Ming politicians

Chapter 1067 The decisive battle in Liaodong

Half an hour passed, and the three rounds of artillery attacks ended.

The rumbling drum sounded, and Liu Wenxiu and He Renlong led [-] soldiers to launch an attack.

All the attackers were cavalry, they didn't need ladders, and they didn't need other siege equipment. A huge gap was blown open in the city wall of Xiping Fort.

The soldiers rushed towards the gap like a tidal wave, and surprisingly, there were hardly any Hou Jin Tartars to resist.

There was already a one-sided massacre at the south gate. Some post-gold tartars who were dumbfounded by the bombing were cut down to the ground before they had time to resist. Some post-gold tartars who wanted to escape were also ruthlessly beaten stepped on the ground.

The attack went so smoothly, beyond the expectations of most soldiers.

However, Su Tiancheng was unusually calm. Taking Xiping Fort was no longer a big deal. What he cared about now was preventing Sun Chuanting and Ma Xianglin from the rescue army sent by Dorgon.

The fighting in Xiping Fort will continue for a while, the army cannot immediately reinforce Sun Chuanting, everything depends on Sun Chuanting and Ma Xianglin, the position must not be broken through, and the two armies of the Houjin Tartars cannot be joined together.

Sun Chuanting never expected that there were more than [-] Houjin tartars sent by Dorgon to reinforce them, and all the Zhengbai Banners among the Han Eight Banners came to reinforce them.

This was an intelligence error, but maybe it wasn't a mistake, maybe Dorgon suddenly changed his mind.

Ten thousand against twenty thousand, the situation became serious in an instant.

The place where Sun Chuanting and Ma Xianglin led the army to garrison was more than [-] miles away from Xiping Fort and not far from Liaohe River. There was a small village here. According to the information detected by the scouts, this village was called Maban Village.There are less than [-] households in Maban Village. Because of the war, the farmers have fled long ago, and the village is empty.

The terrain of Maban Village is a bit special, the village is right in the middle of a small mountain range, after crossing the Liao River.If you want to reach Xipingbao, you must pass through this Maban village, and there is no other road.

Sun Chuanting remembered very clearly that before leaving, Su Tiancheng told Wan Wan: Although the street pavilion is small, it has important ties, and it is necessary to stop the reinforcements of the Houjin Tartars, otherwise, the situation of the battle may change.Once the Houjin Tatars broke through the defense line, the reinforcements would make it more difficult for the Jiangning Battalion to destroy the Houjin Tartars, and they would not even be able to completely wipe out the Houjin Tartars stationed in Xiping Fort. The soldiers of the Jiangning battalion were in a situation of front and rear attacks, and had to devote a lot of energy to deal with the post-gold Tartars who reinforced Xiping Fort.worst case scenario.That is, the Jiangning Battalion's offensive fell short, and the strategic offensive had to be converted into a new defensive campaign.In that case, all campaign deployments will have to undergo major adjustments.

Therefore, Sun Chuanting has no way out.

Sun Chuanting didn't intend to retreat either, even if he died here, he still wanted to stop the reinforcements from the Later Jin Tartars.

Ma Xianglin assisted Sun Chuanting in blocking the reinforcements of the Golden Tatars, and he was a little reluctant at first, who doesn't want to attack.How pleasant it is to charge forward and fight the enemy bravely, but after understanding the great significance of blocking, Ma Xianglin quickly integrated into it.

Sun Chuanting and Ma Xianglin gave the officer a death order.We must hold this place, even if we fight to the last man, we cannot retreat, otherwise military law will be used.

Sun Chuanting's order seemed a bit tragic, and some soldiers didn't understand it very well. They thought that it would not be very difficult to stop the Golden Tartars' aid.

Sun Chuanting didn't have many cannons, only twenty in total, all of which were tiger squatting cannons and Franji factions. A large number of cannons were used to attack Xiping Fort, and some of the cannons were distributed to the Liaodong Frontier Army , to attack Guangning City.Sun Chuanting can also understand this point, after all, he led the soldiers to station here for the purpose of taking Xiping Fort smoothly for the army.

Before reaching Mao, scouts rushed to report, and the number of Houjin Tatars who came to reinforce was estimated to be more than 2. Judging from the military uniforms they wore, they belonged to the Zhengbai Banner to which the Eight Banners of Han belonged.

The Han Eight Banners belong to the Zhengbai Banner, and the banner owner is Liu Zhiyuan. During the Wanli period, he surrendered to the Houjin Tartars. He used to be Niulu Ezhen of the Zhenghuang Banner of the Manchu Eight Banners. Even among the Manchu Eight Banners, he is also quite famous. Titans.

The atmosphere instantly became tense.

There is no dangerous place to wait in Maban Village. In front of the village, there is a large open flat land, which is conducive to the cavalry's attack. In other words, this kind of terrain is similar for both sides.

However, Sun Chuanting still has some advantages. After all, the Houjin Tartars are attacking, and the task of the Jiangning battalion is to defend. Moreover, the five Frang cannons are Sun Chuanting's greatest reliance. Very large, especially for cavalry, has a greater deterrent.

At Mao, the attack began.

Liu Zhiyuan was full of confidence, and the scouts found it. Maban Village, which the army had to pass through, was guarded by the Ming army. Maban Village was safe and easy for the cavalry to charge. Try it, Liu Zhiyuan knows that there will not be too many Ming troops stationed, after all, a large number of Ming troops still want to attack Xiping Fort.

Liu Zhiyuan was also very anxious. The order issued by Prince Rui Dorgon was also very clear. He must do his best to rescue Xiping Fort. Once he could echo the soldiers of Xiping Fort, he would be able to attack the Ming army from front to back and shake the Ming army. This time the rescue is very important. In a certain sense, this time is not a rescue, but the best chance to defeat the Ming army. Lang, Dorgon stationed in Haizhou, will lead the army to Xiping Fort. At that time, I am afraid it will be the end of the Ming army.

Liu Zhiyuan knew that the one who attacked Xiping Fort was the most powerful army of Ming Dynasty, Jiangning Battalion, and Su Tiancheng, the commander of Jiangning Battalion, was even more famous.

Liu Zhiyuan felt more excited, if he could complete such an important task, then he would be able to become famous in the shortest possible time.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for the Ming army to send troops to stop it.

The vanguard led by Liu Zhiyuan has a total of 5000 people, and the army behind is no more than five miles away from the vanguard.

These 5000 men are the elite cavalry of Zhengbai Banner, and in Liu Zhiyuan's view, they are invincible.

Without waiting for the army from behind to come, Liu Zhiyuan made a decision to launch an attack. He hoped that through the attack of 5000 people, he would tear through the defense line of the Ming army, and then the army behind would fight the Ming army while passing through smoothly.

This was a decision that Liu Zhiyuan regretted endlessly.

The vanguard launched an attack, and the galloping sergeants performed their unique skills, firing bows and arrows on horseback, and in an instant, densely packed bows and arrows flew towards the defensive position of the Ming army.

Liu Zhiyuan, who led the soldiers to charge, had sufficient confidence that he would be able to lead the leading troops, and beat the Ming army so hard that they couldn't lift their heads. Liu Zhiyuan even thought of the scene of fighting the Ming army at that time.

Liu Zhiyuan once entered the pass with Man Ba ​​Banners. At that time, he galloped through the pass, invincible, and the Ming army fled in anticipation.

It's a pity that Liu Zhiyuan forgot that he was facing the Jiangning Camp, the Jiangning Camp that wiped out the Zhenghong Banner among the Eight Banners, and killed Duoduo. Facing such a powerful army, Liu Zhiyuan should be cautious. .

At the beginning of the charge, everything went smoothly, and the Ming army in front did not respond.

This stimulated Liu Zhiyuan even more. He took the lead and charged at the forefront. If it wasn't for the obstruction of the soldiers around him, he, the banner owner, would have died just as the battle started.

The speed of the cavalry charging was very fast, and the momentum was also extraordinary. The murderous and domineering aura revealed was unbearable for ordinary people, but it was a pity that Sun Chuanting, Ma Xianglin and others didn't care at all.

All twenty cannons are set up, and the front is five Franco cannons.

When the cavalry was still 100 meters away, the artillery began to roar.

When the cannon sounded, the attacking cavalry dispersed quickly. This is what they often train to deal with the artillery attack, and their attack speed is faster, and the attack is the best defense.

But this time, they realized that something was wrong, the artillery was too dense, and the firing speed was very fast, far from what they imagined, it took a long time to fire a single shell.

As the horses and soldiers fell, Liu Zhiyuan also felt that something was wrong. This time the artillery was different, it was very lethal, and the continuous firing made it impossible for the charging soldiers to dodge. The flintlock guns were also very powerful and kept firing. The bullets made the soldiers rushing forward become living targets.

The forward charge was hindered, and the rear charge continued. Most of the cavalry quickly crowded together. This was a big taboo. Liu Zhiyuan knew it well. He thought that the artillery of the Ming army would always stop. The artillery stopped, and as long as the cavalry rushed over, the killing could begin.

Therefore, Liu Zhiyuan did not order to retreat, but asked the cavalry to continue to charge, and to keep a distance, so that they could not gather together.

In fact, the momentum of the cavalry's charge has already encountered setbacks, and the charge should be done in one go.

About 50 meters away from the Ming army's position, many war horses and Houjin tartars fell down, and the ones behind were still charging.

Seeing this scene, Sun Chuanting laughed. He thought Liu Zhiyuan was very powerful, but Liu Zhiyuan, who was overjoyed, lost his basic calm and launched an attack before the army behind arrived. This was obviously his opportunity.

All the artillery was roaring, and the flintlocks were firing continuously. . .

Liu Zhiyuan finally found out that the situation was wrong, the casualties were too high, no one could rush into the Ming army's position, and the charging road of tens of meters was full of fallen soldiers and horses. If this continues, five thousand soldiers may be caught , nor could it break through the positions of the Ming army.

He finally ordered a retreat.

That is, when they were retreating, some cavalry of the Ming army attacked, and the thunderous charge caught the retreating soldiers off guard, and the team was in chaos in an instant.

Under the protection of his own soldiers, Liu Zhiyuan finally withdrew.Unfortunately, other sergeants were not so lucky. (To be continued..)

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