave you such good treatment, who you should be loyal to, and so on.

These are all big things, and Song Qing didn't even have time to think about Lu Zhishen's private killing of Hu Ergou.He just reprimanded Lu Zhishen a few words, and after deducting Lu Zhishen's salary for one year, there was nothing left.

Although Hu Ergou has meritorious service, how can he compare with Lu Zhishen?Besides, Song Qing would not use the kind of person who does not compromise the means to achieve the goal.

So many things can't be done in one go, and Song Qing can't wait any longer. There is such a big commotion in Mizhou, and Laizhou and Dengzhou don't know what has become of it!

Three days later, Song Qing left Zhu Wu and Dong Ping to command [-] veterans and [-] recruits, and took the rest of the Liangshan veterans, who were less than [-], to Laizhou.

It is estimated that Liangshan played a prestige in the first battle in Mizhou, and the pacifier of Jingdong East Road had already ordered, so after Song Qing led troops into Laizhou, it was very smooth, and they marched all the way, and arrived in Laizhou Fucheng three days later.

This journey was smooth enough, but Song Qing also discovered a very serious problem, that is, almost all the officials in some counties ran away.In the county government office, there are only a few bureaucrats and Xiaocheng maintenance who are usually not welcome.

After Song Qing arrived in Laizhou Fucheng, he immediately started this matter.

First of all, they summoned well-known gentry in Laizhou and asked them to recommend officials, and then promoted some of the left-behind officials. At present, the only way to do this is to ensure the normal operation of the government office.

After putting together all kinds of things, the Laizhou government office was finally able to operate normally, but it was seven days later.

Song Qing left Ma Lin with 3000 troops to station in Laizhou, while he took the rest of the troops and set off immediately for the last stop, Dengzhou.

The road from Laizhou to Dengzhou is relatively easy to walk. The main road stretches along the back side and continues forward.

These Liangshan soldiers who came from the inland had never seen the sea at all. Seeing the vast expanse of waves and the endless sea, they couldn't help being in awe.

It was also the first time for Song Qing to go to the seaside after he arrived in this era. Just like in his previous life, he liked the sea, and every time he saw the sea, it would bring him different feelings.

People always like to describe their mood in terms of pleasing to the eye, but if you don't face the sea, how can you understand the true meaning of these four words.

Three days later, the army arrived in Dengzhou Fucheng. Unexpectedly, Chai Jin and Ma Tao met Song Qing ten miles outside the city.

Ma Tao had said earlier that he would wait for Song Qing in Dengzhou. As they said before, if Song Qing couldn't even reach Dengzhou, then everything they talked about was just a story.

Now Song Qing is here and has proved his ability with practical actions.Maybe Ma Tao didn't know that Song Qing was no longer just asking him to fulfill his promise, because Song Qing really needed too much.

After a brief greeting, Song Qing turned his attention to Chai Jin.

Chai Jin only had one sentence: "Fortunately, life is not disgraceful"

Song Qing didn't ask any more, because he could imagine the hardships involved.

There is no need for any words of thanks between them, nodding their heads is considered an affirmation of everything Chai Jin has done.

Song Qing was not surprised that he didn't see any officials from Dengzhou, but he didn't see Meng Kang, Ruan Xiaoer, and Zhang Shun.But it made him feel a little uncertain.

Chai Jin seemed to guess what was going on in Song Qing's mind, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Manager, Meng Kang went out to sea with Xiaoer and Zhang Shun to test the ship early this morning."

"Oh! Test ship?"

Song Qing immediately became interested.

"Hehe! The manager doesn't know that although there are a lot of seagoing ships in Dengzhou, Meng Kang and the others always feel that these ships may not meet the requirements of the manager, and there is no decent shipyard nearby. So they set their sights on On the pirate ship, and even got a pirate ship, Meng Kang is an expert shipbuilder, after remodeling this nearly [-]-denier pirate ship, he took Xiao Er and Zhang Shun to test the ship."

After hearing what Chai Jin said, Song Qing became more interested, thinking that there would be pirates at this time?Could it be from the Caribbean?

A group of people walked while talking, and soon came to Dengzhou Fucheng.

Like Laizhou, most of the officials here have run away, and only a few officials with innocent backgrounds who have not done anything to harm the people are left to maintain the operation of the government office.

Song Qing didn't take a break either, and immediately started the operation of the government office. Dengzhou is now a waste of time, and many things have to be restarted.

Feeling the lack of talents around him, he publicly advertised and recruited talents. No matter who you are, as long as you have skills in governing the local area, Song and Qing will not refuse anyone.

In this era, the education received by the gentry and the children of wealthy families was much higher than that of ordinary people.

Song Qing wanted to use these people, but after knowing Liangshan's excellent character of killing the rich and helping the poor, these people basically ran away with the officials.

So Song Qing could only settle for the next best thing, using those who were willing to work but did not have much knowledge to manage the place.

Song Qing knows that many things need a process, and it is already very good to be able to do this now.

From going down the mountain to stepping on the land of Dengzhou, it took more than a month. Although Song Qing took a break from his busy schedule, after a double flight with Sister Mingyue, he basically didn't have a good rest.

After moving into the Dengzhou government office, Song Qing's hanging heart fell to the ground. Although there were also many things, he could finally have a good rest.

Sent away a group of subordinates who asked for instructions, Song Qing leaned tiredly on the chair, Mingyue and Xinyue sisters massaged their heads and beat their legs like maids, serving Song Qing attentively, without any reason for getting Song Qing She favored her and put on airs for her wife.

After all, they were already bedside people, and Song Qing was reluctant to let them do too much, but they pushed Song Qing back with one word.

"Sister Damselfly asked them to watch over the young master."

Song Qing curled his lips secretly, since he was busy all day, how could he have time to think about other things?But they reminded themselves, how is the wife doing now?Soon to be born?

Generally speaking, the trip went smoothly, but it is impossible for Song Qing to leave now. These states have just been occupied by Liangshan, so how many things are waiting for him to make a decision?How could he leave at this moment?

In desperation, the messengers can only keep bringing and sending back messages, so that each other can feel at ease.

Sister Mingyue's careful service made Song Qing relax a lot, but his spirit could not be relaxed no matter what.

It has been a few days since Song Qing arrived in Dengzhou, but Ruan Xiaoer and the others have not returned yet, and it is Gongsun Sheng and the others that make Song Qing more worried.

The two teams set off at the same time. Logically speaking, they should have arrived in Dengzhou as early as the Song and Qing Dynasties, but now more than a month has passed, and there is still no news from them. Could it be that something happened to them?But it's not like everyone can't come back?

Just as he was thinking wildly, the guard came to report and Shi Xiu asked to see him.

Although Shi Xiu made his own claim in the capital, Song Qing didn't blame him deeply. After all, he was responsible first, so Shi Xiu was still very popular with Song Qing.

Many infantry generals in Liangshan were sent out by the Song and Qing Dynasties to assist the county officials in managing the places, and Shi Xiu was among them, so he would not come here for no reason.

"Boss, who do you think I saw?"

Shi Xiu shouted as soon as he entered the door.

Like Lu Zhishen and others, Shi Xiu often doesn't pay attention to small details, but this also shows their personality more.

Song Qing was about to talk about business, and sister Mingyue retreated sensiblely.

Song Qing waved Shi Xiu to sit down and said, but Shi Xiu didn't mean to sit down at all.

As if discovering some new continent, he said excitedly: "Master, I saw that scholar in the capital, the one you asked us to protect."

"That scholar?"

After Song Qing asked, a light flashed in his mind, could it be him?

He tentatively asked, "You mean Chen Dong?"

"Yes, it's that kid named Chen Dong, but this kid is similar to a beggar, so I almost didn't recognize him."

That's the Taixue of the Taixue Academy, the highest institution of talent reserve in the Song Dynasty, why is it acting like a beggar now?

This question flashed through Song Qing's mind, and he immediately understood what was going on.He can reach today, and he can be regarded as a contributor to the flames.

He pondered for a while and said, "Go, take me to meet him"

Shi Xiu didn't get over it a bit, the manager is now almost the same as the emperor of Fangtu, why would he want to meet a beggar?

Without giving Shi Xiu a chance to refute, Song Qing got up and walked out first.

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