Ming politicians

Chapter 1129 Seeing Is Believing

(Thanks to joseph512 and 815 bookworms for casting precious monthly tickets, and thanks for choosing to take the middle route, neither left nor right, and the rewards of the bandits, thank you.)

Fan Jingwen, who was originally full of enthusiasm and anger, suddenly had a very special feeling. The conversation with the old man forced him to face his inner game. It is useless not to admit some things. Why is this in Zhejiang? In some places, such situations will occur. In fact, these merchants and common people support Su Tiancheng, not to mention wealthy gentry, even ordinary common people, when they live in a stable environment, hear that someone is rebelling, and they are classified as rebels by the court. Thieves, they are all avoided. Who would think of going to the rebels, unless there is something wrong with their brains, but the situation in Zhejiang is different. It can be seen that the situation in Fujian is probably similar. It is revealed here The biggest problem that came out was that Su Tiancheng received the support of the common people, even some officials.

All the actions of Liu Zeqing's army, Fan Jingwen fully believed what the old man said, such a situation is not unusual, when the bandits were wiped out, the armies everywhere exploited the common people, at that time the imperial court couldn't pay them, so they could only watch When the troops from all over the country killed good people and pretended to be meritorious, when they fought against the Houjin Tartars, the situation was even worse. Some people even killed the people and pretended to be the Houjin Tartars to invite meritorious service.

But Fan Jingwen was also puzzled, that is, the Jiangning camp led by Su Tiancheng was the one who finished the extermination of the Golden Tartars, and the Jiangning camp didn't kill the good and pretend to be meritorious, and they didn't harass the people.Moreover, in the process of fighting against the Hou Jin Tartars, the Jiangning Camp was even more invincible.After occupying Fuzhou, Xuanzhou and other places, not to mention that they did not harass the people, even the Manchus living in these places were not liquidated.When such a situation occurs, it cannot be summed up in terms of food and salary.

Fan Jingwen suddenly felt that even if he saw Su Tiancheng, he would be very forceful to say something.

He made up his mind to have a good talk with Wu Weiye and Yan Zizhang.As far as Wu Weiye and Yan Zizhang are concerned, both of them have a very good relationship with Su Tiancheng, and they also accept many of Su Tiancheng's views and ideas, some of which Fan Jingwen believes are completely correct, such as people-oriented , rulers of all dynasties.They all emphasize this point of view, but it is a pity that there are too few people who can really do this.

In a village not far from the official road, Fan Jingwen stayed. They stayed in the homes of ordinary people and did not go to the official post. On the way out, Governor Li Juesi of Zhejiang received them.The rest of the time, they basically did not bother the government.

"Wu Weiye, Yan Zizhang, I want to have a good talk with you today. You are still young. You are about the same age as Su Tiancheng. I also know that you have a good relationship with Su Tiancheng. It is precisely because of this The reason is that you have been implicated. The old man is also very dissatisfied with the actions of Jinyiwei and Dongchang. He has specifically addressed the emperor. The old man also hopes that you can tell the truth today. What exactly do you think of Su Tiancheng? Statement, no matter how much credit Su Tian established, rebellion is wrong."

Yan Zizhang looked at Wu Weiye and spoke first. [

"My lord understands what my lord means, but I have something to say. After saying it, my lord should not blame me."

"Today in this farmhouse, you can say whatever you want, the old man just wants to discuss with you, and it's okay to argue."

"Well, since your lord has spoken to the emperor, has the situation in the capital been improved? Jinyiwei and Dongchang are rampant, and I don't know how many officials have suffered from reckless disasters, not just in the capital, Nanzhili, and all over the world. Almost everyone in the government is in danger, when will this kind of near-self-mutilation behavior be stopped, this kind of thing has happened more than once in the court, why is this?"

"The relationship between Xiaguan and Master Su has indeed been going on for many years, but when we first started dating, we went to Henan to provide disaster relief. At that time, Xiaguan was also arrogant and did not get along very well with Master Su, but the facts later, Let the officials be convinced that Master Su has come up with a solution that can solve the famine problem in Henan to the greatest extent."

"My lord and the old man's conversations were all heard by the lower officials. Liu Zeqing led an army of [-] and stationed in Jiaxing. The imperial court had already ordered Liu Zeqing to lead the army to wipe out the Jiangning camp. However, Liu Zeqing did not move for a long time, but allowed the army to enter Huzhou, Hangzhou and other places raised the so-called food and wages. The Jiangning camp has already occupied Ningbo, Shaoxing and Taizhou. The wealth is too much to count, so I started the conquest?"

"The situation in Ningbo, Shaoxing, and Taizhou is not clear to the lower officials. These places are occupied by the Jiangning camp, but the lower officials can analyze the situation from what they see. The people in these places are stable. On the contrary, Hangzhou and other places controlled by the imperial court, The common people can't sit still, and want to bring their families to Shaoxing and other places, isn't it a joke, if the court hears such behavior, they must think that these people are bandits, and they just want to seek refuge with Master Su."

"I heard about the situation in Shandong, but unfortunately I didn't have the chance to see it. This time I thought I could go to Shandong with my lord. I was also curious. With so many disaster victims, Shandong relied on its own efforts. How can I calm down? Master Su did not rebel when he rescued the victims. What is ridiculous is that the government in Zhejiang, Fujian, and Nanzhili not only did not provide relief to these victims, but also collected taxes and sent them all. Go to Shandong, under such circumstances, what will the common people think? These disaster victims are also my citizens of Daming. When the rogues rebelled back then, the emperor and the court thought that the rogues were originally the people of Daming, and they could take measures to appease them. Why is there such an attitude in the face of these disaster victims?"

"I didn't think too much about my own experience, but I saw some problems from my own experience. Mr. Su once served as an official in Jiangning County, Henan Province, Shaanxi Province and Liaodong. There must be so many places. I have come into contact with a lot of officials, and now that the court is coming to liquidate these officials, isn’t it going to force all the officials in these places to cast a shadow on Mr. Su.”

"As for Mr. Su's achievements in governing these places, I don't want to say any more. I think my lord is also clear. I have visited Shaanxi specifically. The situation in Shaanxi is very different from when the bandits were rampant. The common people in Shaanxi still remember Lord Su, if you think that the lower officials are lying, you can ask Lord Wu."

Yan Zizhang said so much in one breath, and the meaning he wanted to express was basically clear.

Wu Weiye didn't say that much. Yan Zizhang basically said what he wanted to say. When he returned to the capital from Shaanxi, Wu Weiye felt very uncomfortable.

"My lord, what Lord Yan said is true. Shaanxi is still following the rules set by Lord Su. Shaanxi has abolished the guards, and the land is basically assigned to farmers. During this process, it is necessary to restrain land mergers, so that food production can be improved. In order to ensure that the government pays attention to farmland water conservancy issues every year, solves the drought and flood disasters to the greatest extent, and will never allow the burden on the people to be arbitrarily raised. According to this method, Shaanxi has been very stable in recent years, and the situation of bandits in those years cannot continue to appear in Shaanxi.”

Fan Jingwen's face turned pale. In fact, the words Yan Zizhang and Wu Weiye said have been impacting his heart. He understands many things, and there is not much confusion, but there is one most important contradiction, What disturbed him was that once Su Tiancheng seized the world, what would the emperor do, what would the court do? Changing the dynasty is not as simple as it is said. Besides, the Ming Dynasty has lasted for hundreds of years, and the emperor is in an orthodox position. If you can say it, you can turn it over.

If this main problem is not solved, Fan Jingwen will never get out of the vicious circle.

He thinks he knows Su Tiancheng well, and has had a lot of contact with him. It is impossible to say that Su Tiancheng wanted to rebel from the very beginning. In fact, Su Tiancheng has suffered many plots over the years, but he has endured them silently. It's a pity that neither Su Tiancheng nor the emperor can avoid the law of history. As Su Tiancheng's power becomes stronger and stronger, the emperor cannot rest assured. [

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Su Tiancheng to wait to die.

Fan Jingwen suddenly became suspicious of his behavior. For some reason, he was a little reluctant to enter the Shaoxing Mansion. He was worried that what he saw would shake his confidence.

Fan Jingwen didn't speak for a while, but Yan Zizhang spoke again.

"My lord, I think it's better to go to Shaoxing, Taizhou or even Ningbo Mansion to see how the situation is..."

Fan Jingwen shook his head.

"I came to Zhejiang with a mission. As for the situation along the way, I just need to see it. If I can return to the capital smoothly, I will report to the emperor."

Neither Yan Zizhang nor Wu Weiye had any expression on their faces. Fan Jingwen's answer was within their expectations. They also knew that Fan Jingwen was very upright. I am afraid that Fan Jingwen's views will not change fundamentally.

When starting again, Fan Jingwen sped up his journey, and when he entered the area under the jurisdiction of Shaoxing Mansion, it went very smoothly, and he didn't even see a sergeant guarding the official road. Seeing is believing. It is impossible for Fan Jingwen and others not to be touched by all these situations. At this time, what they thought was that even if all these facts were reported to the emperor, what would be the consequences? He was regarded as Su Tiancheng's accomplice and received the most severe punishment. (to be continued...)

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