Ming politicians

Chapter 1140 Opportunity Comes

Although Su Tiancheng said the process of conquering Fujian and Zhejiang was very smooth, he never forgot Liaodong, where there was a sleeping tiger recuperating from injuries. Once the opportunity was right, this tiger would jump up and bite people.

Su Tiancheng's prediction was correct, this tiger was really going to start biting people.

Because of the severe injury, Huang Taiji's body never recovered. During the Spring Festival, he fell into a "coma" for a while. Fortunately, Hauge was able to handle all the affairs of the court, and the government affairs were not delayed. After Erhalang signed the agreement with the Ming court, the Manchu nobles were very angry. Some people even questioned Jierhalang directly, regardless of the identity of Prince Zheng of Jierhalang and the owner of the Xianglan Banner. However, the development of the matter, Exactly as what Jierhalang said, the Ming court did not implement what was in the agreement at all, and no Ming officials came to Shenyang. The situation in Liaodong is the same as before. The Liaodong frontier army is still particularly vigilant, and the two sides have not shake hands to make peace. mean.

On the contrary, Liaodong's commercial transactions were temporarily released, which benefited Houjin a lot. They had silver in their hands, but what they lacked was supplies. Through Liaodong's transactions, they could buy a large amount of supplies and alleviate the embarrassment of life.It is precisely because the Liaodong Mutual Market established outside the Fucheng of Guangning started, and the Mutual Market of Jingbian and Anningbao was affected to a certain extent. Many merchants in Houjin withdrew from here. , also chose to trade in the Liaodong Mutual Market.

During the interrogation period, Jierhalang did not defend himself, and it was precisely because of this generous approach that he was respected by the nobles of the Manchus. On the contrary, his reputation rose rapidly, faintly surpassing Dorgon.

The intelligence network in charge of Tan Tai and Jia Jihan has also undergone a large-scale transformation.Most of the transformation suggestions were put forward by Jia Jihan. Jia Jihan put forward one of the most important ideas, which is to use money to buy information and form an information network, on the premise that Ming Dynasty is temporarily strong.Those who do not ask for information must be loyal to the Qing Dynasty. As long as they are willing to provide information, they will be given money, and some information has been screened and deemed important, and more rewards can be given to those who provide information. This is like When doing business, we should pay attention to fairness and your love.

Jia Jihan thinks.There are too many Han Chinese, and there must be a lot of people among them who don't know etiquette, justice, and shame, and what they love is money. If we can use these people, we will be able to obtain valuable information.

Jia Jihan is smarter than Fan Wencheng, he learned from what happened to Fan Wencheng.After learning a lot of experience, after entering the intelligence network.Jia Jihan has always been very low-key, everything is decided by Tan Tai, Jia Jihan is responsible for putting forward suggestions, even the most important decisions, but he just does not put forward them by himself.All the brilliant things were left to Tan Tai.

Therefore, the cooperation between Tan Tai and Jia Jihan is very good, and it can be said that they are like ducks in water. [

This also made Huang Taiji, Hauge and others start to pay attention to Jia Jihan.

After the Spring Festival, Huang Taiji's body began to recover rapidly.That's because he obtained great good news from a lot of information, and the possibility that he had been predicting before really appeared.

The Ming court began to split, Su Tiancheng raised the banner of opposing the court, and occupied Shandong, disobeying the order of the court, the Emperor Chongzhen decreed that Su Tiancheng was removed from all positions, and he was denounced as a traitor. This is the same as the rogues who were exterminated many years ago. Such ironic things really happened. It must be known that Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning Camp to completely wipe out the rogues. Now Su Tiancheng has also become a "rogue" of Ming Dynasty.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the Qing Dynasty. Once the Ming Dynasty splits, the Qing Dynasty will be able to win development opportunities, start to occupy more places, gather more wealth and power, and unify the Central Plains at the right time.

The strength of the spirit is poor, and Huang Taiji's body recovers quickly.

Huang Taiji, who recovered physically, showed more mature wisdom. During several discussions in the Chongzheng Palace, he tried his best to reject all opinions, thinking that it is not the time for the army to act, and he can only slowly restore the army and form an organizational system. Restoring the Manchu Eight Banners and the Han Eight Banners, waiting for the best time.

Several discussions in the Chongzheng Palace were attended by princes and county kings. This is the core class of the Qing Dynasty. Han people are not qualified to participate in such discussions because of changes in the Ming Dynasty. Start the attack, take down Guangning Mansion and other places, and then deter the Guan Ningjin defense line. Even if you can't launch an attack, you must slowly infiltrate forces towards Guangning and other places to lay the foundation for future attacks.

Most of the princes and county kings agreed with this proposal, and even Hauge was a little moved. They didn't care about Concubine Zhuang and Fulin who were still in the capital of the Ming Dynasty. To make a contribution, even if it means giving your life, is so-called.

But Huang Taiji vetoed such an approach, and he put forward his opinions, waiting for the opportunity to develop himself.

Huang Taiji believes that Su Tiancheng has enough wisdom and strength. The contest between the Ming court and Su Tiancheng must be very fierce. Maybe Su Tiancheng can occupy a great advantage, but Su Tiancheng thinks that he can destroy the Ming court. , it's not that simple. In such a fight, Ming's national strength will definitely suffer huge trauma. When the two tigers fight, there will be a wound. the benefits of.

Huang Taiji unceremoniously pointed out that if he "acted" too hastily, it was very likely that Emperor Chongzhen of Ming Dynasty would reach an agreement with Su Tiancheng, and the two sides would unite to attack the Qing Dynasty. Under such circumstances, it is possible that the Qing Dynasty will suffer a catastrophe. After all, the national strength of the Qing Dynasty and Ming Dynasty is too great.

It is admirable that Huang Taiji can have such wisdom.

In terms of the integration of the army, Huang Taiji and Hauge discussed many times, and they all thought of one problem, that is, the command power of the army. The Eight Banners system was directly established by the former emperor Nurhachi. In the early days of the development of the Qing Dynasty, It has played a huge role and enabled the Qing Dynasty to achieve today's achievements. However, with the development of the situation, there are more and more disadvantages. The core army of the Qing Dynasty is full of Eight Banners, and the sergeants inside only know the banner owners. , I don’t know who the emperor is, and the mobilization of these troops is mainly the order of the banner owner. The imperial edict of the emperor is not as good as the order of the banner owner.

There are such problems in the Manchu Eight Banners, and the problem of the Mongolian Eight Banners is even more obvious. Even if the Qing Dynasty is in danger, it is unlikely to directly mobilize the Mongolian Eight Banners. It must be through the leaders of the Mongolian tribes. These leaders directly serve as banner owners , like the king in the tribe.

It is absolutely impossible to maintain this kind of system. Both Huang Taiji and Hauge understand this truth. Military power must be directly controlled by the emperor. Relatively speaking, Huang Taiji's authority is very high. Princes and county kings dare not fight openly, but Hauge is not necessarily. Once Hauge becomes the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, almost all the banner owners of the Eight Banners are his elders. It is difficult to mobilize these troops. is great. [

Therefore, when integrating the Han Eight Banners, Huang Taiji directly requested that all officers of the Han Eight Banners must be drawn from the Zhenghuang Banner, Xianghuang Banner, and Zhenglan Banner. The pastures and arable land assigned to the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty are all determined by the imperial court. As for the combat orders, the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty obey the emperor's orders.

Huang Taiji's move is undoubtedly very wise. On the one hand, it can deter the banner owners who are full of the Eight Banners, and on the other hand, it can well control the Han Eight Banners and strengthen the power in the hands of the emperor.

Under the current circumstances, the integration of the Eight Banners is inappropriate, and the timing is inappropriate and cannot be moved.

In addition, there is the conference system of the king and ministers who discuss politics. The ministers who discuss politics are all composed of princes of the Qing Dynasty. During special periods, their power is even greater than that of the emperor. They can make decisions related to the future and destiny of the Qing Dynasty. This is also decided by Nurhachi. Nurhaci, Huang Taiji, etc. are all top of the Manchus. It will not be too difficult to "control" the ministers of the political affairs king, but the successors in the future may not be sure. For example, Hao Ge is unlikely to completely control the political affairs. Minister Wang.

Huang Taiji will never forget that Dorgon is Hauge's biggest threat. Although Hauge has been crown prince for a long time, Dorgon's strength is also growing. , stationed in Yaozhou, Haizhou, and even Liaoyang and other places for a long time, the strength of the army is also increasing, which is a real threat.

In fact, there are many things that need to be cleaned up in the Qing Dynasty, but these things should not be done in a hurry. A little carelessness may cause the Qing Dynasty to collapse. After years of power struggles, Huang Taiji is very clear about the truth behind it. Fortunately, his body began to recover slowly, and he had enough time to deal with these things.

The opportunity is already in sight, Huang Taiji asked Tan Tai to closely monitor all the intelligence of the Ming court, and must report it in time without the slightest delay, and Huang Taiji began to attach great importance to the analysis of intelligence, he knew that Jia Jihan was good at analyzing intelligence , the ability is not inferior to Fan Wencheng, so Huang Taiji will occasionally find Jia Jihan to inquire about the relevant situation.

The information about the Ming court continued to flow to the Qing Dynasty. In addition to Liaodong and other places, the intelligence monitoring system of the Ming Dynasty, after the court signed an agreement with the Houjin Tartars, thought that there was no big problem and neglected management. It was basically used in the past. The destroyed intelligence network began to recover in a short period of time, and it developed rapidly, which enabled the Qing Dynasty to obtain a lot of timely first-hand intelligence, which was convenient for Huang Taiji to make decisions. (To be continued..)

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