Ming politicians

Chapter 1093

(Thanks to Crazy Desert and Game Menu 5 for casting precious monthly tickets, and thanks to those who choose to take the middle route without going left or right, thank you.)

After receiving Wu Sangui's letter, Su Tiancheng laughed out loud.

Zhu Shenxuan, Hong Chengchou, Qu Qingze and the others had never seen Su Tiancheng laugh so much, but after reading Wu Sangui's letter, they were also very happy. They had been worried about the [-] troops stationed in Xuanzhou. It is easy to solve, without the need for military confrontation, the [-] troops can be owned by the Jiangning battalion in an instant.

But everything is unexpected, especially when it comes to important things.

Zhu Shenxuan was not particularly familiar with Wu Sangui, so it was difficult to comment, but Hong Chengchou and Qu Qingze knew Wu Sangui, and it was precisely because of that that they were a little worried.

Hong Chengchou spoke first.

"My lord, I'm still a little worried. This Wu Sangui, I know a little bit about him. He's really good at fighting, but in terms of quality, he's not very good. Because he didn't get reused in Dengzhou, he went to Zhang Fengyi. The situation is not right now. , and want to seek refuge with the adults, this is simply the act of a villain."

After Hong Chengchou finished speaking, Qu Qingze followed suit.

"The lower official agrees with Lord Hong's opinion. The lower official feels that this Wu Sangui is a bit out of the ordinary and not worthy of trust. Although Wu Sangui has done some things in the army, he is not sure what his thoughts are."

After Hong Chengchou and Qu Qingze said this, Zhu Shenxuan's face also sank.

"It turns out that Wu Sangui is this kind of person, my lord, you really need to pay attention."

Su Tiancheng shook his head lightly.

"I know your worries. If you want to say that Wu Sangui's actions are indeed out of the ordinary. He is despised by a gentleman, but don't ignore it. Wu Sangui is very good at judging the situation. Why did he do this at this time? The choice of waiting shows that he has seen clearly and knows what kind of choice to make. Ordinary people cannot make such choices. Don't be too harsh, when facing a person like Wu Sangui, as long as you can control him and make him feel threatened at all times, he will do his best."

Everyone was surprised. Although they felt that what Wu Sangui had done was very beneficial to stabilizing the situation in Dengzhou, they also felt that people like Wu Sangui could not be reused. Credit, after returning to Dengzhou.It is still necessary to continue to idle, but Su Tiancheng's intention is obviously to reuse Wu Sangui.

Looking at the expressions of the crowd, Su Tiancheng didn't continue to speak. Some words could not be explained clearly. Since Wu Sangui had thought of motivating the officers and sergeants to join the Jiangning camp, he had a certain prestige among the [-] troops. After the Jiangning Camp, Wu Sangui will also be grateful.If he turned around, Wu Sangui would be left out in the cold. Many officers and non-commissioned officers must have opinions in their hearts.

Su Tiancheng would not underestimate Wu Sangui, no matter what.Wu Sangui in history was all well-known, no matter whether his reputation was good or bad, from this aspect, Wu Sangui also had real skills.

When Wu Sangui defected to Zhang Fengyi, he did not take a single soldier with him. He was not in the army for a long time, but he was able to encourage many soldiers to yearn for the Jiangning camp. This is ability, this is skill.

Of course, the decision to reuse Wu Sangui was due to Su Tiancheng's absolute confidence and complete control. With such self-confidence, it was also a manifestation of Su Tiancheng's gradual maturity and strength.

Five days later, Zhang Fengyi arrived in Dengzhou.

Zhang Fengyi came to Dengzhou on a warship, accompanied by some officers and soldiers.

Su Tiancheng personally received Zhang Fengyi.

In fact, when Zhang Fengyi set off, Qu Qingze had already secretly gone to Xuanzhou. The matter of dismantling the [-] army should be done sooner rather than later. There must be no internal chaos. Zhang Fengyi brought all the soldiers and confidant officers to Dengzhou, This is the best opportunity. As for the confidant officer left behind by Zhang Fengyi, I'm sorry, they must either join the Jiangning camp or lose their lives.

Only Su Tiancheng and Zhang Fengyi were in the wing room of the Governor's Mansion.

"Farewell to Liaodong, I haven't seen Mr. Zhang for a long time." [

"Don't dare, I'm here to pay homage to Lord Superintendent, who led a large army to win great victories in Gaizhou and Liaodong, and wiped out tens of thousands of post-gold tartars. This credit goes to the ancients."

"Master Zhang is too much for the prize. This is the result of the soldiers desperately killing the enemy. By the way, Master Zhang came to Dengzhou suddenly. I don't know why."

"The lower official is about to report. The lower official led an army of [-] and stationed in Xuanzhou. It has been so long. On the one hand, I will report the situation of the army to my lord. On the other hand, I also want to go back to the capital and report the details of the army. Condition."

Su Tiancheng smiled and waved his hands.

"Master Zhang, please be polite. The army commanded by Master Zhang is not something I can control. Master Zhang directly obeys the court. Don't report anything to me. I don't dare to be an official. I want to care about it. Suddenly, Mr. Zhang thought of reporting the situation of the army to the imperial court. Did he encounter any troubles? If he encounters any troubles in Xuanzhou, I am obliged to solve them. Mr. Zhang must not be polite."

Zhang Fengyi's heart skipped a beat, if Su Tiancheng did not allow him to leave Dengzhou, then he would not be able to go to the capital, and the soldiers he led, including many officers, would not dare to act wildly in Dengzhou.

"My lord is serious. The army is stationed in Xuanzhou. Everything is fine and there is no problem. It's just that it's been a while since the officials came back from Pyongyang, and they haven't been able to report the situation to the court. It's been a long time, and the court doesn't understand. In this situation, this is also the dereliction of duty of the subordinate officials."

"What Master Zhang said is true. Thirty thousand troops are not a small number. The court must be worried because they have not known the situation for so long. There are some things that cannot be clearly explained in letters. Besides, Master Zhang is also clear. There are some memorials. , the emperor may not be able to see it in person."

Zhang Fengyi breathed a sigh of relief, Su Tiancheng finally did not stop him from going to the capital.

"The next official is going to the capital to report the situation of the army, and he will return to Xuanzhou in a short time. Please forgive me for the disturbance caused by the army."

"What did Mr. Zhang say? They are all troops of the imperial court. How could I be special? Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, I will take care of them and never let the [-] soldiers be embarrassed."

Zhang Fengyi paused for a moment, with a smile still on his face.

"Since your lord has said so, the next official can rest assured. The time for the next official is very tight. I think I will leave Dengzhou today and rush to the capital."

"There is no problem. I have sent soldiers to escort Mr. Zhang and his party to the capital. However, the journey is very safe and there is no problem."

"Thank you for your concern, my lord. I don't need to trouble you anymore. I will bring my own soldiers with me. There will be no problems along the way."

"Well, I won't keep Mr. Zhang any longer. The lunch has been arranged. Mr. Zhang has to hurry, so don't drink too much at the banquet, so as not to delay the time. The next official is waiting for Mr. Zhang to come back in Dengzhou."

During the meal, Su Tiancheng kept his word, toasted Zhang Fengyi with a glass of wine, and then stopped drinking.

After eating, Zhang Fengyi didn't rest and left immediately. Su Tiancheng insisted on sending soldiers to send Zhang Fengyi off, but he didn't want to send him off until he left Dengzhou.

After Zhang Fengyi left, Zhu Shenxuan immediately came to the wing.

Zhu Shenxuan is most worried about the [-] troops stationed in Xuanzhou. He believes that this is the most urgent problem that needs to be solved. This involves the safety of Fuzhou, Xuanzhou, Gaizhou and Dengzhou. This is the base camp. You must not encounter any threats, just like the capital of Ming Dynasty, you need to use all means to eliminate hidden dangers.

"Kun Yuan, Qu Qingze has already gone to Xuanzhou, I'll see if I'll go and see, and I must ensure that the [-] troops can join the Jiangning battalion smoothly."

"Don't worry, I can safely say that after Zhang Fengyi left Xuanzhou, Wu Sangui must have started to act. Since Wu Sangui wrote to me, he thought he could do this well. He would spare no effort. If Wu Sangui didn't With such ability, how could it be possible to lead an army of more than [-] in Shanhaiguan?"

"What, Wu Sangui still has such abilities."

"Of course, when I arrived in Liaodong, Wu Sangui had the greatest influence in Liaodong. The relationships among the many commanders in Liaodong were also complicated, far from the current situation."

Hearing what Su Tiancheng said, a smile appeared on Zhu Shenxuan's face.

"I'm relieved when you say that. You could easily get rid of Wu Sangui's power back then, let alone now. I've been worried for the past two days. People like Wu Sangui, if they don't pay attention, they will be killed. It may become a burden, or even a danger, it seems that Wu Sangui dare not do anything in front of you."

Su Tiancheng smiled and did not speak. In fact, it is difficult for you to completely subdue a person like Wu Sangui. There are such a group of people in this world. All kinds of ideas come out, and after hundreds of years, everyone is pursuing free thoughts, which is not considered a big treason, but it is still not good in this world.Why Wu Sangui in history turned against the Ming Dynasty and took refuge in the Qing Dynasty, and later turned against the Qing Dynasty and became the emperor himself. somersault.

This is also the fundamental reason why Su Tiancheng has never reused Wu Sangui. Thinking about it in his own shoes, no ruler would like to have that kind of rebellious person around him, but Su Tiancheng's knowledge is different after all, and he will soon understand The strange thing inside is that the reason why Wu Sangui did so many unthinkable things is also because of the environment. If such a possibility is cut off from the root, Wu Sangui must suppress and cut off all unreasonable thoughts. (to be continued...)

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