Dragon Soul in the late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 27 Bloody Battle at Eight Mile Bridge

Chapter 27 Bloody Battle at Bali Bridge

The rows of officials on the long street who had their clothes pulled out and tied behind their backs with ropes made the people around them have an unreal illusion. Although the red-clothed soldiers had a rough attitude, the people couldn't help but squeeze forward. I want to see what tricks these red-clothed soldiers are going to play.

Zhu Gan looked coldly at these officials, big and small, who were woken up by the cold water. He followed Zhao Lin, and walked around coldly. Looking at the raging crowd, the expression on his face became colder and colder, and then he raised his hands Lift it up, and immediately groups of soldiers from the red-clothed army came out. These soldiers looked a little blue, but they walked steadily behind a group of officials.

After waiting for three drums, the sun hangs high, and the hot sun makes the shadows under the prisoners almost disappear. It is said that at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, the prisoner's spirit is the most desolate and ignorant, and the ghost will be killed The strong yang energy is diluted, so it will not pester the executioner or the executioner.

Zhu Gan didn't intend to believe these ghosts and gods at first, but he killed too many people this time, so they were swept away, forming a whole two long streets.

"Chop!" Pulling out the Yanling Saber, the cold blade reflected a icy cold light, shouted loudly, and then spread it.

The drums beat more urgently, and the murderous aura spread.

Swish!Swish!Swish!As the blade swung down, rows of people's heads fell to the ground. The knives in some people's hands were blunt, and they didn't cut their necks.

Such a scene is more frightening than that on the battlefield. Many of the swordsmen are recruits. This is the first time to kill people, and they can't help shaking their hands.

The hearts of the people are contradictory. On the one hand, they hate these corrupt officials very much. Thinking of their high-handed exploitation makes them feel happy. On the other hand, they are fearful. An intuitive thought filled with fear.

Looking at the stunned soldiers, Zhu Gan led a team of personal guards, stepped forward to fill the knife for them, and dealt with the screaming prisoners one by one.

The whole long street was full of corpses with their heads separated, as well as the blood in their stomachs, which spilled all over the street, and even many people watching the excitement were also stained with blood. The smell of blood was strong and pungent. One day, the people in Tongzhou city remembered the red-clothed army. Their red clothes were dyed with blood, and they also remembered the slender and straight body in Mingguang armor. This is a demon king who can eat people.

"Report..." There was a rapid sound of horseshoes, which disrupted the silence in the city. Before the knight got off his horse, he was suffocated by the pungent smell of blood and fell off his horse. He said: "The [-] soldiers and horses of the official army approached the Bali Bridge, and the [-] pioneers began to attack the Bali Bridge at Mao. Recaptured the Bali Bridge, at this moment they are confronting the imperial army, Commander Yu really can't hold on anymore, so he sent a humble official here to ask for help..."

"Without the officers and soldiers of the three major battalions, they can react so quickly. It seems that the people in command are amazing!" Zhu Qian couldn't help but admired, and then began to think about countermeasures. All the officials, big and small, were killed, not only to deter the major forces in Tongzhou City, but also to quickly stabilize the rear, so that they could free up their hands to deal with the official army. Now the official army has suddenly become extremely fast and efficient. Zhu Gan had to change his plan.

"Now only 2000 people are left to maintain order in Tongzhou City, which should be enough!" Zhu Qian was angry when he thought that there were still some people in Tongzhou City who had not cleaned up and had to leave temporarily, but at this time This is not the time to hesitate, the officers and soldiers may seize the Bali Bridge at any time, and Tongzhou City without the east wall will be nothing more than a big meal in front of the officers and soldiers.

"The food and silver that I didn't find, I will come back to look for it after I win the army, and it will be my reward!" After thinking it over, he immediately issued an order, and more than 8000 people dragged the cannons to the Bali Bridge. .

At this time, the entire Bali Bridge was filled with gunpowder and smoke, but the sound of cannons was no longer heard. The officers and soldiers did not dare to use cannons because they were afraid of destroying the Bali Bridge, so they had to use firecrackers and arrows. Cunningly, he accumulated the discarded carriages of the merchants and formed a temporary formation.

The vanguard officer of the army is Fan Yun, a little-known junior whose official position is only a small Jinyiwei family. He is brave, aggressive and upright. One person even injured dozens of his servants with his bare hands. Except for the hereditary families passed down from the ancestors, they have no progress in official positions, depressed and unsuccessful.

Now he is valued by Cao Huachun, he was lifted out of the prison, and promoted from a hundred households to a general. It is to stand out.

Fan Yun is tall and strong, more than half a head taller than ordinary people. He has a heroic face, but his face is always calm. Looking at the carriages piled up on the Bali Bridge, it is obvious that the bridgehead was easily taken down by the officers and soldiers just now. The red-clothed thief had learned enough lessons, and the opponent's generals became ruthless to stop the defeat.

Look at these timid officers and soldiers again. The war preparations of the Beijing camp are slack. The newly recruited soldiers are almost all proletarian refugees. After being defeated, it was almost difficult to gather morale and launch a second attack.

If the soldiers pay enough food and pay, the three-eyed blunderbuss they get are good enough, or they have trained long enough to take down the Bali Bridge, no matter how many people the red-clothed thief kills, the overall situation may be at stake. It has been decided, but unfortunately if it is only if after all, it will not become a reality.

Hiding behind a carriage, Gao Qiang touched Yu Song who was resting exhausted beside him, and said with a smile, "After this battle with the officers and soldiers, the reputation of our second general, Huo Ha, will soon spread all over the country. ! How do you feel!"

Just after another wave of small-scale temptations by the officers and soldiers was suppressed, Yu Song was thinking about countermeasures when he was suddenly interrupted by Gao Qiang, who said angrily, "I thought you were only good at flattering! If this continues, you will be punished." Elimination, pay more attention to observation! Study hard in the war, and soon the vanguard officers of the army will be ruthless, and it is time to recharge your batteries."

Gao Qiang looked at Yu Song in puzzlement. This guy is good in everything, but he is a little too cold. Thanks to him not leaving just now, he stabilized his position, drove back the officers and soldiers, and took back the Bali Bridge. Now it is almost over. It's not time, how did he know that the officers and soldiers were about to get ruthless.

She opened her mouth to ask, but after glancing at his indifferent expression, she had no choice but to swallow the doubts in her heart, and waited quietly.

But then the ground under him trembled, and he finally understood why there was a big battle. This time, the officers and soldiers were serious. If there is no fight, it’s over. The first battle came out in full force, and some of the horses in the capital were searched. How much money is spent, I am afraid that the money spent will also cost a lot.

At this time, Zhang Yan was wearing a military uniform, but he was not riding a horse. This time, he did not notify the cabinet at all, and he did not even send an order to the Ministry of War. How could the cabinet not know about the big news, but all the salaries of these soldiers were paid by Zhang Yan's dowry, and only less than [-]% of the monthly salary was paid.

The cabinet doesn't want to take care of this matter. The Liao pay for the Guanning iron cavalry costs almost a quarter of the annual income, and the newly formed [-] regiment battalions don't know how much money it will cost. How much white hair.

For Wen Tiren, the chief assistant of the cabinet at this time, what he wants to do more is to make a new cup of tea in the small room of the cabinet, and then think about life. It is his greatest satisfaction to step down from the stage to show his power and means, and to see the fear of him in the eyes of others.

Zhang Yan knew very well what everyone in the cabinet was thinking. Even if the thieves in red attacked the city of Bei Jing, these people would probably not take any action, and they might be the first to open the door to meet the thieves, so she had to come out to command the thieves in person. soldier.

At this time, Zhang Yan was wearing a dark golden cotton armor, which tightly wrapped her handsome and plump figure, especially her breasts were slightly majestic because of the thickened breastplate. The cloak covers the entire back, but occasionally because of the wind blowing, it clings to the body, and you can see its majestic and attractive curves from the back, which makes many men can't help but spit out their mouths secretly.

But everyone thought about the identity of this woman and had to suppress the evil thoughts in their hearts, but the more they were like this, the more itchy they felt, and they all had the idea that as long as they could make her smile, it would be worth dying for her.

Zhang Yan is accompanied by many female officers. These are the guards she has carefully selected from the palace. They are tall and powerful, and they can almost fight against four or five men. At this time, she was surrounded by these female guards. Surrounded by them, they look petite and outstanding.

But the order she gave immediately made all the men feel ashamed: "The imperial court has supported scholars for more than 200 years, but now they are not available, and grass-roots servants are replaced by servants. Cao Huachun, Fang Zhenghua..."

"The slave is..."

"The slave is here..." The two eunuchs were excited when they were first mentioned. This was Zhang Yan's compromise. She let go of her heart and began to reuse the eunuch, and the two rushed forward to accept orders.

"You two lead [-] troops each, and walk along the river bank, looking for opportunities to cross the river." Zhang Yan just took a look around the Bali Bridge from a distance, and then formulated a strategy to seize the bridge, and began to order his generals.

The two took the order to go, and then gathered the remaining 3 people together, and changed to horses one after another. After the soldiers had a rest, they began to charge towards the Bali Bridge with the fullest and most powerful spirit.

More than 3 people charge, of which only 1 people can ride horses proficiently, but the power of these 1 people charging is strong enough. At a glance, there is a large area of ​​darkness, and the whole earth is trembling, like a landslide tsunami.

The red-clothed soldiers on the Bali Bridge were stunned by the power of the charge. They had never faced such a scene before, fighting or fleeing in an instant.

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