Ming politicians

Chapter 1078 Compensation

Su Tiancheng finally returned to Dengzhou. After boarding the ship from Jinzhou, he began to think about family affairs. After so many years, as a man, Su Tiancheng seldom paid attention to family affairs. His wife's feelings, especially after Zhu Shenxin came to Dengzhou from the capital, hadn't met him yet.Zhu Shenxin has made too many contributions to this family. She was under house arrest in the capital for many years, and finally came to Dengzhou and escaped from the surveillance of the imperial court. However, her elder brother Zhu Shenxuan was placed under house arrest by the imperial court and lost her freedom. Life is in danger.

Hundreds of years later, such a thing is impossible to happen, so what Su Tiancheng thought of was to go back home as soon as possible and reunite with many wives. As for other things, let's put it aside for now. Tian Cheng is fully capable of saying such words.

Dengzhou has long been in a state of jubilation. The Jiangning battalion has won major victories in Gaizhou and Liaodong. The news has already reached Dengzhou. Countless common people lined the road to welcome them. Most of the common people in Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou were immigrants from later on. They had a strong sense of belonging to the Jiangning camp and regarded the Jiangning camp as their own army.

Su Tiancheng was not in the army, under the arrangement of Sun Yuankun and others, he went straight back home.

After Zhu Shenxin came to Dengzhou, at the beginning stage, she was still a little uncomfortable. She spent a lot of time in the mansion. The mansion located in the backyard of the governor's mansion was much larger than the mansion in the capital, and the environment was much better. For Zhu Shenxin who stayed in the mansion, she thought that if she went out often, she might be followed by others, which would have a bad influence on Su Tiancheng.

Zhu Shenxin is Su Tiancheng's original wife.Moreover, she is the county lord and Mrs. Gaoming, so it goes without saying that she has authority in the mansion. In addition, Chunping, who used to preside over all matters in the mansion, was Zhu Shenxin's personal maid. Now that Zhu Shenxin has come to Dengzhou, the size of the mansion matter.Needless to say, Zhu Shenxin spoke.

Because Zhu Shenxin didn't go out, the rest of the people couldn't go out, so they had to stay in the mansion. After a day or two passed, Chunping reminded Zhu Shenxin tactfully that Dengzhou Prefecture is very prosperous, not worse than the capital city at all. , you can go out and have a look at this time.Only then did Zhu Shenxin remember that the environment had changed a long time ago, and no one here dared to follow her.

However, Zhu Shenxin was not in a good mood. When she left the capital, she knew that her brother Zhu Shenxuan would definitely encounter trouble. Sure enough, not long after, Zhu Shenxin got the news that Zhu Shenxuan was placed under house arrest by the emperor.Lost freedom, then.Lu Shanji, Xu Eryi and others were dismissed one after another. After hearing the news, Zhu Shenxin became even more worried, wondering if the worst would happen to her brother and his family.

What Zhu Shenxin was most worried about was Su Tiancheng, after all Su Tiancheng commanded the army to fight.And it is going deep into Liaodong and Gaizhou to fight. This is not a joke. If you are not careful, you may go wrong, so I said.Before the news came back that Su Tiancheng led the army to win, Zhu Shenxin was reluctant to go out for a walk.

After the news of the great victory in Gaizhou and Liaodong came, Zhu Shenxin breathed a sigh of relief. She left the mansion for the first time and wandered around the capital of Dengzhou. Although Chunping talked about how prosperous the capital of Dengzhou was, Zhu Shenxin Still don’t believe it, after all it’s just a prefectural city, how could it be compared with the capital city, but after a day, Zhu Shenxin became more and more surprised, the size of Dengzhou prefecture city was beyond her imagination, it seems not smaller than the capital city, Moreover, there are many merchants here, and the business is booming. Fucheng has also specially divided many places. There are restaurants, theaters, inns and brothels for entertainment, workshops for processing, and merchants for trading. These classifications are relatively clear. Everywhere is crowded with people.

Zhu Shenxin admired her husband even more. You must know that the city of Dengzhou was once burned by the Houjin Tartars, and nothing existed. It was not easy to build a city in the midst of ruins. In a few years, the construction of Dengzhou is so prosperous, which is a great credit, and it cannot be done without real ability.

What surprised Zhu Shenxin was that there were many blond foreigners and even black slaves in Dengzhou Fucheng. The situation cannot be seen in the capital.

Zhu Shenxin was the first to know the news that Su Tiancheng was about to return to Dengzhou. Su Pingyang, who was in charge of the mansion, reported it to her first. Zhu Shenxin ordered Su Pingyang to tell the news to other people in the mansion. Get restless, everyone started to prepare like a festival.

Su Mingjie, the eldest son of the Su family, is already eight years old and has begun to understand. He was also a little nervous when he learned that his father was going home soon. The environment in the capital is very special. Su Mingjie also rarely goes out. A gentleman was invited to teach the homework in the mansion, but Su Mingjie was very playful and didn't focus on the homework, and after hearing about his father's many contributions, he was also a little ready to move, thinking of following his father to make contributions.Now that his father is going home, Su Mingjie will be miserable if he has to take school homework exams. The eldest son is different, he has strict requirements on himself, and is a role model for his younger siblings.

The rest of the children had different ideas, they just wanted to see their father sooner, except for Chen Yuanyuan's child who was still in his arms and hadn't been named yet, and the youngest, Su Mingxin, would be over three years old when Su Tiancheng came home.

When Su Tiancheng entered the mansion, Zhu Shenxin was waiting at the door.

Seeing Zhu Shenxin, Su Tiancheng had mixed feelings. He stood in front of Zhu Shenxin, clasped his fists, and bowed to Zhu Shenxin.

"Madam, you have suffered all these years, and I thank you."

Zhu Shenxin was caught off guard for a moment, and then walked up to Su Tiancheng, holding Su Tiancheng's hand.

"Husband, don't say these things in your own family, they are all things that concubines should do."

Even though I said this, tears still appeared in Zhu Shenxin's eyes. After so many years, it was impossible to say that she would not be wronged, but after coming to Dengzhou, Zhu Shenxin's absolute authority in the mansion still made Zhu Shenxin a little I feel relieved.

The banquet at home has been prepared, and Su Pingyang has already made arrangements. Su Tiancheng, the wives, and children all sat on it.

Su Tiancheng picked up his wine glass and spoke to everyone.

"Over the years, I have fought in the north and south, and traveled outside for a long time. My family has worked hard for you. I respect you for this glass of wine. I will continue to be busy in the future. You will inevitably regret living with me. I thank you all."

After drinking the wine in one gulp, Su Tiancheng began to ask about the children's situation, most of which were answered by the wives.

Su Tiancheng hadn't seen Su Mingjie and Su Mingxin for more than a year. As for Chen Yuanyuan's child, it was the first time he had seen it. Chen Yuanyuan's child was too young, so the nurse stood beside him, and Su Tiancheng stood up. Walking over to take a closer look at the sleeping child, he bent down and kissed the child on the cheek.

Everyone watched this scene without speaking.

Then, Su Tiancheng picked up Su Mingxin who was only over three years old. Su Mingxin was gnawing on the chicken leg, and seemed a little reluctant. Su Tiancheng smiled and tore off the meat from the chicken leg for Su Mingxin, and fed it to Su Mingxin himself.

Su Tiancheng was most concerned about Su Mingjie.

During the process of asking about the situation, Su Mingjie's situation was also the most asked. Su Tiancheng used to think that children have their own nature, and when they should play, they should play happily. But after a few years, his thoughts It has changed, the world is different from hundreds of years later, when children are very young, they must start to pay attention to education, and when they are fifteen or sixteen years old, they are adults, and they must be responsible for all their words and deeds. Su Tiancheng is also unavoidable, he does not expect all his children to have a great future, but as the eldest son, Su Mingjie, he must have a great future.

When Zhu Shenxin talked about Su Mingjie's situation, she meant to blame Su Tiancheng. Su Mingjie was already over eight years old, and the number of days he could see his father did not exceed two hundred days.

During the meal, Su Tiancheng didn't say anything, but he had a general grasp of the children's situation.

After eating, Su Tiancheng accompanied Zhu Shenxin to wander around the back garden of the mansion.

"Ma'am, I know you are worried about the safety of His Royal Highness King Jin. This time I return to Dengzhou, and I will immediately deal with His Royal Highness's affairs. I will write a memorial to the court and ask His Royal Highness Jin to come to Dengzhou as the court's official." Special envoy, come to supervise all matters in Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou, including all the family members of His Royal Highness King Jin, all of them have come to Dengzhou, the mansion has been prepared long ago, I believe you have also visited it."

"Husband, what if the emperor disagrees?"

"Hmph, the emperor and the court probably don't have the guts. If they don't agree, I'll force them to agree."

Zhu Shenxin looked at Su Tiancheng, and was very surprised. Su Tiancheng said such words, it was treasonous, but Zhu Shenxin had thought of this a long time ago, otherwise the emperor would not have done that and put Zhu Shenxuan under house arrest.

"Husband, I'm just a little worried."

"Don't worry, I've been through the big wind and the big waves. This little thing is nothing. By the way, I have considered the matter of Jie'er. It is not about studying, but also getting in touch with some practical things. Although Jie'er is only eight years old, but I think that while studying, let Jie'er participate in many matters of the Governor's Mansion, I will arrange Su Ertong to coordinate, what do you think?"

Zhu Shenxin's body trembled slightly. She fully understood the meaning of Su Tiancheng's words. This was a move to confirm Su Mingjie's identity as the eldest son of the Su family. Su Mingjie would succeed in the future, just like the succession to the throne. , and judging from the current development situation, maybe one day, Su Tiancheng will really become the emperor. (To be continued..)

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