Ming politicians

Chapter 1016

Traveling through the mountains, Liu Tiehan felt that his body's ability to bear was almost at its limit. This time, the investigation task was very heavy and difficult to complete. Liu Tiehan personally led the brothers to investigate, that is, he wanted to master the most Accurate information, he is very clear, this is related to the deployment of the next campaign.

Mosquito bites, starvation, and insomnia are not the biggest problems. He once lay in ambush on the hillside where the Houjin Tartars were wiped out, and remained motionless for more than an hour. When the scouts came to investigate, they were only ten meters away from him, but they didn't find him. Liu Tiehan followed the scouts of the Houjin Tartars and rushed close to Bailidi. At that time, he risked his life and used the cover of night to investigate for nearly two hours, and only left quietly when the sky was about to dawn.

You must know that the place where Liu Tiehan was lying in ambush was always being scouted by sentries and scouts from the Houjin Tartars.

Liu Tiehan's status is unusual. As the imperial envoy of the Zuoqian capital and the commander of the Jiangning camp, if his identity is exposed and he is killed by the Houjin Tartars, the impact on the court and the Jiangning camp will be considerable. Follow His three brothers are very aware of the seriousness of the relationship, and they are always prepared. If they are exposed and give up their lives, they will also protect Liu Tiehan from escaping.

On the way back, Liu Tiehan insisted on relying on steely will. He didn't close his eyes for a day and a night. This investigation was the most important and dangerous one among all the investigations he participated in.Although the distance traveled was not very far, counting back and forth, it was only more than two hundred miles.

Seeing Liu Tiehan's red eyes, Su Tiancheng was very moved. It is very simple to give orders, but the scouts can really complete the task.Being able to detect intelligence is not something that can be explained clearly in a few words, and the danger is huge.

"Liu Tiehan, you've worked hard, don't worry, sit down and talk slowly."

Liu Tiehan did not sit down.He spoke directly.

"My lord, this subordinate should still stand and talk."

Liu Tiehan didn't dare to sit down. The long-term raid and the mental pressure made him exhausted to the extreme. The three brothers who followed him had already gone to rest. their group.The matter is very important, and the rest of the scouts can't act casually. If they are discovered by the Houjin Tartars, it may cause serious troubles.

Liu Tiehan began to report.

Su Tiancheng's expression was very calm, but Hong Chengchou, Bi Maokang, Qu Qingze and the others' expressions changed, which they did not expect.The Houjin Tartars indeed dispatched a large army, and it seemed that they were preparing to launch an attack on Yongning and Fuzhou.Moreover, the marching speed of the Hou Jin Tartars was significantly accelerated.In other words, when Liu Tiehan reported the situation, the Houjin Tartars were marching rapidly. Although the Jiangning Camp had made relevant arrangements, it was still in the process.Whether there will be any unexpected situation, no one can guarantee.

The Houjin Tartars dispatched this time were the Xiangbai Banner among the Manchu Eight Banners and the Zhenglan Banner among the Han Eight Banners. This is enough to show that the Houjin's deployment intention.

Liu Tiehan spoke quickly.There was no sloppiness, but in ten minutes or so, everything was explained clearly.

Su Tiancheng walked up to Liu Tiehan and patted Liu Tiehan on the shoulder.

"Liu Tiehan, you've worked hard, you've made great contributions, well, go rest, recharge your spirits, and prepare to start fighting."

After Liu Tiehan left the Chinese military tent, Hong Chengchou spoke first.

"Commander, our army has retreated fifty miles. Judging from Liu Tiehan's investigation, it is at most 150 miles away from the Houjin Tartars. The Houjin Tartars have accelerated their marching speed. It will take at most one day. It's almost here, the most urgent thing is to make all preparations to wipe out this group of post-gold tartars."

After Hong Chengchou finished speaking, Qu Qingze followed suit.

"Commander, I can be sure now. The Houjin Tatars are in the direction of Liaodong, and the focus is on defense. In the direction of Haizhou, they are launching an offensive. This must be a strategic plan made by Huang Taiji. The previous judgment of the commander is completely correct. precise."

Su Tiancheng pondered for a while.

"The situation is basically clear. Those stationed in the direction of Haizhou are the Xiangbai Banner and Xianglan Banner among the Eight Banners. This is the most elite force in Houjin. In addition, the Zhenglan Banner and Xianglan Banner among the Eight Banners of Han Dynasty , Duoduo and Jierhalang are both brave generals of Hou Jin, and they are even more dignitaries among the Manchus. According to what we know, Jierhalang handles things very calmly and can consider all aspects , Duoduo fought bravely. If the two can form a joint force, it is really difficult to deal with. Liu Tiehan detected it. The follow-up post-gold Tartars are the Xiangbai Banner among the Eight Banners and the Zhenglan among the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty. Qi, I don't think so, since Huang Taiji has made a decision to launch an attack in the direction of Haizhou, he will do his best."

Su Tiancheng looked at Hong Chengchou and the others.

"There is one situation that can be confirmed. The commander of this group of post-gold tartars must be Duoduo. The post-gold tartars led by Jierhalang are also ready to reinforce at any time. Therefore, we What we are facing is all the Houjin Tartars stationed in Haizhou. According to the information obtained by Lao Qu, the total strength of the Houjin Tartars stationed in Haizhou exceeds 10. It was a tough battle."

"In my opinion, our combat deployment must be adjusted accordingly. Since the post-Gold Tatars want to attack Yongning and Fuzhou, they cannot arrange more soldiers to defend Gaizhou, Yaozhou and Haizhou. Sun Chuanting The [-] soldiers we lead can take the opportunity to attack and occupy Gaizhou, Yaozhou, Haizhou and other places, and we will form a pocket formation, wrapping the post-gold tartars stationed in Haizhou in this pocket."

"One hundred thousand is against more than one hundred thousand. This is a fierce battle. We must be fully mentally prepared. This is like cooking. We were originally prepared to eat steamed white rice, but in reality, it may be steamed into a pot. What should we do, then we need to have a better appetite to eat this pot of raw rice."

"Our eyes should not only look at the more than [-] post-gold tartars stationed in Haizhou, but also the post-gold tartars stationed in Liaoyang. If they are surrounded, the post-gold tartars in Liaoyang will definitely provide reinforcements with all their strength. , This puts even more pressure on us. Such a situation requires us not only to have a good appetite, but also to have self-knowledge. Don't think about passing a battle, or being able to wipe out all the garrison troops in a short period of time. This is impossible for the Houjin Tartars in Haizhou, but as long as we wipe out the living forces of the Houjin Tartars to the greatest extent, we can deal the heaviest blow to Huang Taiji."

"The current situation is hard-won, and the opportunity is fleeting. It is precisely because of our early preparations that Huang Taiji was fooled, thinking that the direction of our attack is still in Liaodong, and we have eliminated the leaders of the Houjin Tartars. The troops, the Houjin Tartars did not arouse their vigilance, they continued to advance, and accelerated their pace, which shows that they still believe that Liaodong is the focus of our attack. The surprise attack on Gaizhou is just a small group of troops. The surprise attack on Gaizhou was mainly to distract them, so they will stick to the original deployment."

"Later, the Golden Tatars accelerated their marching pace. This is the best proof. They were afraid that our small army would escape, or that we had detected their strategic intentions, so they speeded up their marching pace. They launched an offensive and completed their campaign deployment. From this point of view, we have retreated fifty miles, which is very correct."

"Through Huang Taiji's arrangement, I also want to remind everyone that Huang Taiji's arrangement is extraordinary. On the one hand, he strengthens his defense in Liaodong, and on the other hand, he launches an attack from the direction of Haizhou. Liaodong is the Dole of Houjin. Dagon sits in command, we want to capture Guangning and Xiping Fort, and we will not be able to achieve our goal for a while. If the direction of Fuzhou is captured by the Houjin Tartars, our overall campaign deployment will have a major impact. For setbacks, Huang Taiji is very considerate, and he uses two prongs."

"What we have considered before is that the Houjin Tatars will strengthen the defense in the east of Liaodong and mobilize heavy troops to the east of Liaodong. The defense in the direction of Haizhou is relatively weak, which will also help us attack Haizhou and shake the overall strength of the Houjin Tatars. Deployment, but the current situation is not like this, I am afraid our Jiangning battalion is under far greater pressure than the frontier army in Liaodong."

"But no matter what, we have at least grasped the deployment of the Houjin Tatars and understood Huang Taiji's arrangements. This is the most beneficial thing for us. We must seize the opportunity and deal a heavy blow to the Houjin Tartars. "

"Time is running out. Our deployment remains unchanged. The army is divided into two parts. Hong Chengchou will lead [-] soldiers to attack and destroy the Houjin Tartars. We must make the most of the artillery battalion. I will bring [-] soldiers. Set up a defensive line in the rear to stop the Houjin Tartars who came to reinforce them."

"Everyone must be fully mentally prepared. This fierce battle will not end in a short period of time. We must warn officers at all levels not to be impatient. The main purpose is to eliminate the vital forces of the Golden Tartars. Two hours later, all the former officers from Qianhu in the Jiangning Battalion went to the Chinese Army's account."

The war was approaching, and Su Tiancheng became calm again. This was an extraordinary battle. He remembered those famous battles hundreds of years later, and there were also battles fought in Liaodong, but at that time it was hot In the age of weapons, such a battle is similar to the battle hundreds of years later, except that the commander has changed to himself.

After more than ten years of travelling, Su Tiancheng was no longer surprised when he was on the scene. He knew very well that if the intended goal could be achieved in this battle, Hou Jin would suffer a heavy blow. Including its own strength, it will also begin to truly decline. (To be continued..)

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