Ming politicians

Chapter 1096 Oral Convincing

(Thanks to Tesurun for voting for the precious monthly ticket, thank you for choosing to take the middle route for neither left nor right, and for the reward from the bandits. Thank you.)

Although the goal was very clear, Su Tiancheng was not in a hurry, and did not immediately have a showdown with Yang Sichang, Xu Eryi and others. After eating, Zhu Shenxuan took Yang Sichang and others to the cafeteria to have a look, but Su Tiancheng did not follow. In his opinion, the actions of the cafeteria are just small things. If he wants to really affect Yang Sichang and others, he still needs to focus on the big picture.

After visiting the cafeteria, Su Tiancheng and Zhu Shenxuan accompanied the crowd to Dengzhou Fucheng, Penglai City, as well as the wharf, arsenal and shipyard. These things are real. No matter who sees this It is impossible to be moved by the scenes inside, and this is also Su Tiancheng's main purpose. As for the situation in the villages and towns, Yang Sichang and others have experienced it, and Su Tiancheng and Zhu Shenxuan are aware of these situations.

Yang Sichang and others already knew a little about the situation in Dengzhou Fucheng, but what they saw was only superficial. This time Su Tiancheng and Zhu Shenxuan took them to see the internal situation, such as the general chamber of commerce in Dengzhou , large-scale workshops, large-scale shops, and scenes of Han, Manchu, Mongolian, foreign, and black slaves working together, etc. After seeing these situations, everyone came to the outskirts of the city to see the water conservancy facilities. Regarding the construction situation, these water conservancy facilities were built according to high standards, and all the investment was paid by the government. With these water conservancy facilities, regardless of drought or flood, a good harvest of grain can be basically guaranteed.

This is the core situation. No matter how you brag, food production and trade transactions are the most basic things, that is to say, you must have them, and you cannot completely rely on trade to meet your needs.

See these situations.Neither Yang Sichang nor Xu Eryi spoke, and Lu Shanji had a contented smile on his face.

Next came Penglai City.

The newly-built Penglai City was designed and constructed in strict accordance with the plan, and the commercial area and the barracks were separated without interfering with each other.The prosperity of commerce and temples in Penglai City greatly exceeded the expectations of Yang Sichang and others. They had known for a long time that Penglai City, as the place where the Ming Navy was located, should be strictly controlled.Unexpectedly, the temples here are very prosperous, and the common people have no restrictions on entering and leaving Penglai City, except that they cannot enter the area where the barracks are located.

Think about the garrisons of the two major battalions in the capital, which are so heavily guarded that ordinary people dare not approach them at all.Compared with this place, the difference is too great. After seeing such a situation, Yang Sichang and others finally understood why the Jiangning Battalion was invincible. For the army, discipline is life. [

When rushing to the pier.Su Tiancheng rode a horse, wanted to take care of Yang Sichang, Xu Eryi and the others, and suggested that they take a carriage, but Yang Sichang and the others refused. They didn't want to enjoy any special treatment. During the two days in the Governor's Mansion, they were considered real I can feel it, even Su Tiancheng doesn't enjoy any privileges here, walking like a hurry.You can still ride a horse when you go out, but the guards around you are always inseparable.

During the march, Yang Sichang and others were surprised to find that since they entered Qingzhou, the road conditions were particularly good.It is rare to see potholes, and after walking so many places, it is basically the same everywhere. This must be repaired by the government, otherwise the road condition is not so good.

After arriving at Weihaiwei Wharf, Yang Sichang and the others couldn't bear what they saw.

Weihaiwei Wharf has grown into a city, with neatly arranged shops, row upon row of houses, wide and bright streets, bustling crowds, merchants busy with transactions, and carriages transporting goods, etc., all of which have impacted Everyone's vision.

Although he hadn't seen the shipyard and arsenal yet, Yang Sichang couldn't bear it anymore and asked Su Tiancheng why Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou were able to develop so rapidly.

Su Tiancheng's answer is very interesting. He listed two points, which are very simple. The first point is that the government should know what to do and what not to do. What is the power in the hands of officials for? It is the officials who keep in mind the people's clothing, food, housing and transportation, so that the people under their rule can live a good life without suffering, and everything they do is in accordance with this requirement.As long as these two points are achieved, any miracle is possible.

Su Tiancheng's answer made Yang Sichang, Xu Eryi and Lu Shanji feel a lot of emotion. It is such a simple truth, but those officials in the capital, as well as officials from all over the Ming Dynasty, just couldn't understand that many officials worked so hard. After studying hard and passing the imperial examinations, he entered the imperial court as an official. The first thing he thought of was Guangzong Yaozu, and the carp jumped the dragon's gate. Few people thought that the basic requirement of being an official is not to make decisions for the people, it is better to go home and grow sweet potatoes. Such a situation was achieved in Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou under Su Tiancheng's rule.

It would be strange to say that the people in these places are not rich.

After leaving Weihaiwei Wharf, we came to the shipyard.

It should be said that the long-distance travel was a bit hard, but everyone's mood was very good. Yang Sichang was the former chief assistant of the cabinet. What he saw made his heart full of hope. According to this development, the future The Golden Tatars want to enter the Central Plains, but that is a dream, but it is the real hope that all parts of the Ming Dynasty can do this.

The situation in the shipyard is another matter.

The outside of the shipyard is very lively, full of bustling crowds and various transactions, but after entering the shipyard, what you see is a peaceful scene.

No one went in to look at several core areas, because this was a request made by Su Tiancheng, laymen cannot guide experts, and there are special personnel in charge of technical matters, so don't intervene and give instructions if you don't understand.

Seeing the huge merchant ships by the sea, Yang Sichang and others were very moved. These merchant ships are worth money when they are built. Look at the busy trading at Weihaiwei Wharf, and look at the officials of the Shipbuilding Department. Knowing how busy shipping is and how much profit there is in it, these merchant ships have probably been purchased long ago.

The situation in the Armory was different. [

The whole place here is relatively quiet. The surrounding area is the living area, and there are special sergeants in charge of guarding. Ordinary people are not allowed to approach here. The shops that can enter here have been strictly audited, and the number has also been controlled. The distance The nearest market town to the arsenal is also five miles away.

The closer the arsenal was, the more heavily guarded it was. When they came outside the gate of the arsenal, even Yang Sichang and the others felt solemn, and their expressions became serious.

The security inside the arsenal is no longer the focus of Yang Sichang and others. What they care about is that, as the governor of Jiliao, as the supreme leader of this area, the arsenal and shipyard are completely under the command of Su Tiancheng, but some In other places, Su Tiancheng can't go in casually, for example, the dispensing workshop in the military factory and so on.

Yang Sichang finally understood what Su Tiancheng said, laymen cannot lead experts.

Moreover, Yang Sichang's more profound influence is that Su Tiancheng did what he said, not just talking about it, but he himself did not abide by these rules. It is conceivable that Su Tiancheng, as the supreme leader, always followed the rules. , not to mention the other officials below.

In order to implement the system, the most important thing is self-discipline, which Su Tiancheng has done very well.

In the test area, Yang Sichang and others looked at the improved Frang machine gun. In fact, this kind of Frang machine gun is close to the machine gun hundreds of years later, and can be fired continuously. You must know that this kind of Frang machine gun , can become the dream of surprise soldiers and infantry, and can kill a large number of opponents on the battlefield.

During the visit to the arsenal, Su Tiancheng did not introduce any situation, nor did the person in charge of the arsenal who accompanied the visit, so he let Yang Sichang and others see for themselves. What surprised Xu Er was that it took courage to know such a top-secret situation and let Yang Yi take the key responsibility, but Su Tiancheng was able to do it.

When they were in the capital, Yang Sichang, Xu Eryi and others also came into contact with some foreign barbarians. What impressed them the most was that these foreign barbarians were very serious, and they said what they said. Sometimes they couldn’t immediately understand the words in the officialdom. , They are basically straightforward, and the arsenal uses these foreigners to make the best of their talents.

The visit time is a full week.

During this period of time, Yang Sichang, Xu Eryi, and Lu Shanji seldom spoke. In fact, they were also thinking about the most critical question, that is, whether Su Tiancheng's actions would be widely accepted. Zhili, I am afraid that there is no hope. The reason here is very simple, do not do to others what you do not want to be done to others. There are so many officials in the court who cannot do things, why should the officials and people below be required to do.

After returning to Dengzhou, Su Tiancheng took them to visit the last project, to the homes of ordinary people, and Yang Sichang and others decided what to see this time. I don't know where to go.

In the homes of the common people, Yang Sichang and others saw the real life of the common people. There was enough food in the granary, and the family members wore more than one piece of clothing. Generally, there were some silver or copper coins in the villages and towns with concentrated population. The Jinongcang was set up, and the government managed it in a unified manner. What surprised Yang Sichang and others was that the county government set up a relief home, where poor people and widows and widows who depended on old people could all enter the relief home.

Yang Sichang and others understood that the development of Dengzhou, Laizhou, and Qingzhou benefited from the Weihaiwei Wharf, but it is not easy for the government to think of these things and for the common people to have enough food and clothing.

Iron-like facts show that Dengzhou and other places under Su Tiancheng's rule not only embody the role of role models. (to be continued...)

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