After the palace examination, Su Tiancheng had his own ideas. He had a premonition that he was unlikely to become the No. 1 head armor, which is what everyone called the number one scholar. It has attracted the attention of many people. It is not a good thing that people are too famous. People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. This has been the case throughout the ages.

Three days later, the Ceremony of Chuanlu, the so-called Ceremony of Chuanlu, is the ceremony where the emperor announces the ranking of the palace examination.

On March [-]th in the fifth year of Chongzhen.

Su Tiancheng came outside the Forbidden City, this time he didn't go there in the middle of the night.

When entering the Forbidden City, it was already Maoshi.

The Grand Ceremony of Chuanlu was held in the Hall of Supreme Harmony. This is the place where the imperial court held the grand ceremony. The Grand Ceremony of Chuanlu was actually an unusual grand ceremony for the imperial court.

All the officials above the fifth rank in the capital must participate in the ceremony of passing on people.

Of course, everyone cannot go directly to the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and must wait at the Meridian Gate.

At Maoshi, Luan Yiwei set up Lubo and Fajia. In front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the music (band) arranged by the Ministry of Rites stood under the eaves outside the main hall of the Hall of Supreme Harmony. on both sides of the door.

After all these things were arranged, the officials of the Ministry of Rites led the court ministers and the tribute students who participated in the palace examination to the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Officials of the imperial court all wore court uniforms.

Gongsheng is wearing a public uniform and a crown with three branches and nine leaves.

At this time, Gongsheng already knew his own fame. When they followed the officials of the Ministry of Rites and went to the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the number one scholar was at the front, followed by the second place and Tanhua, followed by the second-class Jinshi and the third-class fellow Jinshi.

Su Tiancheng was ranked second, with Chen Yutai in front of him and Wu Weiye behind him.

When you arrive at the Hall of Supreme Harmony, all officials are arranged according to rank. Officials above the second rank, including cabinet ministers, six ministers, and imperial envoys from the left and right of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, go to the top of Danbi. The so-called Danbi refers to the open space above the steps. Outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the rest of the civil and military officials, including the Gongsheng students who participated in the palace examination, are all in Danchi, which is the open space under the steps.

Gongsheng is behind all the civil and military officials.

In the middle of Danbi, the officials of the Honglu Temple of the Ministry of Rites set up a desk covered with yellow silk cloth.

It was the first time for Su Tiancheng to see all of this. He felt the solemnity. It turned out that the Grand Ceremony of Passing on Lu was so grand, and it was indeed the highest honor for scholars in the world.

At three o'clock in the morning, officials from the Ministry of Rites went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and invited the emperor to the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

At Chenshi, the emperor's Luanjia arrived at the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Cao Huachun, the Chief Eunuch of the Rites Supervisor, stood at the left head of the Supreme Harmony Gate of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

"The emperor is here, and all the ministers kneel down to pay their respects..."

"Long live the emperor, long live, long live..."

Su Tiancheng finally learned the great ceremony of three prostrations and nine prostrations. Following the slogan of the officials of the Honglu Temple in the Ministry of Rites, he followed the officials in front of him and knelt down, kowtowed three times, stood up, knelt down, kowtowed three times, stood up again, Kneel down again and kowtow three times.Every time you kowtow, you need to be real, and your head must touch the ground.

"Everyone's family is flat..."

With the beginning of the etiquette of kneeling three times and knocking nine times, the Ceremony of Chuanlu officially began.

After everyone died, Zhou Yanru, the chief assistant of the cabinet, a scholar of Wuyingdian, and the prince's Taibao, walked up to the Huang case with the yellow list in his hand, and put the yellow list on the case with a solemn expression.

The second assistant of the cabinet, the great scholar of the Dongge University, and the crown prince kept warm and benevolent, holding Huang Juan, and began to announce the "Zhi".

"On March [-]th, the fifth year of Chongzhen, the emperor planned to test the tribute students from all over the world. The first class was awarded Jinshi and rank, the second class was awarded Jinshi's background, and the third class was awarded with Jinshi's background."

Su Tiancheng blinked his eyes. He thought that if the emperor was about to speak, he must have personally announced the list of top three personnel.

It's a pity that he was wrong. Wen Tiren announced that "System" was over, and stood aside. Zhou Yanru, who had been beside the yellow case, carefully picked up the yellow list, and slowly opened it.

"Chen Yutai, a tribute student from Wuxi County, Suzhou Prefecture, Southern Zhili Province, hand-picked the No. 1 No. [-], and awarded Jinshi and rank."

"Chen Yutai, a tribute student from Wuxi County, Suzhou Prefecture, Southern Zhili Province, hand-picked the No. 1 No. [-], and awarded Jinshi and rank."

"Chen Yutai, a tribute student from Wuxi County, Suzhou Prefecture, Southern Zhili Province, hand-picked the No. 1 No. [-], and awarded Jinshi and rank."

Zhou Yanru read it three times in one breath.

Long ago, officials from the Honglu Temple of the Ministry of Rites led Chen Yutai to the imperial path in the middle, and knelt down at the left end in front of the imperial path.

"Su Tiancheng, a student from Pingyang Prefecture in Shanxi Province, hand-picked No. 2 of the first class, and awarded Jinshi and rank."

"Su Tiancheng, a student from Pingyang Prefecture in Shanxi Province, hand-picked No. 2 of the first class, and awarded Jinshi and rank."

"Su Tiancheng, a student from Pingyang Prefecture in Shanxi Province, hand-picked No. 2 of the first class, and awarded Jinshi and rank."

Su Tiancheng mechanically followed the officials of the Honglu Temple from the Ministry of Rites, walked out of the team, walked to the right side of the imperial road, and knelt down behind Chen Yutai.

"Wu Weiye, a tribute student from Kunshan County, Suzhou Prefecture, Southern Zhili Province, hand-picked the No. 3 first class, and awarded Jinshi and rank."

"Wu Weiye, a tribute student from Kunshan County, Suzhou Prefecture, Southern Zhili Province, hand-picked the No. 3 first class, and awarded Jinshi and rank."

"Wu Weiye, a tribute student from Kunshan County, Suzhou Prefecture, Southern Zhili Province, hand-picked the No. 3 first class, and awarded Jinshi and rank."

Wu Weiye knelt down behind Chen Yutai. He didn't forget to look at Su Tiancheng, but he didn't look at Chen Yutai in front.

Next, Zhou Yanru began to read out the list of second-class Jinshi, including the list of third-class Jinshi, and this time he only read it once.

The second-class Jinshi and the third-class Jinshi, after their names were read, knelt down on the spot.

Su Tiancheng, who was kneeling on the ground, had already reacted. He was a little unconvinced. Why, he was the second in the list, and the kneeling time was so long. The top three fellow Jinshi were the most comfortable, and the kneeling time was the shortest.

Half an hour passed, and Zhou Yanru finally finished reading the yellow list.

Soon, the officials of the Honglu Temple in the Ministry of Rites shouted and played music, and Danbi Dayue began to play "The Chapter of Qingping".

When Su Tiancheng was about to enjoy the music, he received another three bows and nine knocks. This time it was the number one scholar Chen Yutai, who brought all the top three Jinshi to thank the emperor for his kindness.

At this time, the Ceremony of Passing on Lulu was finally coming to an end.

The official of the Ministry of Rites walked in front of Zhou Yanru, and after saluting, he held up the yellow list with both hands and put it in the cloud tray. Then, under the guidance of the officials of Honglu Temple, he walked behind the yellow umbrella.

You know, this yellow umbrella is the symbol of the emperor.

At this time, the emperor in the Hall of Supreme Harmony left the palace, and everyone bowed to watch the emperor leave.

Luan Yiwei walked in the front with a yellow umbrella in his hand, followed by the official of the Ministry of Rites, holding a cloud disk, followed by the hand-picked head, second, and third, and the rest of the ministers followed.

The route Su Tiancheng took this time was unexpected. Huang San walked out of the Supreme Harmony Gate and headed for the main entrance of the Meridian Gate.

The main entrance of the Meridian Gate, not to mention princes and ministers, even the empress and empress, can only be walked once when they are married. The rest of the time, the main entrance is closed, and only the emperor can leave.

When walking out from the main entrance of the Meridian Gate, Su Tiancheng discovered that the rest of the ministers still walked through the doors on both sides of the Meridian Gate, that is to say, only the top three Jinshi could pass through the main entrance of the Meridian Gate.

The yellow umbrella left the Forbidden City and headed for the East Chang'an Gate. All the yellow lists were hung there. After three days, they were put away and sent to the cabinet for storage.

This process is the most glorious time for the top three Jinshi.

Outside Chang'an Gate, it was already crowded with onlookers, bustling and bustling, everyone was criticizing the top three Jinshi, especially the three people who walked in the front, these three people were No. [-] Scholar, No. [-] and Tan Hua.

Chen Yutai was older. Su Tiancheng and Wu Weiye were both very young, one was 19 years old and the other was 23 years old. They were both handsome, and soon became the focus of discussion.

After the yellow list is posted, it is time to parade across the street.

There is also a difference here. Only the top three can be given horses. The rest of the second-class Jinshi and the third-class Jinshi, follow behind, ride on the horse, and turn around East Chang'an Avenue. It is indeed eye-catching .

Su Tiancheng was very familiar with riding the horse, so he got on the horse by himself.

The horses selected by the Ministry of Rites are all imperial horses, that is, Arabian horses. They are docile, tall, and walk slowly, as if they are stepping on dance steps. Riding such a horse is indeed a kind of enjoyment.

The grand occasion of the horse riding parade was beyond Su Tiancheng's expectations. On East Chang'an Avenue, there were actually quite a few girls, all of whom seemed to be ladies from everyone, and they were by no means girls from ordinary families.

There are many girls with veils on their heads.

It wasn't long before Su Tiancheng found out that during the process of the top-ranked Jinshi parading through the streets, many wealthy families chose their son-in-law at this time.At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, it was a bit too much, and someone immediately robbed the son-in-law. After coming out of the Meridian Gate, I saw that the yellow list was hung on the flat sheet. March 21, [-], grab the person first, the mansion has already been prepared, once you get the person, go home and immediately pay homage to marriage, make cooked rice with raw rice, regardless of whether you are engaged or not.

Hearing such rumors, cold sweat broke out on Su Tiancheng's head. He wasn't married yet, or even engaged. If someone really snatched him away and made raw rice for mature rice, he would obediently admit it. These officials Girls from people and rich families are very narrow-minded. If you don't want to, and regret the marriage, you might lose their lives.

Finally got back to the inn.

Su Tiancheng heaved a sigh of relief, finally he had truly experienced the ceremony of passing on a group of people.

But the most important thing was that two days later, the emperor bestowed a banquet of grace and honor in the Ministry of Rites, also known as Qionglin Banquet.Before the Enrong banquet, the number one scholar will lead all the top three Jinshi to the Hall of Supreme Harmony to thank the emperor and present a song, which is an article praising merit. Officials, the rest of the second-class Jinshi and the third-class Jinshi, after passing the examination school, entered the Imperial Academy respectively, and were awarded Shujishi, or directly awarded officials.

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