Ming politicians

Chapter 1123

The Forbidden City, the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Zhou Yanru tried his best to report the overall situation to the emperor, and tried his best to make the emperor feel at ease, not to be too anxious, so that he was furious. These days, the emperor has basically been relatively It's quiet, life is still comfortable, and the court is relatively peaceful.

However, Su Tiancheng led the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion to enter Zhejiang and Fujian respectively. The matter is too big. Zhou Yanru dare not stop such news. What makes people laugh and cry is that Su Tiancheng also wrote a memorial, talking about marching into Fujian and Zhejiang The main purpose of the Jiangning camp entering Zhejiang is to prevent the victims from continuing to enter Shandong. Merchants colluded with the government to smuggle sea trade and sell smuggled salt, which greatly damaged the interests of the imperial court. Therefore, Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning camp to carry out relevant rectification.

Zhou Yanru was speechless because of these unreasonable words, but Su Tiancheng's memorial must also be presented to the emperor. Zhou Yanru knew what things could be concealed and what things could not be concealed.

Zhu Youjian's face turned pale. Although the negotiations with the Houjin Tazi were over, many things mentioned in the negotiation agreement could not be implemented for the time being. For example, the matter of sending officials to Shenyang could not be implemented. Minister of Civil and Military Affairs, no one is willing to go to Shenyang, even if he resigns from office, he is not willing to go to Shenyang. In fact, Zhu Youjian also understands that the Houjin Tartars have not encountered a devastating blow, and they still have the ability to fight , Look at the army in charge of the court.Apart from the Jiangning Battalion led by Su Tiancheng, which could deal a heavy blow to the Hou Jin Tartars, the rest of the army's attempt to wipe out the Hou Jin Tartars was nothing short of a fantasy.This also shows the submission of the post-Gold Tartars.There is not much difference from the last time, although Huang Taiji's Concubine Zhuang and her son Fulin are in the capital, but this is of no use, it is just a formality.

Zhu Youjian is still sober, knowing that Su Tiancheng is very powerful. If the imperial court really starts to crusade against Su Tiancheng, it may not be successful. Perhaps the Ming Dynasty will be in danger of being overthrown.The Houjin Tatars will never sit idly by. If they launch an attack from the direction of Liaodong and Datong, the imperial court will fall into a situation of two fronts again. This situation has happened before, but the rogues at that time must not Compared with Su Tiancheng.

During Zhou Yanru's report, Zhu Youjian tried his best to suppress his temper.

There were two aspects that made his heart cold. The first aspect was of course that Su Tiancheng did something.The Jiangning camp entered Fujian and Zhejiang, obviously to control these two places.Once Su Tiancheng controls Fujian, Zhejiang, Shandong and other places, his power will grow unprecedentedly, and even if the imperial court wants to exterminate them, they will be powerless.

The key lies in the second aspect. When the cabinet discussed this matter, there were differences of opinion.It is a big joke that many cabinet ministers disagree on such a simple matter, and it is also reflected in this matter.Many civil and military ministers first think of self-protection, not the interests of the court.

Among all the cabinet ministers, the only one who made Zhu Youjian feel gratified was Fan Jingwen, who was able to take the initiative to stand up and go to danger alone, trying to impress Su Tiancheng. Those who are loyal to the imperial court, as for Qian Qianyi's proposal to mobilize the whole country to attack Su Tiancheng, that is a big joke, and the immediate result will probably be the downfall of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Youjian's attitude towards Zhu Yousong felt the anger of Feng. This is a typical way of delaying, allowing the royal family members to enter the court as officials. This is a suggestion made by Su Tiancheng. It was originally to strengthen and consolidate the imperial power. Judging from the current situation, all royal family members who can enter the imperial court as officials are probably grateful to Su Tiancheng in their hearts, and they are not willing to completely become enemies with Su Tian. This situation is very terrible.

In the imperial court, the cabinet ministers all have such an attitude, let alone the civil and military ministers below. I am afraid that when the danger really comes, they will run faster than a rabbit.

This is the main reason why Zhu Youjian felt cold and hopeless in his heart. He originally thought that he could relax a little bit, but it seems that this is just an extravagant wish.

Zhu Youjian still trusted Zhou Yanru, he wanted to see what Zhou Yanru's opinion was.

"Zhou Aiqing, I understand that Su Tiancheng is thinking about treason. There is no need to doubt this purpose. I don't want to hear anything else. Tell me what you think."

Zhou Yanru was already prepared, he knew that the emperor would ask this question.

"Your Majesty, I have the same opinion as Lord Fan. I have made a request to the Emperor to go to Shandong, or Fujian and Zhejiang to find Su Tiancheng. I will severely reprimand Su Tiancheng. The Emperor's kindness is great, and the Emperor is a man of the world. Dear Lord, why did Su Tiancheng do such a rebellious thing? He doesn't know that God's will cannot be violated..."

Zhu Youjian's face looked a little better, and after Zhou Yanru expressed his determination, he spoke again.

"If Su Tiancheng intends to rebel, what should he do?"

"Your Majesty, I believe that if Su Tiancheng intends to rebel, the imperial court can temporarily reconcile with Houjin, or even ask the Houjin Tatars to directly attack Su Tiancheng. Fuzhou, Xuanzhou, and Gaizhou are occupied by Su Tiancheng, so that they can magnify the state." Haizhou, Haizhou and other places are occupied by the Houjin Tartars. The court can ask the Houjin Tartars to submit to attack from the direction of Yaozhou. Su Tiancheng led the army in the direction of Fujian and Zhejiang, and the guards in Fuzhou and Xuanzhou. It is weak, and besides, Lu Xiangsheng led an army of [-] troops stationed in Xuanzhou, which can play a decisive role at critical moments. Under such a pincer attack from inside and outside, even if the Jiangning battalion is brave, it is difficult to resist."

"Zhou Aiqing, couldn't Su Tiancheng think of what you said? I have thought of a lot these days. Back then, Su Tiancheng was unwilling to stay in the court and only wanted to let it out. In fact, his thoughts were different from ordinary people. Jiang Ningying From the initial guards to the current army of tens of thousands of people, it is a testament to Su Tiancheng's ability, and the Jiangning Battalion wiped out the rogues and defeated the Houjin Tartars, its fighting power is unmatched by ordinary people."

Now it was Zhou Yanru's turn to be surprised. Hearing what the emperor said, he seemed to give up. How could this be possible? What did the emperor think?

"Your majesty, I don't think so. The Jiangning camp is brave, and everyone in the court knows it. It can be said that the former Jiangning camp was an army of the imperial court. It can be said to be a righteous army to wipe out the bandits and defeat the golden tartars. Today's Jiangning If the battalion rebels, it will lose its title of justice at all, and its combat effectiveness will be greatly weakened. Even if Su Tiancheng wants to rebel, how can the tens of thousands of soldiers in the Jiangning battalion all follow suit."

A blush appeared on Zhu Youjian's pale face. Zhou Yanru was always able to grasp the most critical point. Perhaps morale was the most important thing. If Su Tiancheng wanted to rebel, the morale of Jiang Ningying would definitely be greatly reduced.

"What Zhou Aiqing said is true. I think it's better to talk to Su Tiancheng first. After all, it is not a good thing to meet in battle. So I asked Fan Aiqing to go to Shandong to find Su Tiancheng. I still want Su Tiancheng to return to the court."

After Zhou Yanru left the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Zhu Youjian's expression changed again.

Wang Chengen walked to Zhu Youjian's side, and Zhu Youjian didn't even look back, and spoke directly.

"Su Tiancheng's intention to rebel is clear, and he has taken action. I hate some people in the cabinet who want to stay out of the matter. I don't have any hope for them. You find Dong Chang immediately and ask Jin Yiwei to find ways to assassinate Su Tiancheng secretly. In addition, Dongchang has to play a role.”

"The slaves obey the order."

"There are two more things. The first thing is to order Chen Yutai, the governor of Shaanxi, to lead the army into Pingyang Mansion in Shanxi and capture Su Tiancheng's family. This matter must be kept secret. After capturing Su Tiancheng's parents, they will be taken directly to the capital. Come on, I don't believe it anymore, Su Tiancheng can disregard his parents and be willing to be a rebellious person."

"The second thing is to give Liu Zeqing, the commander-in-chief stationed in Zhejiang, the title of Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and order him to lead troops to resist the Jiangning camp. Qian Zhongxuan, the commander-in-chief of Fujian, gave the title of the right deputy capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate to lead the troops to resist the Jiangning camp. , Huang Degong from Luzhou and Zuo Liangyu from Wuchang must all be prepared, I know very well that Su Tiancheng will not surrender, and Fan Jingwen is a scholar, thinking that reprimands can be effective, I will not be so naive."

After finishing the order, Zhu Youjian turned to look at Wang Chengen.

"Su Tiancheng is an official in many places. All these places must be cleaned up. Anyone who is closely related to Su Tiancheng will be investigated and dealt with by Jinyiwei and Dongchang. Don't show mercy. The same is true for the cleanup in the imperial court. In addition, Qu Qingze used to be an officer of Jinyiwei's secret line, so he also needs to clean up the Jinyiwei's secret line..."

Wang Chengen kept his head down. It was the first time that the emperor showed such care. This was something he did not expect. In the past, the emperor would not pay attention to these trivial matters. However, this move of the emperor also meant that he would have a comprehensive relationship with Su Tiancheng. At the same time, it proves another thing, that is, the emperor doesn't trust the cabinet very much, and he doesn't fully trust the ministers of the court and China.

Wang Chengen's heart is very uncomfortable. He once recommended Su Tiancheng, and once protected Su Tiancheng in secret, but with the growth of strength, the conflict between the emperor and Su Tiancheng is inevitable. This is an unavoidable situation. , Wang Chengen never thought of this at all back then, and he never quite understood why Su Tiancheng's power grew rapidly in just a dozen years, wiped out the rogues, severely injured the Houjin Tartars, and pacified In the face of the crisis at the border, could it be said that this Su Tiancheng, as some rumors have said, is a great immortal descended from heaven, who came here to save the world. (To be continued..)

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