Ming politicians

Chapter 1170

From a cautious point of view, Lu Xiangsheng still wanted to report to Su Tiancheng. After all, making such an arrangement is no small matter. Every battle to attack Nanzhili involves the overall situation and the overall deployment. I believe that the Jiangning Battalion won this battle in the end. It may be possible to speed up the progress of time and minimize losses. Whether he will take the opportunity to attack, and whether the grassland can be stabilized, these are issues that need to be considered, and they are also things that Su Tiancheng pays great attention to.

However, large-scale battles, especially such large-scale battles, also have their own rules, that is, the commander must actually take responsibility, and cannot have the idea of ​​relying on it, and cannot require all specific combat deployments to be made by the higher-ups Decide, it is easy to lose the opportunity to fight, and it is easy to develop a kind of lazy thinking.

Lu Xiangsheng knew very well that this was a rare opportunity for him, and it was also an excellent opportunity. If he could make an independent and accurate judgment this time, he might be the same as Hong Chengchou in the future and be able to command large-scale operations. There are too many battles. If the combat mission assigned by Su Tiancheng cannot be successfully completed this time, it will be hard to say in the future, and he may be reduced to a staff officer.

After making a decision, Lu Xiangsheng did not continue to say more, and Li Dingguo quickly went to make arrangements.

There are still many things that need to be done. Although Guangdezhou City has not encountered the baptism of war, the atmosphere of panic in the city has been spreading all the time, and the situation in the city must be stabilized.There can't be any accidents, and Lu Xiangsheng didn't stay in the state office anymore.He came out to maintain order in person, and asked the Zhizhou who had surrendered to be responsible for maintaining the operation of the government temporarily. Everything will be decided after Su Tiancheng comes to the city.

When it was getting dark, Su Tiancheng led the remaining army to Zhoucheng.

At this time, the army has made all preparations and is about to set off.

After Lu Xiangsheng saluted Su Tiancheng, he was ready to report everything.Including the judgment he made, at this moment, he was feeling uneasy, if Su Tiancheng disagreed with such an arrangement, it would prove that he might be wrong.

Who knew that Su Tiancheng waved his hand and didn't make Lu Xiangsheng speak. [

"Master Lu, all the preparations are ready. Don't report at this time, you should act quickly. As for the battle situation, the messenger has already reported, so I need to say more."

Lu Xiangsheng was so excited that he was speechless, the so-called employing people is not suspicious and others are not.A ruler must have such a magnanimity, otherwise the officials below will be timid in doing things, not knowing what to do, but Su Tiancheng's trust.It also seemed too much, and he didn't even listen to his own report.This is how much patience and trust is needed.

"Your Highness, this subordinate must fulfill his mission."

After Lu Xiangsheng led the army to set off, Qu Qingze became a little curious.

"Your Highness, the matter reported by Mr. Lu seems to be very important to you, why doesn't Your Highness listen to it?"

"Old Qu, Lu Xiangsheng has also experienced many battles. I already know what he wants to report. Why do you need to listen to it again? It's a waste of time not to talk about it, but it also makes Lu Xiangsheng feel uneasy. In fact, Lu Xiangsheng has extraordinary abilities. Unfortunately, the imperial court didn't find out and didn't give them enough trust. Lu Xiangsheng's analysis of the Ming army's reinforcements is very accurate. If it were me, I might not be able to make such an accurate analysis."

"Your Highness, this subordinate also thinks that Master Lu's analysis is very accurate. The key is that the army has won the time. Li Dingguo has made a great contribution this time. This subordinate really did not expect it. The army led by Zuo Liangyu, speaking of it There are 20 people, and the combat power is so weak, what is the use of the number alone."

"Old Qu, don't be contemptuous. There are indeed some problems in the Ming army, but they are all due to the general's failure to grasp them well. Our side is relatively smooth, but Hong Chengchou led the army and Huang Degong. I am afraid that the battle will not be so smooth, the sergeants under Huang Degong are still quite effective in fighting."

Qu Qingze lowered his head and stopped talking. In fact, he believed that Hong Chengchou could also win in a very short period of time. After all, Hong Chengchou led an army of [-]. Facing the [-] army stationed in Suzhou, it was more than twice as strong. It is a rare thing to say that the superiority of troops cannot win.

Lu Xiangsheng, like a sergeant, galloped on horseback, marching in the dark, and there were many inconveniences. The [-] army marched silently, no one spoke, and no one was left behind. The battle outside Kuling Pass and Guangdezhou City inspired The greatest fighting spirit of the soldiers, the soldiers who participated in the fight, wanted to gain more military merits, and the soldiers who were not able to participate in the fight wanted to make military merits.

You must know that after setting off from Yuhang, all the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion were in a hurry to march, and there was hardly any time to rest. The continuous long-distance running, coupled with the conquest and fighting, the fatigue level can be imagined, but after receiving the departure After the order, no soldiers complained, and all set off as required.

Lu Xiangsheng has made up his mind. If he makes mistakes in his own judgment and prediction, he will take the initiative to plead guilty to Su Tiancheng. From then on, he no longer thinks that he is experienced in many battles, and starts to start with small things in a down-to-earth manner.

When the sky was bright, the army arrived in Guang'an.

Guang'an is a small town under the jurisdiction of Guangde Prefecture. It borders Ningguo Mansion and Hangzhou Mansion, which belongs to Zhejiang Province. Because of the convenient transportation and extending in all directions, there are still many people here.

The Ming army stationed in Ningguo Mansion was not at the location of the Fucheng. The Fucheng is in Xuancheng, which is still a little far away from Zhejiang. Therefore, the Ming army stationed in Ningguo County and Shikou Town. It is very close to Guang’an, and the straight-line distance is not much. More than a hundred miles, even if the infantry marches, it can be easily reached within a day. [

It wasn't until Guang'an that Lu Xiangsheng breathed a sigh of relief. He was very worried, because if the Ming army stationed in Ningguo County moved quickly and arrived in Guang'an ahead of schedule, it was very likely that they would hear from the nearby people or other channels. , Knowing the battle situation in Guangdezhou City, once knowing that the Ming army stationed in Guangdezhou has been completely wiped out, the Ming army will definitely withdraw quickly and will not continue to reinforce. Then this battle will become a pursuit battle. Will be greatly discounted.

Fortunately, Guang'an is still very peaceful.

The scouts have already started to investigate everywhere, focusing on the Ming army in the direction of Ningguo County.

Zhu Yousong and Qin Sande's orders were conveyed as quickly as possible. After all, the battle had already begun, and many messengers knew the priorities of the matter, so they absolutely dare not delay at this time.

The deputy commander of the Ming army stationed in Ningguo Mansion received the order in the middle of the night.

The deputy commander originally thought that after dawn, he ordered the army to go to reinforce Guangde Prefecture. It would be enough to leave about [-] sergeants in Ningguo County and Shikou Town, but the staff around him suggested that he should immediately follow the order. Assemble the army, and set off immediately after breakfast.

Thinking about the military order sent in the middle of the night, the deputy chief soldier also felt that it could not be delayed. If he was held accountable by the commander and the supervising army because of delaying the time, it would be too uneconomical.

The military camp was set up outside the county seat. In the middle of the night, the emergency horn sounded, and the sleeping sergeant got up immediately.

An hour later, the army that had had breakfast set off.

During this process, the deputy commander discussed with his staff and officers, and made a decision to enter Guangdezhou from Guang'an, and then go straight to Guangdezhou City. As for Kuling Pass, there is no need for reinforcements. I am afraid that Jiang Ning The battalion has already occupied that pass. Of course, the orders of Zhu Yousong and Qin Sande also require the army to enter Guangde Prefecture from Guang'an, and require the army to stop the Jiangning battalion at all costs to fight for the next action. When the time comes, as for the action, it is impossible for the deputy commander to know.

When the army set off, the momentum was good. Most of the Ming army was stationed outside Ningguo County, and the Ming army stationed in Shikou Town had only 5000 people.

During the march, the deputy chief soldier was still discussing with his officers why Su Tiancheng would order the Jiangning Battalion to attack from the direction of Guangdezhou. According to the above estimates, the most likely attack would be to launch an attack from Huizhou, threatening the Ningguo Mansion , or launch an attack from both directions of Huizhou Mansion and Ningguo Mansion at the same time.

With the above order, the deputy commander-in-chief became much bolder. He ordered the army to march at the fastest speed and strive to arrive in Guang'an as soon as possible. What does it look like? Where has the Jiangning battalion attacked.

As for the journey between Ningguo County and Guang'an, it doesn't take much energy to investigate. Even if the scouts went out to investigate before dawn, it would be difficult to obtain valuable information.

The lightning-fast offensive of the Jiangning Battalion has indeed achieved the best results. No one would have imagined that in just over a day, the [-] Ming troops stationed in Guangde Prefecture had completely collapsed, and almost no one could escape. Within the comprehension ability of everyone, it is believed that the army of Jiangning Battalion is probably still attacking Kuling Pass or has just occupied Kuling Pass. It is considered to be very fast if they can attack Guangdezhou City after dawn.

The commander of the army drove straight in and rushed to Guang'an. The deputy commander-in-chief seemed full of ambition. As long as he did well according to the requirements in the letter, it would be easy to get promoted. Maybe he could use this opportunity to be promoted to the commander-in-chief. something happened.

As for the bravery of the Jiang Ning Battalion and the possible casualties in the ensuing battle, the deputy commander could not have imagined so many. People always die in battles, which is not a big deal. (to be continued...)

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