Dragon Soul in the late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 107 Undercurrent Surge

Chapter 107 Undercurrent Surge

Although the eunuch who passed the decree had a group of Jinyi guards around him, compared with the [-] troops around Huangmei County, he could only end up waiting to be slaughtered. He was terrified in the inn for two days. He only hoped that Li Mingyang would not rebel, even if he rebelled, Also completely forget about him, and then find a chance to sneak out of the city.

But the sky did not come true, when a large group of people surrounded the inn, his heart was almost despaired, even the Jin Yiwei, who usually kept silent, had panicked expressions on their faces, and then it seemed that a huge blow had been taken. Determined to make the Xiuchun knife on his waist sharper, it is obviously going to be desperate.

But what happened after that made them interrupt their desperate thoughts. After so many days of worrying and fearing, they suddenly heard Li Mingyang's comfort, and then handed them several large boxes of gold and silver, and they went from hell to heaven. They didn't complain about Li Mingyang, and even praised Li Mingyang. Afterwards, this group of people left with a big box of gold and silver.

There are people in the court who are good at handling things, and the King of Hades is good at seeing little ghosts. Li Mingyang has always been so clear-headed, and he has done all these things in a comprehensive manner without missing a single bit.

Jiujiang City is an important pass on the Yangtze River. Although it has experienced the baptism of war, a series of actions by the red army to resume production, not only did not make Jiujiang City dilapidated, but gathered a lot of popularity, even around Huangmei County. There are also a large number of refugees pouring in.

It can be seen that the red-clothed army is not a big evil person in the eyes of ordinary people.

On the bustling street, a few people suddenly appeared. These people looked strange and looked around curiously. They looked solemn, and they firmly remembered what they saw around them. The red-clothed soldiers passed by, and their eyes lit up, staring at the small group of red-clothed soldiers passing by on patrol.

Wearing coarse cloth dyed red clothes, with short guns and lancets hanging from their waists, their equipment is very simple, but they are full of energy, which is many times stronger than that of the official army or even the peasant army. They walked all the way with solemn expressions, and they never looked around.

On the crowded street, the common people also spontaneously moved out of the way. A few old men came forward with water and wine, wanting to offer them a sip of water and wine to quench their thirst, but they were unmoved, and the leader would come out Negotiate with these friendly old men and decline their offers.

Looking at the big picture from the details, one can get a glimpse of the quality of this team, enough to clearly understand how strong the Red Army is now.

The first woman wore a red turban on her head. She was tall and strong, and was quite eye-catching. The person who followed her was handsome and handsome, with slender eyes, and even narrowed them slightly from time to time, which made people shudder. Like a dormant snake.

These two people are the remnants of the White Lotus Sect who fled in chaos in the north. The fifth senior sister Xing Na and the jade-faced scholar Bai Xianyun of the 36th Tiangang God General. When I came down, I didn't expect that the Lord Buddha and the Buddha's mother were not in the teaching.

If Xing Na wanted to return to the White Lotus Sect, she had to find Yang Ling first and return to the lineage of the Buddha's mother, otherwise she would not be able to bear the anger of the Buddha's master Xu Yunxian. His heart became more and more uncomfortable.

After that uprising, he tasted the temptation to seize power, and his heart felt more like a needle prick. Coupled with his resentment towards the Red Army, the two hit it off and fled to the south to develop.

The two went all the way, gathered some broken soldiers who had escaped from the White Lotus Sect, together with their confidantes, pulled up a team of dozens of people, and went all the way south. Xing Na used the name of Fifth Senior Sister, constantly Gathered the scattered forces of the White Lotus Sect in various places, suppressed bandits, and went to the northwest for a circle, and now there is a team of more than a thousand people under his command.

They were scattered, and at this time they had arrived in Jiujiang and were hiding among several hijacked large ships in Poyang Lake.

The two brought some people into the city disguised as ordinary people, and now compared with Zhu Qian's red army, the two felt powerless in their hearts. To them, the current red army is no different from a giant , some thoughts gradually faded away.

However, Bai Xianyun obviously had other crooked ideas in his mind, he would not be happy if he didn't get rid of Zhu Gan.

Ever since Guan Ning's iron cavalry had been tricked, Zhu Gan successfully led his army to escape. Cao Wenzhao felt extremely guilty all the time, and even had the urge to tie Cao Bianjiao and send him to the capital to plead guilty.

However, the subsequent changes in Huangmei County made him stop, but such a huge cavalry unit consumes a sky-high price of supplies every day, so he dared not go to Huangmei County to rest, but retreated to Meilin County, quietly Looking at Huangmei County from the sidelines, he didn't dare to act rashly, for fear of forcing Li Mingyang back, and he was also waiting for the order from the court.

However, a series of changes in the court followed, which can be described as dazzling, which made him completely unable to understand this weird situation. Li Mingyang, who slaughtered all his generals, not only did not receive any punishment, but later became the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. , how old is he now!

The most important thing is that he has no fame. How could those bigwigs in the court tolerate such a situation and kept silent all the time, they can only sigh that they don't understand!

An order was also quickly passed to the army. The moment he received the order, he was completely dumbfounded. The queen asked him to follow Li Mingyang's command and encircle and suppress the red-clothed army.

Although he was born as a general, but now he smells a bit of strange turbulence in the capital.It can be imagined that the Donglin Party, the largest in the court, remained silent at this time, which did not mean cowardice. No one knew how big a storm was brewing. Just like more than ten years ago, once the ultimate move was used, it would definitely be a catastrophe.

He is also glad that he stayed away from that vortex. He prefers the battlefield feelings of a big man with a horse leather shroud. He feels satisfied when he fights a battle and makes meritorious deeds. As for the so-called celebrities through the ages, he has never thought about it, and he dare not think about it .

And Li Mingyang did not expect that Zhang Yan, Queen Yi'an, would have such courage to hand over the Guanning Iron Cavalry led by Cao Wenzhao to him. The tiger has put on its wings, and the next step is to see what he does.

Zhang Yan gave him the Guan Ning cavalry, so he naturally had to reciprocate, relieve Zhang Yan's pressure in the court, and transfer Cao Wenzhao's Guan Ning cavalry to Huangmei County, and the [-] troops in his hands did not have any power. Approaching towards Jiujiang City in a flashy way, like a huge wave rolling in, it is coming with an unstoppable momentum of pushing a mountain.

This is to use the general situation to force himself to fight. Although Zhu Gan doesn't know Li Mingyang, but after staying in the south of the Yangtze River for so long, he can judge the strength of this man in a few words. This plan almost made [-] veterans of the Red Army and [-] new soldiers prisoners of war.

Afterwards, some of his actions in Huangmei County also made Zhu Gan understand the horror of this man's scheming in front of him, so he doubled his precautions. He came with a big offensive, so he would remain unchanged and wait for him on the defensive. Come to attack, but you have to plan ahead and arrange some insurance means to repel his threat as soon as possible before you dare to leave Jiujiang and go to Sichuan to develop.

Ma Zhiming was charged with disobeying the military orders. At this time, he had been demoted to the rank of a thousand soldiers of the Wolf Character Shenji Battalion, leading the new army alone. In the eyes of others, he became a subordinate of the old soldiers. This is definitely a shame, but he did not He didn't care about other people's eyes, but he was happy with it.

He still vividly remembers the situation that Zhu Gan asked him to discuss in detail that day. His younger brother Ma Zhixiang was also valued by Zhu Gan and became Zhu Gan's pro-army. He has committed crimes and made meritorious deeds. This time his chance came and he received a very important task.

The city gate of Jiujiang was closed, and the walls that collapsed after being hit by iron bullets were reinforced again. Zhu Gan also made a bad move, driving wooden piles into the city wall to anchor them, and then put the wooden piles into the city walls. The piles are sealed to make the city wall look the same. The insidiousness of this trick is really invisible to ordinary people.

Now it is beneficial for the red-clothed army, and the city wall has been strengthened, but after a few years, the wood in the wall will corrode and collapse, leaving holes in the city wall. When the red-clothed army returns, it will be easy to collapse the city wall.

This method is very secretive, even if the officers and soldiers knew about it, they would not guess Zhu Gan's insidious intentions.

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