Ming politicians

Chapter 1164 The curtain slowly opened

Zhu Yousong and Qin Sande didn't sleep, their sense of smell was very keen, because the connection between Nanzhili and Zhejiang has never been interrupted, and the exchanges between people still exist, so they arranged a large number of spies to investigate As for the intelligence, they also knew that Su Tiancheng would definitely send someone to investigate the intelligence of Nanzhili.

A few months passed, and Zhu Yousong's understanding slowly began to change. Originally, because he was disliked by the emperor, he was sent to Nanzhili to command this hopeless battle as a minister of the Ministry of War. I'm afraid it was a scapegoat. At that time, Zhu Yousong even thought about his behavior. I am afraid that when he arrived in Nanzhili, the Jiangning camp led by Su Tiancheng had already occupied a lot of places in Nanzhili. Unexpectedly, Su Tiancheng did not attack and gave up so much time. Let Qin Sande and him make adequate preparations.

Qin Sande's ability has also been recognized by Zhu Yousong, especially when dealing with Zuo Liangyu's affairs, he showed extraordinary decisiveness, and controlled the 20 army led by Zuo Liangyu in the shortest time , After that, the 20 army was also rectified accordingly.

All this has turned into Zhu Yousong's confidence, he has long forgotten the emperor's suspicion, even if the emperor is jealous, as long as he protects Nanzhili well, at least guarantees that the battle will not fail, he will also be able to gain the emperor's final trust.

Zhu Yousong and Qin Sande quickly found out about the activities of the Jiangning Camp, and they began to deploy urgently.

The biggest problem now is where Su Tiancheng will attack from and whether he will use warships.Attack from Yangzhou or even Huai'an, or attack in several ways.The attack launched from Huai'an will immediately be threatened by Fengyang Mansion. This is the land of the Ming Dynasty, there can be no mistakes. The attack launched from Yangzhou may encounter threats from Fengyang Mansion and Yingtian Mansion.

But Zhu Yousong and Qin Sande didn't think so much, they hoped that Su Tiancheng could use warships to launch an attack, so the 25 troops deployed in Huizhou Prefecture and other places.They would go all out and rush to Zhejiang, believing that it was impossible for Su Tiancheng to abandon Zhejiang and Fujian and other places, and just attack Nanzhili blindly. Besides, they also knew a lot about Su Tiancheng's new policies in Fujian and Zhejiang.Officials at all levels of government in Zhejiang and Fujian, these are the forces that Su Tiancheng needs to rely on, and they cannot be easily discarded, otherwise Su Tiancheng's reputation will suffer a huge blow.

Therefore, the two believed that Su Tiancheng would still launch an attack from land, on the one hand, they could adopt a gradual approach.Slowly occupying all the prefectures and counties in Nanzhili, on the other hand, it can also protect Zhejiang and Fujian.

What needs to be known at the moment is where Su Tiancheng will attack from. [

However, the possibility of obtaining information in this area is very small, and it is impossible to wait for the Jiangning battalion to set off.Let's make a judgment again, when that time comes.Even if the judgment is completely accurate, it has no effect.

After careful deliberation, Zhu Yousong and Qin Sande made a bold decision.

They require all the troops to be ready for the battle. Even if they are facing the Jiangning Battalion, which has an absolute advantage, they must fight to the end. They must not retreat easily or voluntarily withdraw. Once the key direction of Su Tiancheng's attack is clear At least 10 troops stationed in other places quickly entered the territory of Zhejiang and Fujian to start a large-scale massacre, disrupting Su Tiancheng's rear, making it impossible for Su Tiancheng to take care of both ends. The local army drew out at least 5 people to attack Su Tiancheng internally and externally. Although it could not guarantee the defeat of the Jiangning battalion, it must at least form a sufficient deterrent force to disrupt Su Tiancheng's overall deployment.

There are relatively few sergeants stationed in Suzhou Mansion and Songjiang Mansion, but their combat effectiveness is much stronger. Qin Sande and Zhu Yousong are not in a hurry. During the deployment process, they prefer the army led by Huang Degong to stick to Suzhou Mansion and Songjiang Mansion s arrangement.

This decision was soon unanimous among the two. They did not even report to the court, but began to make specific arrangements. At this time, time is very precious. Even if they want to report to the court and wait for the court's opinion, it is too late. If the imperial court rejected this method, it would be even more difficult to arrange.

The messengers kept leaving Nanjing City, and flew to Huizhou Prefecture and other places.

Of course, these news were constantly reported to Qu Qingze and Su Jun through the official post or other insiders in Nanjing.

After the army left Yuhang, they suddenly accelerated the pace of marching. Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting led a group of troops towards Huzhou Prefecture. Su Tiancheng, Lu Xiangsheng, Qu Qingze and others led a group of troops towards Anji Prefecture. , The army adopts the method of marching in a hurry, the purpose is to launch operations at the fastest speed, and launch an attack with lightning speed.

During the march, the hardest part was the scouts. The task of the scouts was not only to scout the situation along the road, but also to pay attention to the situation of the Ming army stationed in Huizhou, Ningguo, Changzhou and Songjiang. And Suzhou Mansion is the top priority, but other places must not be ignored.

This is about the situation of Su Tiancheng's secret discussions with Zhu Shenxuan, Hong Chengchou and others. All 14 troops were dispatched, and the result was the emptiness of Zhejiang. The situation in Fujian was slightly better. Xiong Zijian and Wang Dazhi led The large army stationed in Fujian is enough to resist the invading Ming army, but Zhejiang does not have such conditions, so the Jiangning battalion sergeants stationed in Shandong, Fuzhou, Xuanzhou, Gaizhou and other places were transferred under the condition of absolute secrecy. 2 people were stationed in Zhejiang, stationed in Yuhang and Lin'an, to prevent the Ming army from attacking Zhejiang.Zhu Shenxuan, Yang Sichang and others personally commanded this army.

The two armies headed towards Guangde Mansion and Suzhou Mansion like a torrent.

During the march, Su Tiancheng's face was always serious. He followed his usual habit of riding forward without any special features. Apart from some personal soldiers and Wu Rong and other four personal guards, he could not see anything special. Dressed in a special way, these people were mixed in the main army and marched forward without hesitation.

From Yuhang to Anji, there are more than three hundred miles. According to the usual marching speed, it will take at least two to three days for the army to reach the destination. It took half a day to rest, and another day to break through the Kuling Pass in Ande Prefecture. This is one of the key places where the Ming army was stationed, and then went straight to the city of Ande Prefecture.

In other words, within three days, the army will begin to attack the state capital of Ande state.

In such a short period of time, even if Qin Sande and Zhu Yousong had made adequate preparations, dispatching would be too late. [

The conquests of the Jiangning Battalion have always taken advantage of time, because the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion can endure hardships and march quickly, and most of them are cavalry, so the speed is naturally faster. Instead of making such a request, for a distance of about three hundred miles, he would give the entire daytime at most.

Between the marches, there was a quarter of an hour to eat. The meals were rice balls that had been prepared long ago, and Su Tiancheng's was the same. In order to ensure sufficient physical strength, each soldier carried cooked lean meat with him, but the season was still on. At the end of midsummer, it is impossible to carry dry food for a whole day, otherwise it will be rancid and smelly, and it is impossible to eat it.

Like the soldiers around him, Su Tiancheng ate the rice balls and pieces of meat in just a few mouthfuls.

Taking advantage of this gap, Qu Qingze still came to Su Tiancheng's side.

"Your Highness, I just thought about it for a while. Qin Sande had been in the Jiangning Camp for many years and was familiar with many battles in the Jiangning Camp, especially the attack on Fuzhou and Xuanzhou. It was when Chen Xinjia suffered a disastrous defeat in Liaodong. The wise decision made by His Highness forced the Houjin Tatars to withdraw their troops from Liaodong and not continue to attack the Guanning Jin line of defense. His subordinates thought that Qin Sande would definitely use this method to arrange for the Ming army after the Jiangning battalion launched an attack. Sneak attack on Zhejiang."

Lu Xiangsheng beside Su Tiancheng also nodded.

Lu Xiangsheng had never followed Su Tiancheng's actions before, and he was not particularly clear about Su Tiancheng's habits. Today, he finally saw it. Su Tiancheng was not special at all, and was exactly the same as many soldiers, and his eating speed and posture, It made him feel surprised and kind. As His Royal Highness King De, the future emperor, can endure hardships like soldiers. Who can defeat such an army.

Su Tiancheng looked at Lu Xiangsheng, meaning to let Lu Xiangsheng express his opinion.

"Your Highness, my subordinates also have the same opinion, but I think there is nothing to worry about. The Jiangning Battalion will attack directly from Guangde Prefecture and Suzhou Prefecture. After the battle starts, Zhu Yousong and Qin Sande will definitely make corresponding deployments. At least part of the sergeants must be mobilized for reinforcements. In this way, it is impossible for the Ming army to have many people who can attack Zhejiang. Moreover, the subordinates believe that the faster the attack, the more brilliant the results will be. Zhu Yousong The more he and Qin Sande hesitated, whether it would cause Nanzhili to collapse because of sending a large army to attack Zhejiang, as long as they hesitated, the subordinates thought they would suffer even worse."

A rare smile appeared on Su Tiancheng's face.

"What you said is very good. Qin Sande is very smart, otherwise he would not have become the eunuch of Bingbi in just a few years. It is a pity that when Qin Sande was in the Jiangning Camp , He couldn't calm down, all he thought about was how to get promoted, and he didn't learn a lot of military knowledge at all, which is a pity. If Qin Sande had settled down and truly mastered some of the essence of the Jiangning Camp, he might have become a leader. Our most powerful opponent, I have said long ago that the bravery of a sergeant is one aspect, but the wiseness of a general is a decisive factor. An excellent general can turn decay into magic at critical moments.” (Unfinished To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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