Ming politicians

Chapter 1018 The Emperor's Trick

(Thanks to Empire Setting Sun, Bai Yu for voting for the precious monthly ticket, and thank you for choosing the middle route, neither left nor right, and the bandits for your reward. Thank you, and I hope readers will vote greatly. Thank you.)

After the early court, Zhu Shenxuan prepared to go back to work in accordance with the usual practice. Anyway, the emperor had not summoned him specifically for such a long time. If there was any matter, he would discuss it directly with the chief minister of the cabinet, Yang Sichang. This is also in line with the rules. It should be In this way, only when major problems are encountered, or when a decision is to be made, the emperor will call the cabinet members, or the six ministers, plus the imperial envoy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but such cases are rare.

When Yang Sichang found him, Zhu Shenxuan was still a little strange. It is said that during this period of time, there were no major issues to discuss, and nothing happened in the court. The situation in various places in Ming Dynasty is slowly improving. The overall weather this year is good. Few places have suffered disasters, and the imperial court does not need to spend a lot of money for relief. It must be the matter of the Golden Tartars after Su Tiancheng led the army to attack, but this matter, to be honest, there is nothing worth discussing , everything is directly decided by Su Tiancheng.

Following Yang Sichang to the familiar Hall of Mental Cultivation, Zhu Shenxuan was even more surprised. It was Yang Sichang and him who entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and there were no other cabinet ministers.In the past, Zhu Shenxuan might feel happy when such a situation occurred. There was no discussion of any major issues, and the things that should be decided were decided at that time, and Yang Sichang did not call the cabinet ministers to discuss anything.

There was no expression on Zhu Youjian's face. After seeing Yang Sichang and Zhu Shenxuan coming in, he specially ordered the eunuch Daotu to be a demon.It is said that there are important matters to discuss, and no other matters will be handled before noon.Zhu Youjian's attitude shows that there are important matters to be discussed. It was less than an hour in the early court, and it is not yet Sishi now.There is still an hour left, what important matter needs such a long time to discuss.

Zhu Youjian picked up several memorials on the imperial case.

"Prince Jin, take a look at the memorials I have received."

Wang Chengen, who was behind Zhu Youjian, quickly picked up the memorial.Walked in front of Zhu Shenxuan and handed it to Zhu Shenxuan.

Zhu Shenxuan held the memorial and looked carefully. Soon, his face turned pale and his body trembled slightly, but he quickly stabilized his emotions. [

Zhu Shenxuan finished reading the memorial.Zhu Youjian spoke again.

"King Jin, after reading these memorials, what's your opinion?"

"Your Majesty, I believe that Lord Su's conquest of the Houjin Tartars was done in accordance with the imperial decree. As for the fact that he failed to report to the court in time how to exterminate the Houjin Tartars, I am afraid that he has his own considerations, and I also think it is inappropriate. In terms of Master Su's campaign deployment, it's not bad, and we can win."

After saying these words, Zhu Shenxuan's hands were already sweating.

"Your Majesty, as for the subject's private affairs, this is after careful consideration. If the officials in the court suspect the decision, the Emperor can investigate it. If the subject has done something wrong, he is willing to accept the emperor's punishment."

There was still no expression on Zhu Youjian's face.

"Prince Jin, I came to you today to clarify these matters. I definitely don't believe what is said in the memorial. Zhu Shenxin is your sister. If you have time, you should walk around a lot. They are all in the capital. It's not a very suitable time to meet each other. As for what decision Su Aiqing should make after the conquest of the Golden Tartars, I fully support it. I once made an order to ask Su Aiqing to be responsible for all conquest matters, just let Su Aiqing do it of."

After Zhu Youjian finished speaking, Yang Sichang also spoke.

"Your Majesty, I believe that these memorials should not be ignored. Su Aiqing is leading an army and is attacking the Houjin Tartars. His Royal Highness Jin Wang is loyal and dedicated to the court, and even actively avoids suspicion. At this critical moment, some adults in the court, Disregarding the overall situation, making trouble out of nothing, trying to stir up conflicts, this is something that relatives and enemies are happy for."

Zhu Youjian nodded slightly, with a smile on his face.

"What Yang Aiqing said is true. I definitely don't believe it. I will keep these memorials. King Jin should not have any other thoughts, just do things with peace of mind."

After Yang Sichang and Zhu Shenxuan left the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Zhu Youjian spoke again.

"Eunuch, do you think the things on the memorial are credible?"

"Your majesty, this servant thinks that the wind does not stop the waves, the emperor still needs to be more vigilant, Mr. Su holds great power, if he has any unruly thoughts, it will endanger the emperor."

"Didn't you support Su Tiancheng in the past? I'm a little surprised why your attitude has changed now."

"At this time and at that time, the servant only has the emperor in his heart."

Zhu Youjian nodded, there is no doubt about Wang Chengen's loyalty, and he also believed in Wang Chengen's judgment, which shows that Su Tiancheng's power is indeed too great.

"I believe in you. Tell me, is there any way to solve it now?"

"This slave thinks that it's better to send out the supervising army, so that Su Tiancheng's actions can be restricted."

Zhu Youjian shook his head slightly.

"This method won't work. Even if we send a supervising army, it's impossible to truly control the Jiangning camp, let alone monitor Su Tiancheng. Doing so will only make Su Tiancheng more suspicious. Now is the critical moment. Su Tiancheng leads the army , against the Houjin Tartars, more than 24 Houjin Tartars, the total number of soldiers that Su Tiancheng can control is only [-], and there is still a gap between the two sides. I know the combat effectiveness of the Houjin Tartars. One conquest is not easy to trump."

"Your Majesty, since the method of sending a supervisory army is not feasible, the servant thinks whether it is possible to continue to win over."

"Su Tiancheng is already a cabinet minister, how can I win over him? Is it possible to let Su Tiancheng be the chief assistant of the cabinet? This is definitely not possible."

Wang Chengen didn't know what to say, in his opinion, there were only two options.

Zhu Youjian stood up and walked slowly a few steps.

"After this conquest, the Golden Tartars are of great importance. I'll wait. The Jiangning Camp is indeed brave, and the pressure it can bear is huge. I'm relieved that Su Tiancheng didn't have the strength to preserve the Jiangning Camp. From what he reported Judging from the memorial, it is the Jiangning Battalion that undertakes the main offensive task, which shows that Su Tiancheng still considers it for my Ming Dynasty, but I need to see the actual situation, whether it is the Jiangning Battalion that undertakes the main offensive task, or the Liaodong Frontier Army Take on the heavy responsibility."

Zhu Youjian said this, which made Wang Chengen a little confused. He had read the memorials for the impeachment of Su Tiancheng and Zhu Shenxuan, and the things mentioned in it were also shocking. Although there was no actual evidence, they were all predictions. Yes, but this possibility is actually presented in front of us. According to the current development situation, major problems are likely to occur. Zhao Kuangyin in the Song Dynasty was dressed in a dragon robe. Today's Su Tiancheng is very similar to Zhao Kuangyin. is alike.

Wang Chengen also thought about whether to let Su Tiancheng leave the Jiangning camp completely, let Su Tiancheng stay in the capital, and others go to command the Jiangning camp. For this reason, he secretly arranged for the Dongchang team to do some investigations, but The result of the investigation frustrated him, Jiang Ningying couldn't leave Su Tiancheng.The results of this investigation made the emperor even more worried.

The hateful thing is that the Empress Jin Tartar, since Huang Taiji decided to surrender, he stayed in Liaodong honestly, and the emperor here could do something, transfer Su Tiancheng directly to the capital, and break up the establishment of the Jiangning camp, so that The problem can be completely solved, but it is a pity that Huang Taiji actually appointed the crown prince. Isn't this a public slap in the face of the emperor.

The threat of the Houjin Tartars far exceeds that of the rogues. The reason for the rebellion is because they have no food to eat. The reason for the rebellion is first to enjoy the glory and wealth, and then to want to be able to control power. In desperation, you can promise the rogues, Going to be an official or something in the local area may be able to alleviate the problem, but the post-Jin Tartars are completely different. Their purpose is to enter the Central Plains, and then the Ming Dynasty will be overthrown. From a more realistic point of view, the post-Jin Tartars The fighting power of the son is far stronger than that of the bandit.

The Houjin Tartars are the most serious threat to the Ming court and must not be ignored.

So the emperor made the decision to conquer the Houjin Tartars immediately. This was also after serious consideration, not because of impulse or for the sake of saving face. Only by exterminating the Houjin Tartars as soon as possible can the emperor really deal with the internal affairs with peace of mind. matters.

Southern Shi Kefa, Ma Shiying, Liu Zeqing, Zuo Liangyu and Huang Degong, etc., have gradually grown their team. These people are absolutely loyal to the imperial court and can be directly controlled by the imperial court. It is said that the Golden Tartars are so important after they are exterminated The imperial court should have mobilized some of them to participate in the battle, but the emperor did not do so, and the reason for this is also very clear.

The emperor specially summoned Zhu Shenxuan today because he wanted to ring the alarm bell. Wang Chengen understood this purpose, but Wang Chengen couldn't understand what the emperor said.

Seeing that Wang Chengen hadn't spoken for a long time, Zhu Youjian spoke again.

"The Jiangning battalion will face the Empress Golden Tartars, and there will inevitably be some fierce battles. It may not be so easy to easily wipe out the Empress Golden Tartars. The Jiangning Camp is brave, and the Empress Golden Tartars are also brave. In such a situation, you Tell me, what kind of situation will happen, so I still have to remind Shi Kefa and others, be prepared, maybe in the later stages of the battle, they will show up."

After Zhu Youjian said these words, Wang Chengen understood that the Jiangning Camp will definitely suffer heavy losses in this battle. As long as the Houjin Tartars are completely wiped out, Daming will not need such a brave army. Su Tiancheng, who is tired, cannot contend with the imperial court, and he is not at the mercy of the imperial court.

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