Ming politicians

Chapter 1069 The decisive battle in Liaodong

(Thanks to the Uncrowned Emperor for voting for the precious monthly ticket, and thank you for choosing to take the middle route as a reward. I have been paying attention to the Malaysian airliner. My heart is very heavy. I can only silently pray for the passengers on the airliner. .)

The brutal fighting continued.

Xiping Fort has become a sea of ​​flames, a sea of ​​flames in the world, killings everywhere, fallen corpses everywhere, and thick smoke billowing out everywhere.

Liu Wenxiu, He Renlong, Di Huaixiang and others led [-] soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion to rush into Xiping Fort, and the tragic fight began. Among the Han Eight Banners stationed in Xiping Fort, there were the Zhenghuang Banner and the Xianghuang Banner. And Xianghongqi, more than [-] people, the main stationed at the south gate is Xianghuangqi, Shi Tingzhu directly commands, but the most serious loss is Xianghuangqi, three rounds of artillery attacks have seriously injured Xianghuangqi, and almost lost the ability to resist ability.

When the Ming army launched a charge, Shi Tingzhu already felt that something was wrong, so he urgently mobilized the soldiers stationed at the east gate, west gate, and north gate, including the reserve team, to start a fight with the Ming army. Unfortunately, this transfer seemed too hasty. From the perspective of others, even if the Ming army wanted to attack Xiping Fort, they would have to pay huge casualties in front of the south gate. It would take at least several days to reach the city gate. Unfortunately, after half an hour, the Ming army broke through The city gate, entered the city and fought.

Because it was unexpected, the preparations could not be so meticulous, which was fatal.

When the Ming army rushed into the city, the reinforcements from other places had not yet arrived at the south gate, and the situation became a one-sided massacre. The sergeants stationed at the south gate basically had no ability to resist. Although Shi Tingzhu shouted desperately, demanding that the sergeants go all out. resistance.It didn't help much, until the Ming army completely occupied the south gate, but when it was developing in depth, reinforcements from other directions arrived. During this process, Shi Tingzhu almost became a prisoner.

It's a pity that reinforcements came.The effect was still not good. Facing the brave Ming army, Ma Guangyuan and others could not change the decadent situation even though they tried their best.

Two hours passed, and it was almost noon.

The fighting in Xiping Fort was still going on, Shi Tingzhu, Ma Guangyuan, Bayan and others had gathered in the house, they had to face the reality that Xiping Fort could not hold.Should they organize the army to withdraw from Xiping Fort and rush to Guangning City to preserve part of their strength, or stick to Xiping Fort and fight to the death with the Ming army.

Bayan was the first to speak. As a member of the royal family of the Qing Dynasty, Bayan's attitude was very firm.

"Commander, my subordinates think that we cannot withdraw from Xiping Fort, even though we have suffered heavy losses. However, Lord Sony has said that Prince Rui and Prince Zheng have already sent troops to support them. As long as we can drag the Ming army in Xiping Fort, the situation of the battle can change fundamentally, and we will evacuate Xiping Fort at this time. We will be the sinners of the Qing Dynasty."

Bayan's speech was very intimidating. Although Shi Tingzhu was said to be the coach, in terms of identity, among all the banner owners of the Han Eight Banners, the most distinguished one was Bayan.After all, Bayan is a relative of the royal family, considering this aspect, Shi Tingzhu had to think of Bayan's identity.

After Bayan finished speaking, Ma Guangyuan spoke quickly.

"This subordinate disagrees with General Ba's suggestion. Yes, the army does need to garrison Xiping Fort. However, the Ming army's offensive is so fierce that half of Xiping Fort has already fallen. The casualties will be even greater in the next fight. I remember very clearly that Sir Sony said that the army needs to stick to Xiping Fort and strive to encircle and wipe out the Ming army in Xiping Fort. But the actual situation has changed now. The artillery of the Ming army is too sharp. In half a day, it occupied half of Xiping Fort. Being so caught off guard, the subordinates thought that the reinforcements sent by Prince Rui and Prince Zheng might not be able to arrive so quickly, if the army does not take advantage of this opportunity to withdraw from Xiping Fort, there will be no chance in the future."

As the banner owner of the Zhenghuang Banner, Ma Guangyuan thinks more far-reaching. The army should still focus on preserving its strength. As for the loss of Xiping Fort, the loss must be huge, but the sergeant has survived, and there is still a chance to make a comeback. They were all wiped out, and nothing they said had any effect.As the flag owner of the Upper Three Banners among the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty, Ma Guangyuan dared to say such a thing.

Just as Ma Guangyuan finished speaking, Bayan suddenly stood up.

"General Ma, I can't agree with what you said. The troops sent by Prince Rui and Prince Zheng are definitely on their way to reinforce. As long as we can persist and delay the time, we will be able to complete the strategic deployment. Scouts, go out to report the news. The situation in Xiping Fort will definitely reach Haizhou and Guangning as quickly as possible. They have all invested in it, as long as they can win the arrival of reinforcements, that is victory, the Ming army fought with us, and the loss is as heavy, and at such a critical moment, being able to persevere is the greatest victory."

Bayan's face was a little red, and some excessive words had obviously not been uttered.

Seeing this situation, Shi Tingzhu knew that Ma Guangyuan's and Bayan's views could not be unified, and finally he needed to make a decision.From the bottom of his heart, Shi Tingzhu believes that what Ma Guangyuan said is correct. At this point, the most important thing is to be able to preserve his strength. Besides, the Ming army has not yet captured the North Gate, and the army can withdraw from the North Gate. Part of the Ming army entered Xiping Fort to attack and fight. As long as the army can withdraw from the north gate, there is a great possibility of escape from danger.

But Shi Tingzhu did not dare to give the order to retreat.

He is clear about the rules of the Qing Dynasty. When he was ordered to become the commander of the defense campaign of Xiping Fort, Ji Erhalang said that Xiping Fort should be kept at all costs. Xiping Fort cannot fall. It's like a shoulder pole, carrying Guangning on one end and Haizhou on the other. If it falls and is occupied by the Ming army, Guangning will be in great danger. It is difficult for reinforcements from Haizhou to bypass Xiping Fort. .

The position of Xiping Fort is so important, how dare Shi Tingzhu evacuate easily, he cannot bear the responsibility of losing Xiping Fort, even if he leads the army to withdraw and preserves his strength, as long as Prince Zheng or Prince Rui speaks out , to pursue the responsibility for the loss of Xiping Fort, he is equally guilty.

At this time, Shi Tingzhu felt deep remorse in his heart. He still didn't listen to Huang Taiji and Jierhalang's entrustment, and thoughtfully despised Jiang Ning Ying. He did not expect Jiang Ning Ying to be so brave.

The shouts of killing outside the house became more and more clear, and even the screams could be heard, which showed that the Ming army had already advanced, and a decision had to be made, and there was no delay.

Shi Tingzhu stood up.

"The army cannot evacuate Xiping Fort. Xiping Fort is in a special position. This commander has decided that the army will stick to Xiping Fort. The north gate and the east gate will be the focus of defense. The Ming army occupies half of Xiping Fort, so we will stick to the other side. The half of Xiping Fort in the west is dragging the Ming army here. General Ba is right. The army sent by Prince Rui and Prince Zheng will arrive soon. As long as we persist, we will definitely be able to get reinforcements With the support of the Ming army, we will be able to attack the Ming army inside and outside. Fighting is meant to kill people. It’s like winning.”

In just a few minutes and a few concise words, the fate of all the soldiers stationed in Xiping Fort was decided.

Su Tiancheng, who commanded the battle, could never have imagined that among the charge and fight, the most valiant were the four thousand Han troops who had just joined the Jiangning camp. They are resolute, and they are also ruthless in attacking. Although not long ago, they were still members of the Houjin Tartars, but after joining the Jiangning camp and becoming soldiers of the Ming Dynasty again, their suppressed emotions exploded.

Su Tiancheng got these information from the mouth of the messengers. After entering Xiping Fort, He Renlong, Di Huaixiang, Liu Wenxiu, Ai Nengqi, Li Dingguo and others were more cautious to avoid encountering the empress Jin. The Tartars' ambushes and fights were carried out in an orderly manner, but after the part of the Han army behind the charge entered Xiping Fort, they immediately showed a different situation. They were not afraid of death at all, and rushed forward desperately. Face-to-face fighting, these 4000 people rushed to the front instead.

Di Huaixiang, who was in charge of commanding 4000 people, was going to reprimand him, but He Renlong stopped him. He believed that these Han troops, who had just surrendered to Ming Dynasty, must be trying to prove their abilities. No, they have also suffered a lot of grievances, and this time is the time to vent their grievances.

Because of the brave fighting of the Han army, the rhythm of the attack was significantly accelerated.

Hearing this news, Su Tiancheng suddenly had an idea. There are quite a few Han troops in the Eight Banners of Han, but the officers at all levels in the Eight Banners of Han are all determined. During the process of building the fort, some soldiers from the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty were ordered to surrender, and then some of them were incorporated into the Jiangning Battalion. This could make up for the plight of the Jiangning Battalion due to the reduction of troops due to the fighting, and the surrender of the Later Jin Tartars would be of great help to the continued resistance in the city. For the rest of the post-Gold Tartars, it was also a huge blow.

Su Tiancheng's order was conveyed quickly, all post-gold Tartars who are willing to surrender may not be beheaded.

Su Tiancheng did not expect that after this order was issued, the situation inside Xiping Fort changed drastically. After noon, there were sporadic post-gold tartars who surrendered, and after Shen Shi, more and more post-gold tartars surrendered.

Because Xiping Fort is mainly a place where troops are stationed, there are almost no civilians, so when Jiangning Battalion attacked Xiping Fort, they did not show mercy. The idea of ​​the battle is to wipe out the living forces of the Houjin Tartars, so when they rushed into the south gate, the fighting was very cruel. It was not until Su Tiancheng gave the order that the soldiers began not to kill the Houjin Tartars who put down their weapons up. (to be continued..)

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