Ming politicians

Chapter 15 How to Employ People

"Uncle, prepare yourself. We will go to the fields in the suburbs early tomorrow morning."

Su Pingyang thought about telling the young master not to go, but the tone of the young master's speech was completely different from before. He nodded silently, it seemed that he really had to adapt to the change of the young master.

Not long after Su Pingyang left, Yuhuan came limping supporting Su Jun.

When they reached the door, Su Jun and Yuhuan both stood up and spoke respectfully.

"Master, little Su Jun is asking to see you."

"Young master, Yuhuan, my servant, begs to see me."

The change in the attitudes of the two of them indicated that Su Tiancheng's status in the Su Mansion was completely different.

Su Tiancheng's attitude has actually changed. A person like Su Jun still has his own advantages. It goes without saying that he has children and is loyal to his master.I have traveled to the Ming Dynasty, thinking that soon there will be a group of loyal servants, it is almost impossible, and it is the most correct way to unite all people who can be united and use them for me. Judging from the current situation Well, the servants of the Su Mansion are the best targets to win over. As for the eldest wife, there is no need to worry.

"Su Jun, Yuhuan, what do you need?"

"The little one brought the jade ring to see the young master."

Su Tiancheng had a smile on his face, and his attitude was completely different from the previous few days. He also knew that Su Jun was still worried about reporting to the official. Holding such a handle in his hands was like a steel knife. Hanging above Su Jun's neck.

"It's rare that you have such a heart, Yuhuan, helped Su Jun to sit down, and received the family law, but the body is still a bit too much. This is a lesson, and you must pay attention to it in the future."

"Young one, keep it in mind, don't dare to sit in front of the young master, just stand and talk."

"Su Jun, if I remember correctly, your monthly allowance is ten taels, while Yuhuan's is five taels, which is 180 taels a year. This salary is very good."

"This, this is the grace of the master and madam."

"Hehe, I don't have any opinions. You should take these. By the way, the aunt probably knows about your family law."

Hearing what Su Tiancheng said, Su Jun's body trembled for a moment. Not knowing what Su Tiancheng was thinking, he knelt down in front of Su Tiancheng, and Yuhuan knelt down as well.

"Master, I really didn't talk nonsense."

Su Tiancheng smiled and didn't open his mouth. Even if the eldest wife knew about such a thing, it was impossible for Su Jun and Yuhuan to tell it. After all, Su Jun himself did something wrong. If the eldest wife knew about it, it would be impossible to protect Su Jun. servant.

"Master, I swear, if you gossip, you will die."

Yuhuan knelt on the ground, lowered her head, and remained silent all this time.

Seeing such a situation, Su Tiancheng roughly understood, and it seemed that Yuhuan knew about it.

"Yuhuan, why have you been silent all this time?"

Yuhuan's body trembled.

"Young master, I don't know what to say, slaves, slaves."

"Look up and talk."

Suddenly hearing Su Tiancheng's accentuated tone, Yuhuan almost collapsed, and she raised her head timidly.

The smile on Su Tiancheng's face had disappeared. With his handsome face and clear eyes, his face was as still as water, and he couldn't tell what he was thinking.

During these days, I saw Su Tiancheng every day and made comparisons with Mr. Ran. Yuhuan suddenly felt that Mr. Ran's performance was more stable than the master's, and he was decisive and accurate in doing things. For some reason, she suddenly felt that, In the future, the Su Mansion may have to rely on the young master for support.

"Young, young master, the husband of the servant will not sue, the servant can guarantee it with his life."

"So, you must know who made the complaint, haha."

Yuhuan nodded, ready to speak, but Su Tiancheng waved his hand to stop it.

"Well, it's better not to talk about these things. Lu Yao knows that Ma Liri has seen people's hearts for a long time, so what can he do if he knows it? It's better to guard against people's mouth than Fangchuan. I still know the truth."

Su Tiancheng didn't ask the kneeling two people to get up, he stood up and walked slowly to the opposite side.

"Su Jun, Yuhuan, maybe you are still trembling, thinking that I have handed over the evidence to the government, what should you do, isn't everything over, my son said here today, what has passed, my son Don't care about it, if you do this, what is the difference between this young master and a villain? If this young master can't handle such a small matter properly, you can rest assured that even if the aunt comes to Pingyang Fucheng Well, I won't mention this matter, as for uncle, aunt and Ertong, I have already emphasized that some things are rotten in the stomach."

"Su Jun, you are the son of the Su family, and you are all for the Su family. Yuhuan, you have been a maid by the aunt's side, and you are completely thinking about the Su family. I am clear about this. For the sake of your loyalty, I have expelled you long ago, not to mention the aunt, even if the father says it, it will be useless."

"No one is perfect, gold has no feet, it doesn't matter if you make a mistake, and it's not a big deal if you make a mistake next time. The key is to know where you made a mistake, what to pay attention to in the future, and what to do in the future. Understand this , might still have great prospects in the future.”

"Some things, today, the young master Ben picked it up and said, Yuhuan, since you are married to Su Jun, you must stick to it forever. No matter who it is, thinking of continuing to take advantage of you is indecent, no matter who No matter what your identity or status is, it is not acceptable, if you decide to stay in Pingyang Fucheng, this young master can guarantee that no matter who it is, you will not be able to touch you."

"Su Jun, you are the son of the Su family. You are wholeheartedly for the Su family, and the Su family must be worthy of you. Otherwise, you are still a big family. From today onwards, no matter what grievances you have in your heart, just expose it. The young master sends you two sentences. The first sentence is that a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way. The second sentence is not to be surprised by favor or disgrace. Watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court, whether you have no intention of leaving or staying, and look at the clouds and clouds in the sky. You should experience it carefully. .”

"I know what you are worried about, and I will ask Ertong to return the account books to you. They all say that life and death are fate, and wealth is in the sky. However, I feel that sometimes, one's own grasp can determine one's fate."

"Okay, I have already said what I want to say, you go back."

While Su Tiancheng was speaking, both Su Jun and Yuhuan were trembling.

Although Yuhuan and Su Jun are married, but the son is still entangled, and more courageous, this matter, everyone in the mansion knows, Su Jun is so disgraced, he dare not say anything, Yuhuan also She wanted to have a good time with Su Jun, but she dared not refuse Mr. Ran, otherwise the result would be miserable.Fortunately, the young master went to Taiyuan Fucheng at the beginning of the year, otherwise it would still be the same now.

As for Su Jun, being able to become the housekeeper of the Su Mansion in Pingyang Prefecture is mostly due to the eldest wife's consideration for Yuhuan's face. Small opinion, the previous things can be forgotten, but I have married Yuhuan, but the young master still does this, what is he thinking of himself.

Su Tiancheng's words hit the weakest part of their hearts.

Su Jun wailed again and prostrated himself on the ground, Yuhuan also started to choke.

After a while, Su Jun finally calmed down.

"My lord, I was ignorant before, and the things I did were worse than pigs and dogs. Today, I swear here that I will be loyal to you to the death. If I break my oath, I will not die well, and I will not be like an ancestral hall after death."

Su Tiancheng was shocked. It would be nothing if he swore that he would not die well, but the vow not to enter the ancestral hall after death is the most poisonous vow in the world. And the younger generation, all brought in.

After Su Jun and Yuhuan left, there was a smile on Su Tiancheng's face. To win people's hearts, what is needed is not only gold, silver, treasures and power, sometimes, you have to be clear about what others really need.

From now on, I already have five die-hard supporters.

There will be more in the future.

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