Ming politicians

Chapter 1133 Unbearable to see

Su Tiancheng led the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion to rush towards Haiyan County. It happened that the soldiers under Liu Zeqing were collecting taxes in the villages and towns. The two sides soon fought again. The result is self-evident. After launching the attack, they instinctively chose to flee, ignoring the looted wealth and women, and ran away in one go, because the military uniforms of both sides were the same. This situation is still very interesting.

A village outside Haiyan County.

Accompanied by Fan Jingwen and the others, Su Tiancheng walked slowly. The withered scene in front of him was heartbreaking. In the entire village and town, there was no smoke from the kitchen, and the people who could see it all had numb and indifferent expressions on their faces. The military uniform is exactly the same, but the momentum is different.

When Fan Jingwen was about to speak, an old man with a white beard suddenly rushed out of the courtyard and started yelling at Su Tiancheng and the others.

"You guys have been in the village for so long these days, you have robbed all the food, and you have insulted the women in the village. What do you want to do? Do you want to kill all the people in the village so that you can feel comfortable? ..."

The old man was well dressed and looked like a rich man in the village, but his face was pale and his eyes were blood red. Since he dared to rush in front of Su Tiancheng and others to yell and scold him, he probably didn't want to live.

The old man's yelling caused a chain reaction, and soon a young woman came out, holding scissors in her hands, her clothes were a little weak, the woman's face was full of despair and anger, she was holding scissors, her eyes were passing by I searched among the sergeants, but they didn't say anything.

Some ordinary people also came out, with the same indifferent expression on their faces, silently watching the passing sergeants.

Su Tiancheng already understood, it should be said that all of this was done by Liu Zeqing's sergeants, so he called He Renlong.

"He Renlong. You need to do two things right away. The first thing is that the Jiangning battalion was the first to enter the village and fought with Liu Zeqing's men. They all turned back and came to the village. Let the common people identify them. If anyone dares to harass the common people , leave it to the people here to deal with, the second thing is to send elite soldiers to capture the escaped bandits, even if they run to the ends of the earth, they must be captured by me, and brought here. Let the common people identify..."

Fan Jingwen and the others on the side kept their faces sullen and did not speak. Of course they understood what all this meant.

After He Renlong quickly fulfilled the task, Su Tiancheng spoke to Qu Qingze beside him.

"My lord, you are still in charge of completing the aftermath. Take out part of the money and food to help the people here. It seems that Liu Zeqing has left nothing behind, damn it. If I catch Liu Zeqing, I will hand him over to you." Give it to the people and see what the people will do to him."

The surrounding people gathered more and more, and they obviously discovered that the army that came this time was completely different from the previous army.This large army did not enter the house or courtyard, and they all marched with their heads down, not looking at the people around them at all, and had no intention of collecting food and salaries.The common people felt instinctively that this army was different.I'm afraid it is the Jiangning camp that was rumored a few days ago, the Jiangning camp that loves the people.

Qu Qingze led the soldiers of the law enforcement battalion, and started to contact the people, preparing to rescue the people, but this job was very difficult, and the people didn't believe it at all, and the harm they received was too great. Most of them People gathered around Su Tiancheng and the others. They heard what Su Tiancheng said just now, and they wanted to see the actual actions.

Su Tiancheng didn't intend to leave immediately, Fan Jingwen and others didn't speak, and stood by Su Tiancheng's side.

An hour passed, and He Renlong came back in a hurry, followed by a thousand soldiers and more than 200 captives. Although the military uniforms of these captives were the same as those of the Jiangning battalion, the temperament on their faces was completely different. of.

Su Tiancheng first asked all the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion to stand up.

He walked up to the young woman who remained standing with scissors in hand.

"Girl, look here to see if there is anyone you're looking for. Don't be afraid. Just tell me if you find it. I'll make the decision for you."

The young woman did not speak, walked over slowly, and began to scan with her eyes.

A quarter of an hour later, the woman shook her head, indicating that among the 1000 people, there was no one she was looking for.

Su Tiancheng waved his hand.

"He Renlong, bring those bandits up."

Soon, more than two hundred people were escorted up, and several of them, after seeing the young girl, retreated instinctively. This scene was witnessed by Su Tiancheng, Fan Wencheng and others, but no one spoke.

Seeing those retreating people, the young girl howled and rushed up with scissors.

These people had been tied up a long time ago, unable to struggle at all, the young girl took the scissors and stabbed them fiercely, and the screams began to appear.

There was no expression on Su Tiancheng's face, watching all this.

After all, the young girl's strength was not enough, after a few pricks, she began to cry bitterly, and the girl's next move, no one expected, she turned the scissors and pierced towards her heart. . .

Su Tiancheng pointed to the wounded prisoners and spoke to He Renlong.

"Take care of this girl. These few are buried with you. You have to find this girl's family, see if there are any difficulties in her family, and give some help."

After saying this, Su Tiancheng turned around and spoke to the people surrounding him.

"Fellow folks, this is the bandit we caught. You can identify it and see who entered your house. Feel free to point it out. If anyone among the thousand soldiers harass you, you I also pointed out that this official will definitely decide for you..."

The common people started to commotion, and many of them rushed forward, biting and beating the captives to vent their anger.

The old man who was yelling at Su Tiancheng and others at the beginning was not very far away from Su Tiancheng. He was watching all the situations. He didn't do anything, and even showed a rare calmness.

But at this time, the old man moved, and he tried his best to get close to Su Tiancheng.

When he was still five meters away from Su Tiancheng, the old man suddenly knelt down in front of Su Tiancheng.

"Master Qingtian, you must be the master for us. These bandits burn, kill, loot, and commit all kinds of crimes. Many people in the village have fled, and everyone can't survive..."

The civilians who were fighting the captives saw this scene, turned around and followed the old man, and knelt down in front of Su Tiancheng, wailing for a while.

Su Tiancheng stepped forward, thinking about helping the old man, He Renlong on the side also hurriedly helped, but the old man was very stubborn and refused to get up, he was waiting for Su Tiancheng's statement.

Su Tiancheng sighed, gave up helping the old man up, and spoke to the common people kneeling in front of him.

"Fellow folks, I know what happened to you, and I will definitely seek justice for you. These people caught by us are not soldiers of the imperial court, they are out-and-out bandits. Now I am Leading the soldiers to fight against these bandits, I promise to all the villagers that they will completely wipe out these bandits. This is Mr. Qu. I have asked Mr. Qu to be responsible for helping the villagers. You have been robbed and your life is difficult. , I will not stand idly by, please help Mr. Qu to stabilize life as soon as possible..."

The people slowly stopped crying, they still knelt, they believed what the lord in front of them said, the facts speak louder than words, none of the sergeants led by the lord did anything wrong, and the lord caught those who were in the village The rebellious bandits were dealt with in front of them.

After Su Tiancheng finished speaking, he stepped forward again and helped the old man up.

"Old man, the village is in trouble, and I feel very uncomfortable. I have arrested these bandits. I need the people to tell me what bad things they have done among them. I need a basis for dealing with these people. You can’t kill people indiscriminately, and ask the old man to assist Mr. Qu to testify against the evil deeds of these bandits. As I have said, I will definitely make decisions for the villagers.”

The old man trembled and spoke.

"My lord's kindness will never be forgotten in my lifetime, and I will definitely pray for my lord."

Su Tiancheng shook his head slightly.

"Old man, there is no need to do these things. It is my wish to let the villagers live a good life. The old man seems to be a knowledgeable person in the village, and his words carry weight. Please tell many villagers, including those nearby. Folks, the Jiangning camp has entered Jiaxing Mansion, and will never allow such a situation to recur. Please don’t flee, and stay at home. The official will arrange special personnel to solve the difficult problems of the villagers until the autumn harvest season. This officer will do what he says."

When walking forward again, Fan Jingwen's face turned pale, and he sighed heavily.

Su Tiancheng spoke to Fan Jingwen.

"Lord Fan, you will be able to enter Haiyan County soon. Next, please take a look at the attitude of the government. I don't believe it. So many losses have happened here, and the people are forced to have no way out. Could it be that the government just Don’t you know all of this? The actions of Liu Zeqing’s soldiers are worse than those of the bandits. Even if the bandits know the rules and what they can and cannot do, Liu Zeqing’s actions must not be his alone. mean."

After a short pause, Su Tiancheng spoke again.

"Lord Fan, what I hate the most in my life is attacking innocent people. If you have the ability to fight against me, the gang of bandits and soldiers in Liu Zeqing must be responsible for their actions. I once said that, in fact, Hangzhou, Huzhou and other places are also like this. It's just that the adults passed by and didn't see these things, so I'm afraid they don't care about them. I want to put it more bluntly. The court and the emperor probably don't care about these things. Since they don't care, then I will care about them. I have already made a promise to the common people, that anyone involved in this matter, no matter what high position they are in, I will pursue to the end." (To be continued..)

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