Ming politicians

Chapter 1006

The continuous information sent from Liaodong can basically confirm that the Ming army's attack direction will be Liaodong, which is reasonable and reasonable.

All of Fan Wencheng's energy was almost devoted to intelligence. Since July, he has not cared about other things. The information sent from Liaodong, Daming capital, Anning Fort, and Jingbian is enough for him to analyze. Among these information, he summarized three aspects of the situation. The first situation is that the frontier army of Datong, the sergeants of the Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe will defend the army of the Mongolian tribe to prevent the two armies from fighting. Changes in Mongolia led to attacks on the border of Ming Dynasty, which distracted the energy of the attack. The second situation is that the sergeants of the Jiangning Battalion will arrive in Liaodong at the end of July to undertake the main offensive task. The Liaodong frontier army will assist. The entire campaign, Su Tiancheng Direct command, the third situation, is to stay in Dengzhou, Fuzhou and other places, as well as some elite Jiangning battalion, threatening the direction of Gaizhou, Yaozhou and Haizhou.

Such an arrangement basically did not exceed Fan Wencheng's expectations. He admired Su Tiancheng's arrangement, especially paying attention to the Mongolian grassland to avoid other accidents during the conquest.

From this arrangement, Fan Wencheng also realized the purpose of the Ming court. This was a large-scale decisive battle, and it was by no means an ordinary battle as some people understood. Otherwise, Su Tiancheng would not have come forward to command the battle in person. After all, Su Tiancheng was already a The cabinet ministers of Ming Dynasty are equivalent to the prime minister. If there is a small-scale battle, Su Tiancheng doesn't need to come forward.

This kind of analysis is mainly derived from the many intelligences obtained, among which the intelligence from Liaodong is the most, and it is all information on the mobilization of troops. Kangtai and Tang Haitai have made great contributions.

After obtaining the information, Fan Wencheng will summarize the information.As well as his own analysis, he reported to Huang Taiji and Hauge verbatim, and participated in the analysis and discussion. At this time, Huang Taiji changed his strategy, and the number of people participating in the discussion each time was quite a lot.Including Daishan, Dorgon, Duoduo, Jierhalang, etc., the only Han Chinese who are eligible to participate in the discussion is Fan Wencheng. trust.

After several discussions, Huang Taiji basically made up his mind and prepared to strengthen the defense in the direction of Liaodong. The Qing Dynasty cannot always be in a defensive position.The main attack direction of the Ming army was in Liaodong, so the sergeants of the Qing Dynasty could attack from Fuzhou and Xuanzhou.

Such programs are all focused on all the intelligence obtained.

Huang Taiji was very satisfied with Fan Wencheng's acquisition of so much information.Every time we discuss, we must praise Fan Wencheng.Crown Prince Hauge also looked at Fan Wencheng differently.

It is precisely because of this that Fan Wencheng is more cautious. He always analyzes a lot of information repeatedly to avoid problems.Moreover, it is necessary to combine the actual situation of Ming Dynasty and analyze it with empathy.

On July [-], Chongzheng Hall.

Huang Taiji was sick and summoned everyone for a decisive discussion, this time.The deployment of the Qing Dynasty will finally be finalized. Once a decisive opinion is formed, it will be implemented.

Fan Wencheng followed Hauge into the Hall of Chongzheng.

Daishan, Dorgon, Duoduo, Jierhalang and others were all waiting in the Chongzheng Hall. Sony, Tan Tai and others also participated in the deliberation this time.

Huang Taiji looked good. The Ming army was about to launch an attack. At this time, Huang Taiji had long forgotten his physical ailments and went all out. He had encountered too many ailments in his life's conquests. The best medical treatment is to Participate in expeditions.

The atmosphere in the Chongde Hall was a bit dignified. Since the founding of the Qing Dynasty, it was the first time that everyone discussed a defensive battle. When facing the Ming army before, the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty did not need to think about defensive issues. All discussions were It's offensive.

After everyone arrived, Huang Taiji spoke first.

"I won't say much about the purpose that needs to be achieved today. I hope that you can speak freely without any reservations. Regardless of whether you think right or wrong, you can speak out everything. It is related to the fate of my Qing Dynasty, and you will not allow any hesitation."

There have been quite a few discussions in the past, this time, Huang Taiji raised many questions according to the situation of the discussions, to see if everyone has any objections, if there are no objections, it will be considered as a final decision.

"Since the founding of the first emperor, my Qing Dynasty has been invincible. I have never been afraid. It is impossible for the warriors of my Qing Dynasty to win the many with the few and the strong with the weak. How huge is the Ming Dynasty? Occupying the Central Plains and continuing for hundreds of years, it has not been defeated by the warriors of my Qing Dynasty. The battle of Sarhu is the best proof. I follow my father, expand the territory, and watch my Qing Dynasty slowly grow. , How pleasant that is, now that our Qing Dynasty has encountered temporary difficulties, it is not a big deal, I hope you have sufficient confidence, our warriors of the Qing Dynasty will definitely be able to defeat the Ming army."

"This battle is related to the fate of our Qing Dynasty. You all know what the outcome of failure will be. The Ming army is weak in combat effectiveness. Except for the Jiangning Camp, the rest are vulnerable. As long as we defeat the Jiangning Camp, our Qing Dynasty will be defeated." won."

"I put all my energy into this battle. I hope that you all have the same thoughts. If there is no skin, nothing will happen. I don't want to see internal struggles. The Ming Dynasty was once so huge. Why did it decline slowly? Isn’t it just an internal struggle? The bureaucrats of the Ming Dynasty exploited the people and fought against each other for their own interests, which led to the continuous decline of the national power. The rapid rise of the Qing Dynasty is due to the unity of all of you , As the saying goes, one heart, one heart, one's profit cuts gold, this kind of tradition must be persisted, only by doing this, can our Qing Dynasty be able to unify the Central Plains."

Speaking of excitement, Huang Taiji stood up.

"There are not many Manchus in my Qing Dynasty, only a few hundred thousand, but how many Han people are there in Ming Dynasty and how many Han people are there in Liaodong? Some Manchus always think that they are superior and think that Han people are vulnerable. With hundreds of thousands of Manchus, how could it be possible to completely rule my Qing Dynasty, let alone rule the Central Plains? I once earnestly advised that we Manchus must unite the Han people and unite all forces. In this way, our Qing Dynasty Only then can it be truly strong and prosperous, and only then can it be possible to unify the Central Plains, and I have practiced it all these years, just to show you."

"Why is Su Tiancheng of the Ming Dynasty so powerful? Why are our warriors from the Qing Dynasty repeatedly defeated by Su Tiancheng? Some people think that it is because of Su Tiancheng's good luck that he can grasp the opportunity. I don't think so. Yes, this is only part of the reason. Have you noticed that Su Tiancheng is not only able to lead the army, but also is very outstanding in terms of people's livelihood. Wherever he walked, the common people could have ample food and clothing, a good life, and a good life. I think the root cause of the peaceful days in the past is here."

"Some people can't understand it, thinking that the conquest has nothing to do with the people's lives. As long as the soldiers are brave, all problems will be solved. As for the people's lives, they have nothing to do with the conquest. I can only say that this understanding is extremely wrong. Without supplies and support, without logistical guarantees, no matter how powerful the army is, it will be difficult to support it. Only with the support of the people and sufficient logistical support can the army be invincible.”

"Over the years, you have all realized the power of Su Tiancheng and the bravery of Jiang Ningying, but in my opinion, you still haven't been able to study hard. Some people still have no change in their attitude towards the Han people. They think that the Han people are inferior people. Slaves, you all have a look at what Su Tiancheng did. After Su Tiancheng occupied Fuzhou and Xuanzhou, he did not kill the Manchus, did not deprive the Manchus of their wealth, and treated the Manchus equally. What is it, is that Su Tiancheng has received unprecedented support in Fuzhou and Xuanzhou, including the Manchus living there, who all support Su Tiancheng."

"I have analyzed all of Su Tiancheng's battles. He never slaughtered innocent people, never looted the people, and always tried to appease the people to the greatest extent. He led the Jiangning camp, was invincible and won the greatest support of the people. Of these, all I am left with is fear, to compete with such an opponent, our Qing Dynasty will not be lucky, and we must do our best."

"Among the information collected by Wen Cheng, there is one thing that I have paid special attention to. Among the officers of the Jiangning Battalion, there are three people who are particularly brave. They are Liu Wenxiu, Ai Nengqi and Li Dingguo. Everyone knows that these three people are Who are they? I can't believe it. These three are the adopted sons of Zhang Xianzhong. You all know who Zhang Xianzhong is. The leader of the bandits was captured alive by Su Tiancheng and beheaded by the Ming court. These three are Su Tiancheng. Tiancheng's enemy is now, and the hatred of killing his father is unshakable, but what did Su Tiancheng do? He recruited three people without any precautions, and made these three people willingly work hard, charge into battle, and become senior officers of the Jiangning Battalion. In other places, who would believe that such things happen, including your thoughts, I am afraid that they are all rooted out, and they will never leave trouble for themselves."

"Okay, the purpose of my saying this is to ask you all to analyze Su Tiancheng carefully and understand Su Tiancheng. I believe that Su Tiancheng must have been attacked in the Ming court, but Su Tiancheng has the overall situation in mind. Those who can deal with these problems well, people say that the fearless are invincible, but in my opinion, a person like Su Tiancheng who has the world in mind is truly invincible."

"My words may have hurt your self-esteem. How can you boost others' ambitions and destroy your own prestige, but I just want to say this, let you keep a low profile, be careful, never be arrogant, and always think about the strength of your opponent." ( To be continued..)

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