Ming politicians

Chapter 1033 Taking Gaizhou Lightly

(Thanks to Brother Rabbit 0 and exlrs for voting their precious monthly tickets, and thanks to Xiangze for taking the middle route, thank you, and I implore readers to vote, thank you.)

Sun Chuanting had already completed the siege of Gaizhou City, but Su Tiancheng's order was to launch an attack after noon, which made Sun Chuanting somewhat puzzled, but Su Tiancheng's order must be carried out.

At noon, Su Tiancheng sent messengers again, telling Weishi to officially launch an attack and take Gaizhou City within a day. When the time comes, the army will enter Gaizhou City. Su Tiancheng specially reminded Sun Chuanting to minimize the The loss of the siege, at this time, Sun Chuanting realized that Hong Chengchou led the army, set up an ambush to surround the army led by Duoduo, and was about to defeat this army. Su Tiancheng led the army to stop the reinforcements of the Houjin Tartars. It was decided, and the reason why Sun Chuanting was asked to act later was to let the post-gold tartars who guarded the city of Gaizhou lose their confidence in resisting after knowing the news.

Sun Chuanting carefully considered Su Tiancheng's opinion, and he quickly understood that Su Tiancheng's request contained the meaning of surrendering without fighting, that is, demanding the surrender of the Hou Jin Tartars stationed in Gaizhou, because the city of Gaizhou was stationed Yes, it's not the Man Banners, nor the Han Eight Banners, but the Han Army.

The so-called one inadvertent move will lose the whole game. Huang Taiji's major mistakes in judgment were clearly reflected in Gaizhou.

In the past, those stationed in Gaizhou were Zhenghong Banner soldiers among the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty. However, according to intelligence, the main attack direction of the Ming army was in Liaodong. And Xianghongqi were all transferred to Liaodong.They were stationed in Guangning and Xipingbao respectively. This transfer was decided by Huang Taiji himself. In this way, in the direction of Haizhou, only the Zhenglan Banner and Xianglan Banner among the Eight Banners are left.

Gaizhou, Yaozhou and Haizhou, the three cities must be defended.Since the main attack direction of the Ming army was not in Haizhou, the defense of the city was not the most important thing, not to mention that Huang Taiji had made a decision to launch an attack from the direction of Haizhou.Besides, the army staying in the direction of Haizhou must defend three places. In terms of the distribution of troops, it is a bit stretched and cannot be completely balanced.

After the adjustment of troops.Those stationed in Gaizhou were mainly Zhenglan Banner sergeants from the Han Eight Banners led by Jin Li. Such an arrangement could have been possible.But because Duoduo led the army to conquer Fuzhou and Xuanzhou, all the sergeants of Zhenglan Banner were dispatched to guard Gaizhou.In the end it fell on the Han army.

From the perspective of Jierhalang and Duoduo, there is no problem with such an arrangement. Since the army has adopted an offensive posture, it is impossible for the Ming army staying in Fuzhou and Xuanzhou to continue to attack Gaizhou, Yaozhou and other places. The state has been restored, and the defense of Haizhou and other places.Mainly in Haizhou, the Xiangbai Banner and Xianglan Banner among the Eight Banners are stationed here. Li Guohan led the Xianglan Banner among the Eight Banners of Han to station in Yaozhou. [

Duduo's army was surrounded and was completely wiped out. The reinforcement army led by Li Guohan retreated quickly after hearing the news. Li Guohan did not dare to go to Gaizhou. He had already sent scouts to investigate Gaizhou. Surrounded in groups, if they retreat to Gaizhou, they will definitely be surrounded by the army of Jiangning battalion and suffer the same fate as Duoduo.

So Li Guohan bypassed Gaizhou and went directly to Yaozhou, just like when he led the rescue army.

Jierhalang, who was in Haizhou, learned of the situation, and saw that Gaizhou was surrounded by the army of the Jiangning camp. According to the information obtained by Fan Wencheng, the army of the Jiangning camp exceeded 10 people. The attacking troops were completely defeated and disintegrated. The garrison in the direction of Haizhou is less than 8 people. Even if all the soldiers are exhausted, they may not be able to defeat the Jiangning camp. Under such circumstances, we still wait for Huang Taiji. The imperial decree, unless all the troops stationed in Liaoyang are also dispatched, in that case, they can compete with the Jiangning battalion.

There are only 6000 Han troops stationed in Gaizhou. These sergeants are all the old troops of Kong Youde, Shang Kexi and Geng Zhongming. All the Han troops were reorganized into the Han Eight Banners, and there were not many Han troops left. In the past, when Kong Youde and others led the army to surrender after the Jin Dynasty, the main role of the Han army was to garrison places, or in the middle of battles. , "operated" firearms to attack, and later participated in some battles, but did not experience many cruel fights, and it is impossible to compare with the full eight banners in combat effectiveness.

The status of the Han army in the Qing Dynasty is very embarrassing. Although they are also sergeants, they can enjoy a lot of treatment. In terms of military pay, they are also much less. The morale of the Han army is not very high due to various reasons. It was after Kong Youde, Shang Kexi, Geng Zhongming and others all died that the morale of the Han army plummeted.

What's more terrible is that part of the Han army stationed in Gaizhou was transferred by Duoduo, and the transferred part was regarded as the elite of the Han army, that is, these so-called elites formed the vanguard and were transferred The Jiangning battalion was wiped out cleanly.

From the moment Sun Chuanting led the army to surround Gaizhou, there was a sense of uneasiness in the city of Gaizhou.

All the Han troops, including the officers, knew very well that it was impossible for them to resist the Jiangning battalion's attack. They had already known the majesty of the Jiangning battalion. Even the Zhenghong Banner, which was full of eight banners, was completely wiped out by the Jiangning battalion. , the banner owner Daishan was captured alive, let alone these Han troops, who were not popular in the Qing Dynasty.

However, the Qing Dynasty has more than [-] troops stationed in the direction of Haizhou. Therefore, the Han army stationed in Gaizhou City still has a glimmer of hope in their hearts. They have a strong support behind them, even if Gaizhou is attacked. , as long as they can stand up and resist, Jierhalang and Duoduo will definitely send a large army to reinforce them.

It's a pity that bad news kept coming. Some news came from some scouts before Sun Chuanting surrounded Gaizhou.

As they learned more and more news, the defenders of Gaizhou City lost their composure. They couldn't believe the news they received. Duoduo's army was completely surrounded by Jiangning battalion soldiers, and collapsed in the blink of an eye. Li Guohan The rescue army led by him bypassed Gaizhou and encountered resistance from the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion, so he might have to retreat.

These news are fatal to the sergeants guarding Gaizhou City, but they don't know whether the news is true or not, so they dare not act lightly.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Sun Chuanting was ready to attack. All the preparations were in place. The artillery had been erected, and the soldiers were ready to charge. The vanguard carried the ladder, their eyes widened.

Sun Chuanting was a bit unconvinced at first. Su Tiancheng personally led the soldiers to block the fight. Hong Chengchou led the army to encircle Duoduo's army, but the army he led surrounded the city and did nothing. , is very uncomfortable.

Sun Chuanting gritted his teeth and looked at the time, ready to launch an attack. [

At this time, the messengers around Su Tiancheng arrived again, this time with the order to temporarily stop the attack and demand the surrender of the Han army stationed in Gaizhou.

Sun Chuanting had no place to vent his grievances, so he let the soldiers fight, but when Su Tiancheng's order came, Sun Chuanting had to carry it out. He took the letter from the messenger and looked carefully at it. There was no expression on his face.

After reading the letter soon, Sun Chuanting's complexion improved a bit, he stood up, and asked the messenger to go back and report back.

After the messengers left, Sun Chuanting quickly dispatched his own soldiers to shoot a letter into Gaizhou City. This was a letter that had been prepared long ago, asking the Han army in Gaizhou City to surrender.

Half an hour passed, and there was no movement in the city.

The tiger-faced Sun Chuanting, now he will not be polite, ordered the artillery to start firing.

The deafening sound of cannons rang out, and the cannons fell on the city wall. In the city, huge dust rose up. This kind of formation is enough to make people frightened.

Sun Chuanting did not launch an attack, and the firing of the artillery lasted for about ten minutes.

After the artillery stopped, a white flag appeared above the city of Gaizhou.

An officer of the Han army came out of the city gate and was quickly brought in front of Sun Chuanting by the soldiers.

Such an officer of the Han army actually made a request, saying that he wanted to see if the news he received was true. If it was true, the Han army stationed in the city would open the city and surrender.

Sun Chuanting was so angry that he spoke to the Han army officer unceremoniously. The army waited for half an hour. If the Han army stationed in the city still did not surrender, they would launch an attack. Once the attack started, the Jiangning camp Any form of surrender is no longer accepted, and Gaizhou City must be taken.

The Han army officer went back in dismay.

Seeing that the time is coming, at this time, Sun Chuanting has made up his mind and is ready to attack the city.

Just when Sun Chuanting was about to issue an attack order, the gate of Gaizhou City opened.

The Han army stationed in the city came out in a line, put down their weapons, and stood in the open space outside the city wall.

Seeing this scene, Sun Chuanting shouted bad luck and was ready to fight, but unfortunately there was no chance. It was only at this time that Sun Chuanting understood why Su Tiancheng kept delaying the attack time.

Before entering Gaizhou City, Sun Chuanting warned all the officers that after entering the city, if they committed any crimes, if they violated the military orders, no matter who they were, they would have to march.

When the army entered the city, Sun Chuanting was not happy at all, and had no joy of victory at all. Taking Gaizhou City so easily was not what he hoped for. It is a question that the coach must consider.

After entering the city, Sun Chuanting did not waste any time, and immediately started preparations, waiting for Su Tiancheng to lead the army to Gaizhou City.

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