Ming politicians

Chapter 1157 Calculation

Zuo Liangyu and Huang Degong stayed in the official post and could not return to Wuchang and Luzhou, but Zhu Yousong and Qin Sande's orders were issued. During the subsequent discussions, Qin Sande suggested that Zuo Liangyu lead the The 20 troops stationed in Huizhou Prefecture and other places, with 3 soldiers stationed in each place, as for the 2 troops led by Huang Degong, [-] troops were stationed in Suzhou Prefecture, and [-] soldiers were stationed in Songjiang Prefecture.It is said to be a consultation, but it is actually an order.

Zuo Liangyu had no choice but to follow suit. He knew the situation before him well. If he publicly opposed it, he would definitely be regarded as a traitor and would be punished with the most severe punishment. Besides, Huang Degong happily accepted the order, so he couldn't express his opposition alone.

After the order was sent out, Zuo Liangyu was restless. The 20 troops stationed in Wuchang were commanded and controlled by his confidantes. For the time being, he didn't have to worry about who would annex the army. The trouble was that the 20 troops didn't have much food and grass savings. , stationed in Wuchang these years, Zuo Liangyu has not been able to get much property, and the expenses of maintaining a 20 army have exhausted him. Now that all 20 troops have been transferred out, it is impossible to carry a lot of food and grass. Zhu Yousong and Qin Sande controlled the expenditure of money and food, which is equivalent to controlling an army of 20.

At this time, Zuo Liangyu began to admire Su Tiancheng. He has a solid base, and almost does not rely on the imperial court for all the expenses of the Jiangning camp. This is the capital for him to rebel. Under the control of the imperial court, the 20 army could not survive without the imperial court.

But Zuo Liangyu would not let it go, he also moved his mind on the stationing of the army, and gathered all the most elite soldiers in Huizhou Mansion, and then went to Huizhou Mansion by himself and left Nanjing.Out of the control of Zhu Yousong and Qin Sande, it is not up to him to decide how to act, the worst is not to fight, and go to Su Tiancheng.

After making many arrangements, Qin Sande was also very tired.

The official post has become a temporary command center, and no other officials are received.Nanzhili has become the front line. At this time, the officials who are interested will not go to Nanjing for nothing. Sour news, the gentlemen and wealthy households in Zhejiang and Fujian have encountered large-scale cleaning.They were almost beheaded, and all the wealth fell into the hands of Su Tiancheng, especially the wealthy households in Fujian. Being an official in the court, they also think.Once caught by Su Tiancheng, there will definitely be no good results.

So Zhu Yousong and Qin Sande came to Nanjing.They were fully supportive and wished that the imperial court could wipe out Su Tiancheng as soon as possible.

There are also some well-to-do gentry and wealthy families who know the truth. Most of these families have businesses in Shandong. They know Su Tiancheng's requirements and the rules Su Tiancheng made, but under the current high-pressure situation.These people will not stand up and speak out, otherwise they will become accomplices, and before Su Tiancheng leads the army to overwhelm them, they will probably be cleared by the court and the government.

Nanzhili has the most gentry and wealthy households, and this is also the most affluent place in Ming Dynasty.The court's money is limited, and it is impossible to use a large amount of money to fight. Zhu Yousong and Qin Sande still have to find another way to maintain the expenses of more than [-] troops. Maybe it is the role of public opinion, or it may involve their own interests. Well, for the first time, the wealthy gentry in Nanzhili donated part of the money to the court to suppress the rebels.

The emergence of this situation made Zhu Yousong and Qin Sande very happy. You must know that when the court was in trouble, and when the north suffered a large-scale famine, they all encountered opposition when they thought of collecting some taxes from the south.

Of course, what Qin Sande considered the most was the unification of the command of the army.

Seeing Zhu Yousong enter the room, Qin Sande spoke with some worry.

"Master Zhu, our family thought that the next conquest would be very difficult."

"Eunuch means..."

Qin Sande glanced at Zhu Yousong, feeling a little dissatisfied in his heart. In fact, Zhu Yousong knew about the situation, but he didn't want to say it. It's already at this time. What's the point of playing tricks? If Nanzhili can't be kept, the two of them People have no good fruit to eat, so this time should be the time to work together to do things.

"My lord, our family thought that the problem was with Zuo Liangyu. Hmph, this Zuo Liangyu thought that he could take the opportunity to blackmail the court if he was in charge of an army of 20. If our family hadn't considered the impact, we would have done it a long time ago." gone."

Zhu Yousong nodded, and finally spoke the truth.

"That's right, this Zuo Liangyu, when he came to Nanjing, specially invited Huang Degong to talk outside the city of Nanjing. He spent half a day talking about something. He was worried about being deprived of command and losing 20 troops. What is he, so it is normal to have such anxiety, but the war is imminent, and this kind of situation must never continue to appear."

"What Master Zhu said is that this is what our family is worried about. This Zuo Liangyu has always wanted to enter the Jiangning camp. If it weren't for the bad opportunity, he might already be a general under Su Tiancheng. Now he wants to fight with Su Tiancheng." Tiancheng is fighting, but I don't know what he thinks. Our family thought of Liu Zeqing. At the beginning, the emperor ordered Liu Zeqing to resist the Jiangning camp. I didn't think about resisting the Jiangning camp, what would happen if the [-] troops were wiped out, and I would not die well, this Zuo Liangyu seems to have the same idea."

Zhu Yousong nodded.

"My father-in-law said that Nanzhili is a place of prosperity, especially Suzhou and Yangzhou, where merchants gather. Zuo Liangyu thought of these places, and the army also wanted to station in these places. Could it be that Liu Zeqing's previous lesson, Doesn't he know?"

Qin Sande glanced at Zhu Yousong.

"It's impossible for Zuo Liangyu not to know. In fact, what he thinks of is to expand his own strength. He wants to make a fortune by relying on this mission to exterminate Su Tiancheng. Who doesn't know the purpose behind this fortune? The court and Su Tiancheng If the imperial court wins the fight between them, Zuo Liangyu can rely on an army of 20, which is enough to stand on his own. After such a fierce battle, the imperial court will probably be seriously injured and will not be able to take care of him. As a result, a separatist regime may arise , if the imperial court fails, Zuo Liangyu will use the 20 troops to make a fuss, at least he has the qualifications to exchange peace talks with Su Tiancheng. After all, Zuo Liangyu didn't think about fighting at all. Not to mention the sergeants under him."

"That's not okay, does your father-in-law have any countermeasures?"

A grim expression appeared on Qin Sande's face.

"Zuo Liangyu's calculations are too precise. I'm afraid he still thinks that after leaving Nanjing, he will continue to control the army. The biggest problem at present is that the food and salary are in the hands of the adults and our family. Once he gets part of the Zuo Liangyu will definitely think of a way to be passive and sabotage regarding military pay and food, and it is simply impossible to rely on him to conquer Su Tiancheng."

Zhu Yousong stopped talking, he knew that Qin Sande had a plan in his heart.

"The matter is very important. Our family still needs to ask Mr. Su to cooperate. In the name of Zuo Liangyu, our family has invited all the officers above Zuo Liangyu's subordinates to come to Nanjing. In name, they are receiving military pay and food. It is an opportunity, we must grasp it, if we seize this opportunity, our lord and our family will be able to firmly control the 20 troops."

Zhu Yousong's face was very calm.

"Father-in-law, this matter is so important that it really needs careful planning. Otherwise, if the 20 army is dispersed, I'm afraid Nanzhili will have problems before Su Tiancheng attacks."

"Money can turn ghosts around. There is nothing to worry about. Our family doesn't believe it. Everyone is Zuo Liangyu's diehard loyalist. Our family has already written secret documents. Many generals in the Beijing camp should have I have rushed to Nanjing, Zuo Liangyu's confidant generals, no matter what their thoughts are, don't stay here, Zuo Liangyu will also be loyal to the court when necessary."

The voices of the two people's discussions began to become weaker. It is not impossible to purge the army, but it was very unsuccessful. In the second year of Chongzhen, Yuan Chonghuan killed Mao Wenlong, but he could not grasp it. As a result, many generals under Mao Wenlong They all rebelled, and the few Han princes entrusted by the Later Golden Emperor Taiji were all Mao Wenlong's subordinates.

Qin Sande and Zhu Yousong will not follow such an old path. They want to be foolproof and take Zuo Liangyu's confidants into one pot. Although doing so may affect the combat effectiveness of the army in a short period of time, but in the long run From the perspective of profit, it is very necessary to do so. As long as you can firmly control the 20 army, plus the 25 army led by Huang Degong, the [-] army will not be wiped out so easily.

After all, Qin Sande had been in the Jiangning camp for so long, although he didn't really take care of many things, he learned a lot from what he heard and saw.

Although Zhu Yousong was not very familiar with the matter of leading an army to fight, he was very clear about the struggle in the officialdom. He knew that if he could not control Zuo Liangyu's 20 army, he would have nothing to say. If he lost it, he might not be able to keep his head. At the same time, the ability and self-confidence shown by Qin Sande also infected him, making him feel that as long as he can follow the predetermined steps and implement them step by step, it is not impossible to defeat Su Tiancheng. Possible things, at least the two sides can stalemate for a long time.

The views were unified under such an atmosphere. No one would have thought that before the conquest of Su Tiancheng, the internal struggle of the Ming army would start first. Moreover, this is not an ordinary internal strife, it has become a life-and-death fight . (to be continued..)

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