Dragon Soul in the late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 21 Please Don't Doubt Me

Chapter 21 Please Don't Doubt Me

The Shanghao rice shop in the west of the city has been handed down for four generations. It has always been operating with integrity and honesty. Mipu has a lot of debts up to now, and it is about to close down and go bankrupt.

In the reign of Tianqi, when the eunuch party was in power, Wang Haigui’s father, in order to keep the ancestral rice shop running smoothly, accepted a eunuch from the eunuch party as his godfather. Barely able to stay in business.

Later, the eunuch party was suppressed, and his father was also implicated. Wang Haigui borrowed money everywhere to save his father, and the money was spent like running water, but it was like a waste of water, without even taking a bubble. Later, after many inquiries, he found out that You Mingze was the one who played tricks. He took a fancy to his rice shop located in the west of the city. He wanted to bring down the Wang family by accusing him of eunuchs. Later, his father learned that in order to keep a good rice shop , committed suicide in prison and hanged himself.

Destroy the county magistrate, destroy the family and assassinate the governor!Although You Mingze only has one fame, but his father's influence is really strong enough. Wang Haigui was able to support him for five years, not because You Mingze had compassion, but because this is Tongzhou, he dared not do too much and be conspicuous. It's a little bit of encroachment, and half of the shops in the west and east of the city are about to become the property of wanderers. There is really no way for these businessmen to jointly block the road and sue.

You Mingze learned from a distance that Wang Haigui failed to file a complaint and instead committed suicide. At that time, he was staying in a garden in the city without the slightest panic. He believed that a disciplined person who could lead the Red Army was ambitious. However, an ambitious person must know what he should do in order to strengthen himself or save his life, so he is waiting, waiting for Zhu Gan to stabilize Tongzhou City, and then come here to see himself.

Zhu Gan pushed away the soldiers in front of him, walked up to Wang Haigui, saw that he was out of breath but staring with big eyes, Zhu Gan reached out to feel his pulse in disbelief, and wiped his eyelids with his hand , stood up and sighed heavily: "Why are you doing this!"

After taking a few deep breaths, he stabilized his mentality, looked at the group of businessmen behind Wang Haigui, and said in a deep voice, "You all go back! Collect some money to bury him. If you don't have enough money, you can come to me. It must be a grand burial. "

Tongzhou City, which had been noisy all night, finally calmed down. There are red-clothed soldiers patrolling back and forth on the streets, with strict discipline. For those who dare to commit crimes under the guise of an uprising, the red-clothed soldiers will be beheaded on the street. , pierced his head with a bamboo pole to frighten Xiaoxiao.

Except for the first wave of people who entered the city to cause chaos, the thieves in Tongzhou City have basically been cleaned up, and the red army's safety notices have been pasted everywhere, and several places have begun to set up platforms to recruit soldiers and horses. Without the peeping of the White Lotus Sect, you can recruit whoever you want.

However, I thought the recruiting would be smooth sailing, but it was not as smooth as I imagined. There was a full monthly salary of five taels of silver, and various rewards. Except for some homeless rogues, no one came forward to greet them, they just watched.

At this time, Zhu Gan occupied the temporary office of the State Administration Office, and most of his subordinates were scholars who were literate soldiers. Throw it to them to do, and slowly close the clothes and start to take a nap.

I don't know how long it took before he was suddenly awakened by the noisy sound outside the house, and he habitually grabbed the gun, and then he realized that he had already entered another world, so he took out the flint gun that was hurting him, and checked After a while, he hung up again, rubbed his face with his hands and walked out of the official office.

A large group of people crowded outside the government office, holding various weapons in their hands. The wooden sticks and spears were not the standard weapons of the Ming army, but rather like street hooligans fighting.

"What's going on here!" Zhu Gan called a soldier over and asked dissatisfied.

The soldier lowered his head, faltering and saying nothing.

Zhu Gan raised his eyebrows and shouted in a low voice: "Raise your head and say what you want."

The soldier was so frightened that he knelt down and pleaded guilty, like beans pouring beans from a bamboo tube, he said out loudly: "The recruiting points we set up in the whole city, not only did not receive soldiers, but were smashed by people. There are also rumors that Wang Haigui, who went to the good rice shop, committed suicide in front of the lord. The lord was frightened and hid after returning to the yamen. The shops were smashed, smashed, looted and burned. We also sent people to check, and the shops in the west and east of the city were basically smashed to nothing..."

Hearing this, Zhu Gan's complexion changed, he didn't expect that he hadn't done it yet!The people in the city gave him a slap in the face, glanced at the people in front of the yamen with a gloomy face, and said in a deep voice: "I'm asking what's going on with these people blocking the yamen's entrance."

"Someone deliberately instigated them. We originally wanted to send people to disperse them, but suddenly all of them gathered together, as if they had been organized in advance." The soldier said with a shame on his face.

Zhu Gan didn't speak anymore, and now he should think about how to disperse them. If they gather for too long, it may cause a civil uprising, and they are out of control. After using it, he immediately said in a cold voice: "Where is Gao Qiang! Go and find him for me."

When he made a decision, a thought flashed through his mind, it would be good if Yu Song was here, and then he quickly threw it away. Some things must be done, and some things cannot be done.

"Please refer to the lord for your lowly position!" At this time, Gao Qiang put on a pair of bright light armor, which he found somewhere, shining brightly under the sunlight.

Looking at the beautiful bright armor, Zhu Qian looked forward to it, and then said coldly, "Where did you find these antiques from the Tang Dynasty? They are flashy, and you should take them off soon."

Gao Qiang said with a smile: "It was given by someone else. The humble clothes are a bit looser, so I want to dedicate it to the lord. This Mingguang armor is not heavy, but very light. It should be because of the material."

Gao Qiang took it off immediately after speaking, Zhu Gan took the helmet to check, and found that it was not made of steel at all, but a cotton armor painted with gold paint, which was different from the ordinary cotton armor of the Ming Dynasty, and the inside was woven with gold wire as the skeleton , light but extremely strong, and the thin joints are even more tightly joined, which is really ingenious!

"How long will it take to build this, and who sent such a precious armor with such a big budget, and what is the purpose." Zhu Qian was thinking, while looking at Gao Qiang suspiciously, could it be that this guy violated his orders and did something unseemly? light thing!

Staring firmly into Gao Qiang's eyes, he said in a stern voice: "Who gave this armor, maybe you snatched it!"

Gao Qiang showed a helpless expression and said: "My lord, forgive me, I have absolutely no lies. This armor was indeed given by someone. When I came back with someone, I passed by Mingyue Tower. A group of knights rushed out, and everyone held it. Holding a short firecracker and a waist knife, I thought at the time that I could no longer serve the Lord, but I didn't know that this group of people just left this pair of armor, then turned around and left."

Zhu Gan stroked the material on the outside of the armor. Although the gold lacquer was brand new and shiny, it was a bit dark, which was enough to show that it was well maintained. It could be seen that this armor had been made for some time. It was beautiful and practical. What is the purpose of the armored person.

During the period between Taizu and Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty, it was called "governing the Tang and Song Dynasties, and far away from the Han and Tang Dynasties". Although it was said by Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, it was only a few decades before the Ming Dynasty fell, which can be believed.

If there is no such strong and prosperous, how dare to make a powerful cry in history that there is no marriage between the Han and Tang Dynasties, no old coins of the Song Dynasty, the emperor's imperial gate, and the monarch's death. Natural disasters, as well as the land annexation brought about by the budding of capitalism, made the Ming Dynasty unable to find a way out, and was eventually annihilated in history.

Under such an environment, someone spent so much effort to create a pair of bright light armor from the Tang Dynasty. After hundreds of years, either the person who made this armor is rich and stupid, remembering and yearning for the Tang Dynasty, or It's just that this person has some dark secret.

Unable to figure it out for the time being, Zhu Gan didn't want to waste any more time, so he immediately asked, "How is the inventory of weapons, money and food in the city?"

Immediately, Gao Qiang recruited someone, took the account book and replied: "23 red cannons were captured, 86 captive cannons were seized, 23 Flang cannons, [-] tiger crouching cannons... [-] bird guns, three eyes There are six thousand guns, and there are countless other guns and gunpowder of various sizes... As for the silver, there is not much money, but there is quite a lot of food, all of which are in the official warehouse..."

"Why are there so many weapons, can they be used?" Zhu Gan asked.

Gao Qiang shook his head: "Although there are many, many of them have rusted, and quite a few have exploded, so they are piled up in the treasury and become moldy. However, there are also a batch of fine products, but their whereabouts are unknown."

Zhu Qian had some calculations in his mind, and then he ordered: "Go and order all the soldiers in the city to gather at the Governor's Yamen of Cangchang no matter what they are doing, and send people to pick out all the weapons that can be used, as well as all the gunpowder. They all pointed out that I am of great use. As for the silver, each person will send ten taels of silver as a reward, and find a place to hide the rest, as well as the grain. Don’t worry about it until I go to see it. That’s it for now. !"

Gao Qiang looked at Zhu Gan in disbelief, what exactly was he going to do? Judging from the decisive meaning in his words, he was probably trying to suppress the people!

Zhu Qiang took a serious look at Gao Qiang with a seyin face, and shouted, "Hurry up!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Qiang was ignored, and he led the people out of the state office quickly. At this time, he had just changed into a golden light armor, looked at the dark crowd with ease and fearlessness, took a deep breath and shouted: "Please don't doubt me. .”

Although it was a plea, the tone in the words was full of chills and threats.


Thanks to Chunyu spittoon for your comments and book reviews as a reply, thank you.

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