Ming politicians

Chapter 1205 Joint Operations

The speed of reaching an agreement was very fast. This was also due to the urgency of time, and it was impossible to fully consider many details. Zhu Youjian and Huang Taiji reached a consensus on dealing with Su Tiancheng. Both of them realized that they must Together, they put Su Tiancheng to death. As for the grievances between Daming and Hou Jin, they can be put aside for the time being. This also fulfills the saying that there are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.It's a pity that Zhu Youjian understood it a little later. If he had understood this truth earlier, Daming would not have reached such a level.

The specific operation process is complicated. First of all, there is a contradiction in the establishment of the commander. The Houjin Tartars sent Dorgon. His prince, his status is not ordinary dignitary, if the governor of Datong, Wang Daozhi, were to lead the battle this time, I am afraid that Dorgon would not be convinced, or even obey orders.

Zhu Youjian attached great importance to this joint operation, and even directly intervened in the specific details. For example, where to start the decisive battle with the Jiangning Battalion, whether it was mainly the Zhengbai Banner and Xiangbai Banner to which the Eight Banners belonged, or At this time, Zhu Youjian is very clear that any careful thinking will lead to the defeat of the battle. If this battle fails, the court can hardly bear it, so in the specific process of joint , both parties must have sincerity.Therefore, after the negotiation reached an agreement, Zhu Youjian specially summoned Jierhalang and informed Jierhalang of these views.

Huang Taiji soon became aware of Zhu Youjian's attitude, and he also began to adjust his views. He originally thought that Zhu Youjian, the Chongzhen Emperor of Ming Dynasty, would probably use the Eight Banners.Let Man Ba ​​Banners fight Jiang Ningying, and the Ming army will hide behind and reap the benefits. If such a situation occurs, Huang Taiji will naturally have a way to deal with it. Man Ba ​​Banners will not be so stupid.At that time, quickly leave the battlefield. After looting in Beizhili, evacuate from the direction of Datong, or simply evacuate from Liaodong. It is estimated that the Ming army will need to deal with the Jiangning battalion, and it is impossible to draw too many troops to deal with the Manchu Eight Banners. up.

Zhu Youjian's thinking began to change towards a realistic goal, which made Huang Taiji worry. He had always looked down on Zhu Youjian.Although Zhu Youjian is the most diligent and self-disciplined emperor in Ming Dynasty, Zhu Youjian has no foresight and insight, and cannot make any decision to govern the country. When such an emperor is facing a crisis situation, he is equivalent to a mediocre person, but now Zhu Youjian There has been a change from the inspection, Huang Taiji thinks.With the development of the situation, Zhu Youjian may become his next opponent.Or become Hauge's main opponent.

Zhu Youjian and Huang Taiji's attitudes are correct, and the joint matter will be a matter of course.

In the end, both parties agreed that the commander-in-chief of the battle was Chen Xinjia, the second assistant of the Ming cabinet, and the deputy commanders were Wang Daozhi, the governor of Datong, and Dorgon, Prince Rui.Fight under the overall deployment, that is to say, Wang Daozhi led the Ming army to fight, Dorgon led the Manchu Eight Banners to fight, and both sides obeyed the orders of the commander.During the battle, neither Zhu Youjian nor Huang Taiji directly intervened. As for the food and grass needed for the battle, they prepared separately.

This joint operation agreement already belongs to the perfect class.

But there are still specific problems, that is, in the process of specific combat, who will become the vanguard, who will take on the frontal fight with the Jiangning battalion, and who will take on the role of the reserve team? The frontal fighting of the battalion may cause heavy casualties.

During the negotiations, this issue was directly brought up, but unfortunately there is no best solution, that is to say, no matter how the negotiation is, no matter how the purpose is the same, both sides have ideas in terms of preserving strength, and both sides are mutually supportive. It is impossible to have [-]% trust if you are on guard.

After Chen Xinjia accepted the task, on the one hand, he was full of ambition, but on the other hand, he also had a particularly headache.

He may become a hero who changed the predicament of the imperial court, become famous from then on, and even become the chief assistant of the cabinet, but it is also possible that due to command problems, joint operations cannot be implemented, and in the end he will fight on his own, causing serious consequences. The court was destroyed once.But such a historical opportunity is not something that ordinary people can encounter, and the most critical point is that the commander-in-chief this time should be the chief assistant of the cabinet, Zhou Yanru, but the emperor made him a commander-in-chief. Does it also mean that the emperor has begun to trust him, not Zhou Yanru so much.

How to command the battle, this is the biggest problem, that is, to allow both sides to cooperate in the best possible way to defeat the Jiangning battalion, and even be able to directly kill Su Tiancheng, this requires careful consideration and deployment, as long as they can work together Defeating the Jiangning camp meant gaining the initiative for the imperial court. The defeated Su Tiancheng, at least in a short period of time, was unable to attack the north. How to handle the relationship with the post-Gold Tartars is a question that needs to be considered in the next step.

Chen Xinjia used to be the governor of Liaodong. When he was in Liaodong, he also heard some of Su Tiancheng's theories, such as the view that the foreigner must be safe first, etc. Chen Xinjia agrees with this aspect. When the Tartars were invading twice, Chen Xinjia thought that it was necessary to use thunderous means to wipe out the bandits, and then he could deal with the Houjin Tartars with all his strength.

Without time to think, Chen Xinjia immediately asked Wang Daozhi to rush to the capital.

Wang Daozhi, who had always thought that the imperial court would take action, rushed to the capital excitedly. He didn't know that the Ming army was about to join forces with the Houjin Tartars, but the imperial court must attach great importance to Su Tiancheng's personal conquest. He would also think of a countermeasure. Now that he has received the order from the Ministry of War, Wang Daozhi thought that the court had a solution.

When Chen Xinjia said the court's decision, Wang Daozhi was a little dizzy, thinking that he had heard it wrong. The army he led was actually going to fight with the Houjin Tartars, and it was cooperating with Dorgon, which was incredible.Dorgon had led his troops into the customs many times, and he had done everything from burning, killing and looting. This time, the imperial court actually led the wolves into the house, allowing the Houjin Tartars to directly enter the customs and into Beizhili. In case of any accident, Wouldn't it cause more trouble.

Chen Xinjia could see the clue from Wang Daozhi's expression. On the one hand, he said that this was the decision made by the emperor, and on the other hand, he gave a detailed explanation, and discussed with Wang Daozhi to see if there was any way to restrict the later gold. The Tartars, after the prevention, the Golden Tartars really looted in Beizhili.

Wang Daozhi was not polite, saying that it was impossible to completely rule out this possibility, not to mention the Houjin Tartars, even the Ming army would sometimes plunder the people, but the Houjin Tartars were too cruel and easily It is to burn the entire village, even the city, and leave no one alive except for those who looted away. Such behavior cannot be tolerated.

Chen Xinjia had no choice but to explain to Wang Daozhi.

It is said that Chen Xinjia is the commander-in-chief, and he can ask Wang Daozhi what to do, but Chen Xinjia understands that he must rely on Wang Daozhi. The conquest in Liaodong made him understand the importance of the general. Quarrel, or even direct disagreement, then this battle cannot be fought.

Wang Daozhi is still clear about the situation in the capital and the pressure the court is facing, and with the detailed explanation from the cabinet deputy Chen Xinjia, Wang Daozhi gradually understands that this is a last resort, and it is also because the court can't think of anything else There is a solution. As for restricting the various actions of the Golden Tartars, we can only find a solution in the future.

Dorgon led the Zhengbai Banner and Xiangbai Banner, and had already made preparations.

After officially receiving the imperial decree from Huang Taiji, Dorgon immediately led the army to set off. Before departure, Dorgon went to the palace and met Huang Taiji. As for what the two discussed, it is impossible for outsiders to know .

Dorgon moved very quickly. This time he tried his best. Zhengbai Banner and Xiangbai Banner had a total of nearly [-] troops, and they all followed. The Xiangbai Banner station recruited a large number of sergeants, supplemented by hard training on weekdays. In the Qing Dynasty, Zhengbai Banner and Xiangbai Banner were the most brave in terms of army combat capabilities.

This time when he entered the customs from Liaodong, Dorgon had a lot of emotions. He saw the scenery along the way, some were familiar and some were unfamiliar. He had fought in Liaodong many times, even in Shanhaiguan and Jinzhou no stranger.

The march of the army has strict route restrictions. In this regard, Dorgon accepted it. According to the marching map drawn by the Ming Dynasty, after entering the customs, he quickly marched towards the places where Baoding Mansion and Hejian Mansion are located. At the same time, Dorgon also strictly The sergeants below are required not to commit acts of burning, killing, looting, etc.

In terms of the overall situation, Dorgon is not much worse than Huang Taiji. He is very clear that it is the time for the two sides to fight together, not the time to plunder gold, silver, treasures and population. As for what to do after the battle is over Do it, Dorgon knew it well, and Huang Taiji also specially ordered it.Therefore, for the sake of the overall situation, Dorgon strictly required the sergeants under his command not to act recklessly, especially when they first entered the customs, they must show the sincerity of the alliance.

The Zhengbai Banner and Xiangbai Banner troops marched very fast. Through these years of construction, the sergeants under Dorgon's command were mainly cavalry. This was an army that no one dared to underestimate.

Of course, Dorgon also had his own thinking about how to fight. Huang Taiji asked him to know, but he couldn't get the slightest benefit, and he couldn't give the first officer and sergeant an explanation. (To be continued..)

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