Ming politicians

Chapter 1126 A New Beginning

Su Tiancheng, who is in Fujian, knows everything that happened in the capital. The Jiangning Camp had already captured Fuzhou, Song Yihe, governor of Fujian, was captured alive, and Lu Xiangsheng was temporarily in charge of the governor's yamen. The sergeant of the inspection department is no match for the Jiangning battalion, but the commander-in-chief Qian Zhongxuan disappeared, and it is said that he went to the Zhendong Guard. There are also thousands of sergeants.

Su Tiancheng, who led the Jiangning Battalion to attack Fujian and Zhejiang, is morally untenable. This move will definitely be criticized, so Su Tiancheng thought of many reasons to temporarily cover up his real purpose, but The power struggle is like this. In the end, everyone has torn their faces, and the purpose is clear, so Su Tiancheng secretly encouraged the soldiers to attack some officials in the government. He also hoped to use this method to understand the power of the court However, many actions in the capital made Su Tiancheng's actions seem redundant.

Su Tiancheng never imagined that Zhu Youjian was so restless. If a wise king were to deal with such a matter, he would first obtain the support of morality. No matter what, morality has played a key role since ancient times. Thinking in another way, if Su Tiancheng encounters such a thing, as the orthodox ruling force, first of all, he will unite the people around him, and through the control of public opinion, limit the opponent to the situation of infidelity, and then he will start to act. And at such a critical moment, it is necessary to unite all forces that can be united, and the ultimate goal is to defeat the opponent.

It's a pity that Zhu Youjian didn't choose this approach.Everything he did seemed to be done by an angry child.Especially the large-scale cleansing carried out by the government in various parts of the Ming Dynasty relied on the power of Jinyiwei and Dongchang, which is tantamount to self-destruction. You must know that Jinyiwei and Dongchang, among the many civil and military ministers, are the representatives of darkness and corruption .

Su Tian felt a sigh when he became Zhu Youjian, and felt lucky for himself. It was originally expected that it might take a few years.Only then can the Zhu family's orthodox position be completely shaken. Now it seems that I don't need to have any taboos, just do it boldly.

Perhaps it was unexpected that Fuzhou would be lost so soon, and the imperial edicts were sent to Fujian in an accelerated manner. These imperial edicts.All fell into Su Tiancheng's hands.

The imperial decree still attracted Su Tiancheng's attention, especially Zhu Youjian granted the titles of Liu Zeqing and Qian Zhongxuan, Liu Zeqing was given the title of Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and Qian Zhongxuan was given the title of Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War. up.

Judging from the actions of the Jiangning Camp, the situation in various parts of Fujian is not complicated.Moreover, the imperial court did not have any formal army here. In the past, the imperial court relied heavily on Zheng Zhilong. Later, after Xiong Zijian was stationed in Fujian, he basically controlled the coastal areas, so the imperial court did not pay attention to the defense here.To be honest, the imperial court couldn't come up with so much money.

After serious consideration, Su Tiancheng made some major adjustments. [

He decided to go to Zhejiang himself.The key goal is to deal with Liu Zeqing. In any case, Liu Zeqing has [-] soldiers under his command. This is not a small force. Once Liu Zeqing's power is eliminated, Zhejiang will be at his fingertips. As for many matters in Fujian, let Lu Xiangsheng and Xiong Zijian came to deal with military matters, and asked Hong Chengchou to rush to Fujian to directly direct the expedition in Fujian.

On the tenth day of February, Su Tiancheng took a warship to Ningbo Mansion in Zhejiang.

Hong Chengchou had already received the order to lead the soldiers to wait in Ningbo Dinghai.

After Hong Chengchou led the army into Zhejiang, the first to attack was Ningbo Mansion. The army entered from Yanzhou Mansion, which was slightly weaker in defense, passed through Jinhua Mansion and Taizhou Mansion, and directly entered Ningbo Mansion. First, it occupied the entire territory of Ningbo Mansion. During this process, basically no large-scale battles were encountered.

Hong Chengchou also knew the imperial edict, and Hong Chengchou also got the mansion report sent to Ningbo Mansion.

After seeing Su Tiancheng, Hong Chengchou seemed a little excited. Su Tiancheng knew what Hong Chengchou wanted to say.

Along the way, Qu Qingze has suggested many times that since he broke with the imperial court, Su Tiancheng should have a title, otherwise it will be difficult to call him later. Judging from the current situation, Su Tiancheng should be called king, so that he can Not only Qu Qingze, but also Lu Xiangsheng who commanded all the soldiers and civil and military ministers under his command suggested that Su Tiancheng should have a reputation.

Seeing Hong Chengchou's appearance, Su Tiancheng understood that he must have thought of such a thing.

Regarding the matter of being king, Su Tiancheng's thinking is a bit complicated. In fact, he has always thought that if he can use the status bestowed by the court, many things will be easier to do, and the conflict will not be so intense. However, the reality of the situation It's because he no longer has the status of Ji Liao Supervisor and Prince Taishi. At this time, leading the Jiangning camp to conquer seems a bit nondescript, and the people below are not easy to call. Of course, you can continue to be confused, no Acknowledging the imperial decree of the emperor, even saying that the emperor was deceived by the "treacherous" officials around him, so he made such a decision, but doing so will have a considerable impact on the long-term development, so the rectification of the name must be done Think it through.

In Ningbo Mansion, Hong Chengchou, Qu Qingze, He Renlong, Liu Tiehan, Wu Sangui and others are all concentrated here.

After Su Tiancheng came to the wing room, everyone stood up together and saluted Su Tiancheng.

Seeing everyone's actions, Su Tiancheng knew it well.

With a smile on his face, he spoke carefully.

"You have all seen the emperor's many imperial decrees. I, Su Tiancheng, have been designated as a traitor by the emperor. Now I am no longer the governor of Ji Liao, the prince and grand master, but a sinner of the Ming court. From this point of view, we have conquered Fujian. And Zhejiang's move is an out-and-out rebellion, you follow me to conquer, do you feel a little psychologically lost?"

Hong Chengchou spoke first. [

"I will follow my lord until death. I have discussed with you just now. Since the imperial court has done such a thing, my lord does not need to be polite. I am willing to support my lord and conquer the world."

After Hong Chengchou said this, he knelt down in front of Su Tiancheng, and then everyone knelt down.

Su Tiancheng didn't ask everyone to stand up, he still had to abide by the etiquette of this era.

"Everyone followed me to fight in the north and south, and experienced life and death together. I can't hurt the hearts of many soldiers. Since the court thinks that I, Su Tiancheng, is a traitor, then I will justify my name. The monarchs of all dynasties have always demanded benevolence. De comes to govern the world, and I am no exception, so I will set up a throne for myself and call it King De."

"I will pay my respects to His Royal Highness King De..."

"Okay, everyone, get up. Being king is a trivial matter. A few words can solve the problem. The key lies in the progress of our battle. Judging from the current situation, we have already occupied Fuzhou and Hexinghua in Fujian. According to our arrangement, we will occupy the whole of Fujian and Zhejiang before the end of March, so there is no big problem."

"The foundation of the Jiangning Battalion in Fujian is better, so I have thought about it. Of the [-] troops, [-] of them will stay in Zhejiang, and I will lead them personally. Hong Chengchou will lead an army of [-], and strive to occupy the entire province from the end of February to the middle of March." Throughout Fujian Province, the King of Jin, Yang Sichang, and Zhang Pu are already preparing officials, and they will be able to arrive in Fujian and Zhejiang by the end of February."

"Our previous deployment was to conquer Jiangxi, Huguang and other places after occupying Fujian and Zhejiang. Now it seems that our goal has changed. After occupying Fujian and Zhejiang, we will directly attack Nanzhili and take Nanzhili Zhili, Shandong, South Zhili, Zhejiang and Fujian are all connected together, and these places are all rich and prosperous places in the south, occupying these places will show our scale."

"The imperial court will never let it go, we will encounter some fights, but I can be sure that we will not encounter any fierce battles. I never thought that the emperor would be so confused. Tartars, the frontier troops in Liaodong and Datong are afraid to mobilize, once we officially raise the banner of raising troops, the Houjin Tartars will definitely move after hearing the news, and the court will never be peaceful from now on."

"The thing that hurts me the most is that during this conquest, the common people will suffer from unreasonable disasters. I have said long ago that the common people are our food and clothing. No matter what the situation is, we cannot kill them indiscriminately. Gu, our swords and guns must not be aimed at the people."

"The thing I am most worried about is the Houjin Tatars in the north. Once the situation deteriorates, the emperor will be desperate. He may even dispatch the frontier troops from Liaodong and Datong to attack us. If the emperor really makes such a decision, The capital will fall to the Houjin Tartars, but we don't have the energy to wipe out the Houjin Tartars right now."

"Remember, if the Houjin Tartars took advantage of the fire to rob and kill many of my Han people, we will ask them to return them a hundredfold. When I formally raise troops, I will write a letter to Huang Taiji to warn him. Tai Chi dares to do anything, when we attack Shenyang and other places in the future, I will destroy the ancestral graves of his Aixinjueluo family."

"The point I need to emphasize the most, everyone, remember that it is inevitable for you to follow me and want to gain glory and wealth, but the premise is to ensure that the people can have enough food and clothing. The reason why we oppose and overthrow the court is because most of the officials in the court thought of They are all fighting for power and profit, thinking of their own interests, they forgot the saying that water can carry a boat and it can also overturn it..."

On February 16th, the [-]th year of Chongzhen, Su Tiancheng officially became King De and began his conquest of the imperial court.

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