Ming politicians

Chapter 1057 1 pot with raw rice

(Thanks to Empire Sunset World for casting valuable monthly tickets, thank hhhffv for voting for precious evaluation votes, thank you for choosing the middle route for neither left nor right, and for the reward from the Thieves. Thank you.)

The adjustments made by Huang Taiji cannot be completely kept secret, and Huang Taiji has no intention of keeping it completely secret. After all, tens of thousands of troops set off from Haizhou and Yaozhou, arrived at Xiping Fort and Guangning City by land, and crossed the Liao River during the period. It is almost impossible to hide Su Tiancheng's big actions.

Having just arrived in Jinzhou, after getting off the ship, Su Tiancheng learned that Huang Taiji had strengthened the defense of Liaodong.

The atmosphere became a little tense. The adjustment of the focus of this attack belongs to the category of declassification. It is impossible for the news to leak out. Why did Huang Taiji suddenly mobilize the army from the direction of Haizhou to strengthen the attack on Guangning City and Xiping Fort? This undoubtedly increases the difficulty of attacking.

Entering Jinzhou City, Su Tiancheng's face was extremely serious.

A crucial discussion took place in Jinzhou City.

Su Tiancheng, Lu Xiangsheng, Qu Qingze, Sun Chuanting and others participated in the discussion. The focus of the discussion was how to launch the offensive in Liaodong.

Su Tiancheng remembered a sentence. The scene at that time was very similar to the present. It was also when the war was about to start, and it was also in Liaodong. One table of food, but two tables of people came, how to eat this meal.

Didn't expect to encounter such a problem myself.

The choice faced is very simple, either continue to attack Guangning City and Xiping Fort, or go back and attack Yaozhou and Haizhou.

The first question to be discussed is whether the information has been leaked. If such a problem occurs, it will be fatal.No one dares to take care, whether there will be any information leaks in the future, if there are any signs of this, they must be strictly investigated and the traitor must be rescued, otherwise there will be no future battles.There will be big trouble.

In fact, before Su Tiancheng arrived in Jinzhou, Lu Xiangsheng had already launched a large-scale investigation to see if the news had been leaked, but after two days of investigation, nothing was found.

Qu Qingze spoke first. Starting from Dengzhou, Qu Qingze rushed to Jinzhou at the fastest speed without stopping. Zhang Fengyi led the army.He has already withdrawn from Dengzhou and rushed to Xuanzhou by boat.

"Marshal, my subordinates believe that there may be a problem of information leakage. It is said that the Houjin Tartars have made deployments and will not adjust easily, and the adjustment range is very large. Liaodong has increased more than 4 Houjin. Tartars. This is not a small force, without the support of intelligence. Huang Taiji will not make such a decision."

Qu Qingze was engaged in intelligence work, and after he spoke, everyone basically agreed.

Lu Xiangsheng then spoke.

"The subordinates have already launched an investigation to see if the information leaked from Liaodong, but after two days of investigation, they did not get any clues. The subordinates have also thought about it seriously. The possibility of leaking the overall combat deployment is not great. So far So far, the only ones who really know the entire combat deployment are the subordinates."

Lu Xiangsheng just finished speaking.Qu Qingze spoke again.

"Lord Lu, the Houjin Tatars don't need to know all the information, as long as they know the news about the adjustment of troops in Liaodong, they can make a judgment."

Lu Xiangsheng lowered his head and stopped talking. Liaodong had learned a lesson before and leaked information, and this time it might be possible.

Su Tiancheng looked at the crowd, and spoke confidently.

"It's unlikely that the information leaked, although I'm not completely sure, Fan Wencheng was directly responsible for the information on the Houjin Tartars. Fan Wencheng is dead, and Liaodong has carried out a large-scale cleanup. Within a short period of time, it is almost impossible for the post-Gold Tartars to obtain such important information, and the intelligence network cannot be established so easily."

"My analysis is probably because Huang Taiji analyzed the situation in Liaodong and gained a new understanding, or someone around Huang Taiji reminded him of the situation in Liaodong. Don't forget that Huang Taiji is not an ordinary person. If we underestimated Huang Taiji, in the future battles, he will definitely suffer."

After Su Tiancheng said these words, Lu Xiangsheng raised his head and heaved a sigh of relief. If there is another problem in Liaodong, the information is really leaked from here, and this responsibility is not easy to bear.

Su Tiancheng is not completely sure whether there is a problem of information leakage, but at this time, it is not the most important thing to investigate whether there is information leakage. If the investigation is not good, it will also affect the morale of the army.

Su Tiancheng quickly made a decision on whether the information was leaked, that is, he didn't think about it. The key was what to do next, whether to continue the attack.

Lu Xiangsheng began to introduce the situation.

"Originally, those stationed in Guangning City included the Xianglan Banner of Jierhalang and the Xianglan Banner of the Han Eight Banners, with a total force of more than 4 people. Those stationed in Xipingbao had the Zhenghuang Banner and Xianghuang Banner of the Han Eight Banners. There are more than [-] troops, and Guangning City and Xiping Fort are not easy to attack. Needless to say, Guangning City, Xiping Fort used to be an important military point. After the Golden Tartars occupied it, they expanded it moderately. The defensive formation is very strong. Yes, in addition, Shi Tingzhu, the leader of the Han Eight Banners Xianghuang Banner, is a Han in Liaodong. After the surrender, before the Golden Tartars, he was on defense in Guangning, and he is very familiar with the situation."

"The reinforcements to Liaodong this time are the Zhenghong Banner and the Xianghong Banner among the Han Eight Banners. The total strength is also more than 4. Among them, the Zhenghong Banner is stationed in Guangning, and the Xianghong Banner is stationed in Xipingbao."

"I would also like to introduce several banner owners of the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty here. Apart from Shi Tingzhu, the banner owner of the inlaid yellow banner mentioned earlier, Ma Guangyuan, the owner of the Zhenghong Banner, was born in Shuntian Daxing, a former general of Jianchang, and after three years in Chongzhen The Golden Tatars are also very familiar with the terrain of Liaodong. The owner of Zhenghong Banner, Wang Shixuan, took refuge in the Houjin Tartars during the Wanli period. He is a Han in Liaodong. He is familiar with the terrain of Liaodong. The owner of the Yellow Banner, Bayan, has a special identity. My mother is from the Houjin royal family, and Bayan fought bravely, and he was a mighty general of Houjin, compared to the bannermen of the Eight Banners of Han, they are all brave generals."

"According to the information we have, the combat effectiveness of the Eight Banners of Han is not weaker than that of the Eight Banners, and the officers of the Eight Banners at all levels are drawn from the Eight Banners."

Everyone knows this. In the Battle of Gaizhou, everyone has seen the fighting power of the Han Eight Banners led by Jin Li. It is not weaker than the Man Eight Banners. It may be slightly inferior to the Man Eight Banners in field combat, but in terms of morale. , even stronger than the Manchu Eight Banners, Lu Xiangsheng's introduction of these situations is also a reminder.

After Lu Xiangsheng introduced the situation, Su Tiancheng looked at everyone.

Sun Chuanting spoke first. Hong Chengchou, Bi Maokang and others all stayed in Gaizhou, so he was considered the main commander.

"Commander, my subordinates feel that the total strength of the Houjin Tartars in Liaodong has reached 13, and there are at most 8 Houjin Tartars stationed in Haizhou and Yaozhou. Such a defense in the direction of Haizhou is far away. It is not as good as Liaodong, and if the army can quickly return, the Houjin Tartars will be caught off guard and take Yaozhou and Haizhou, which will also threaten Liaodong and Shenyang."

After Sun Chuanting finished speaking, Lu Xiangsheng turned pale and spoke anxiously.

"No, my subordinates believe that the deployment of the campaign cannot be easily changed. The Houjin Tatars have increased their strength. Our army can choose the focus and still focus on attacking Xiping Fort to attract the Houjin Tatars stationed in Guangning to leave the city. The tactics of besieging the city and fighting for reinforcements have been arranged, and the subordinates believe that the army will always face the post-Gold Tartars, and that they cannot easily change the deployment of the battle because of changes in conditions."

Of course, Lu Xiangsheng wanted to attack from Liaodong, and the Liaodong frontier army had already made preparations.

Su Tiancheng looked at Qu Qingze.

Qu Qingze didn't want to speak at first, he was mainly engaged in intelligence work, as for how to deploy the army, it was not his main consideration, but what Su Tiancheng meant was obviously to ask him to speak.

"Marshal, this subordinate agrees with Master Lu's opinion."

Su Tiancheng nodded slightly, and finally made a decision.

"Huang Taiji suddenly increased the number of sergeants stationed in Liaodong. This is indeed a big change for us. The 14 Jiangning battalion soldiers, plus the 8 Liaodong frontier army, totaled 13. The original stationed in Liaodong, Only [-] people, we have an absolute advantage, but now the situation has changed, there are [-] post-Gold Tartars stationed in Liaodong, in terms of military strength, we have lost our advantage, and we are in an offensive situation. Previously, Mr. Lu As I have already said, the fortifications of Guangning City and Xiping Fort are very solid, and we don’t have any advantage in comparison from this point.”

"The problem we are facing is real. This will increase a lot of variables. It is like cooking rice. We can eat well-cooked meals, but the rice in the pot increases, but the fire does not burn. It turned out to be raw rice, what should we do, should we give up this pot of rice, I don’t think it’s necessary, even if it’s a pot of raw rice, we have to eat it.”

"We need to warn all soldiers that the battle of Liaodong may be extremely cruel, and we may suffer unprecedented losses. It is a devastating blow to the Houjin Tartars. I still have the same opinion. In the battle of Liaodong, our focus is not to attack the city, but to wipe out the vital forces of the Houjin Tartars to the greatest extent. Only after the Golden Tartars can we say that we have won the battle, otherwise it would not be very meaningful for us to seize the city."

"There were more than 13 post-gold tartars. In the battle of Gaizhou, we wiped out more than 20 people, and there were about [-] in Liaodong. If this group of post-gold tartars is completely wiped out, then what is left in Huang Taiji's hands? According to the territory occupied by Hou Jin, Huang Taiji wanted to recruit soldiers in a short period of time. I am afraid it will not be that simple. My Ming Dynasty is different, and I have sufficient sources of troops. Therefore, this time In battle, victory must belong to us.” (To be continued..)

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