Ming politicians

Chapter 1181 Strong Generals Have No Weak Soldiers

Liu Jingting and Yan Yingyuan accepted the task. Liu Jingting went to Nanjing City to contact Sun Tai, and Yan Yingyuan went to Fengyang Fucheng to contact Ma Shiying.It should be said that this task is arduous, even life-threatening. If both Sun Tai and Ma Shiying are desperately loyal to the imperial court, they may be sent to the imperial court, and the possibility of being beheaded directly is [-]%.

Everyone didn't understand that these two people were sent to complete such an important task. It is said that these two people were not very high-ranking, and they were not official officials of the court before. Liu Jingting used to be a storyteller, and Yan Yingyuan was just an official. If Su Tiancheng sent these two people there, did he belittle the identities of Sun Tai and Ma Shiying? Would it make them feel dissatisfied and affect the process of contact?

Su Tiancheng didn't see it that way. He sent Liu Jingting and Yan Yingyuan after careful consideration. First of all, they were not very famous, so naturally they would not attract the attention of the imperial court and Nanjing. In this way, the two went to Nanjing respectively. After reuniting with Fengyang Fucheng, it is absolutely possible to find opportunities to contact Sun Tai and Ma Shiying. Secondly, both of them are eloquent figures who can analyze the pros and cons of things and have the ability to impress people. Finally, although their identities are not very distinguished , but representing Su Tiancheng, the weight will naturally increase. If Sun Tai and Ma Shiying still want to pay attention to status, and the negotiations are all about grades, Su Tiancheng will feel disappointed. There is another reason for this, that Even if Liu Jingting and Yan Yingyuan won't attract everyone's attention, they will naturally be able to protect the safety of Sun Tai and Ma Shiying to the greatest extent.

Both Liu Jingting and Yan Yingyuan did not expect to accept such an important task. Even though Su Tiancheng had a private conversation with them and fully encouraged them, they were still very nervous.It's not for their own safety, but mainly for whether they can complete the task. In the thinking of the ancients, identity is deeply ingrained, that is, the so-called right family, and both of them feel that their status is too low.You must know that Sun Tai and Ma Shiying are both senior officials of the second rank and above in the imperial court, and their identities are very prominent. If you ignore them at that time and think that the price has dropped, wouldn't it be a big deal for His Royal Highness De Wang.

Before leaving, the two went to a restaurant to drink together and encouraged each other, both determined to complete the task.In fact, the conditions they are facing are quite good. In Nanjing and Fengyang Fucheng, someone has already been doing the work ahead. The two mainly represent Su Tiancheng, and Sun Tai and others directly raised the topic. I hope that Sun Tai and Ma Shiying will do the same. Come out with a clear choice.

The two of them didn't care about the danger they were facing, having gained such important trust.Even if you lose your life, it's no big deal.Scholars die for those who know their confidants. This has been the case since ancient times. In their eyes, Su Tiancheng has become the emperor.

Liu Jingting entered Nanjing City very smoothly.Although it is said that Nanjing City is heavily guarded, all these precautions are nothing to Qu Qingze, Su Jun and others who have been prepared for a long time. It is in the intelligence network set up by Su Jun.There are special people who can get the pass of Yingtian Mansion and even the Southern Zhili Military Department.

In fact, Liu Jingting still has a certain reputation in Nanjing, but his time in Nanjing was too short, and he was quickly recruited by Su Tiancheng. Therefore, there are not many people in Nanjing who are familiar with Liu Jingting. In addition, Liu Jingting was a storyteller at the beginning. Those who know Liu Jingting think of entertainment in their hearts. Listening to Liu Jingting's storytelling, respect is absolutely out of the question. It's like saying that many scholars go to the Qinhuai River to prostitute, but if they are asked to marry prostitutes, they should stay away. up.

Liu Jingting's features are still somewhat obvious, mainly because of the pockmarks on his face, which also makes Liu Jingting's image somewhat discounted. In the Ming Dynasty, an era that focused on personal appearance, Liu Jingting was able to get Su Tiancheng's attention and become an official of the court. Tiancheng is the result of sending down talents in an eclectic manner, so Liu Jingting is absolutely loyal.

After entering Nanjing City, Liu Jingting quickly came to Juxian Inn to stay.

This Juxian Inn has a certain reputation, mainly because of Su Tiancheng. Although many scholars curse Su Tiancheng, Juxian Inn and Sihai Restaurant are still their favorites, because Su Tiancheng lived and ate in these places After dinner, in fact, these scholars still admire Su Tiancheng in their hearts, and regard Su Tiancheng as their idol.

Although Qian Qianyi sneered at Juxian Inn and Four Seas Restaurant after he came to Nanjing City, it is a pity that scholars still regard this place as a holy place. The owners of the inn and restaurant must of course try their best to maintain their business.

Liu Jingting's stay in the Juxian Inn was arranged long ago. His request letter also went through a secret channel and was transferred directly to Sun Tai. The next thing was to wait for the news at the Juxian Inn.

Two days later, Liu Jingting became a little anxious. From the point of view of safety, after entering the inn, he never went out, and the daily meals were delivered by the staff. Although there are many famous scenic spots in Nanjing, these Things are not the scope of Liu Jingting's concern at all, he needs to consider big things.

When the inn guy entered the room, Liu Jingting had a premonition that the possibility of success already existed. For the past two days, he has been paying attention to the situation around the inn, observing the movement outside from the window, and there is no Seeing the sergeant surround the Juxian Inn, there was nothing unusual about the Juxian Inn.

The man held a letter in his hand.

After receiving the letter, Liu Jingting suppressed his excitement and opened the letter. There was only time and place on it. Youshi was in a private room on the third floor of Sihai Restaurant.

Looking at the time, it was almost time for Shen Shi, Liu Jingting hurriedly made preparations, adjusted his mood and set off.

Arriving at Four Seas Restaurant, under the guidance of the staff, Liu Jingting went straight up to the third floor and entered the private room. During this process, he didn't say a word, and the knowledgeable staff didn't ask.

At the time of You, a man wearing a bamboo hat entered the private room.

Although he didn't walk out of the private room, Liu Jingting could feel that someone was guarding outside the private room.

After the visitor took off the bamboo hat, he spoke expressionlessly.

"My official is Sun Tai. Are you Liu Jingting? You are so courageous. If you dare to enter Nanjing City, you are not afraid that this official will arrest you for questioning."

Liu Jingting smiled slightly, stood up and saluted Sun Taiji, and then spoke.

"There is nothing to be afraid of. If I were afraid, I would not come directly to the restaurant, nor would I stay in the Juxian Inn and write a letter to my lord."

Sun Tai looked at Liu Jingting carefully, but there was still no expression on his face.

"I know a thing or two about your situation. I used to be a storyteller, and I have a good mouth. Today, I'm here on an appointment. Are you thinking of being eloquent and making me believe you?"

These words were ironic, and dissatisfaction was also revealed, but Liu Jingting had already made preparations, so he didn't care at all.

"Your Excellency knows about my past, it's nothing, even many people around His Royal Highness De Wang also know about my past, it is said that with my experience like this, it is wishful thinking to enter the officialdom, but His Highness De Wang doesn't care about it at all. I am promoted by my subordinates, and I deeply admire them. His Royal Highness De Wang values ​​the advantages of everyone. The so-called inch is good and the ruler is short. His Highness De Wang does not value everyone's background at all. There are too many people like this around me, and the most outstanding one is Liu Tiehan, the guard commander of the Jiangning Battalion Scout Battalion, who is an example for me to learn from, and His Royal Highness De Wang is also able to achieve such achievements because of his sincerity in treating others."

Sun Tai's expression softened a little, but it was hard to tell.

"I don't care about your identity, it seems that you are supercilious."

"Your Excellency is just caressing, and I don't care about it. Before leaving, His Royal Highness De Wang has already ordered that if Your Excellency picks people up based on their status and takes a different approach, then today's discussion is unnecessary. If there is a trace of resentment in your heart However, it is quite normal. The reason why His Royal Highness De Wang sent his subordinates to contact you is because of your safety. If Lord Yang and Lord Fan come to Nanjing City, I am afraid that you will suffer disaster just after entering Nanjing City. I think that if your lord can't understand His Royal Highness King De's painstaking efforts, it shouldn't be."

Sun Tai's expression finally changed. Liu Jingting's words were well-founded, making him unable to refute them. Moreover, Su Tiancheng was indeed thinking of him. These details can move people, and they are also the best negotiating means.

Of course, Sun Tai will not forget the main purpose of coming here today. It is not that he has not thought about the choice of taking refuge in Su Tiancheng, but he still has a lot of hesitation in his heart. After all, he has betrayed the court, and such a reputation is very bad.

Next, Sun Tai did not directly talk about the matter of taking refuge with Su Tiancheng, but asked about some personal experiences of Liu Jingting, including those encounters in Nanjing. At that time, Su Tiancheng was still the county magistrate of Jiangning County.

Liu Jingting was not in a hurry, and explained his many experiences one by one. During this process, Liu Jingting highlighted the advantages of Su Tiancheng's knowledge and appointment of people, especially the generosity of the appointment. It is precisely because of these actions, Su Tiancheng succeeded step by step. As for the measures in Shandong, Zhejiang and Fujian, Liu Jingting also made a special introduction, especially the changes in Zhejiang. In less than a year, after the autumn harvest in Zhejiang, the common people basically did not use them. Being hungry, this is a huge credit, and it completely proves that the measures Su Tiancheng implemented are correct.

The more Sun Tai heard it, the more startled he became. At the end, he almost forgot what he was here for and what kind of attitude he needed to maintain. The conversation between the two was more like a conversation between scholars. (To be continued..)

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