Ming politicians

Chapter 1080 Dark War

The struggle for power has always been ruthless and does not require too many reasons or explanations. Hong Chengchou and Qu Qingze have already heard the meaning of this level from Su Tiancheng's words, and they have been in the officialdom for a long time Well, they understood the truth very well, since they chose to support Su Tiancheng, they had to make all preparations to confront the court and the emperor.

From this time on, changes began to appear. Although this change will not affect the common people for the time being, the struggle will eventually break out. Is it a peaceful transition, or it will experience a brutal fight that will lead to a major increase in national strength? No one knew about the brutal killings of ordinary people.

Su Tiancheng, who traveled through time, has some sensitive understanding of many time points. When he just traveled through, he thought of the 17th year of Chongzhen, which was the time when the Ming Dynasty fell. It is completely impossible for the Tartars to destroy the Ming Dynasty. However, another kind of destruction has emerged, that is, the Zhu family's dynasty no longer exists, and another kind of dynasty change has been realized.

It was precisely because of this kind of understanding that Su Tiancheng dared to make up his mind and began to confront the court and the emperor head-on. This is probably an inevitable situation in the development of history.

The situation in North Korea is still very calm. Qu Qingze has not received any information about the Japanese invasion of North Korea. Zhang Fengyi who is stationed in Xuanzhou is also honest, especially after knowing that the Jiangning Camp has won a great victory in Liaodong.

Su Tiancheng reckoned that there must be quite a few Japanese in Shenyang who were in charge of delivering information. The news of Ming's victories in Gaizhou and Liaodong could not be indifferent to these Japanese. Perhaps they invaded North Korea to help the Later Jin Tartars from the side. .Because of the sudden changes in the battles between Liaodong and Gaizhou, the possibility of such a change is very high. Knowing that it cannot be done, no wise leader has yet made such a stupid move.

After receiving Su Tiancheng's memorial, the imperial decree has already been issued.Although Su Tiancheng returned to Dengzhou, the face-saving Zhu Youjian sent the imperial decree directly to Liaodong. As for how to deal with it later, whether the decree went from Liaodong to Dengzhou was not something Zhu Youjian needed to consider problem.

It was precisely because of the delay that Su Tiancheng received the imperial decree, and it would be a few days later in the evening.

After reading Su Tiancheng's memorial, Zhu Youjian's hands were shaking.This memorial is the evidence of Su Tiancheng's confrontation with the imperial court. It also shows that Su Tiancheng has no scruples at all, and the struggle has developed towards the superficial direction.

Just discussed this matter with Zhou Yanru, Zhu Youjian was still calm, he didn't get angry, and he didn't tear up Su Tiancheng's memorial.Instead, they directly found Yang Sichang and Zhou Yanru.

In his heart, Zhu Youjian didn't want to let Zhu Shenxuan go.After all, the relationship between Zhu Shenxuan and Su Tiancheng is very close, but judging from the reality, detaining Zhu Shenxuan in the capital does not have much effect, since Su Tiancheng is ready to fight against the court .Once the court made a decision to keep Zhu Shenxuan under house arrest, or even kill Zhu Shenxuan, it might trigger Su Tiancheng's complete confrontation.Daming will be divided.

The calm Zhu Youjian can still think about many key issues.

Yang Sichang and Zhou Yanru hurried to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

The two looked at Su Tiancheng's memorial carefully, and their expressions were different. Yang Sichang looked calmer, and Zhou Yanru looked a little more excited.

"You have all read Su Tiancheng's memorial, and if you have any thoughts, please speak up."

Yang Sichang looked at Zhou Yanru, and Zhou Yanru also looked at Yang Sichang, but neither of them spoke first.

This situation was noticed by Zhu Youjian, and a hint of disappointment appeared in his heart.

"In my opinion, it's better for Zhou Aiqing to speak first."

The emperor has spoken, of course Zhou Yanru needs to obey the order, he is the second assistant of the cabinet, it is not appropriate to say it in front of the first assistant of the cabinet, but this is what the emperor meant.

"I think that Su Tiancheng has gone too far. This is a typical example of threatening the court and the emperor. The court cannot agree to Su Tiancheng's request."

Zhu Youjian nodded and looked at Yang Sichang.

Yang Sichang was much calmer.

"I don't agree with Mr. Zhou's suggestion. Since Su Tiancheng can write such a memorial, it means that he has made all preparations. If the imperial court does not approve Su Tiancheng's request, what can be done and how can Su Tiancheng be controlled? Because of this incident, Su Tiancheng spread rumors and slandered the court, how should he deal with it."

When Yang Sichang said this, Zhu Youjian interrupted.

"Yang Aiqing, what do you think, just say, today I want to listen to your truth and find a solution to the problem."

"Your Majesty, Su Tiancheng's request in the memorial is actually reasonable. It is the court's rule to ask the court to send people to Dengzhou, Liaodong and other places to inspect, and it is already the second half of the year. As for Su Tiancheng It is an excessive request to invite His Royal Highness Jin Wang to Dengzhou to inspect, but the relationship between Su Tiancheng and Jin Wang is well known throughout the court, and from the perspective of family affection, this is not a fault."

"There is also the most critical issue, that is, His Royal Highness Jin Wang has not committed any crimes. So far, the court has only asked His Royal Highness Jin Wang to rest in the mansion for physical reasons. In other words, if His Highness Jin Wang is in better health, or His Royal Highness Jin Wang is not a sinner if he wants to come to the court to do something, and the court cannot forbid His Highness Jin Wang to leave the capital."

"If the imperial court does not allow His Royal Highness Prince Jin to leave the capital, Su Tiancheng will definitely be angered. The emperor just issued an order, praising Su Tiancheng for his achievements, and asking Su Tiancheng to make persistent efforts to quickly start the suppression of the Houjin Tartars. Golden tartar, the emperor has made a request, and the subject also believes that this is what Su Tiancheng should do, but the situation is different now, if the court does not agree to Su Tiancheng's request, Su Tiancheng may jump over the wall in a hurry and do nothing. Regardless, in that case, it will be the emperor and the court who will suffer losses in the end."

"That's why I think that I will agree to Su Tiancheng's request."

"It's not a big deal for His Royal Highness the King of Jin to go to Dengzhou. The sky won't fall down. What's more, I think that the emperor can take this opportunity to win the hearts of all the adults in the court."

Zhu Youjian nodded, and he heard a clue.

Zhou Yanru also understood, and lowered his head in shame. He didn't think carefully about what he said just now, and he wanted to speak according to the emperor's thoughts. In fact, the solution Yang Sichang said was the real solution to the problem.

"I think that the emperor can announce Su Tiancheng's memorial to the whole world, print it into a mansion and send it to the provincial, government, prefecture, and county government offices, and then issue an order to allow His Royal Highness King Jin to bring his family to Dengzhou from the perspective of concern." Inspection, since it is an inspection, why should I bring my family members with me? I think all the officials in Ming Dynasty will understand. From this memorial, the officials in Ming Dynasty can understand Su Tiancheng's sinister intentions clearly, so that we can isolate Su Tiancheng to the maximum extent. , and make all preparations for the coming day.”

After Yang Sichang finished speaking, Zhou Yanru immediately spoke.

"Your Majesty, I think what Master Yang said is true. I was reckless just now and lacked thoughtfulness."

A smile appeared on Zhu Youjian's face. Yang Sichang's suggestion is indeed feasible, and the effect must be very good. In this way, the officials of Ming Dynasty can understand Su Tiancheng's wolf ambition.

"Very good, Yang Aiqing's suggestion is good. I think we will do it this way. Tomorrow morning, Yang Aiqing will preside over this matter. I will issue an order tomorrow to follow Su Tiancheng's request. This time, I will send it directly to Dengzhou."

After Yang Sichang and Zhou Yanru left the Hall of Mental Cultivation, a sneer appeared on Zhu Youjian's face. How could he not know what the many civil and military ministers in the court thought? He will express his attitude. Many people are aware of the conflict between the imperial court and Su Tiancheng, but few people discuss it. On the one hand, they are afraid of offending Su Tiancheng, and on the other hand, they are also thinking about themselves. Who knows what will happen in the future? situation.

At such a time, Zhu Youjian wanted to force the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs in the court to express his opinion that tomorrow's morning court is the best opportunity, and it is fortunate that Su Tiancheng wrote such a memorial, otherwise there would be no chance to make trouble.

The ministers in the cabinet, Zhu Youjian is also preparing to adjust. Fu Guan and Xue Guoguan's abilities are still good, but they are a little hesitant about how to deal with Su Tiancheng. Zhu Youjian will not allow such hesitation to exist. , This is very dangerous. Besides, after so many years, the adjustment of the cabinet has not been very large, and it is not a big deal to take advantage of this opportunity to adjust.

In terms of candidates, Zhu Youjian has long considered that Qian Qianyi can enter the cabinet. Originally, Qian Qianyi is not a very good person, but don't ignore it. Qian Qianyi is the leader of Donglin Academy. Once Qian Qianyi enters As for the cabinet, Zhu Youjian won the support of Donglin Academy. As for the extreme understanding of Donglin Academy, it has long been beaten to pieces by reality.

In addition, Chen Xinjia, although it is said that Chen Xinjia suffered a disastrous defeat in Liaodong, the actual responsibility for it lies with Zhu Youjian himself. I believe some people in the court are also clear that this time the great victory in Liaodong has long been forgotten by the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs The previous one was defeated, and Chen Xinjia was capable, and he was at the lowest point. Appointing Chen Xinjia at this time could make him give up.

And let Chen Xinjia enter the cabinet, it will be more reassuring for the ministers in the court. Even Chen Xinjia, a minister who has made a big mistake, Zhu Youjian can forgive, let alone the rest of the ministers, as long as they are loyal to the emperor and the court, Can always be promoted and reused.

Zhu Youjian was happy with his decision, he was full of confidence that in this contest with Su Tiancheng, he would definitely win. (To be continued..)

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