
Two thousand and five million taels of silver were put into the warehouse, which caused a sensation in the court. Bi Ziyan, Minister of the Ministry of household affairs, was the happiest. With so much gold and silver, he could do many things. The income has increased a bit, but after excluding the expenditures in various places, the silver that can really enter the national treasury is only a few million taels.Moreover, he was scolded for collecting Liao's salary. Some people even said that he was worse than a pig and a dog.

There are too many places to spend, money is needed for exterminating bandits, money is needed for disaster relief, gold needs money after defense in the north, money is needed for guards in various places, Bi Ziyan is very busy, and the household department is also extremely lively.

The expenditure of silver taels needs to be approved by the cabinet, and finally it will be reported to the emperor, but in this procedure, the most critical step is the first step. At least the Ministry of Households needs to come up with a plan.

In the early court, because of the issue of silver expenditure, there was a quarrel in the cabinet. The emperor was very annoyed. Unexpectedly, there was no silver, and this situation also occurred. The major expenditure has been fixed. The first expenditure is the payment of sergeant's salary. Due to the arrears of wages in various places, many soldiers in the guards mutinied. This is the first thing to be stable. The second item of expenditure is disaster relief, especially in Mengjin, Henan, because of the Yellow River breach. The third item is the expenditure for exterminating the rogue bandits, and the fourth item is the expenditure required for the defense of Houjin.

Just for these four items of expenditure, nearly ten million taels of silver were spent.

There are also some small expenditures that are decided by the cabinet and the Ministry of Household Affairs.For example, the department is short of office money, etc., these things.The emperor will not ask.

The most debated in the early court was the candidate for the patrol censor for disaster relief.

Both Zhou Yanru and Wen Tiren were opposed to middle officials going to help the disaster. This time, it was rare for them to unify their opinions, but the candidates proposed by the two were different. Zhou Yanru tended to send candidates from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which was a common practice.On the one hand, for disaster relief, on the other hand, he can supervise the relief money, whether it can be actually used on the victims' heads, Wen Tiren prefers that the Ministry of Officials send candidates, and at the same time, inspect the officials below.

Both of them wanted to send out their confidantes.

The first and second ministers of the cabinet made suggestions, and the rest of the ministers.Of course there will be no new proposals.

The disaster relief ministers to go to Shanxi, Shandong, Shaanxi and other places have been confirmed, but the disaster relief ministers to Henan, the hardest-hit area, have not been finalized for a long time.

But the emperor kept silent, apparently rejecting the two people's proposal to go to Henan for disaster relief.

Disaster relief is like fighting a fire, and there should be no delay.After the early court, the cabinet ministers and the six divisions all went to the Huangji Hall. It seemed that they wanted to further unify their thinking.It is clear that all the patrol censors for disaster relief have been clarified.

In Zhu Youjian's heart, he wanted Su Tiancheng to be the censor of Henan's disaster relief patrol.He believed in Su Tiancheng. As for the opinions put forward by Zhou Yanru and Wen Tiren, anyone with a discerning eye could understand that they were recommending their confidants.

Disaster relief is hard work, and it is also a job that everyone wants to earn.

As a patrol censor sent by the imperial court, if you are serious about your work, you need to understand the situation yourself and make a decision. Don't completely listen to the local officials. Let the money for disaster relief be really used on the victims' heads. It is said that the work is perfunctory, and the local officials can be relied on to complete the disaster relief work. As for the effect, God knows.

But in any case, disaster relief is a credit, and there is no doubt that they can be rewarded.

Zhu Youjian is well aware of the contradiction between the first assistant and the second assistant of the cabinet.

He originally trusted Zhou Yanru very much, but many things that happened in the general examination and palace examination made him a little confused.Strictly speaking, political struggle is complicated, and no one can guarantee that in such a cruel struggle, they will not be squeezed out by political opponents.But when the facts were in front of him, he had to shake his previous thoughts.

Min Hongxue, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and Chen Yuting, Yushi of Zuodu, were both impeached.

In fact, the impeachment this time involves the struggle between Zhou Yanru and Wen Tiren. Zhu Youjian is clear about the facts that can be found. There is indeed a problem with Min Hongxue and Chen Yuting. He has made up his mind not to take sides , Both of them were dismissed. In this way, Zhou Yanru and Wen Tiren should understand their intentions.

In Huangji Palace, Zhou Yanru and Wen Tiren were still arguing about the issue of inspecting the censor for disaster relief in Henan.

The debate between ministers has become a habit.

Half an hour passed, and the debate still had no results.

Zhu Youjian couldn't bear it anymore, and finally spoke.

"My dear friends, stop arguing. In my opinion, Su Tiancheng, the magistrate of Jiangning County, is in charge of the disaster relief in Henan."

Inside the Emperor's Palace, it was suddenly quiet.

No one thought that Su Tiancheng could become the patrol censor for disaster relief in Henan.

Zhou Yanru raised objections.

"Your Majesty, I think it's wrong. Henan is the hardest-hit area. Su Tiancheng has served as the county magistrate of Jiangning County. However, in two months, he is not very familiar with many government affairs. Disaster relief involves all aspects and needs to be decided on the fly. If there is an accident , or it is a waste of time, it will miss a major event, and it is difficult to show the emperor's good intentions, so I still recommend the supervisory censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate to help the disaster."

Wen Tiren is much smarter, and found that Zhu Youjian's expression was wrong, so he immediately changed his words.

"The minister seconded the proposal. The minister thought that the emperor's appointment of Su Tian as the censor of the disaster relief showed his good intentions. Su Tiancheng had only been in Jiangning County for more than two months, and he had shown his extraordinary ability. The 200 million taels of silver all depend on Su Tiancheng's contribution, I believe that Su Tiancheng will be able to do a good job when he goes to Henan for disaster relief."

Zhou Yanru turned his head to look at Wen Tiren, with fire in his eyes.

Disaster relief is a big matter, so how can he send officials at will? Su Tiancheng is too young, he just took up the post in Jiangning County, and he doesn't have much experience in politics, let alone handle such a major event as disaster relief.

"I don't agree with Mr. Wen's opinion. Disaster relief is a big matter, so how can it be child's play? Not to mention that Su Tiancheng just took office, he said that Su Tiancheng may not understand the many matters that need to be dealt with. There is also a place for coordination, mediation, no Courage and experience cannot do these things well, Mr. Wen doesn't know what his intentions are."

"Master Zhou is wrong. Su Tiancheng was in Jiangning County. In two months, he handed over 200 million taels of silver to the national treasury. Let me ask the officials of the Manchu Dynasty, who did it? Besides, Su Tiancheng has already demonstrated his performance in dealing with things that are not stained with mud. With extraordinary ability, such wisdom and bravery, how could he fail to deal with the disaster relief matters? The lower officials thought that it was wise for the emperor to propose Su Tiancheng to be the censor to handle the disaster relief matters. .”

A smile appeared on Zhu Youjian's face.

As long as there are cabinet ministers who agree with him, there is no big problem.

Faintly, he felt that Zhou Yanru was a little too arrogant, relying on his own trust, he was less and less able to understand his own difficulties, while Wen Tiren was more able to understand his painstaking efforts.

"The minister who went to Henan for disaster relief is Su Tiancheng. Don't discuss this matter any more."

Su Tiancheng seemed more relaxed. After arriving in the capital, he saw the emperor and had nothing else to do.

Neither Chen Yutai, editor of the Imperial Academy, nor Wu Weiye, editor of the Imperial Academy, was in the capital.The two of them just went down. Before that, they were impeached respectively.

Su Tianhao spared two days. After the reunion of the two brothers, the scene was not so lively. It seemed that this strong family relationship always lost its original flavor.

Su Tiancheng was full of confidence, thinking that he would be able to return to Jiangning County soon.

He would never have imagined that he would actually become the patrol censor for disaster relief, and he would go to Henan, the hardest-hit area.

On July 26, Su Tiancheng went to the Forbidden City again.

This time it was in the Emperor Palace.

Kneeling on the ground, after listening to the imperial decree, Su Tiancheng was a little dazed. Being sent to Henan for disaster relief is not a good thing. Things like disaster relief seem simple. It's amazing to be a censor.But if you really want to do a good job in disaster relief, there is no detailed plan and no follow-up development goals. You just look at the flowers and think that you will complete the task by sending the money, which is a big mistake.

I have a lot of things to do, the edict from the Ministry of Punishment has been sent to Jiangning County, and the results of the treatment of Kuang Siming's family have also come out, and they are all sent to Qiongzhou. I have to pay special attention to this matter, and at least ask for escort Please take care of the staff and don't be harsh on Kuang Siming's family.

And for those firearms, the most important thing is to keep all the ammunition. I can't produce these things for the time being, and I can only buy them with money in the future.

Guantian's affairs were not fully implemented.

Kuang Siming's mansion and cultivated land needed to be dealt with. Those tenants were panicked and didn't know what to do next. From the letters from Qu Qingze and Su Pingyang, Su Tiancheng already knew that some tenants took the initiative to give away half of their grain. , Turned over to the county government came, they worried, lost arable land, lost the land on which to live.

There is also the issue of resettlement of the families of sergeants in the inspection department.

But now they are going to the Henan District for disaster relief, and it will probably take more than a month to go there.

After the imperial decree was issued, he had no choice but to follow him to the Xiaoqi Camp in the Nanjing Jingying Camp to provide disaster relief in Henan. There is no need to doubt his safety.

When they left the Emperor's Hall, Zhou Yanru and Wen Tiren's eyes were a bit strange, probably they didn't understand why the young Su Tiancheng could become the patrol censor for disaster relief. Could it be that the emperor trusts Su Tiancheng so much? .

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