Ming politicians

Chapter 1051 Adjustment of Battle Deployment

(Thanks to Piaoxing Europe for casting valuable monthly tickets, thanks to Piaoxing Europe for the reward, and thank you for choosing to take the middle route, thank you. At the same time, I would like to thank many readers for their valuable opinions, which have benefited a lot Shallow, thank you.)

Su Tiancheng was very emotional. He launched a general attack on the Houjin Tartars. On the surface, it was a decisive battle between Daming and Houjin. In fact, it was a duel between Su Tiancheng and Huang Taiji. This was a battle that was unequal at the very beginning. , Huang Taiji is the emperor of Houjin, he can fight with the strength of the whole country, but he fights in front, and he has to guard against plots from the court and the emperor.

The fighting power of the Houjin Tatars is good, but it is not exaggerated to that extent. In the past, the Ming army suffered too many defeats, so that after the Houjin Tatars entered the pass, they did not dare to fight and let the Tatars plunder , There are personal reasons for the sergeants, as well as reasons for the morale of the army and the court. The method of requiring the horse to run well and not to eat grass will definitely not work. It takes a long time for the sergeant to charge forward to die, and no one will do it.

Su Tiancheng established the Jiangning Battalion single-handedly, implementing a brand new way of thinking, putting the honor of the army at the highest position, and any sergeant must use his life to protect the honor of the army, and in the Jiangning Battalion, relying on personal ability and combat achievements, Being able to be promoted, all the small banners and general banners of the Jiangning Camp, most of the hundreds and thousands of households, were promoted by relying on personal ability and military exploits. With the promotion of the position, the treatment is also different, but there is one thing It is very clear that when fighting, the officers must charge at the forefront. This is the rule of the Jiangning battalion. Not to mention the officers at all levels, there are some important battles.Su Tiancheng, Hong Chengchou and others charged in person, which also formed a good atmosphere in the Jiangning camp. The soldiers supported the officers, obeyed orders, and carried out orders unconditionally.

Su Tiancheng is very clear.If you want to completely defeat and exterminate the Empress Jin Tartars, you can rely on the Jiangning camp. I am afraid that the emperor and the court also understand that it is precisely because of the strength of the Jiangning camp that the emperor has become suspicious. It is also because of the strength of the Jiangning camp that Su Tiancheng It's time to change your thinking, Su Tiancheng is not alone anymore.There are too many confidantes behind him, including family members. These people need to be protected. The only way to protect these people is to gain more power.

Defeating and exterminating the Empress Golden Tartars is a task that must be completed, and there is no way to delay it, Su Tiancheng has a feeling.Perhaps at a certain point in history, something will happen.This is predestined by the heavens, and Su Tiancheng cannot violate such laws, even though Su Tiancheng has never been superstitious.

If you are in an unfavorable situation, then reverse the situation, no matter what obstacles are in front of you, people block and kill people.It is nothing special to block and kill Buddha. Under the current situation, we should stabilize Dengzhou, Laizhou, Qingzhou, Taiwan and Quanzhou in Fujian, and build Fuzhou and Xuanzhou well.Relying on these places as bases, this is the best choice to start further strengthening.

It was September, and the situation in the imperial court became more and more complicated. Su Tiancheng was not going to wait anymore, he was going to start fighting with the Houjin Tartars again.

The adjustment of Huang Taiji's combat deployment is already very clear. Su Tiancheng, Hong Chengchou and others have also gone through many times of analysis, and gradually clarified the reasons for the adjustment of the deployment of the Houjin Tartars. Under such circumstances, the focus of the Jiangning Battalion's attack Whether adjustments need to be made is crucial.

Su Tiancheng is ready to make adjustments. According to the original offensive thinking that focused on Haizhou, he may need to make changes to lead the opponent by the nose and make the opponent exhausted. Only in this way can he win a greater victory.

Hong Chengchou, Lu Xiangsheng, Qin Liangyu, Sun Chuanting, Bi Maokang, Zu Dashou, Liu Ji and others looked at the map on the wall and were deep in thought.

The new strategy proposed by Su Tiancheng is very risky. Although it is possible to achieve greater victories, it is also possible to encounter unexpected events. Everyone needs to think carefully.

In order to readjust the combat deployment, Su Tiancheng thought about it for half a month. After it was basically determined, Liaodong Governor Lu Xiangsheng, Datong Governor Qin Liangyu and others all rushed to Gaizhou to discuss the new combat deployment.

"Lord Qin, Daishan led the army into the grassland. It has been a few days, and I think the preparations are almost done. There may be an attack. We need to remind the Xibe and Daur tribes to be fully prepared and never underestimate the enemy. Zu Dashou and Liu Ji, the two of you are in charge of directing the battle. The deployment in the direction of Datong has not changed in any way. After you go back, assist Master Qin. The Datong frontier army must enter the grassland, and be prepared to fight gone."

Su Tiancheng first talked about the arrangement in the direction of Datong. According to the information from the grassland, after Daishan arrived at the Horqin tribe, he did not launch an attack immediately, but was contacting various tribes in the grassland. There was a brutal fight, and Su Tiancheng was unable to mobilize troops to go to Datong. The task of stabilizing the grassland and guarding the border could only be completed by the Datong frontier army.

"The combat deployment in the direction of Haizhou and Liaodong has undergone large-scale adjustments this time. According to the requirements, once we have made a decision, the army must be in place within ten days. We will launch an offensive at the end of September and take Liaodong in one fell swoop." Guangning and Xipingbao, in October, the army has reached the Liaohe River, directly threatening Shenyang."

After Su Tiancheng finished speaking, he looked at everyone.

Hong Chengchou spoke first.

"Commander, the combat deployment in the direction of Datong is not moving. The subordinates think it is feasible, but the adjustment of the combat deployment in Liaodong and Haizhou is facing three problems. I have to consider it. The first problem is that Dorgon led the post-golden army. The elite soldiers of the Tartars, stationed in Haizhou, cannot just stick to their positions, and will attack at the right time. Whether the [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers who stayed behind in Gaizhou, Fuzhou, and Xuanzhou will be able to hold on, this needs to be considered. The second question is that Japanese Japanese pirates show signs of attacking North Korea. If they attack North Korea in September or October, they may directly threaten Xuanzhou and other places and affect our deployment. The third question is Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou, there can be no mistakes."

When it comes to issues in Dengzhou and other places, Hong Chengchou did not expand, and some things are hard to say at this time.

Su Tiancheng nodded and looked at the others to see if there was any problem.

Everyone didn't open their mouths. In fact, they had discussed it a long time ago, and the key point was the problem Hong Chengchou mentioned.

Seeing that the rest of the people did not speak, Su Tiancheng began to return.

"As for the defense of Gaizhou, Fuzhou, and Xuanzhou, this is the most important issue. No matter what difficulties the remaining [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers encounter, they must keep Fuzhou and defend Fuzhou. As for the stability of Gaizhou, Laizhou, and Qingzhou, as for Gaizhou and Xuanzhou, they can be given up if they have to. As I said earlier, our main purpose is to wipe out the viable forces of the post-Golden Tartars, and occupying the city is secondary. This is what must be done, no matter how many casualties there are."

"The issue of the Japanese attacking North Korea is not a big problem for the time being. The Japanese invaded North Korea and needed to take down the entire territory of North Korea before it could affect Xuanzhou. The king of North Korea surnamed Li, since he begged me to withdraw the troops of Ming Dynasty , then he has to take responsibility and fight with the Japanese. The two sides need to fight at least. This is not a battle that can be ended in a short time. We have enough time to face it. Leading an army of [-], they are familiar with the situation in North Korea, and they can just enter North Korea to fight."

"I don't want to say more about the situation in Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou. The principle has long been clear. No matter what problems arise, Dengzhou and other places must be stable and cannot be subject to any fluctuations. Otherwise, the morale of the army will be difficult to stabilize."

After explaining in a few words, Su Tiancheng moved to the aspect of deployment adjustment.

"This time, the post-Gold Tartars adjusted their deployment, showing that they were targeted, but in fact there were loopholes. Jierhalang led an army to station in Liaodong, but he was not familiar with the situation in Liaodong. Although Dorgon was brave, he needed time to get familiar with Haizhou. In the case of Manchu Banners and Han Eight Banners, due to special reasons, the army can only follow the banner leader, which creates opportunities for us. We are all familiar with the situation in Liaodong and Haizhou. We should choose Liaodong as the main direction of attack. It was our best decision."

"In fact, we should have chosen Liaodong as the main direction of attack. After taking Guangning and Xiping Fort, we arrived at Liaohe and directly threatened Shenyang. The Houjin Tartars in the direction of Haizhou were also shocked. Adjustment, we can only say that we are finally back on track.”

"I have ordered that 1 soldiers of the Jiangning battalion stationed in Taiwan will be dispatched to Dengzhou to protect the safety of Dengzhou and other places. In this way, another 5 soldiers of the Jiangning battalion stationed in Dengzhou will be stationed in Gaizhou and other places. There are [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers in Fuzhou and other places, a total of [-] people, enough to complete the task of defense, and the remaining [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers will be transported directly to Jinzhou by the navy."

"Once the combat deployment is confirmed, it cannot be delayed. Nights are long and dreamy. Once the Houjin Tatars are aware of it, we will increase casualties and increase the difficulty of the battle. We won a major victory in the Battle of Gaizhou, which triggered the post-jin war. The Tartars are highly vigilant, the battle of Liaodong may be extremely cruel, I still say the same thing, don't be impatient, and have sufficient self-confidence."

"Hong Chengchou, the defense in the direction of Gaizhou, including the overall deployment of Dengzhou, Laizhou, and Qingzhou, is all up to you. The army will spend two days preparing, departing on September [-], and arriving in Jinzhou in five days. There is no navy, so our actions can be kept secret in a short period of time, once the army arrives in Jinzhou, even if the later Jin Tartars notice the changes in our deployment, they will have no chance to adjust."

"The importance of this battle is self-evident. I hope you will do your best to fight with all your heart, don't care about external affairs, and don't be fooled by rumors." (To be continued...)

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