Ming politicians

Chapter 1091 Shandong Problem

The first thing Su Tiancheng mentioned was that he and Zhu Shenxuan quickly formed a unified opinion. Zhu Shenxuan would also be ready to do work after Yang Sichang came to Dengzhou. I hope Yang Sichang can If you stay in Dengzhou, you can cheer for Su Tiancheng, although it is very difficult to do so.

Zhu Shenxuan was about to start caring about another matter. I don't know what the other matter Su Tiancheng thought of, and whether it was also of great importance.

"The second thing is about Shandong. The geographical locations of Jinan, Yanzhou and Dongchang are very important. Relatively speaking, Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou are near the sea. Except Qingzhou A small part is connected to South Zhili, and the rest are in Shandong Province, which can be regarded as isolated from the outside world. This kind of geographical location is very unfavorable to us, especially as we look forward to continued development. Jinan Prefecture and Yanzhou Prefecture It can completely imprison us."

Zhu Shenxuan didn't first care about the geographical location of Jinan Prefecture and other places, but he thought about Zhang Pu's problem.

"Kun Yuan, isn't Zhang Pu willing to be loyal? Is there any problem?"

Su Tiancheng could only smile wryly. Zhu Shenxuan was right in saying this. In Zhu Shenxuan's view, Dengzhou and the imperial court had completely broken off, and there were no scruples. It is already a rebellion, but unfortunately the reality is not like this. Even if it is a rebellion, one should not be too anxious.

"His Royal Highness King Jin, I am still the Governor of Ji Liao of the Ming Dynasty. Can I get support for my open rebellion?"

Zhu Shenxuan froze for a moment, and soon understood.

"Kun Yuan, I understand what you mean. In this way, according to your opinion, there is really a problem in Shandong after Zhang Pu has surrendered." [

Zhu Shenxuan's intelligence made Su Tiancheng very happy.It's a pity that he didn't fully understand what Zhu Shenxuan meant.

"Then tell me, how should we respond."

"Kunyuan, let me tell you what you mean. We need to spend our minds on this matter. From the perspective of the court, it is to adjust Zhang Pu. If Zhang Pu leaves Shandong, the court appoints a new The new governor is very detrimental to us, so the contradiction will become public. The new governor must absolutely obey the court's will, and even think about exercising jurisdiction over Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou. Such conflicts will inevitably arise. We The plan of steady development will come to nothing. If there is internal strife, or even a fight, it will be very beneficial to the later Jin Tartars. Judging from this situation, Zhang Pu must stay and continue to serve as governor, so that we can It can buy time, and it is the same in Fujian.”

"Yeah, that's what I'm thinking about. If we were stationed in Fujian and Yunnan, we wouldn't need to spend so much effort. The imperial court can't do that much. But the location of Shandong is too important. Between Jinan Mansion and Dongchang Mansion and North Zhili Mansion, Yanzhou Mansion borders South Zhili Mansion and Henan Province. It is such an important place. The court will never sit idly by. Once conflicts erupt, the court will I must attack with all my strength, I am not afraid of the imperial court's attack, and I am confident to defeat the army sent by the imperial court, but what I am worried about is Liaodong and Datong."

Su Tiancheng sighed slightly, and continued.

"If the imperial court jumps over the wall in a hurry and dispatches the frontier troops from Liaodong and Datong to attack, there will be a situation that no one wants to see. The imperial court, the Houjin Tatars and us will form a melee situation. In this way, we will suffer the most. It’s the common people, and the Houjin Tartars are powerful, if they take this opportunity to occupy Liaodong, or even attack the capital, the blame for this will all be on our heads.”

"When the rogues rebelled, the Houjin Tartars were happy. I can be sure that the Houjin Tartars looked down on the rogues, but the rogues made the court exhausted and its strength was greatly weakened. The rogues have been in chaos for many years, frequent famines have occurred in various places, and the strength of the imperial court has been greatly weakened. It was only after the Jin Tartars were able to occupy so many places in Liaodong that they were able to win successively. The situation we encounter today is surprisingly consistent with the previous years. If We have fallen into cannibalism, and the ones who really benefit are the post-gold tartars."

"I don't want to be in the current situation, but this is a last resort. If we wipe out the Houjin Tartars and there is no external threat, then I will definitely not be polite. Not now."

Zhu Shenxuan also shook his head. He is not very satisfied with Su Tiancheng's choice. Sooner or later, he will rebel. Wealth, it is possible to defeat the imperial court.

Zhu Shenxuan was also aware of Su Tiancheng's plan. In the battle of Jingnan, Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, also adopted such measures. After many years of dormancy, his wings were full, and he began to raise troops.

Zhu Shenxuan can almost figure out the steps Su Tiancheng planned. First, he seeks the commanding power in Shandong, Fujian and other places. After strengthening his own strength, he still wants to wipe out the later Jin Tartars. Next, he wants to proclaim himself king and use the territory to prosper to influence other places, seeking to overthrow the imperial court at the least cost.

But such an idea is too idealistic, in Zhu Shenxuan's view, it is almost impossible.

"Kun Yuan, I understand what you mean, but what you are doing is almost impossible. According to my understanding, there are only two paths that can be taken, and there is no other way out."

"Which two roads?"

Although Su Tiancheng is a time traveler, he is not so sure about this matter. [

"The first way is to focus on the overall situation. On the surface, obey the emperor's will and the imperial court's edict, and strive to wipe out the post-Gold Tartars in the shortest possible time, and completely reduce external worries. Next, consider the next step. But with such a choice, you are very likely to encounter unexpected plots by the imperial court, which will greatly weaken your strength. The second way is to resolve to split with the imperial court. Everything is based on your own interests, whether it is the imperial court or the later Jin Dynasty The Tartars are all within the scope of being exterminated, and the only options you can choose are these two paths."

"As for your thinking that you can destroy the Houjin Tartars first and at the same time maintain a relaxed relationship with the court. Under such circumstances, can your so-called goal of peaceful coexistence be achieved? Do you think the imperial court will sit idly by and let you grow stronger? If you attack the Houjin Tartars At the same time, the imperial court sent a large army to wipe out the Jiangning battalion stationed in Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou. How do you deal with it?

"Kun Yuan, I know your wisdom, but when it comes to such an important matter, your consideration is a bit biased. Those who achieve great things don't care about the small things. Sometimes, what should be discarded must be discarded. It is good to have the best of both worlds. It is impossible to do it. Under the premise, don’t think so much.”

Su Tiancheng nodded and did not refute. He has always adopted a tolerant attitude towards the emperor and the court. It is not a sign of indecision. If Jiang Ningying was not so brave and outstanding, I am afraid that he would have been calculated by the court to be precarious. Zhu Shenxuan is in the royal family, and he is very aware of the cruelty of the power game.

"His Royal Highness, what choice do you think I should make?"

"You don't want to fall out with the emperor and the court for the time being. You can consider this aspect. You can steadily develop your own power and gradually expand your influence. One day, your strength is enough to deal with the impact from many aspects. At that time The so-called, in fact, I think it is very possible to achieve such a goal. The taxes that can be earned in Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou are amazing. With money, everything is easy to do. I think your previous It is correct to think about Shandong and Fujian, and then Nanzhili, Zhejiang and other places between Shandong and Fujian are the key points for you to seize. Once you have mastered these places, I am afraid that the imperial court just wants to shake you, and it is impossible. "

"His Royal Highness Jin, don't think about exterminating the bandits for the time being."

"It's true. You can't have both. You can't have everything. It's impossible to ask the situation to develop completely in your way. If you really make that choice, what awaits you will definitely be failure."

After hearing Zhu Shenxuan's words, Su Tiancheng fell into deep thought.

To seize power, one must move according to the time, and use all favorable forces and factors, including the use of the Houjin Tartars to drag the court. Su Tiancheng is clear about this truth, and even more so, but he only wants to wipe out the Houjin Tartar, this kind of understanding is deeply rooted. A sudden change of this strategy is tantamount to basically changing the overall plan established at the beginning of the time travel.

It is very painful to make such a choice.

Seeing that Su Tiancheng didn't speak, Zhu Shenxuan continued to speak.

"The most critical thing at present, I think, is two aspects. One is what you just said, to get Yang Sichang to come to Dengzhou. The second thing is to deal with the [-] troops stationed in Xuanzhou. If the power that cannot be ignored can be used by us, Dengzhou, Xuanzhou, Fuzhou and other places can be connected together. Relying on these places, we will occupy the most favorable position, which can not only threaten the capital, but also It can threaten Shenyang, and when we have enough strength again, the two-line offense is completely achievable."

After a few minutes of silence, Su Tiancheng stood up.

"His Royal Highness, to be honest, I am really reluctant to give up the extermination of the Empress Jin Tartars, but what you said is very reasonable, and I will seriously think about it. At present, we still have to deal with the situation led by Zhang Fengyi first. The issue of the [-]-strong army is secondly the matter of inviting Yang Sichang to come to Dengzhou, and the last is to try to let Zhang Pu continue to serve as the governor of Shandong to buy us time."

Su Tiancheng didn't talk about the extermination of the Golden Tartars. In fact, he had already made up his mind and was ready to change his previous strategy. As for what to do in the future, he still needed to think carefully and make a final choice. (to be continued...)

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