Ming politicians

Chapter 1099 Dangerous Edge

(Thanks to jesonshers and 815 bookworms for casting valuable monthly tickets, and thanks to ggkghgh, who chooses to take the middle route for rewards, thank you.)

Zhang Fengyi waited a full ten days in the capital before he was able to enter the palace.

It's a pity that Zhang Fengyi still couldn't see the emperor, but only met Chen Xinjia, the cabinet assistant.

All of this was arranged by Zhou Yanru.

Zhou Yanru had already received a letter from Yang Sichang. After a long time of thinking, Zhou Yanru also made up his mind. He believed that what Yang Sichang said was correct. A direct conflict is likely to cause major incidents. The Jiangning Battalion under Su Tiancheng's command is extremely brave. There is no army in the Ming Dynasty that can match it. Besides, Su Tiancheng has not publicly expressed rebellion. Under such circumstances, the court It takes time to pass the time, trying to prevent conflicts from breaking out, and trying to use other opportunities to consume Su Tiancheng's strength.

In his heart, Zhou Yanru also said that he wanted to be stable, and he couldn't face a messy situation when he just took office as the chief assistant of the cabinet. In that case, he was too miserable as the chief assistant of the cabinet. When he was the first assistant of the cabinet, it was because of Wen Tiren's conspiracy. When he was the first assistant of the cabinet again, he was faced with a situation that could not be dealt with. No one wanted to see such a situation, so Zhou Yanru had to fully demonstrate his ability.

Zhou Yanru has such confidence, the key is that the emperor trusts him very much, and this kind of trust is unusual, Zhou Yanru can fully feel it, and can make full use of this trust.

Zhang Fengyi's arrival in the capital was beyond Zhou Yanru's expectation.The imperial court is fully preparing to negotiate with the Hou Jin Tartars and adjust officials. At this time, Zhang Fengyi should be stationed in Xuanzhou steadily with a large army, at least able to form a certain deterrent to Su Tiancheng, but at this time.Zhang Fengyi returned to the capital, euphemistically calling it a report of the situation, the emperor has no order, what is Zhang Fengyi going to the capital to report.

Zhou Yanru could almost judge Zhang Fengyi's inner activities, he must have felt that something was wrong in Xuanzhou, and wanted to leave.In order to ensure their own safety, the so-called reporting of the army's situation is just an excuse. [

In fact, the imperial court's control over the army is very strict. According to the usual practice, the general and the army are separated, only when leading the army in battle.Only the general can control the army. Once the combat mission is completed and the general returns to the capital, the troops drawn from various places will be disbanded and returned to their respective garrisons. Unfortunately, this kind of control has problems during the Jiajing period.Because of the "chaos" caused by the Japanese pirates along the coast, the Qi Family Army was established. This is a team that combines the generals and the army. The combat effectiveness is particularly strong. Since then, the imperial court's intervention in the army has gradually changed. , There was a situation of supporting the self-respect of the soldiers, and it was during the reign of Chongzhen.This situation is everywhere, and the court has also acquiesced.Later, the rogue bandits rebelled, the later Jin Tartars harassed, and the imperial court was poor, so they could not afford military pay.The situation of self-respecting troops in various places has become even more serious.

The army led by Zhang Fengyi still has some origins. When Chen Xinjia suffered a disastrous defeat in Liaodong, and there was a problem with the Guanning Jin defense line, the emperor urgently mobilized the army, including the capital camp. Qin Liangyu, after Qin Liangyu arrived in Datong, Zhang Fengyi led such a large army. Just as Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning battalion and took down Xuanzhou and Dengzhou, this large army was transferred to Pyongyang.

Later, there was a problem with the relationship between the imperial court and Su Tiancheng. The Korean royal family made a request, imploring the Ming court not to continue stationing troops in Pyongyang. The emperor agreed to the request of the Korean royal family and asked Zhang Fengyi to lead the army to station in Dengzhou. At that time, Su Tiancheng He was leading the Jiangning Battalion to fight in Liaodong, and arranged for Zhang Fengyi to lead an army of [-]. Remember Dengzhou, he suspected that he copied Su Tiancheng's back route, and it is conceivable that Zhang Fengyi could not gain a foothold in Dengzhou.

Sure enough, Zhang Fengyi led the army and moved to Xuanzhou.

Zhou Yanru is very clear about the situation here. At such a moment, when Zhang Fengyi came to the capital, Zhou Yanru can almost conclude that the army led by Zhang Fengyi has encountered great trouble. It is estimated that Fa has gained a foothold in Xuanzhou. Against the mighty Su Tiancheng and the Jiangning battalion, the [-] troops are basically useless.

Zhou Yanru originally thought about transferring the [-] troops back to Beizhili, but the cost involved was huge, and the area of ​​Beizhili had suffered from the army stationed for many years, and the common people were very disgusted. He is an expert at exploiting the people, but when the Hou Jin Tartars came, they ran faster than rabbits.

Zhou Yanru didn't want Zhang Fengyi to see the emperor, that would set off the emperor's sensitive nerves, and might cause major incidents. Once the emperor's emotions were controlled, and he was even ready to attack Su Tiancheng, it would be troublesome. Tartars, it is possible that they are unaware of such a thing. There is a huge internal strife within the court. How can the Houjin Tartars continue to submit? At that time, I am afraid that nothing can be done well.

But Zhou Yanru did not dare to conceal such a huge matter without authorization. After all, there was an army of [-], so after careful consideration, Zhou Yanru asked Chen Xinjia to meet Zhang Fengyi. If Zhang Fengyi didn't report any embarrassing things, everything would be fine. However, if Zhang Fengyi mentioned that the army was in danger, then he had to make careful calculations.

Seeing Chen Xinjia, Zhang Fengyi felt very uncomfortable in his heart. Unexpectedly, after returning to the capital for such a long time, he has not been able to see the emperor, not even Zhou Yanru, the chief assistant of the cabinet. Zhang Fengyi is very clear about what this situation shows. .

The imperial court has always had the habit of reporting good news but not bad news, unless the matter has reached a point where it cannot be dealt with. It is said that Zhang Fengyi returned to the capital and reported the affairs of the army. The emperor should see him, but this is not the case. Zhang Fengyi knew what to say What's the matter, anyway, the [-] army is still in Xuanzhou, and nothing happened.

People are more popular than people. When Zhang Fengyi was Minister of War, Chen Xinjia was just a doctor of the Ministry of Punishment, and he was not in Zhang Fengyi's eyes at all. Now he is the second assistant of the cabinet.

"The next official pays homage to Mr. Chen."

"Master Zhang, don't be so polite, please sit down quickly."

Chen Xinjia's affectionate attitude made Zhang Fengyi feel a little better.

The following report was much simpler. Zhang Fengyi talked about the situation of the army stationed in Xuanzhou. Anyway, everything is normal and there is no problem. This time I came to the capital to report the situation of the army and at the same time plead guilty to the emperor. The army was stationed in Dengzhou, but due to some special reasons, the army moved to Xuanzhou. [

Chen Xinjia had a smile on his face. After the disastrous defeat in Liaodong, he paid more attention. This time Zhou Yanru asked him to meet Zhang Fengyi. Chen Xinjia knew the reason for this. Since Zhang Fengyi said that the army stationed in Xuanzhou , if there is nothing else, don't worry, this is the result everyone wants to see.

When Chen Xinjia was about to serve tea to the guests, Zhang Fengyi made a request.

"Xiaguan came to the capital this time, and there is one more thing. Because he has been stationed in Pyongyang and Xuanzhou for a long time, his body is a little unwell. I beg you to return home and take care of your life. I hope you will consider it."

Chen Xinjia was stunned for a moment, Zhang Fengyi was picking someone up, who doesn't know that Xuanzhou is not a good place, the relationship between the imperial court and Su Tiancheng has deteriorated, and no one wants to go to Xuanzhou.

But Zhang Fengyi's qualifications are old, and he can't force him to quit.

After pondering for a while, Chen Xinjia spoke.

"I can't decide what Mr. Zhang said. Over the years, Mr. Zhang has worked hard and made great achievements. The emperor is clear. Although Mr. Zhang is unwell, he has a wealth of experience. When the court is employing people, Mr. Zhang is still Don't sue Lao Guijia, as for whether the imperial court has adjusted, I think Mr. Zhang should wait in the capital for a while."

Zhou Yanru has been waiting for Chen Xinjia to see what Zhang Fengyi said.

After Chen Xinjia reported what Zhang Fengyi said, Zhou Yanru breathed a sigh of relief. At last, there was nothing wrong. It just so happened that the imperial court was preparing to adjust the candidates. The Governor of Liaodong and the Governor of Datong were both included in the adjustment. Zhang Fengyi proposed the adjustment. Not a particularly difficult thing to do.

"Mr. Chen, I think that what Mr. Zhang raised is true, and the court should make adjustments. However, Mr. Zhang did not lead the army to station in Dengzhou. The emperor must have opinions. This matter is still decided by the cabinet. Let's discuss it after discussion, the key is to see who is sent to Xuanzhou."

Chen Xinjia didn't open his mouth to speak. Zhou Yanru was the only one who spoke about such an important matter, and the rest of the cabinet ministers discussed it. If it was appropriate, the emperor Chen Zou.

Seeing that Chen Xinjia didn't speak, Zhou Yanru pondered for a while.

"In my opinion, Lu Xiang, the governor of Liaodong, can be promoted to Xuanzhou. Lu Xiangsheng fought bravely, and he also made contributions in Liaodong. The relationship with Mr. Su is also good. I believe that Lu Xiangsheng has been promoted to Xuanzhou. It can stabilize the situation in Xuanzhou, and it can also give advice to Master Su. As for Master Zhang, you can still go to Liaodong."

Chen Xinjia nodded subconsciously. This arrangement is indeed good. The imperial court cannot temporarily deprive Su Tiancheng of the Jiangning Battalion, but it can take back the command of the Liaodong Frontier Army and the Datong Frontier Army. Things went much smoother later on, and such an arrangement was equivalent to cutting off Su Tiancheng's position as the supervisor of Ji Liao.

"How should Datong arrange it?"

"Master Qin, who is stationed in Datong, is very old, and I think he can retire."

At this time, Zhou Yanru spoke very well and simply.

Zhou Yanru decided on such an important matter in a few words, but no one knew that this was the beginning of the danger. Since then, Zhou Yanru's authority in the court has become stronger and stronger, and he can decide many important matters of the court. Matters, the good tradition left by Sun Chengzong back then, slowly began to fall apart. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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