Ming politicians

Chapter 1186 Action

Sun Tai became an ant on the hot pot. He received several messages in a row, which made him feel very bad. What he wanted to do was to rebel and lose his head, which made Sun Tai feel very guilty. Therefore, he would feel terrified if there was any disturbance, and he would feel like he was in danger. Because of the tight schedule, all the plans Sun Tai had drawn up could not be so perfect, and there was no one around him who could advise him, so he did not dare to find them. Other people's advice, such as how to make Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun go to Yingtianfu Yamen as required, seems very hasty and unreasonable.

The first news I received was from Liu Jingting directly. Someone was investigating the situation of the guests staying at the Juxian Inn. Fortunately, Liu Jingting had already made preparations and forged the identity of the merchant, barely evading the first round of interrogation. But the people who went to Juxian Inn to investigate were obviously not planning to leave, and were planning to investigate seriously at the inn.

Just after Liu Jingting finished the first news, someone came to report the second news. This is the urgent information sent by the insider of the official station, that is, Cao Huachun went to the official station to meet Qian Qianyi, and it turned out that Someone sent a letter to Ma Shiying, and it was said that he was asking Ma Shiying to come to Nanjing as well.

These two pieces of news made Sun Tai very nervous, especially the second piece of news, which was obtained by the insiders in the official station with great value.

The person who went to Juxian Inn to investigate must have been sent by Qian Qianyi or Cao Huachun. According to his personal analysis, Sun Tai thought it was Cao Huachun who sent him there, which was even more dangerous. Cao Huachun had been in the palace for a long time, and had even been responsible The affairs of the East Factory are naturally sensitive to the information that has been investigated, and many problems can be analyzed.Since someone went to Juxian Inn to investigate, they found some clues.

Cao Huachun seldom went to the official post. He had been in Nanjing for so long, and he rarely saw Qian Qianyi.But this time they met suddenly, and the discussion took a long time, and then someone set off immediately to Fengyang Fucheng, asking Ma Shiying to also come to Nanjing City.

Sun Tai understood that Ma Shiying was mentioned in the letter he wrote to Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun, and the excuse was that he had discussed important matters with Ma Shiying at this time.Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun sent people to Fengyang Mansion. As long as they met Ma Shiying and confronted each other for a while, problems would arise.

Sun Tai, who was usually able to deal with matters tactfully, was at a loss for a while, and his expression changed dramatically.

It should also be Sun Tai's good luck, Liu Jingting did not leave immediately after talking about Juxian Inn.

Seeing Sun Tai's complexion and mood are not good.The clever Liu Jingting found out the problem, so he couldn't care less.He hurriedly asked, but at first Sun Tai was unwilling to speak, which made Liu Jingting feel the problem, he didn't give up, and asked several times in succession, only then did Sun Tai speak slowly.Tell the news you know.

After hearing these things, Liu Jingting's complexion also changed. There are still two days before the incident, within these two days.Anything can happen, so many things have happened, it means that some things may have been exposed, or it has aroused the suspicion of Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun.It is said that all the arrangements are good, even if you wait slowly, do not take any action, wait for His Royal Highness De Wang to bring the Jiangning battalion soldiers into Nanjing City, and you will be done. Could it be that Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun hadn't foreseen such a thing?

It was impossible to wait any longer. Unwilling, Liu Jingting asked Sun Tai again, this time about how Sun Tai made the arrangements. He needed to know the specific situation before he could think of a way to deal with it. The helpless Sun Tai finally He told about the letter and the arrangement of the appointment at the Yayin Hotel in Yingtianfu.

Hearing this arrangement, Liu Jingting's face changed again. Such a clumsy arrangement, not to mention Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun, even ordinary people would doubt it. Why should the subordinates agree to meet the superiors at a time and place? Didn't he act recklessly? What would the superior think? Besides, Sun Tai was also eager to make contributions. He had such an opinion before. It is not necessary to catch Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun. As long as the Jiangning battalion soldiers can enter Nanjing City, everything will be fine. Easy to handle.

But at this time, complaining is useless, after all, Sun Tai also wants to be more secure.

Liu Jingting thought of Su Tiancheng's special entrustment. If there is an abnormal or emergency situation, and it is a last resort, then he must make up his mind to take the lead, capture the thief and capture the king. As long as Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun are under control, everything will be done. Everything can be salvaged.

Liu Jingting, who gradually calmed down, put forward two suggestions. The first is to use the available forces around him to attack at night to control Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun, and at the same time control Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun's guards. Ma Shiying contacted and told Ma Shiying that the matter might have been exposed, and no matter what orders Nanjing gave, they should not obey them.

Sun Tai, who was a little calmer, also knew that this was a critical moment, and he couldn't have the slightest hesitation, otherwise the city of Nanjing might be bloodied, and he and Ma Shiying might really become sinners through the ages.

Zheng Keyou hurried to the official residence.

After learning about the situation, Zheng Keyou's face also changed. He really didn't expect that Sun Tai would make things like this. Seeing that Liu Jingting was here, Zheng Keyou didn't even bother to say hello to Liu Jingting.

Zheng Keyou's thinking is very flexible. After knowing the situation, he detailed the actions. He thinks that it is not acceptable to do it at night. The best time to do it is between Zishi and Yinshi, when the commotion caused is the least, and when you do it, you must order the sergeants of the Nanjing Jingying to control the four city gates in the southeast, northwest, just in case.

Su Tiancheng learned of what happened in Nanjing in the middle of the night.

He instinctively felt that it was not good. Whether it was Sun Tai's mistake or Liu Jingting and Zheng Keyou's supplements, they all had fatal flaws. Since Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun were alerted, how could there be no arrangements, at least for the troops? Actions are closely monitored, and once there is a disturbance, I am afraid that action will be taken. Under such circumstances, if Sun Tai uses the army rashly, he may not act yet, and everything will be exposed.

It should be said that the actions of Liu Jingting and Yan Yingyuan were very secretive and would never be exposed. Unfortunately, Sun Tai was a little impatient, and it can be said that he messed up the matter.

When Liu Tiehan entered the room, Su Tiancheng had already thought of a solution. After he briefly explained the situation, he immediately made arrangements.

"Liu Tiehan, tonight you lead the soldiers of the two thousand scout battalion and set off immediately. No matter what method you use, you must enter the city of Nanjing. Fortunately, the officers and sergeants arranged by Sun Tai are on duty at the south gate. Your actions must be Quickly, when the city gate opens at [-]:[-] Yinshi, you have to find a way to get in, and there will definitely be problems if it is too late."

"Qian Qianyi claims to be a great Confucian, a leader of scholars, who may not necessarily think of these detailed arrangements, but Cao Huachun is different. He has been admiral of the Beijing camp for a long time and has a lot of experience. No matter how the battle is, he still has some advantages in deployment. It’s just that, if my prediction is correct, Cao Huachun will definitely send someone to control the city gate in a short time after opening the city gate tomorrow, and Sun Tai will never know about all this.”

"After entering the city, you must quickly contact Liu Jingting and find Sun Tai immediately. You must move quickly and tell Sun Tai not to dispatch soldiers. The task of capturing Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun will be completed by two thousand soldiers led by you. , and you are also responsible for all the deployment, and act decisively according to the actual situation."

"Liu Tiehan, the task this time is no small matter. There can be no negligence. I don't want to emphasize too much. If you can successfully complete the task, the Jiangning battalion army will enter Nanjing City tomorrow night. This will reduce the commotion. It can also quickly control the situation in Nanjing City, so as not to cause panic among the people."

"For those who are stubbornly resisting, no matter what their status is, they can be dealt with immediately and killed directly, even Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun, don't have any psychological burden."

. . .

After arranging everything, Liu Tiehan quickly went to organize.

Such a task is nothing to the scout battalion, but Su Tiancheng's handwriting is also great. The scout battalion has a total of more than 3000 people, and they are the elite of the Jiangning battalion. This time, 2000 people were dispatched, occupying the Most of the scout battalion had never had such an arrangement before. It can be seen that Su Tiancheng attaches great importance to it and must take Nanjing City peacefully.

Liu Tiehan is aware of his own burdens. After so many years of conquest, he has basically accepted the most important tasks. There are too many situations where he was born and died. This time he entered Nanjing City and led two thousand brothers. On the contrary, he feels that he has a lot of confidence .

Su Tiancheng couldn't sleep anymore, just when he was about to go out of the house for a stroll, Zhu Shenxuan, Lu Xiangsheng and others entered the room, Su Tiancheng didn't want to disturb them, so as not to worry everyone.

After hearing what Su Tiancheng said about the situation in Nanjing City and related arrangements, Zhu Shenxuan couldn't help complaining about Sun Tai. He acted well, but being so nervous by Sun Tai, he actually took care of the guards at the four city gates in the south, east, and west. That's enough, the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion will not enter Nanjing City in broad daylight, they must be operating at night.

Su Tiancheng's arrangement was made with great determination. Both Zhu Shenxuan and Lu Xiangsheng knew that sending two thousand soldiers of the scout battalion at one time was unprecedented. Don't look at only 2000 people. The combat power is not what ordinary troops can achieve. Those who can compete, if they fight in Nanjing City, these 2000 people can even turn the entire Nanjing City upside down. (To be continued..)

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