Ming politicians

Chapter 1121 Hot Pot

Both the Governor of Fujian and the Governor of Zhejiang have sent memorials to the capital, and these memorials were sent directly to the cabinet without going through the six departments. The purpose of the Jiangning camp entering the two provinces is not clearly stated in the memorial. It is likely that the governors of Zhejiang and Fujian are aware of the relationship between Su Tiancheng and the imperial court, and they dare not explain their words. They have unusual political acumen, they will never open their mouths before they understand all the situation, not to mention there are some situations ahead, that is, many disaster victims in Zhejiang, including some victims in Fujian and Nanzhili, have come to Shandong has gone, and Shandong has accepted these victims. At such a critical moment, it needs clear evidence to say that Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying rebelled and invaded Zhejiang, Fujian and other places.

After Zhou Kang returned to the capital, Zhou Yanru was very happy for a time, thinking that Su Tiancheng would stay quietly in Shandong, at least he would not cause any trouble, so that he would have a lot of room for maneuver, as long as nothing happened , It's easy to say anything, besides, he can see it, the emperor is also feeling tired, and he also wants to be safe.

However, the news that the Jiangning camp suddenly entered Zhejiang and Fujian caught Zhou Yanru off guard.

Secretly, Zhou Yanru didn't know how many times he scolded Su Tiancheng. He was not a fool. He was very clear about Su Tiancheng's purpose. Su Tiancheng had controlled Taiwan and Quanzhou in Fujian before. Needless to say, Taiwan, the court had no No officials were sent out, and people directly arranged by Su Tiancheng were always responsible, but Quanzhou was different. The governor of Fujian could not control the affairs of Quanzhou. Xiong Zijian, who was stationed in Quanzhou, completely controlled the situation in Quanzhou. Take orders from Su Tiancheng.Even the prefectural and county government offices in Quanzhou have acquiesced in this situation.

From the geographical point of view, once Su Tiancheng controls Fujian and Zhejiang, the next thing he will control is the entire south. This is no small matter, the south is the economic center of the Ming Dynasty.The status is unshakable. If the south is really controlled by Su Tiancheng, the Ming Dynasty will soon collapse. At that time, I am afraid that Su Tiancheng will not need to lead the army to launch an attack. , a large-scale attack, hoping to occupy more territory.

Zhou Yanru looked at the map for two days.Finally, I figured it out. What I called stabilizing the situation and Su Tiancheng was just wishful thinking. Su Tiancheng would not hibernate. The relationship between him and Su Tiancheng was just a relationship of mutual use. Su Tiancheng hoped that he would be stable. The situation in the capital city, this more or less explains.Su Tiancheng still didn't want to turn his back on him completely.

There are still quite a few troops that the imperial court can control, and it can be said that the situation is better than when he first served as the chief assistant of the cabinet.It's much better, and after this adjustment by the imperial court, it has further stabilized its control over the army. Most of the army can be directly mobilized. Things have developed to this point.Whether he is going to start a war with Su Tiancheng, Zhou Yanru needs to make a decision.

The cabinet finally started to discuss matters concerning Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying.

Chen Xinjia, Qian Qianyi, Liu Zunxian, Zhang Guowei, Fan Jingwen and others gathered together, together with Zhu Yousong, Minister of the Ministry of War, to discuss how to deal with the actions of Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying.

Zhu Yousong was specially recruited, although it can be justified.Zhu Yousong is the Minister of the Ministry of War, so it is normal to participate in such a discussion, but under normal circumstances, as long as Zhu Yousong makes a suggestion on behalf of the Ministry of War, he does not need to participate in this discussion. The reason why Zhou Yanru made such an arrangement must have a purpose Now, Zhu Yousong's identity is different, representing the royal family. If the emperor loses his temper because of such things, Zhu Yousong can play a buffer role. What's more, Zhou Yanru also found out that the emperor trusts Zhu Yousong very much and has the ability to let Zhu Yousong enter the cabinet The meaning is that the emperor was a little suspicious because of the things that Zhu Shenxuan did before, so he didn't implement them for the time being.

This is Zhou Yanru's helpless move, and it is also a move to divert conflicts and reduce pressure.

In fact, there were not many people in the cabinet who were really willing to go to war. According to the situation, Qian Qianyi was the one who supported the crusade against Su Tiancheng, or had the most resolute attitude.Chen Xinjia was the one with the most negative attitude, probably because he suffered a big loss in the Liaodong War and knew the cruelty of fighting.

Everyone has read the memorials of the governors of Zhejiang and Fujian for a long time, and they know what they are going to discuss today. After all the cabinets have been adjusted, the last time they discussed important matters was when officials were adjusted, but the situation was different that time. Many cabinet ministers have discussed it in advance. The cabinet discussion is just a formality, but this time it is different. Everyone needs to make a clear statement, and it is a matter related to the overall situation of the court. No one will be the first to express their position, even if they insist on suppression. Su Tiancheng's Qian Qianyi will not stand up and express his own opinion when the situation is not yet clear. If the opinions of the cabinet deliberations are different, or the first assistant and the second assistant have already had their own ideas, how can it be? It's not that one person stinks, but also arouses the opinions of others.

Zhou Yanru presided over the discussion. After the beginning, the atmosphere was very dull, and no one expressed his position first.

Such a situation had long been expected by him. The reason why Zhu Yousong was asked to participate in the deliberations was that Zhu Yousong needed to express his position at this time, so Zhou Yanru first named Zhu Yousong and asked the Ministry of War to clarify its attitude on this matter. .

Zhu Yousong was a little annoyed. In fact, what happened to Zhu Shenxuan had already made him sensitive. Sooner or later, something would happen between the court and Su Tiancheng. From the perspective of personal feelings, or from the perspective of understanding of Su Tiancheng, Zhu Yousong even felt that if Su Tiancheng came to sit in the country, maybe the Ming Dynasty would be even stronger, and Su Tiancheng's status was different, he was a relative of the emperor, so it would not be a big deal to make the Ming Dynasty stronger.It's just that such thoughts are absolutely not dared to reveal.

Zhu Yousong knows Su Tiancheng's wisdom and the strength of the Jiangning battalion. If the imperial army is fighting against the Jiangning battalion, it can be clearly judged. The imperial army is not an opponent. Su Tiancheng has really made a move. I don't know how many troops there are. Will go to the Jiangning camp.But it is impossible for the huge imperial court to soften like this. The best way is to discuss with Su Tiancheng, stabilize Su Tiancheng, and take a step forward.

Zhu Yousong looked at Zhou Yanru, looked at the crowd, and finally spoke.

"The lower officials believe that the memorials in Fujian and Zhejiang have not yet clarified what the Jiangning camp will do. Under such circumstances, the imperial court should still have clear information. If possible, the imperial court can send patrol censors to Zhejiang and Fujian. Knowing the real situation, if Su Tiancheng really revolts, he can't be polite, and must be suppressed mercilessly."

What Zhu Yousong said was very simple, with just a few words. On this issue, he didn't want to say too much. On the surface, he was transferred from Shaanxi to the capital to serve as Minister of the Ministry of War. It's meaningless. In Shaanxi, we have a lot of autonomy and can decide many losses. But when we come to the capital, we will soon fall into the struggle between officials and officials. It is impossible to make any decisions on important matters.

Zhou Yanru had expected Zhu Yousong's answer a long time ago. If Zhu Yousong was grateful to Su Tiancheng in his heart, if Su Tiancheng hadn't proposed that the royal family members could enter the court as officials, many vassal kings would still stay in the fief obediently. The imperial decree is not allowed to be tampered with, otherwise you will be impeached and even lose your title, and there are many shadows of Su Tiancheng left in the place where Zhu Yousong works What the hell, ordinary officials are likely to make such choices for their own benefit. Zhu Yousong is the son of Prince Fu, so he has never seen anything in the world.

Zhu Yousong's suggestion is almost the same as if he didn't say it. Although the governors of Fujian and Zhejiang did not have a clear reason in the memorial, some words were tacit and difficult to say clearly. In fact, they pointed at Su Tiancheng for rebellion. According to the past The imperial court will definitely send a large army to suppress the request.

After Zhu Yousong finished speaking, Qian Qianyi looked a little ugly.

The seasoned Zhou Yanru spoke again.

"Master Zhu's suggestion is feasible. The imperial court cannot rush to make such an important decision. In any case, Su Tiancheng is the crown prince and grand teacher appointed by the emperor. He is still the governor of Jiliao now. Not long ago, he was Cabinet minister, with such a prominent status, if the imperial court sends a large army to suppress it, it will definitely cause a lot of shock, but the memorials in Fujian and Zhejiang have very clear meanings, so we are going to discuss the most appropriate way today, everyone must Express our own opinions, and once we form a unified opinion, we will speak to the emperor and finally make a decision."

After Zhou Yanru said these words, Qian Qianyi's expression changed slightly. As for the rest of the people, everyone knew that Zhou Yanru was cooling down and asked everyone to express their opinions, but he could not criticize Others can express their own opinions.

This is where Zhou Yanru is smart. When discussing such an important matter, you must have such an attitude. Otherwise, you will fight with each other and you can't say anything. His decision is also irrational, and the emperor may be furious because of this, doubting the ability of the cabinet.

Everyone fell into silence again, everyone was thinking about how to speak next, they must think clearly, no matter what kind of approach they insist on, there must be clear reasons. (To be continued..)

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