Ming politicians

Chapter 1143

It is not that Zhu Youjian does not understand the truth that governing a large country is like cooking small fish. He has received such an education long ago, and many ministers of civil and military affairs in the court have also made special admonitions, warning that the Ming Dynasty is a big place and things are very complicated. It needs to be dealt with patiently. The implication is that he is not easy to be an emperor, and it is even more difficult to be the emperor of ZTE.

Zhu Youjian knew very well that when he came to the throne, he faced a situation full of holes. In the imperial court, Wei Zhongxian and the ministers of the imperial court confronted each other, and they did not want to give in to each other, which led to the chaos in the imperial court. Even he, who was about to be the emperor, The prince was almost plotted against by Wei Zhongxian and the Hakka family. Disasters continued throughout the Ming Dynasty, large-scale bandits began to appear in Shaanxi, and the post-gold Tartars in Liaodong became increasingly arrogant. Faced with this internal and external situation, Zhu Youjian also thought about the great Do something.

He decisively cleaned up Wei Zhongxian, including Wei Zhongxian's henchmen, restricted the power of the eunuchs, and reused the ministers of the court. The Ming court once had a prosperous situation in a short period of time, but unfortunately the blow came soon. After the ministers of the court took power , is not as beautiful as he imagined, many civil and military ministers are fighting for power, cultivating their own strength, and strengthening their own strength. On the edge of the border, the scale of the rogue rebellion became larger and larger, so that it was out of control, and the Houjin Tartars also took the opportunity to enter the customs and plunder, often threatening the capital.

The imperial court has no money, and even if Zhu Youjian has great ambitions, there is no way to realize them.

After selling the ginseng and other items in the palace and collecting the pitifully small amount of money, Zhu Youjian even became discouraged, thinking about setting up the crown prince, and if he couldn't bear it, let Huang Taiji succeed him sooner.

The emergence of a turning point.It was still on Su Tiancheng. After Su Tiancheng took the post of magistrate of Jiangning Yingying, he vigorously rectified the Municipal Shipping Department, which gave the imperial court a stable source of income. Next, Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning Yingying.He began to wipe out the bandits and achieved a series of major victories, and the bandits gradually declined.The most important thing is that the imperial court basically does not need to allocate any military salary to the Jiangning camp. Su Tiancheng relies on his own strength to maintain the operation of the Jiangning camp.

Later, after the rogue bandits were wiped out, Su Tiancheng immediately moved to Liaodong to deal with the Houjin Tartars.The effect is also very good. Since the ninth year of Chongzhen, the Houjin Tatars have never dared to enter the pass easily, and Su Tiancheng has stabilized the situation in the grassland. The mutual market between Anning Fort and Jingbian has become another important source of income for the court. origin of.

It's a pity that Su Tiancheng's rebellion happened when the Hou Jin Tartars suffered heavy losses and were about to be annihilated.This is tantamount to destroying the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Youjian never understood why Su Tiancheng would do this.He had also reflected on it many times that he and Su Tiancheng got along very well, and he had always trusted Su Tiancheng.Following this way of thinking, Zhu Youjian finally believed that everything was Su Tiancheng's problem.Su Tiancheng had long thought of rebelling, and the reason why he didn't want to stay in the court at the beginning was actually because he wanted to gather strength secretly.

Zhu Youjian seldom reflects on his own personality flaws, or it is because the authorities are confused by the bystanders.

Zhu Youjian grew up in a different environment. In fact, he can become an emperor.It was because of Zhu Youxiao's health, otherwise he would have been the king of faith all his life, not much different from other vassal kings.It is precisely because of this growing environment that Zhu Youjian's character has been distorted. He has seen too many intrigues, too many calculations, and even seen unusual domineering. In his heart, he has mastered After power, the one you can absolutely trust is yourself.

As for governing the country, Zhu Youjian does not have much ability. The emperor does not require special wisdom. As long as he knows how to use people, he can become a generation of wise emperors. Zhu Youjian's problem is in this aspect, and he often doubts the ministers below. , even the most trusted chief minister of the cabinet, under such circumstances, how could he truly know and employ people.

This is Zhu Youjian's tragedy, and it is also the tragedy of many dynasties. Zhu Youjian's character is not bad, and he is by no means a fatuous emperor, but his thinking of seeking fish from wood makes him and his goal go farther and farther away.

In fact, this change occurred from the moment Zhu Youjian started to reuse eunuchs again.

Zhu Youjian, who was in anger, didn't feel it at all, or didn't think about these issues at all.

The news from Zhejiang and Fujian came in a steady stream, until Liu Zeqing's [-] troops were completely wiped out, and the news that Zhejiang and Fujian were all under Su Tiancheng's command, Zhu Youjian couldn't help it, he was going to explode up.

The Forbidden City, the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Zhu Youjian's face was livid, showing violent anger.

Zhou Yanru led many cabinet ministers, the six ministers and the left and right envoys of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. They stood by His Highness all the time, not daring to say a word. They knew what the emperor was thinking, but they couldn't come up with a real solution.

"...What do so many of my civil and military ministers do? If such a big incident happened, apart from cursing Su Tiancheng, I don't think they can come up with any solution. I don't think I have much hope. I am going to bow down to Su Tiancheng and let Su Tiancheng be the emperor..."

In the main hall, there was only Zhu Youjian's almost roaring voice, but this roaring voice seemed so powerless, and it seemed so harsh.

The temper finally came out, Zhu Youjian's face remained unchanged, he stared at the people who bowed their heads.

"I want you all to raise your heads, I need to hear you speak up."

Everyone's eyes unconsciously focused on Zhou Yanru. At this time, Zhou Yanru, as the chief assistant of the cabinet, could not avoid the problem.

Zhou Yanru had long lost his previous self-confidence. He never imagined that he had gone through untold hardships and became the chief assistant of the cabinet again. He originally thought that the situation was in a good situation, but the current situation is even worse than that of Chongzhen. The situation in the early years was even worse. At that time, the bandits made rebellions. After all, they were not yet a climate, and their power was not very strong. Later, the Jin Tartars entered the pass to plunder, but they were unable to do anything to pass the Ningjin defense line. But the situation is different now. Su Tiancheng's power is astonishingly great, and he is fully capable of overthrowing the imperial court.

When the news that the [-] troops led by Liu Zeqing had been wiped out by the Jiangning Battalion reached the capital, it caused not only an uproar, but also a terrible silence. When Tiancheng was doing things, Governor Li Juesi of Zhejiang Province and Governor Song Yihe of Fujian also expressed their submission one after another. Such news spread wildly in the court, and among the discussions among the people, there was not only condemnation, but also a terrible tendency up.

The situation in the capital has not changed in the slightest. The power of Jinyiwei and Dongchang has expanded infinitely. Quite a number of civil and military ministers simply kept silent, so as not to be noticed by Jin Yiwei and Dongchang, and they would be taken directly to the prison.The power representing Donglin Academy has also begun to emerge. The difference is that the power of Donglin Academy not only condemns and abuses Su Tiancheng, but also is rude to Jinyiwei and Dongchang. You must know that it is useless to speak out, so Jin Yiwei and Dongchang began to set their sights on Donglin Academy. Fortunately, Qian Qianyi was still a cabinet bachelor and would not bow to Jin Yiwei and Dongchang.

The cabinet has already discussed several times. Faced with such a situation, how to deal with it, but the opinions cannot be unified. In fact, it is impossible to come up with a good solution. The final discussion is to continue to recruit troops into Zhejiang and Fujian to destroy the Soviet Union. Tian Cheng, and what Qian Qianyi proposed, must restrain the power of Jin Yiwei and Dongchang.

Of course, the emperor is not interested in such a suggestion, even a fool can know that at this time, the army should be mobilized to destroy Su Tiancheng.

The potential danger is very clear. Su Tiancheng has occupied Shandong, Zhejiang, Fujian and other places, and Nanzhili has been surrounded in the middle. As expected, Su Tiancheng will directly target Nanzhili in the next step. Zhili is the accompanying capital of the Ming Dynasty, if it is occupied by Su Tiancheng, it will also indicate that the foundation of the Ming Dynasty has been shaken.

This situation is gradually becoming a reality, and this is a torrent that no one can stop.

Zhou Yanru spoke with great difficulty.

"Your Majesty, I think that at this critical moment, we still need to mobilize the army to wipe out Su Tiancheng..."

"I know that Su Tiancheng is going to be exterminated. I don't think the cabinet can come up with any good solution. Then I will come and arrange it directly. Immediately draw up an order to confer the title of minister of the Ministry of War on Zuo Liangyu who is stationed in Wuchang, and order him to lead the army. Nanzhili, encircled and suppressed Su Tiancheng, appointed Huang Degong Youdu, who was stationed in Jiangxi, with the title of imperial envoy, led a large army, entered Nanzhili, encircled and suppressed Su Tiancheng, Sun Tai, Minister of the Ministry of War of Nanjing, led the Nanjing Jingying army, encircled and suppressed Su Tiancheng... "

Zhu Youjian's arrangement surprised everyone. This time, 30 troops were mobilized. Let alone the food and grass needed, the key is who will command the 30 troops, where they will be stationed in Nanzhili, and how they will treat the Soviet Union. Tian Cheng's offensive and so on, a series of specific issues, need someone to coordinate, but unfortunately no one will take the initiative to fight for this coordination task, or the candidate for the commander-in-chief. Think about the bravery of the Jiangning Battalion, think about the illustrious military achievements of the Jiangning Battalion over the years, think about the [-] troops led by Liu Zeqing, they were all wiped out in just a few days, and the rest of the army will turn out better where to go.

With anger, Zhu Youjian made arrangements in a fit of anger. He didn't think of so many specific issues, which is enough to show that both the court and himself are in a mess. (To be continued..)

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