Ming politicians

Chapter 1195 Internal Split

(Thank you for swinging the sword happily, moonhenl for casting the precious monthly ticket, and thank you for choosing to take the middle route, thank you.)

Regarding the inability to mobilize the Datong Frontier Army and the Liaodong Frontier Army, there is actually Su Tiancheng's shadow in it.

The connection between Su Tiancheng and Zhou Yanru has not been completely eliminated, especially after Jin Yiwei and Dongchang began to clean up the civil and military ministers on a large scale in the court, Zhou Yanru has already sensitively realized that if the court continues to develop like this, it will die sooner or later He has to think of a way out for himself, and his hometown is in the south, which has been occupied by Su Tiancheng, but his family has not suffered any abuse or crime, and their life is similar to before , and the family wrote a special letter saying that the public security situation in the local area is much better than before. The officials in the government are very careful in doing things and dare not bully the people casually, because the requirements above are very strict, which is reflected in the letter The most important issue is that Su Tiancheng seems to be recognized by the people as the emperor, and they don't think Su Tiancheng is a rebel.

These news had a great impact on Zhou Yanru. Yang Sichang, Fan Jingwen and others, after taking refuge in Su Tiancheng, were still high-ranking officials with rich salary, and Yang Sichang was the Zhongling, and Fan Jingwen was the Zuodu Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, both of them were at the top. Officials, when Su Tiancheng set up officials, he restored the system of three provinces and six ministries, which also indicated that the Jin Dynasty restored the setting of prime ministers, and the power of ministers was greater.

Under such circumstances, Zhou Yanru will not sever the connection with Su Tiancheng, but this kind of connection is very secret, there will be no direct connection, most of them are through family members or other channels.

Su Tiancheng's attitude was very clear.There can be no accidents in Liaodong. The ferocity of the Houjin Tartars is well known, and in the previous contest with the court, they suffered a lot. It can be said that the inner resentment has reached a critical point.Once Liaodong neglects its defenses and the Houjin Tartars find an opportunity to attack, or even enter the pass, the common people in many places in the north will suffer the most tragic fate, and if the Houjin Tartars win in Liaodong .It will inevitably stimulate the Mongolian tribes, leading to danger in Datong and Ningxia, and then there will be a complete collapse.

Su Tiancheng is in favor of adopting a relatively peaceful method to change the status quo, which is in Shandong and other places, including Nanzhili.All fully expressed.

Taking a ten thousand step back, Zhou Yanru would rather Yuan Su Tiancheng be emperor, and he would not want the later Jin Tartars to occupy the capital.

The indirect connection between Su Tiancheng and Zhou Yanru directly affected Zhou Yanru's attitude. [

Shi Kefa's attitude is the same.

From Nanzhili directly to Liaodong, Shi Kefa quickly adapted. When he went to Liaodong, the situation was still very optimistic.It was also relatively calm, and the Hou Jin Tartars did not dare to act rashly. Unfortunately, following Su Tiancheng's rebellion, the situation changed dramatically, and the Hou Jin Tartars began to move around.

Of course, Shi Kefa made all the preparations, and at one point even prepared to close the exchange market in Guangning.

Shi Kefa also received a letter from Su Tiancheng, the meaning of the letter was very clear, we must do our best to defend Liaodong, defend the Guanning Jin line of defense, and not give the Hou Jin Tartars any chance.Otherwise, he would be the eternal sinner of the Han nation.

Of course Shi Kefa understood the meaning of this, so when he was summoned to the capital by the emperor, he resolutely opposed the mobilization of the Liaodong frontier army, although the Liaodong frontier army had been expanded and the total number was close to 30.However, they are distributed in Guangning, Xipingbao, Yizhou, Heishan, Dalinghe City, Jinzhou, Ningyuan, and Shanhaiguan. They are not so abundant. In addition, they occupy most of Liaodong. Not only do they need garrisons in the city, but Many forts also need garrisons.

According to the emperor's will, mobilize 20 troops and leave tens of thousands of people to stick to Liaodong. The quality of the military households can only be said to be general, and they are not even much better than ordinary people. Fortunately, with the support of the old background, the overall quality of the Liaodong Frontier Army is still good.

It was precisely because of such strong opposition that the emperor hesitated.

Shi Kefa has been in Nanzhili for many years, he is familiar with the situation in Nanzhili and Zhejiang, Su Tiancheng's conquest in Nanzhili, and many other situations, he also knows from the letters from officials and friends, Shi Kefa has no Thinking about it, Su Tiancheng was able to wipe out more than [-] Ming troops so easily, and took most of the land. According to this situation, even if the Liaodong Frontier Army and the Datong Frontier Army united, it might not be possible. Can compete with Su Tiancheng.

Shi Kefa is more aware of the fact that the post-gold tartars are famous for their cruelty. As early as the Tianqi period, Nurhaci led the post-gold tartars in the expedition to Liaodong. All the women and children were massacred, and no one was left alive. Huang Taiji was the same at the beginning, but after the battle of Dalinghe, he may feel that such a handling is not appropriate, so he restrained himself a little.

Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning Battalion, beat the Houjin Tartars to shame, even killed Houjin's prince Duoduo, and wiped out several banners in the Eight Banners Army. This was a great shame for the Houjin Tartars. It's an unbearable pain. Once the opportunity arises, the Houjin Tartars will fight back crazily and vent their grievances redoubled.

It is precisely because of this situation that Shi Kefa pays special attention to every move of the Houjin Tartars. Shi Kefa has noticed many of Dorgon's actions. He once submitted a memorial to the court and reported the changes of the Houjin Tartars. Unfortunately, the court He didn't care about the affairs of Liaodong at all, and Su Tiancheng's rebellion had already absorbed all the energy of the court.

Shi Kefa also wrote directly to Dorgon, clearly reprimanding Dorgon, Hou Jin had bowed his head to the Ming Dynasty, and there were still hostages in the capital, why did he still have many unfriendly moves in Liaodong? It's a pity that Shi Kefa wrote it letter, got no response.

In a rage, Shi Kefa planned to close the Guangning trade market, but his staff and military officers all persuaded him, and the court was not very stable. Because Zizi closed the source of the mutual market and started a large-scale fight in Liaodong, the imperial court really couldn't support it.

In fact, the dilemma in Liaodong has already begun to appear. Because of Su Tiancheng's rebellion, the imperial court's silver began to be seriously insufficient. The large-scale recruitment of soldiers in Liaodong and Datong required military pay. It was impossible for the imperial court to provide so much military pay. At the beginning, it was still possible Maintenance, but after the autumn harvest season, the Ministry of Households began to complain. It is no wonder that the wealthy south does not pay taxes. How can the court maintain it? At present, the biggest reliance is the mutual market in Liaodong, as well as Jingbian and Anning Fort's mutual market, the second is that Shaanxi can still pay taxes in full.

After arriving in the capital, Shi Kefa and Wang Daozhi met. When they talked about the situation in the south, they both had sad faces. Both of them had worked in Nanzhili. He used to be the Governor of Yingtian Mansion, and he was very familiar with the situation in the south, but the two had completely the same understanding of Liaodong. Liaodong must not relax, otherwise the capital would be doomed. [

Both of them have very pessimistic views on the future. Judging from the actual situation, it is too difficult for the imperial court to continue to maintain. The newly established Jin Dynasty occupies an overwhelming advantage in many aspects. Su Tiancheng, who has become the emperor of the Jin Dynasty, as long as he makes the decision to advance northward, the court will be in danger, and the capital will also be in danger. If it is a last resort, what is the point of the Liaodong frontier army guarding the Guanning Jin line of defense.

At that time, the emperor will dispatch the Liaodong frontier army, and I am afraid that no one can object.

After Shi Kefa and Wang Daozhi returned to the capital, they also paid a special visit to the chief assistant of the cabinet, Zhou Yanru. They said it was a visit, but Zhou Kang, Zhou Yanru's key, informed the two of them that they had something to discuss.

What the three of them were talking about was also the issue of Liaodong and Datong. After repeated comparisons, the three of them agreed that the Liaodong frontier army should not be moved. As a last resort, all Datong frontier troops should be mobilized and the defense of Datong should be handed over to the Xibe people. The tribal and Dauric tribes, the Datong frontier army, and the governor rushed to the Baoding area of ​​​​North Zhili to make a comprehensive deployment to prevent the Jiangning battalion from directly attacking North Zhili from Shandong.

As for Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Ningxia, there is currently not enough troops to defend them. If Su Tiancheng does not attack Beizhili for the time being, and finds a way to take Henan, Shaanxi, and Shanxi, the imperial court can only stare blankly.

The opinions discussed by the three are basically the final opinions.

Shi Kefa is going back to Liaodong soon. Even though the situation in the capital is still very bad, Zhou Yanru still pays farewell to Shi Kefa. As for Wang Daozhi, he will stay in the capital. The imperial edict to dispatch the Datong frontier army has already been issued. , Wang Daozhi can just wait in the capital.

This time, eating and drinking took a long time. The strange thing is that Zhou Yanru, Shi Kefa, Wang Daozhi and others did not say anything. The occasional few conversations were full of suspense. Everyone seemed to be thinking about what to do in the future. It seems that they have not thought about what path to take in the future.

It was not until the end of the banquet that Zhou Yanru said something, and it was also a very bold statement. It probably meant that the Ming Dynasty might encounter a huge disaster. The problem today is not in Liaodong, but in the south. The Jin Dynasty, which is gradually becoming stronger, will be unstoppable, like a torrent of waves, sweeping away all obstacles, and making these obstacles disappear.

Both Shi Kefa and Wang Daozhi didn't say much, the terrifying situation in the capital prevented them from talking too much, they were always very cautious when they came to the capital, but the two of them knew very well that the court's civil and military ministers had long been After thinking about it, or a split, I am afraid that some people are ready to defect to the Jin Dynasty and pledge their allegiance to Su Tiancheng. (to be continued...)

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